Candidates for IFS Friday Five

Jonathan Vespa for CB

2. Desire for social status affects marital and reproductive attitudes: A life history mismatch perspective

lAmy J. Lim a, Norman P. Li b, Zoi Manesi b, Steven L. Neuberg c, Mark van Vugt d, Andrea L. Meltzer e, Kenneth Tan b


Marital First Responder Workshop

4. Strengthening Facilitation Skills: A Training Curriculum for Programs Working with Youth

Wednesday, August 9, 2023, @ 1:00 pm PT/4:00 pm ET

5. Across cultures, men say 'I love you' first

By Emily Reynolds

6. New 2020 census data shows an aging America and wide racial gaps between generations

7. Inspiring a Growth Mindset for Kids

How Parents Can Lead by Example

By: Courtney Juvland

Thanks...back to the beach!