Fwd: Your Marriage Minute: Why Would You Take a Marriage Getaway?

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From: Every Marriage Matters <tomdressel@comcast.net>
Date: Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 11:01 AM
Subject: Your Marriage Minute: Why Would You Take a Marriage Getaway?
To: billcoffin68@gmail.com

If we have an eternal outlook, preparing for eternity by sticking with a difficult marriage makes much more sense than destroying a family to gain quick and easy relief.  
-- Gary Thomas, in his book Sacred Marriage
Hi Bill,  
We, Tom and Liz, have been volunteers with FamilyLife's Weekend to Remember getaway (WTR) for 20+ years. WTR is the crown jewel of marriage ministry, offering amazing encouragement to couples who are enjoying their relationship as well as those who are experiencing one of the valleys. 
     Use WTR to build and maintain healthy relationships in your congregation. WTR is an efficient use of your resources, both talent and financial, and it produces results. The Portland venue is November 18-20 at the Jantzen Beach Red Lion. Save your couple's $$ by initiating a group, maybe even subsidize their costs a bit. And pastors are offered free registration! Call 800-FL-TODAY to request free promotional materials.
Here Are 10 Reasons to Take a Marriage Getaway
1. To say "I tried" before divorcing.
"I agreed to attend a Weekend to Remember [five years ago] so I could say, 'I tried,' when we finally got a divorce. What I soon learned is God had a different plan for me and my marriage. God started to change my heart. ... [Now, seven years later] God has brought me from hate to forgiveness. To realizing my husband is a God-given blessing. To finally loving him again. ... God has clearly been with us during our time here, deepening our love and commitment to each other." (married 12 years)
2. To decide whether or not to get married. 
"My boyfriend and I had broken up and I had no hopes of getting back together. But I wanted him to realize we weren't right and to move on, so I invited him to the marriage conference and he jumped on board. I found out that my boyfriend and I did not have to be perfect in order to be married. ...  That weekend we decided 'yes,' we would get married. ... This weekend we were able to bring three other couples."  (married 9 months)
3. Because someone else is paying for it.
"This conference was paid for by my mother. ... The real testament of this conference isn't how it helped us resolve major conflicts, it is how it has helped us avoid them altogether." (married 1 year)  For the rest of the story
                                                              Tom and Liz Dressel
It makes women happy to be shown love. We like to hear the words, if at all possible: A good 'ole "I love you, you look amazing, you're my everything" works pretty darn well. But for as much as women crave affection and romance, some men just aren't built that way - that's not how they roll. But does that mean he doesn't love you? Not at all! Here's the real deal about how men show their love, even if it's not with candlelight and roses. (By Lori Peters, YourTango.com)
What if "okay sex" is okay? Where do we get our expectations that every act of marital sex is supposed to be a candidate for the highlight reel of marital ecstasy? In our ever present desire to "one up" the world, Christians are fond of exaggerating. That's in part what led me to write Sacred Marriage. Most Christian books in the 1990s were presenting an idealized view of marriage: "Apply these five principles and marriage becomes easy." I thought someone needed to be honest -- marriage can be wonderful, but it's rarely easy. (
Gary Thomas, GaryThomas.com)
What Your Spouse Needs Most. Your spouse may not realize what he or she needs most, but if you want a sacred marriage, you have to focus on what he or she will profit from the most. Jesus didn't always give people what they wanted or asked for. He gave them what they needed. If we want to love like Jesus, we have to do the same. I want to be so bold as to tell you what your spouse needs most. It's not a regular date night (though I'm a huge fan of these). Gary Thomas, GaryThomas.com)
Several other articles of interest:
MARRIAGE IS about the most expensive way for the average man to get laundry done. -- Burt Reynolds
Every Marriage Matters | (503) 468-7054 | tomdressel@comcast.net | EveryMarriageMatters.org

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