HM Links & Clips (10/19/10) #128





8) GAO: Defense domestic violence tracking remains flawed
By Norah Swanson

Audit finds the Pentagon's system for collecting data on abuse in military families hinders department's ability to analyze trends.

Full story:

And SAMHSA Seeking Stakeholder Feedback on Strategic Initiatives SAMHSA's recently-released plan Leading Change: A Plan for SAMHSA's Roles and Actions 2011 - 2014 builds on 8 strategic initiatives to focus the Agency's work. In conjunction with the Plan's release, SAMHSA is seeking comment on the initiatives in their ongoing efforts to increase public engagement, collaboration, and participation. The online forum is open for feedback and suggestions until October 22, 2010 at 5 p.m. EST. Access the online forum












Parents Say America Is in a 'Father Absence' Crisis                                                                                 (What a picture!—BC)----à
The Good Men Project
Are we in the midst of a fatherhood crisis? In a New York Times article about an ad campaign designed at getting Asian-American, American-Indian, ...


And Ads Urge Fathers to ‘Take Time’ to Be a Dad


And 2010-10-FF "Fathers' Involvement and Fathers' Well-being over Children's First Five Years" by Marcia Carlson & Kimberly Turner


The Good Men Project

 And HOW TO BE A DAD: Website launched for men to face first-time ...
HOW TO BE A DAD: Website launched for men to face first-time fatherhood...together. A unique new website and advice portal has been launched this week, with the specific aim of preparing, and supporting men through what will be the most ...





5) Blacks & Marriage! « WBAV – 101.9
By kla411
Is marriage dead? Are educated black women unrealistic? Is marriage a negotiation? Charlotte's Best Variety of Hits & Oldies.







4) 2010-09-FF "Family Structure Transitions and Changes in Maternal Resources and Well-Being" by Cynthia Osborne, Lawrence Berger and Katherine Magnuson


And Not our grantee but interesting none the less Marriage Retreat « ¿Qué Pasa @ ICC?
By Darcy
The teaching topics centered on the ingredients for a healthy marriage, with a special emphasis on sacrifice, communication and intimacy.

And American Heart Association revises CPR guidelines ...

The American Heart Association issued new guidelines Monday for CPR, making rapid chest compressions the mainstay. ...





3) Decoding Commitment: When Sally met Harry and





2) Love and the litmus test, Take 2: Have dating deal-breakers changed in 28 years? One...




Choices in Relationships: An ... - Google Books





1) Learn more about Ethnographic Video Online here.


And 'Culture of Poverty' Makes a Comeback
Decades after Daniel Patrick Moynihan, scholars are conceding culture and persistent poverty are enmeshed. (Over 370+ comments as of this morning--BC)

(A link to this article was provided in #10 yesterday)


And Reconsidering Culture and Poverty in the May 2010 issue of The ANNALS and The Moynihan Report Revisited (Jan 2009)-both available online now!



Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see



From: Ozarks Marriage Matters [] on behalf of Ozarks Marriage Matters []
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 5:32 AM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]OMM News & Notes - October 19, 2010

Ozarks Marriage Matters

In This Issue:

  • Don't Believe Everything You Hear about Marriage - Part 3
  • Straight Talk from Real Dads
  • Getaway Together Marriage Retreat - Novermber 12-13, 2010 
  • Hitched & Happy - 7 Different Locations in October  
  • Ask Your Relationship Questions
OMM News & Notes: Promoting Healthy Relationships October 19, 2010
Don't Believe Everything You Hear about Women and Marriage - Part 3 
by Dr. Jennifer Baker  
BrideGiven the recent release of census data indicating that the number of people between the ages of 25 -34 who were not married exceeded those who were married in 2009 for the first time since we've been keeping track of such things in the U.S., some have suggested that perhaps young women are less interested in marriage. I'm not at all certain that this reason is a key contributor to the decline in marriage, but what if it was? Do young women have a good reason to embrace romantic relationships, but avoid marriage? Is Sex and the City the new norm for young women? What benefits, if any, ensue for married women other than a husband, two kids, a minivan and soccer on the weekends? -->  
                           Click To Read The Rest
Straight Talk with Real Dads Banner  

This Week: Advice to Dads from 7th Graders

For More Information and to Register Click Here

Hitched & Happy Banner

October 2010: Hitched & Happy workshops are available in 7 different locations in Springfield, Aurora, Branson, Joplin and West Plains. Visit the Operation Us online calendar for more information.
Have Questions About Relationships?
KTTS LogoCheck out our new Ask A Question web page where you can send Dr. Baker a question that she just might answer the next time she's on the air with Andy Taylor. -->

And don't forget to visit our podcast archive,