Fwd: Day 180 - Are all people called to marriage? // How is a Church wedding celebrated?

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From: Catechism in a Year <mail@flocknote.com>
Date: Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 7:54 AM
Subject: Day 180 - Are all people called to marriage? // How is a Church wedding celebrated?
To: Bill Coffin <billcoffin68@gmail.com>

Why is marriage indissoluble? Not everyone is called to marriage. Even people who live alone can have fulfillment in life. To many of them Jesus shows a special way; he invites them to remain unmarried "for the sake of the...
Catechism in a Year   Catechism in a Year

Why is marriage indissoluble?

Not everyone is called to marriage. Even people who live alone can have fulfillment in life. To many of them Jesus shows a special way; he invites them to remain unmarried "for the sake of the kingdom of heaven" (Mt 19:12). Many people who live alone suffer from loneliness, which they perceive only as a lack and a disadvantage. Yet a person who does not have to care for a spouse or a family also enjoys freedom and independence and has time to do meaningful and important things that a married person would never get to. Maybe it is God's will that he should care for people for whom no one else cares. Not uncommonly God even calls such a person to be especially close to him. This is the case when one senses a desire to renounce marriage "for the sake of the kingdom of heaven". Of course a Christian vocation can never mean despising marriage or sexuality. Voluntary celibacy can be practiced only in love and out of love, as a powerful sign that God is more important than anything else. The unmarried person renounces a sexual relationship but not love; full of longing he goes out to meet Christ the bridegroom who is coming (Mt 25:6).

How is a Church wedding celebrated?

As a rule a wedding must take place publicly. The bride and bridegroom are questioned as to their intention to marry. The priest or the deacon blesses their rings. The bride and bridegroom exchange rings and mutually promise "to be true in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health" and vow to each other: "I will love you and honor you all the days of my life." The celebrant ratifies the wedding and administers the blessing. Here are some excerpts from one form of the Rite of Catholic Marriage: Celebrant: N. and N., have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage?" Bride and bridegroom: "Yes." Celebrant: "Will you love and honor each other as man and wife for the rest of your lives?" Bride and bridegroom: "Yes." The celebrant then asks the bride and bridegroom together the following questions. "Will you accept children lovingly from God and bring them up according to the law of Christ and his Church?" Bride and bridegroom: "Yes." (YOUCAT Questions 265-266)

Dig Deeper: CCC section (1621-1624) and other references here.

Check out the incredible series on marriage from the Augustine Institute, Beloved. With both a marriage prep and a marriage enrichment component, it's perfect for both the soon to be married and the married for years!


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  Sent by Denise Fath
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