HM Links & Clips (10/29/10) #135

10) Restoring the Foundation: Why Marriage and the Intact Family Matter, Christine Kim

9) SHM Early Lessons from the Implementation of a Relationship and Marriage Skills Program for Low-Income Married Couples


And MDRC - Announcement: MDRC Experts Presenting at APPAM Conference ...
... “The Supporting Healthy Marriage Evaluation: Early Lessons from a Relationship and Marriage Skills Program for Low-Income Couples,” by Jennifer Miller, Desiree Alderson, and Virginia Knox



8) Still looking for something to read this weekend ?….88 page Transcript from event posted here


And FREE STOSNY JEALOUSY WEBINAR!!  OCT 30 at 3 pm. Registration:





America After 3PM: From Big Cities to Small Towns is a special report that takes a fresh look at data from America After 3PM, the most in-depth study ever to explore how America’s kids spend the after school hours.


And Alcohol marketing and youth drinking (R01)  


And Things to Know Before You Say “Go”





6) Early and Later Marriage
... couple formation patterns and the transition to marriage, the effectiveness of marriage education, and modern threats to marriage (such as materialism, ...


And Marriage Reasons » First Thoughts | A First Things Blog and





5) Holiday Stress and Economic Woes Can Be Dangerous to Marriages
PR Web (press release)
Children are more stressed than ever, and parents aren't aware,” explains Dr. Bonnie Dr. Bonnie recommends that parents have healthy and honest discussions ...


And  and



4) Marriage Spotlight: Hardwired to Connect - iContact Community
For more information on the Twogether in Texas marriage education program, visit and Hardwired to Connect Plank ...


And Healthy Relationship Program Educator/Trainer - new

OIC of America - Philadelphia, PA

Healthy Marriage Education Project. The Healthy Relationship Program Educator/Trainer will deliver... Lead Educator in the coordination of special events... $30 an hour
From - 28 days ago




3) Marriage Good For Men pdf documents | ebooks library download
Engaging Men in Marriage Education. For practitioners offering. marriage and relationship education (MRE), this. general belief ... recruiting men for ...


And Operation Us | Why It's Hard to Talk about the Value of Marriage
The Operation Us project provides healthy marriage and relationship education to residents of 29 counties in southwest Missouri.




2)  Most people believe government should be involved in saving ...
By MaritalMediation Staff
Approximately 80% of all respondents agree with public policies to reduce divorce as evidenced by their agreement with the statement a married couple with children “should be required to attend marriage education classes or couple's ...


And Healthy Marriage, Healthy Family on Vimeo
Harmony Adoptions' videos. Harmony Adoptions' videos; Staff Picks. 1. Healthy Marriage, Healthy Family. by Harmony Adoptions. 26 minutes ago ...


And AmeriCorps State and National Grant Competitions  


1) On Post-Marathon Monday, Please, Just Say Congratulations My daughter Trish is running Marine Corps Marathon again (she doesn’t get it from me!)

RaceMate app allows you to track someone running


And Tomorrow, 20:00 on BBC Radio 2 (3-5pm EST)


How about those Giants!

Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see ,e.g.,

HM Links & Clips (10/21/10) #129 - Coffin Corner
these leaders so that all citizens have access to marriage education workshops . ... And Marriage Education's Roadmap for Relationships - Peter Casier . ...