Candidates for IFS Friday Five

1. Strengthening marriage – one date night at a time


2. Marriage and the stable society: The continued importance of marriage

Daniel Lilley

3. The Five Stages of Western Fertility

Written by ArctotheriumAporia

4. How marriage counseling might just save American democracy

By StudyFinds Staff

5. A digital intervention to enhance couple relationships, the Paired app: mixed methods evaluation

Aicken, C., Gabb, J., Di Martino, S.

6.  Interparental mutually responsive orientation during pregnancy impacts toddler socioemotional development by promoting parent-infant relational dynamics

 Erin L. Ramsdell1,2 , Lauren M. Laifer1 , Kelsey McCoy1 and Rebecca L. Brock1

9. 8 Essentials of a Lasting Love (one each night starting tomorrow)

10. What Are the 6 Types of Intimacy?

Genee Francis, assistant director of content and programming at WinShape Marriage

Candidates for IFS Friday Five

1. The 10th Annual American Family Survey: Opportunities and Obstacles to a Broad-Based Political Coalition for Families

Thursday, February 6, 2025, | 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM ET With Daniel A. Cox | Brad Wilcox

2.  The Values and Rituals of Authentic Relationships: What the Relationship Enhancement Model Teaches Us about Marriage

 Robert F. Scuka, Ph.D., M.S.W., LCSW-C

3.  “The beginning of children's stimulation”.

International Federation for Family Development

4. Getting Our Hearts Right: Three Keys to Better Relationships

H. Wallace Goddard, PhD and James P. Marshall, PhD

5. Partners Now Parents: Supporting Couples During the Journey to Parenthood

Shannon M Savell 1,, Lauren V Breeden 1, Robert E Emery 1

6. American Greatness Depends on Strong Families

By Brad Wilcox | Chris Bullivant, Commonplace

7. The Effects of Parenting Styles on Children's Emotional and Social Skill Development: The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation Skills

Jie Zheng1

11. 3 Keys to Igniting Your Fatherhood Program in 2025

Antoine Johnson, NFI

Candidates for IFS Friday Five

1. 5 Marriage Trends for 2025

Kevin A. Thompson

2. The 2025 National Marriage Week theme is "Pursuing a Lasting Love."


3. RSVP for 'I...Do? Why Marriage Still Matters' Book Launch


4. We all need a little more recess

Karyn Allee and Kathy Hirsh-Pasek

5. The Demographic Shift

By Mark J. Warshawsky, AEI

6. Study: Effective parenting support strengthens rural families

Sherri Buri McDonald, University Communications

7. Which Program Elements Are Associated with Better Outcomes for Fathers?


8.  Changes in well-being and relationship satisfaction in the years before and after marriage in a sample of New Zealand adults

 Hannah E. Dupuis1, Yuthika U. Girme1, Nickola C. Overall2, Emily J. Cross2 and Chris G. Sibley2

9. Chapter 1: Introduction to the Research Handbook on Couple and Family Relationships

10. MSU study finds children of color experience more variability in sleep times

Katie Frey, MSU

11. About Those Men

Mona Charen

12. Black Emerging Adults Identify Protective Community Resources That Promote Their Well-being


Candidates for IFS Friday Five

1. Couple relationship education content: What we have and what we are missing


Comparing the OurRelationship Program and Bibliotherapy for Parents Experiencing Couple Distress: A Randomized Pilot

2. UK Families to receive £126 million in early years support


Why Erdogan declared 2025 as the ‘Year of the Family’?

Yusuf Kamadan

3. Evolving Connections: How Culture Rewrites Our Past (and Future) in Relationships

Prakash Thambipillai and Li-Jun Ji

4.  I love you no matter what: Negative relationship quality and daily encounters in the parent-child tie and their implications for daily mood across the lifespan 

Jane M. Stephenson1 | Angela Turkelson1 | Karen L. Fingerman2 | Kira S. Birditt

5.  Transitivity and couple relationship satisfaction: Sharing and visiting friends and family make the difference 

Guillaume Drevon1 *, Jacques-Antoine Gauthier2 , Gil Viry3 , Vincent Kaufmann1 , Florian Masse1 , and Alexis Gumy1 1

