Fwd: Outline and Talking Points for today

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From: James Rodriguez- President & CEO <james.rodriguez@fathersandfamiliescoalition.org>
Date: Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 2:54 PM
Subject: Outline and Talking Points for today


15 points on How to write a grant:


You can do this.  The secret of great grant writing is following directions.


  1. Read the RFP 5 times to make sure you understand everything
  2. Get a Duns Number if you do not have one
    1. Duns Number
    2. Articles of Incorporation
  3. Logic Model – find example on line—fill in the blanks
    1. It is a planning tool
    2. Explains what you are doing and why you are doing it
  4. Point system
    1. Everything has a point
    2. Must get every point possible:  A+ paper
    3. Extremely competitive
    4. Pages for each section determined by the number of points
    5. No extra pages
    6. Make it easy for the grant writers to score your grant by highlighting areas
  5. Curriculum
    1. Evidenced based
    2. Separation of Church and State
    3. Prepared to serve same sex couples
  6. Get help
    1. Grant writer
  •                                                              i.      You still must write the grant, they are there to assist you
  •                                                             ii.      FFCOA has limited resources to assist you in grant writing
  •                                                             iii.      One person does the budget, another gets the MOU signatures
  •                                                             iv.      Proof read by someone outside your organization to make sure that it makes sense
    1. Different people can help
  1. Make sure your budget balances
    1. Build your budget in a Excel file because it can do automatic calculations
    2. Run your numbers a couple of times to make sure they are accurate
  2. Budget is not available for capital improvements
    1. Don’t ask for more money than is allowed
  3. Get your signatures early on your documents
    1. Two organizations on a page—trouble getting everything perfect
  4. Where and how are you going to get your participants
    1. Much harder than expected
  5. Matching funds
    1. Not required
    2. You can still include it—consider the use of volunteer time for matching funds
  6. Staffing
    1. Who will do what and do they have the credentials to do it, degrees
    2. Credentials include their experience with the populations served
    3. Organizational chart
  7. Time line
    1. You will need to explain what you will be doing in what period of time
    2. Secret is figuring out how to do this using as little space as possible
  8. Submitting grant
    1. Finish grant on time
    2. Follow the directions regarding clamping, margins, etc.
  9. Write the summary last
    1. Summary should elicit a lot of forethought and attention to ensure it grabs, and more importantly, maintains the reviewer's attention.
  10. Separate your proposal from other grant applicants by highlighting any portions which could be considered distinct and innovative.
  11. Everyone depends on your success
    1. Do the work whether you get the grant or not
    2. If you do get the grant, future funding for all of us depends on the quality of your work




Improving and Enhancing Fatherhood and Marriage/Relationship Education programs.


During the past nine years, the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration of Children and Families (ACF) supported Healthy Marriage/Relationship and Fatherhood grants to agencies and organizations.  These grants were designed to help participants build and sustain healthy relationships and marriages, and to strengthen positive father-child interaction. ACF funded 55 organizations across the United States to provide Responsible Fatherhood activities. Grantees were called upon to help fathers: 1. Improve their relationship with their spouses, significant others, and/or the mothers of their children, 2. Become better parents, 3. Contribute to the financial well-being of their children by providing job training. Additionally, ACF funded 60 organizations across the country to provide comprehensive healthy relationship and marriage education services, as well as job and career advancement activities to promote economic stability and overall improvement of family well-being.

This funding was inspired by research statistics regarding the poor outcomes for children raised in single parent families and the poverty level of single parents.  Research demonstrated over and over again that children do better when raised by two stable functioning parents.  Children perform better in school, have better physical and mental health, in adolescence delay becoming sexually active, and are more likely to rise out of poverty.  Children, whose parents marry and stay married, have lower rates of substance abuse and lower risks of committing crimes, thus, avoiding becoming involved in the Juvenile Justice System.


Sadly, today, nearly one-third of American children are born outside of marriage.  Moreover, over one-half of these children will spend all or part of their childhoods in never-formed or broken families.  In 2014, 44% of children in the U.S. were born to unmarried mothers.  Within the same period, 72% of African American mothers were unmarried to the father of their child.  By age five, 50% of these children remained in contact with their fathers. 


In response to these statistics, the Responsible Fatherhood and Healthy Marriage/Relationship Grants were created.  These grants were first implemented in 2004.  Like all new programs, it has taken several years for organizations to determine effective educational curricula to be used with the specific populations.  In addition, recruitment of participants, the hiring and training of an educational staff, identifying strategic locations for the trainings, and how to build wide community support needed time for planning and thoughtful consideration. Though the mission was clear to most grantee organizations, they encountered these time-consuming challenges as they moved forward in the implementation phase of the project. This resulted in initial poor outcomes for many organizations.  However, with lessons learned these same organizations learned what was needed to succeed and rapidly moved forward.


