From: Divorce Reform []
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 9:23 AM
To: Bill
Subject: Great News from Divorce Reform



Dear Bill,
The Campaign to reform America’s lenient divorce laws is picking up a head of steam. We are now active in twenty states and need your help to build grassroots support for the Parental Divorce Reduction Act.
Please click this link and register on the site at:
How Can I Help on the upper right hand side of the page.
We will be encouraging people to post blogs on their facebook pages, email their friends, and participate in occasional national conference calls to discuss strategy.
The Coalition for Divorce Reform is an entirely voluntary effort-- a new grassroots movement to save many of the one million children a year who are victims of unnecessary divorce.
Won’t you become part of this movement? We don’t need much of your time, just a few minutes a week.
But we cannot win this fight without your help.
Thanks very much for your support.
Chris Gersten, Chair Coalition for Divorce Reform
By Linda Chavez For the first time in history, less than half of Americans now live in married-couple households. The new finding by the Census Bureau reflects the most profound change in the nature of American society ever to have occurred, yet practically no one talks about it. Only 48 percent of American households are made up of married couples. These numbers reflect a sea change in living arrangements. In 1950, married couples were 78 percent of all households. Read more and comment
By Nisa Muhammad The African American community has the lowest marriage rate in America and the highest out of wedlock childbirth rate. But on top of these depressing numbers, the Census Bureau figures released last month show that while everyone else’s divorce rate went down, Black women between the ages of 50-59 were more likely to divorce. Our divorce rate went up to 48%. In addition, Black woman have the highest chance of their first marriage ending within 10 years, at 47%. Read more and comment
By Chris Gersten This week my wife and I celebrated our 44th wedding anniversary. We married at 19. We came from different ethnic, religious, social and-economic backgrounds. If anyone had been taking bets, the odds of our marriage succeeding were less than even. Over forty four years we have had a troubled marriage, an average marriage, a good marriage, and a great marriage.
Why was it that we were able to survive, improve our marriage, and finally flourish in an excellent marriage? Read more and comment
By Krsnanandini Devi Dasi & Tariq Saleem Ziyad People are beginning to realize that there is help for troubled, unhappy marriages; that marriage education and enrichment can powerfully change relationships and give people tools to use to communicate better, resolve conflicts in healthy ways and revive the spark in their marriage. Research is showing that premarital education is an awesome preventative resource; that marriage is not obsolete. Read more and comment
By MIKE McMANUS In recent weeks we have been bombarded with stories of powerful men who think they can cheat on their wives with impunity.
Most recently, it’s been Rep. Anthony Weiner unbelievably sending body part pics of himself to women he never met. That on the heels of learning Arnold Schwarzenegger had a child with his maid; the head of the International Monetary Fund arrested for raping a chambermaid; and John Edwards, on trial for using campaign funds to pay over $1 million to a woman whom he impregnated while running for President. Read more and Comment
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