10) Predicting divorce: U-M study shows how fight styles affect marriage
"This pattern seems to have a damaging effect on the longevity of marriage," said UM researcher Kira Birditt, first author of a study on marital conflict ...
Test your marital fight style and compare it to study participants
9) Saying No to 'I Do,' Economy in Mind
New York Times
A long-term decline in marriage accelerated during the severe recession, according to new data from the Census Bureau, with more couples postponing marriage ...
See all stories on this topic »
8) Fatherhood and Innovation: Act Now! – The Washington Insider
By Vanessa Leon
Community organizations have two opportunities to receive funding for programs that encourage responsible fatherhood. The first is through a $500 million Fatherhood, Marriage and Families Innovation Fund that President Obama proposed ...
7) ONLINE PARENTING COACH: The Importance Fathers
The National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse (a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) doesn't leave much room for interpretation when weighing in on the many benefits of effective fatherhood. ...
6) Quality time with CES dads
Fort Worth Star Telegram
There's a National All Pro Dad group that sends e-mails that include positive daily advice on families and fatherhood. Dungy is a national spokesman for the ...
5) Are Dads the Key to Get Boys to Read? A new report from publisher Scholastic affirms what many parents and teachers already know viscerally: As kids grow, they read less and spend more time going online and texting.
4) Helping a Loved One Fight Depression
Take our quiz and we'll tell you how "Millennial" you are, on a scale from 0 to 100, by comparing your answers with those of respondents to a scientific nationwide survey.
2) http://www.divorcebusting.com/blog/10-steps-to-avoiding-divorce/
1) http://finance.yahoo.com/news/For-National-Coffee-Day-prnews-1807564993.html
Bill Coffin
Special Assistant for Marriage Education
370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC 20447
…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed
efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from http://www.hamptonu.edu/ncaamp/proclamation/)
A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at http://www.acf.hhs.gov/healthymarriage/pdf/curricula_resources_guide_121509.pdf
Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences
#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.
#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.
From: NHMRC Webinar [info@healthymarriageinfo.org]
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 5:00 AM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]JOIN US TODAY! September 29th Webinar: State Legislative Efforts to Combat Divorce
Flag Status: Red

Dear Bill:
Join Us Today!
The National Healthy Marriage Resource Center (NHMRC) will host a webinar entitled, "State Legislative Efforts to Combat Divorce" on Wednesday, September 29, 2010, from 1:00 2:30pm (Eastern Daylight Time). Minnesota is among the states leading the pack in efforts to discourage divorce. On May 21, 2010, Gov. Tim Pawlenty signed into law the "Couples on the Brink" project, which will offer a range of reconciliation services, at state expense, to couples considering, or who have already begun the process of filing for, divorce. After short-term counseling if a couple decides that they want to rebuild their marriage, the project will develop a reconciliation plan for them. Speakers at this webinar spearheaded this legislation and will discuss the portion of troubled couples in the state whom they believe could benefit from this initiative, the family court perspective on reconciliation services, services offered through this initiative as well as how it will be implemented.
- Judge Bruce Peterson, Family Court Judge, Hennepin County, , will describe the impetus for the legislation, and his view, from the perspective of a family court judge, of its potential for success. Judge Peterson has served as a judge since 1999, including six years on the family court in Hennepin County, MN., where he has provided leadership for innovation in the divorce process and in ways to serve the special needs of non-married parents seeking help from the court. Along with William Doherty, he developed the Minnesota Couples on the Brink Project.
- William Doherty, Ph.D., Director, Marriage and Family Program, University of Minnesota, will describe the services available through the Couples on the Brink project, as well as the role that lawyers, clergy, and other parties will play in helping to implement it. Professor Doherty is also Director of the Citizen Professional Center at the University of Minnesota. He has been a researcher, teacher, and practitioner of family studies and therapy for over 30 years, and in recent years has developed the Families and Democracy Project to engage communities in solving social problems. He currently directs the Minnesota Couples on the Brink Project at the University of Minnesota. He is past President of the National Council on Family Relations, the oldest interdisciplinary family studies organization in the United States.
- Rich Batten, Program Manager, National Healthy Marriage Resource Center (NHMRC), will moderate this session. Mr. Batten has more than 20 years of experience as a collaborative and strategic leader committed to improving the well being of marriages, families and communities. Most recently, he served as a Family and Fatherhood Specialist with the Colorado Department of Human Services. In this role, he developed collaborative relationships between healthy marriage programs, domestic violence programs, fatherhood programs, child welfare, child support enforcement, and the Department of Corrections. Batten has been a Certified Family Life Educator since 1998 and is an experienced instructor of numerous marriage and parenting curriculums. He earned a Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a Master of Education from Loyola University in Chicago.
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From: aahmi@lyris.acf.hhs.gov
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 10:15 AM
To: aahmi@lyris.acf.hhs.gov
Subject: "Make It Last Forever" Fall Ball