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From: Smartmarriages <smartmarriages@lists101.his.com>
Date: Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 5:16 PM
Subject: Researchers need your help - Jan 22/2104
To: List <smartmarriages@lists101.his.com>
From: Smartmarriages <smartmarriages@lists101.his.com>
Date: Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 5:16 PM
Subject: Researchers need your help - Jan 22/2104
To: List <smartmarriages@lists101.his.com>
It is in the best interest of the field to do everything we can to support research.
Please participate in these studies if you qualify and/or forward them to all your lists.
- diane
Our study is looking at the possible link between relationship distress, adult attachment, and attitudes towards seeking professional help. The anonymous survey takes 10-15 minutes to complete and after completing the survey, participants have the choice to enter for a chance to win one of our Amazon gift cards. If they chose to enter for one of the gift cards, their survey responses will not be able to be connected back to them in any way. Please forward this to anyone that might help.
Here is the survey link:
Matt Fowler
Graduate Student
University of St. Thomas, Minnesota
I am looking for married individuals to participate in my dissertation research study: “The perceived effectiveness of PREPARE, RELATE, and FOCCUS: A comparative study of three assessment-based premarital counseling programs”
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Please participate in these studies if you qualify and/or forward them to all your lists.
- diane
Our study is looking at the possible link between relationship distress, adult attachment, and attitudes towards seeking professional help. The anonymous survey takes 10-15 minutes to complete and after completing the survey, participants have the choice to enter for a chance to win one of our Amazon gift cards. If they chose to enter for one of the gift cards, their survey responses will not be able to be connected back to them in any way. Please forward this to anyone that might help.
Here is the survey link:
Matt Fowler
Graduate Student
University of St. Thomas, Minnesota
I am looking for married individuals to participate in my dissertation research study: “The perceived effectiveness of PREPARE, RELATE, and FOCCUS: A comparative study of three assessment-based premarital counseling programs”
- FOR INFORMATION about how to post to the Smart Marriages® newslist;
Requirements to participate:
1. Be married between 1 month to 10 years
2. Be able to read and understand English
3. Must be first marriage
What is in it for you?
1. Take the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale (RDAS, a marital satisfaction assessment with 14 short questions) for FREE (about $150-$200 saving)
2. Better understanding of strength and weak areas of your marriage
3. Referrals will be provided to you if you request to talk to a marriage and family therapist. Or you can discuss the results with your existing therapist.
4. Your information is anonymous and is held with the strictest confidentiality
What is requested from you?
1. To complete basic info about yourself
2. To take the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale (it takes less than 10 minutes to complete)
3. Ask your wife or husband to participate as well
4. FORWARD this email invitation to as many qualified people as possible
What if you are not qualified to participate?
1. Please forward this email to as many people you know so they can participate in the study ESPECIALLY if they completed PREPARE/ENRICH, or RELATE, or FOCCUS in premarital counseling.
2. NOTE: If you are not qualified to participate—that DOES NOT mean your spouse is not qualified to participate.
3. PLEASE REFER, REFER, REFER!!! You can refer your students, clients, colleagues, friends, families, coworkers, supervisors, ex boyfriends/girlfriends, and even enemies by forwarding this link to them.
How to participate (entire study takes only 10 short minutes)?
1. By clicking on this link Dasmain Dissertation <http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/dasmainDissertation> or
2. By copying and pasting this link http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/dasmainDissertation <http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/dasmainDissertation> to your browser.
It is my belief if we provide better premarital counseling to more people, we can decrease the divorce rate that is destroying far too many families in this great country we love. Please join me in this small step to save our marriages and families
Dasmain Joseph, Principal Researcher
Candidate for Doctor of Education (ABD)
Argosy University
Tampa, Florida 33607, USA
Cell: 813-995-7415 <tel:813-995-7415>
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