Candidates for IFS Friday Five

1. Dibble-Annual-Report

Kay Reed, Executive Director. The Dibble Institute®   

Friday, February 14 (last one!)

Nurturing Emotions & Romance 

Day 8 Virtual Event3.

3. The Antidote to News: Real Life Here and Now

4. Media and Technoference in Romantic Relationships

5. Alienating behaviours in separated mothers and fathers in the UK
  • Professor Ben Hine, Professor of Applied Psychology
  • Jennifer Harman, Associate Professor, Colorado State University
  • Sadie Leder-Elder, Associate Professor of Psychology, High Point University
  • Elizabeth Bates, Associate Professor in Family Violence and Abuse, University of Cumbria

  • 6. Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling

    DR Corey, KY Billingsley, CL Conner - …

    Tavistock Relationships

    9. ‘Sexlessness’ is on the rise. Can the Church use this moment to promote marriage?

    10. Study finds dating isn't broken, but relationship paths have evolved

    by Sharita Forrest, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


    The Progression of College Student Romantic Relationship Development: Stability and Change Over 10 Years
