Fwd: [iNudgeYou]: US nudge unit?

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From: Pelle Guldborg Hansen <pgh@ruc.dk>
Date: Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 4:55 AM
Subject: [iNudgeYou]: US nudge unit?
To: Pelle Guldborg Hansen <pgh@ruc.dk>

Dear Reader,

It's MONDAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! And we hope that you're in a good mood:)

Last week we monitored the US debate in the wake of Fox News coverage on the White House plans for a US Nudge Unit. 

You can quickly get an overview by reading our interesting post here:

Good reading and have a nice day:)

Pelle and the rest of the iNudgeyou-team

Best regards,

Pelle Guldborg Hansen | Behavioral Scientists, Ph.d. | Dept. of Communication, Business & Information Technologies | Roskilde University | Director | ISSP - The Initiative for Science, Society & Policy | University of Southern Denmark & Roskilde University | Chairman of the Danish Nudging Network | Member of the Prevention Council, Danish Diabetes Association |  pgh@ruc.dk | Skype: Peguha | Cell: +45 2789 8789 | Blog: www.inudgeyou.com