Positive Interactions

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From: Smart Relationships <info@smartrelationships.org>
Date: Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 4:09 PM
Subject: Positive Interactions
To: Bill <billcoffin68@gmail.com>

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"There are dozens of everyday moments which are opportunities for turning towards, turning away, or turning against your partner. We call these moments 'bids' for emotional connection." - Dr. John Gottman

Every time you turn towards your partner’s bids for emotional connection, you are making a deposit in your 'Emotional Bank Account.' With every Positive Interaction, your account grows, reminding the two of you of the feelings you have for one another, and of your commitment to supporting each other through all of the experiences you share.

A few weeks ago we featured the 5 Love Languages. Positive interactions are small acts that speak the language of your partner. Holding hands is an example that means a lot to a "Physical Touch" partner. Research suggests that men need 2-3 times more physical touch in the form of affection to feel connected.No, not that kind! The PG-rated kind.

"Why Home Repair is Sexy"

Today’s positive interaction is to find out something your mate wants you to do for them, promise to do it, then follow through right away. This interaction will speak volumes to a spouse whose primary love language is Acts of Service.

An “act of service” partner perceives love when...

Read the rest of the article...

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  • If you are in an average relationship, you will gain insight into yourself and your partner, and see where to focus your effort to strengthen it.
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Positive interactions make you feel connected. Feeling connected is what keeps you together through the rough stuff.
The sweetness of love is a common theme in songs and poems. Here's an inventive love note that would be equally appealing to a "Words of Affirmation" partner or a "Gifts" partner. We thought this would was a fun Date Night idea. Go to the candy aisle and see how many of the names you could incorporate into a story about your relationship!
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