10) Marriage Does Matter
Without that support system, and without those values, society suffers. Ultimately, there can't be a healthy society without healthy marriages."
See all stories on this topic » And http://parenting.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/11/18/the-marrying-kind/ and Marriage in Obsolescence
And http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/nov/18/changes-in-family-trends-raise-qualms/
and http://pewresearch.org/pubs/1802/decline-marriage-rise-new-families
and http://www.firstthings.com/blogs/firstthoughts/2010/11/19/is-marriage-becoming-obsolete/
And Actually, the Poll Presents a Somewhat Optimistic View "If you look very deeply into that poll, it does not come to the conclusion that marriage is obsolete," remarked Focus on the Family's Gary Schneeberger to Stephanie Samuel at The Christian Post. Here are the poll's statistics, reinterpreted: "More than half of singles expressed a desire to be married. Over a third of all respondents, married and unmarried, felt it would be easier to have a fulfilling love life inside of marriage, compared to seven percent who felt it would easier to have fulfilling love life outside of marriage. Twenty-nine percent believed, over the five percent who opposed, that it is easier to find happiness within marriage. Moreover, over two-thirds of people believed that it was best for society to have children inside of marriage. Another sixty-nine percent felt it was bad for society for single women to become mothers."
And Who Needs Marriage? Men, Apparently
There may be some truth to that, but once the marriage is underway, the shoe seems to migrate pretty quickly to the other foot. Buried in the statistics of ...
9) Question of the Day
Washington Times
Nearly half could not recommend even one healthy, exemplary marriage. Little wonder today's youth are trying to find an alternative to bad marriages, ...
And The Centrality of Marriage in a Cynical Age
Huffington Post (blog)
So forty percent of Americans in a Pew Research and Time magazine poll think that marriage is caput. And who can blame them? Marriage in our time is such a ...
8) I Am ME: Chuck and Ellen Purcell, Northern Virginia « Fatherhood ...
By Fatherhood Channel
Marriage Education is touching the lives of couples, families and children across the country. “I Am ME” profiles individuals and couples teaching relationship and marriage education classes in their local communities. ...
And http://www.courierpress.com/news/2010/nov/21/family-origin-factors-into-spouse-communication/
7) Marriage education, financial and asset development
This meeting summary documents the key points that arose during the Roundtable discussion about ways in which marriage education, financial education, and asset-building programs ...http://aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/08/MEFLAD-Roundtable/report.pdf
And How to Use the Money HabitudesTM Cards in Marriage Education ...
How to Use the Money Habitudes TM Cards in Marriage Education Programs Introduction The Money Habitudes TM (2003) cards can be used in a variety of marriage education programs to assist ...;
6) Marriage, Family and Young Adults
marriage education programs. – easy and fun for volunteers and couples. ➢ Those hurt by marriage also need our care and support. ...
And Marriage Education - San Antonio Wedding Guide
Learn effective and positive communication skills; Experience strategies to effectively resolve conflict; Understand the key elements of a healthy marriage ...
And Workshops - Harris County Premarital Workshop
Premarital and Marriage Education for Couples. Please note this is an ongoing workshop that meets every Monday evening from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. ...
5) Black marriage rate on the decline
The federal government began the Healthy Marriage Initiative in 2002 to strengthen wedded unions and the decrease the likelihood of hardship experienced by ...
And Oakland leads self-help answer to blacks' crisis
San Francisco Chronicle
Engaged fatherhood should be promoted as a social value and supported with employment opportunity. While the poor education and poverty of black children ...
And A Healthy Marriage
their marriage relationship. Thank you so much for your support! A Healthy Marriage Now© is a program of the L.O.T Initiative Inc. and provides training and ...
And 72% of black babies born to unwed moms | Celebrity Sentry
By admin
... African American Marriages and Parenting. there is a Marry your Baby Daddy Day, founded by a black woman who was left at the altar, and a Black Marriage Day, which aims "to make healthy marriages the norm rather than the exception." ...
And http://www.raisinghimalone.com/ and The goal of the “Changing Fatherhood” website (www.changingfatherhood.com) is to redefine the images and conversations around fathers and men of color. The website will serve as a tool to engage various aspects of fatherhood and manhood. Web components will address married, single, divorced, military, incarcerated (coming home), and long-distance dads, as well as the vital role of grandfathers. On Saturday, November 27th, 2010 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., RHA will host the official website launch of “Changing Fatherhood” at Bus Boys & Poets located at 14th & V Streets NW, Washington, DC
4) Government recognizes marriage because of its benefits to society
Posted: November 21, 2010
Marriage is older than the Constitution, older than America, older even than the church.
And Piloting a Community Approach to Healthy Marriage Initiatives in ...
Summer 2008 Piloting a Community Approach to Healthy Marriage Initiatives in Three Sites: Chicago, Illinois, Boston, Massachusetts, and Jacksonville, ...
And Production designed to transform marriages - The Indianapolis ...
To present the play, HOPE Productions is teaming up with the Indiana Healthy Marriage and Family Coalition (IHMFC), an organization that promotes the value ...
And 5 Questions for Seal on 'Commitment' and Family - Essence.com
Fatherhood and marriage make you look at life in a different way. When you're married, you realize that every note you sing, there is another reason for singing it. You're doing it because you know you have a responsibility for your ...
3) Military Divorce Rate Leveling Off: Pentagon Report
Huffington Post
The military divorce rate increased from 2.6 percent in 2001 (the start of Operation Enduring Freedom) to 3.6 in 2009--a figure that has held steady ...
And Troop Divorce Rates Level in 2010
Newly released Pentagon statistics show that the overall military divorce rate leveled off in 2010 after a consistent increase over the previous five years. ...
And Military Divorce Rate Levels Off, But Not for Female Troops or ...
By Jamie Reno
According to the Pentagon report, despite the overall number leveling off, the divorce rate in subgroups like Marines, and Airmen, and female servicemembers, increased slightly, as in years past, while remaining constant for sailors and ...
And http://www.dcoe.health.mil/Events/MonthlyWebinars.aspx
2) What is the real divorce rate in the US?
Huffington Post (blog)
They are different ways of measuring the 2008 divorce rate in the US. Perhaps no single measure of family life is so often incorrectly reported and ...
And http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/divorce.htm and http://familyscholars.org/2010/11/19/your-chances-of-divorce-may-be-much-lower-than-you-think/
And MU Extension: Celebrating the first holiday after divorce
Blue Springs Examiner
By Nina Chen Holidays after divorce can be difficult, stressful and challenging for parents and children to face. Holidays may bring some old memories that ...
1) Congrats to Penny and Wally
One Plus One wins Gold Award at E-Learning Awards (another pearl via Weekly Update of UK Marriage News - No 10.44)
One Plus One is celebrating the success of its new e-learning programme Relationship Support: an early intervention after it scooped the Gold Award for ‘Excellence in the production of learning content – not for profit sector’ at last week’s prestigious E-Learning Awards.
And Goddard honored by National Council on Family Relations
... contributing member towards the National Extension Relationship and Marriage Education Model and the National Extension Parenting Educator's Framework. ...
Bill Coffin
Special Assistant for Marriage Education
370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC 20447
…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed
efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from http://www.hamptonu.edu/ncaamp/proclamation/)
For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see http://billcoffin.org
 From: FAMLI [updates@famli.us]
Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2010 5:43 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: Conference Call Series Launch

From: Kathy Schleier [marriageinitiative@optilink.us]
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 6:16 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]Holidays are Coming - Who's house, where?