10) ManringEN: Marriage Matters. It's Important!
By Edward Manring
A meta-analysis of over 100 studies on the impact of marriage education found clear evidence that marriage education programs work--"to reduce strife, improve communication, increase parenting skills, increase stability, ...
9) When The Troops Come Home and http://www.defense.gov//News/NewsArticle.aspx?ID=60889
And Salem YMCA Supports Military Families as part of $31 Million ...
Armed Services YMCA and Department of Defense partnership gives military families access to youth development, family strengthening, and health and ...
8) Study breaks down divorce rates by occupation
Washington Post
By Ellen McCarthy If you marry the charming dancer who asks for your hand, are you more likely to wind up in divorce court than if you'd picked the sensible ...
And Stepfamilies on rise but relationships difficult / New partners face ...
The Daily Yomiuri
With divorce and remarriage not as uncommon as they once were in Japan, stepfamilies--families in which one or both parents already have children from a ...
And Marriage Proposal At Halftime
Nation of Blue
It's often difficult to find that special someone who truly understands your passion for the CATS. If you find someone who understands or shares your ...
6) 6 Biggest Shockers About Being Married
Couples reveal what they wish they'd been warned about before saying 'I Do.'
And Wedding plans distract from preparing for marriage
Cherry Hill Courier Post
"We won't have any conflicts," couples tell him. Jasko tries to set them straight. "A marriage without conflict is not a healthy one," he said.
And http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2010/08/six_keys_to.html
5) Family breakdown
Times of Malta
Some years ago, the state of Texas, for example, allocated $15 million over two years for marriage education and other programmes. ...
4) 'Great Dates' series
Casper Journal
23, sponsored by the Wyoming Healthy Marriage Initiative. The nine weekly classes begin with marriage education, after which couples are encouraged to put ...
And On Love: 'Everything he does makes me feel special' (the quote said often when engaged but not so much when married?—BC)
3) http://www.milwaukeefatherhood.com/workshops.html
And Will your community make this list?—BC
100 Best Communities for Young People
2) At the Intersection of Marriage and Inequality: College-educated ...
School-Based Marriage Education: An Evaluation of Florida's High School Relationship Education Requirement · Mate Selection in Nontraditional Romantic ...
And handout320staton Health
References for Marriage Education and Health Care Reform: What's the Connection? Smart Marriages 2009, Orlando America‟s Families & Living
And more handouts here http://www.smartmarriages.com/handouts.07.html
1) Is this info universal?—BC 50 Things You Need to Know About Marital Relationships and http://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/marriage
Bill Coffin
Special Assistant for Marriage Education
370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC 20447
…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed
efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from http://www.hamptonu.edu/ncaamp/proclamation/)
A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at http://www.acf.hhs.gov/healthymarriage/pdf/curricula_resources_guide_121509.pdf
Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences
#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.
#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.
From: First Things First [ftf@firstthings.org]
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 6:00 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]Breaking Up is Hard to Do | Dad to Dad September 2010
![]() |
Mind Over Bladder

Recognized as an expert in his field of neurosurgical medicine,
Dr. Blaise Baxter recently gave me a memorable and explainable tip on potty training that I will give back to you in layman's terms. As we discussed the trial and error of potty training, Dr. Baxter explained that kids don't wet their beds or themselves out of spite, anger, or disrespect. It turns out potty training is less about bladder control and more about mind control. Click here to read more . . .

You Think

by Todd Agne
Fathering Coordinator

The Locker Room is a place where Dads can come for practical advice and fatherly support. Dad to Dad, Grandfather to Grandkids or father to child. This month in the Locker Room:
Send it to todd@firstthings.org.
A class for about to be dads. This is for men only! No women over two feet tall allowed. We will discuss the challenges new fathers face like uncontrollable crying (from baby and mom), in-laws and living on little or no sleep.