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Mastering the Mysteries of Love
Weekend Workshops for Couples
The National Institute of Relationship Enhancement® is offering the Mastering the Mysteries of Love version of the Relationship Enhancement® Program for couples in addition to the classic version of the RE Program.
Upcoming dates:
- July 23-24, 2011 - Mastering the Mysteries of Love with Carrie Hansen, LCSW-C
- September 17-18, 2011 - Mastering the Mysteries of Love with Joan Liversidge, LCMFT
- October 22-23, 2011 - Mastering the Mysteries of Love with Carrie Hansen, LCSW-C
- November 19-20, 2011 - Mastering the Mysteries of Love with Rob Scuka, Ph.D.
Cost is $450 per couple.
Further information can be found at
Research: The RE Program and Mastering the Mysteries of Love is backed by 35 years of empirical research validating its effectiveness. In addition, an award-winning meta-analytic study involving thousands of couples and over a dozen approaches, demonstrated that RE clients showed far more powerful improvement effects than clients in any of the other interventions for couples or families with which it was compared.
Description: Couples spend two days learning 10 practical skills that deepen connection and empower them to resolve current and future problems on their own.
The skills you and your partner learn will help you:
- establish a constructive, cooperative atmosphere for resolving difficult relationship issues
- foster increased openness and trust
- reduce defensiveness, anger and withdrawal
- express your deepest feelings, concerns and desires openly, honestly and safely
- nurture deepened caring and compassion
- increase love and affection
- create solutions to conflicts at their deepest levels
- successfully implement agreed-to solutions and behavioral changes
The weekend program usually numbers between 4-10 couples in order to maintain a more intimate atmosphere. It also features significant time for private couples' exercises and dialogues, which part of the time are facilitated by trained coaches.
The program is non-residential and meets on Saturday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and on Sunday from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Information on discounted hotel room rates for those visiting from out of town are available upon registration. Snacks and beverages are provided; participants have lunch on their own.
For further information, or to register, please call NIRE at 301-986-1479.
If you register by fax or mail, please include your name, address, home and work phone numbers, and the dates for which you are registering.
Payment may be made either by check or credit card. Registrations by fax must be accompanied by a credit card number.
If payment is made with a credit card number, please write your name exactly as it appears on the card, the expiration date and your signature.
Please note: It is not safe to send credit card information via email.
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