HM Links & Clips (9/15/10) #112

10) Donor Gives John Brown University $2 Million
Arkansas Business Online
"We are pleased to honor Dr. Oliver for his lifework of research, writing, teaching and speaking to encourage strong and healthy marriages, families and ...





8) How to Make Parenting with Your Ex Work
CBS News
According to research by PAIRS Foundation, a relationship skills training organization, children from "broken homes" are three times more likely to be ...


7) Childhood Poverty Persistence: Facts and Consequences, June 2010. From the Urban Institute, this report includes a longitudinal analysis of the U.S. child poverty rate using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Over the past 40 years, the child poverty rate has ranged between 15 and 23 percent; but 37 percent of children experience poverty at some point in their childhood. The data analysis reveals that 49 percent of children who are poor at birth spend at least half their childhood years in poverty. For more information, please see:


6) The Father Factor: Modern Media Men
By Vincent DiCaro
They care about fatherhood. They care about creating a new, better image of men that the mainstream media doesn't typically promote. People like and DadLabs were there representing this better way of looking at fathers ...
The Father Factor -



5) 5 tools to help women prepare for football season with their men (KNXV-TV)
Fierstein, who created his practice to support struggling men, thinks "It is possible to balance a good marriage and watch healthy amounts of football! ...








Do you undermine gifts of love? -



2) One of my favorite people celebrated her 25th wedding anniversary yesterday--BC



Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


From: on behalf of Patty Howell []
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 1:27 PM
To: California Healthy Marriages Coalition
Subject: [] Fwd: New Resources from the Dibble Institute

In this Issue: Healthy Relationship News - September 2010

Dear friends,

September – it’s a new year for schools and youth programs alike. We at The Dibble Institute have been getting ready for September with more relevant resources to help you teach young people healthy relationship skills. Check them out in our new catalog or access our new products online to see what we have developed and found!

We also have some new free resources! We developed a very engaging bingo game to teach why marriage matters. And, feel free to download the new movie guide to UP! with discussion questions related to relationships. Of course, feel free to use our free sample lessons to get a taste of the many Dibble materials.

Over the summer, we also wrote a quick start guide for the Relationality game. We love the game and find it imparts key concepts in a fun and engaging way but starting the game can be slow. Download the streamlined rules of the game here.

Late in May we announced that Char Kamper had completely revised her best-seller, Connections: Dating and Emotions. Its 15 engaging, ready-to-teach lessons (including posters and PowerPoints) show teens how relationships develop, effective ways to communicate, awareness of destructive patterns, managing feelings, and other essential skills. Using an overall wellness approach, the course emphasizes self-awareness, personal growth, self-regulation of emotions, and interpersonal success. Take a peek!

Stay tuned! In next few months we will introduce several new programs each with a unique approach to relationship education. We know you will like them!

With all warm wishes,

Kay Reed
Executive Director


Power of Education Campaign 2010

If you love our work, then tell the world! You have an exciting opportunity to help The Dibble Institute make even more of a difference. GreatNonprofits—a site like Amazon reviews or TripAdvisor—is conducting a campaign to identify the top-rated education nonprofits in the country.

Won't you help us participate in the campaign by posting a review of your experience with us? All reviews will be visible to potential donors and volunteers. It's easy and only takes 3 minutes! Go to:
Be sure to choose "Education" from the drop down menu of campaigns in the review template!
With your help, we can gain greater visibility and support for our work.

Grant Investments

We have received several calls in the last few weeks from teachers, abstinence, youth agencies, and marriage coalitions wanting to purchase teaching tools from their year-end funds.

What a great idea! You can stock up on resources to extend your program into the next fiscal year. Let us know how we can help!!

Successful Teacher Finds Funding Strategy

Thanks to Tricia Seibert from Troy Buchanan High School in Missouri for sharing her successful funding strategy. Instead of using her department’s budget for Dibble supplemental materials, she asked her principal to order them through the school’s textbook budget.

Everyone wins with this approach!