6.  Couple therapy and systemic interventions for adult-focused problems: The evidence base

 Alan Carr, Journal of Family Therapy

8. Social Media as a Healthy Relationship Service Strategy

February 12, 2025 @ 1:00 pm Pacific/4:00 pm Eastern

9. Marriage Week (2/7-14) Events and Resources

10. Despite gains, women still do most of the housework. Will this gender gap ever narrow?

Natalie Stechyson, CBC News

11.  Analyzing the Cohesion and Adaptability of Families of Children with Intellectual Disability Using the FACES-20Esp Scale

 Esther Vela Llaurado´ 1 , Laura Serrano Ferna´ndez1 , and Laura Martı´n Martı´nez1

12. Researcher on Family Is Newest University Professor

 Bryan McKenzie,


Candidates for IFS Friday Five

1. The disengagement gap: Why student engagement isn’t what parents expect

Rebecca Winthrop, Youssef Shoukry, and David Nitkin


11:00 am EST - 12:00 pm EST

‘The Disengaged Teen’: How to help children learn better, feel better, and live better

2. Sexual Mindfulness Course

Utah Marriage Commission, USU EXTENSION

3. The Anti-Social Century

By Derek Thompson

gift article link from the author via X

4. Videoconferencing Delivery of the Seoul Premarital Education Program During COVID-19

Jisu Park & Jaerim Lee

5. Infant Affect Regulation with Mothers and Fathers: The Roles of Parent Mental Health and Marital Satisfaction

6. "Just Stop It" - A Marriage Masterclass with Dr. Scott Stanley

7. National Marriage Week (2/7-14) Resources

8. Ep #125: How to Practice Intentional Parenting through Family Nature Adventures with Shaun Garrison

Families of Character Show

9. Yes, Dads Can Struggle With Postpartum Depression—Here’s Why

By Kimanzi Constable


Candidates for IFS Friday Five

1.  Romantic Relationships Matter More to Men than to Women

 Iris V. Wahring, Jeffry A. Simpson & Paul A. M. Van Lange

2. Monday, January 13, 2025 | 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM ET

What Are Parents’ Rights, and How Far Do They Go?

With Naomi Schaefer Riley | Adam J. White

3.  Beyond Good or Bad: The Four Evaluative Quadrants of Relationships

 Francesca Righetti, Mirna Đurić, and Iris Schneider

4.  Resilient relationships: Role of partner responsiveness and relationship satisfaction in posttraumatic stress disorder

 Eline M. Meulemana , Johan C. Karremansb and Elisa van Ee

5.  Examining associations among depressive symptoms, negative partner attributions, and relationship functioning in different-gender couples using the actor-partner interdependence mediation model

 Deanna L. Pollard | Tanya V. Shah | Neha Pathak | Joseph Boudreaux | Julia C. Babcock

6. Financial dynamics in long-term marriages: Surprising findings unearthed from decades’ worth of data

by Eric W. Dolan

LAC Utami, AS Ginanjar, SY Pranawati - Bulletin of Counseling and Psychotherapy, 2024

10. Maternal and paternal parenting stress: Direct and interactive associations with child externalizing and internalizing behavior problems

Rose Lapolice Thériault, Annie Bernier, Audrey-Ann Deneault

11.  Characteristics of adolescent romantic partnerships and their associations with partnership qualities 

Jonathon J. Beckmeyer  and Gabrielle C. Kline 


  Marquitta Fields


Candidates for IFS Friday Five

1. Expert Tips for Protecting Kids Online featuring Cyber Fareedah

 Jordan Langdon

2. When Did We Start Giving Each Other Wedding Rings?

3. China love course proposal for universities to encourage marriage, childbirth draws backlash

5. “Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood (HMRF)” NARME Webinar
January 15, 2025, 2:00 pm ET

(see the slides from today's Dibble webinar on same topic attached below)

6. ‘What God Has Joined’: Courageous Catholics Live Truth That Marriage Is for Life

Beverly Willett

7. Associations among PTSD Symptoms, Fear of Emotion, and Couple Communication Difficulties: A Between-Person Dyadic Analysis

SJ Fredman, J Lee, Y Le, E Taverna, AD Marshall - Behaviour Research and Therapy, 2024

8.  Exploring Young Women’s Experiences of Economic Abuse in Intimate Relationships

 by Erica M. Johnston

M Pinho, R Gaunt, A Jordan, A Tarrant, N Chanamuto… - Journal of Family Issues, 2024

10.  Understanding Opportunities and Risks of Synthetic Relationships: Leveraging the Power of Longitudinal Research with Customised AI Tools

 Alfio Ventura and Nils Köbis  



Candidates for IFS Friday Five

1. ICPSR Child and Family Data Archive 


Collecting and Using Meaningful Program Data and Participant Information to Support Evaluation and Services

Office of Family Assistance, Peer TA

2. The Challenges and Benefits of Integrative Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Programming: Unique Perspectives From Three Veteran Grantees

Research and Evaluation Conference on Self-Sufficiency (RECS) 2024

3. China calls on universities to provide 'love education'

4.  A Safe Haven Through Attachment: A Dyadic Perspective on the Association Between Cumulative Childhood Trauma and Relationship Satisfaction

Mathilde Baumann , Marie-Ève Daspe , Claude Bélanger and Natacha Godbout  

Ana Maria Meléndez Guevara, Megan Streeter, Sonia Alves, Eileen Gao, and Danielle Rockman

Ruben Alarcon

9.  Examining associations among depressive symptoms, negative partner attributions, and relationship functioning in different-gender couples using the actor-partner interdependence mediation model 

Deanna L. Pollard | Tanya V. Shah | Neha Pathak | Joseph Boudreaux | Julia C. Babcock


10. How Does Parental Relationship Affect Teen Cannabis Use?

Annie Lennon


Candidates for IFS Friday Five

1. Why a "Living Room Family" Is What Many Modern Parents Are Striving For

By Taylor Andrews

2. To break cycles of trauma, we need family-friendly addiction treatment

Nisha Chandra

3. “Honey, I’m Home”: When a Romantic Partner Returns From Deployment

4.  For the Children: Attitudes Toward Marriage and Divorce in the United States

 Gayle Kaufman, Shuo Meng, Keya Zhou & D’Lane Compton

6. Briefing Document for Mini-Inquiry into Relationship and Sexuality Education Northern Ireland: Healthy Young Adult Relationships (HYAR) Education  

Lagdon, S., & Jordan , J.-A. (2024 

7.  Sexual satisfaction mediates daily associations between body satisfaction and relationship satisfaction in new parent couples
Erin T. Fitzpatrick a, Natalie O. Rosen b, James J. Kim c, Marta T. Kolbuszewska a, Gracielle C. Schwenck d, Samantha J. Dawson a

8. A dyadic multimethod study of “partner phubbing”, smartphone conflict, and relationship quality in opposite-sex couples from Belgium

9. How Parents Can Fight Back Against the Digital Deluge of Life

10. Tuesday, December 3, 2024 | 12:00 PM to 1:15 PM ET

What Are Family Men For? A Conversation with Samuel Wilkinson


Candidates for IFS Friday Five

1. Swedish Death Cleaning and Aging in Place

Cadence McManimon


How Parenting Got So Intense

Lenore Skenazy

2. Thinking about drinking: A guide for men.

Jett Stone

3. ACF Grant Opportunity Forecast

Family, Relationship, and Marriage Education Works - Adults (FRAMEWorks)

4. Four in Five Family Households With a Householder Ages 35-39 Included a Child Under 18 in 2024

Paul Hemez, Clayton Buck, and Lydia Anderson

5.  How Modern Approaches to Relationships Decrease the Likelihood of a Healthy Marriage 

Rachel Sheffield

6.  Relationship Instability and Depression among Women at Midlife: A Longitudinal Analysis

Cassandra Dorius,  Iowa State University, Quentin Riser,  University of Wisconsin-Madison, Crystal Hemesath   

7. Genetic variations as predictors of dispositional and dyadic empathy—a couple study

Maria Kaźmierczak, Magda Rybicka & Paweł Syty

8. Positive Steps for Preventing Divorce and Building a Lasting Love - Dr. Howard J. Markman

Together in Happiness

9. Saying ‘thank you’ really matters: Science shows it’s the secret weapon for family happiness

Research led by Allen Barton, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

10. Study tests novel approach to PTSD treatment that helps individuals and spouses

Scott Sheaffer