Tricia got the teaching tools she needed for her students and her school saved money because she was meeting the curricular framework without purchasing more expensive textbooks.

Thank you, Tricia!

Wanted: Researchers

Are you a graduate student in search of a meaningful thesis or dissertation? Or, faculty seeking to advance the field of family life education or positive youth development? We would like to talk with you about partnering on evaluations of our research based programs!

Please email Executive Director, Kay Reed, to begin the conversation.

Teen Sex and School performance

A study was published last month with results from an evaluation that tracked students in healthier romantic relationships and those in hook-up relationships and compared their academic performance. You can read about it below.

Teen sex doesn't cause bad grades, but beware 'hook ups'
Serious relationships don't affect school performance, new study finds
By ALICIA CHANG - Associated Press, updated 8/15/2010

Editor’s note: The most important take away from this article for me, is that we can’t take for granted that young people know how to develop healthy relationships without being taught the skills. And, that instruction should include how to really get to know someone, how relationships grow and develop over time, and the emotional and social (and not just the biological) aspects of sex.

Youth Relationship Education News

Relationship coach helps couples thrive
Green Bay Press Gazette
"Relationship education, not just sex education, should be taught in schools," she said. "Relationship skills are needed for anyone that has human contact

Sexting; An Offense or Just Offensive?

Parents have heard a thousand times that sex is all over the media. And now it's online, too, as teens are sexting; sending nude or suggestive photos by cellphone -- which in some states is now a criminal offense. Is the sheer volume of sexual images in the media and elsewhere harming our children? Or is it something else?
(From Connect with Kids – September 3, 2010)

Save the dates –

September 18, 2010
Connections Introduction with Author Char Kamper
Sacramento Healthy Marriage Project
Times (pick one):  10:00 am - 12:00 pm
                             2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Click here for additional information and to reserve your place!

September 30, 2010
TeenNow California Conference
Sacramento, CA
Workshop: What's Healthy Relationships Got to Do With it?  A New Approach to Pregnancy Prevention
Presenter: Joyce Huff, Director of Outreach




Forward email

Dibble Institute | P. O. Box 7881 | Berkeley | CA | 94707-0881

Patty Howell, VP of Operations and Media Relations
California Healthy Marriages Coalition
Office:  760-436-3960    Fax:  760-436-3997

"Preliminary research shows that marriage education workshops can make a real difference in helping married couples stay together..."  Barack Obama, Audacity of Hope, p. 334.
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From: USCCB []
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 3:30 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]Marriage Monthly: Tune-up Your Marriage, Expensive Weddings, Getting Past The Affair

marriage monthly

Home   Dating & Engaged    Parenting & Family    For Every Marriage    About Catholic Marriages

Featured Article: Try a Five-Point Check-Up
For Your Marriage

Does your marriage need a bit of preventative maintenance? Even good marriages can benefit  from periodic check-ups. As summer turns to fall, try this five-point tune-up to keep your marriage running smoothly.


Virtue of the Month:  Forgiveness

All of us bring past hurts and painful memories to our marriage. Is your marriage a safe space where healing and forgiveness can take place?


Monthly Book Review: Getting Past the Affair: A Program to Help You Cope, Heal, and Move On-Together or Apart

Nearly 45% of men and 25% of women have been involved in a physical or emotional extramarital affair. This book is for them and their spouses. "Getting Past the Affair" deals with the immediate trauma of an affair, examines factors that made the relationship vulnerable to an affair and guides the partners in making decisions about the future.


Marriage in the News: Why Are Weddings So Expensive?

When a British priest heard that some couples put off marrying because of the high cost of weddings, he decided to offer an all-inclusive church wedding at no cost to the couple. Why is there so much social pressure to have a glitzy wedding?

Marriage Tip of the Month
September 13
Research indicates that happily married couples usually have a daily "catch up" time to talk. It needn't be long, but it should be regular. Carve out daily couple time-even if only five or ten minutes.
Happily Even After
Josh and Stacey reflect on the ups and downs of married life with children.