It appears that the curriculum for these programs needs to be improved.   Most of the curricula in Relationship Education and Fatherhood programs are ten to twenty years old. In Relationship/Marriage Education programs the emphasis has been on social skills development:  couple’s communication skills and conflict management, problem solving skills. The original idea of this effort is inspired.  Some people do improve their relationships through relationship skills development.  However, others require additional skills of personal self-management. 


Recent studies in neuroscience, toxic stress, and relationship theory offer valuable guidance as a methodology to improve the programs effectiveness. More information is now available regarding the formation of stable functioning relationships, as well as ideas regarding breaking the intergenerational cycle of abuse.


The Administration of Children and Families is currently providing webinars on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) and toxic stress.  Now, programs addressing these vital issues of relationship stability and functionality must be developed. We now know that children of trauma and adversity undergo specific neurological changes in brain development. The adverse experience is literally built in the child’s neuronal structure.  These children experience social, emotional and cognitive impairments that last into adulthood. In a brief summary of the effects on the brain, trauma increases the size and activity in the amygdala, the flight-fight center of the brain, and decreases the activity in the cerebral cortex, the thinking decision making part of the brain. When the flight-fight centers of the brain are stimulated, survival becomes the issue rather than learning the necessary skills to become an effective member of society. For children and adults, these are coping strategies are designed for survival. In the long run, they lead to adoption of health risk behaviors: drug and alcohol abuse, smoking, over eating, gambling, promiscuity, etc. Eventually, these behaviors result in disease, disability, and social problems and finally an early death.  All of this is at a tremendous cost to tax payers and our society.


How prevalent are Adverse Childhood Experiences?  In a San Diego Kaiser study with 17,000 patients they found that almost two-thirds of participants reported at least one    ACE incident, and more than one in five reported three or more ACE’s. (Felitti, 1989)The study further found that 1 in 6 men experienced trauma, 1 in 5 Americans sexually molested, 1 in 4 beaten by a parent, 1 in 3 couples engages in physical violence. 25% of children grow up with alcoholic relatives. 1 in 8 witnessed their mother being beaten or hit. 50% of Head Start children enter the program with 3 ACE’s.  We predict that a majority of participants in our Responsible Fatherhood and Marriage/Relationship programs experience 5 or more ACE’s.  These experiences change how our participants interact with their partner, children and employer.  They also change how they perceive the world and what they believe about themselves.  Ultimately, trauma changes belief of personal invulnerability, perception the world is meaningful and comprehensible, and ability to perceive ourselves in a positive light.


Future programs must address the influence of adverse childhood experiences on adult coupling and parenting as part of Responsible Fatherhood and Healthy Marriage/Relationship grants.


During this same time period, couples and family systems theory have undergone changes.  For example, couples therapy has been the least effective of all therapies and had one of the highest levels of relapse. (Gottman, 1990) The current curricula are based on the very same theories that were used for couple’s therapy. Our families need more than communication skills. The most effective of these new theories recognize the effects of early childhood trauma and problems with attachment.  They take into account how early experiences affect current relationships and their children.  Some of the leaders in the field whose work incorporates these new theories include: Dan Siegal, Sue Johnson, Stan Tatkin, John and Julie Gottman, Harville Hendrix, Helen Hunt-Hendrix, Ellen Bader, Peter Pearson.  


Research indicates that we are following the correct path in creating healthy families to break the problems of intergenerational trauma. In a British study, it was found that safe, stable, nurturing relationships break the intergenerational cycle of abuse. In this study, parents who broke the cycle of violence experienced open communication and trust with their partner to break the cycle of violence. (Conger, et.al. 2013; Thornberry, 2013)  Other studies find that parents who have a coherent understanding of the narrative of their past are more likely to parent differently than their parent. In breaking the cycle of violence, the need for this work is particularly evident with the children with parents in prison. Boys whose father is in prison are our most at risk youth.  Those men in prison need to have an understanding of their own trauma and how to avoid passing these problems to the next generation.  To reach this level of success our curricula need to include trauma informed care with the inclusion of skills to overcome adverse childhood experiences.


We are suggesting that the Responsible Fatherhood and Healthy Marriage/Relationship programs address these problems of toxic stress and Adverse Childhood Experiences.  We recommend altering these programs to include trauma informed care and/or trauma healing activities.  Successful programs include training all staff and participants to: 1. Acknowledge the high prevalence of trauma 2. Understand the effect of trauma on the brain, especially early childhood trauma. 3. Recognize signs and symptoms of trauma in staff, clients, and others 4. Recognize and utilize the many paths for healing with trauma informed, evidenced based and emerging best practices. 5. Organizations must fully integrating knowledge about trauma into policies, procedures, practices and settings. 6. Recognize individual differences and that no one method works with all people. We can make these changes today, because there are now many evidence based practices available that do not require a licensed therapist to teach participants to heal from their past traumatic experiences.


In order to create the change necessary to build stable, functioning families we need to grow our participants’ brains.  The good news is that research indicates that brains can grow by learning to reduce the reactivity of the amygdala and to increase the use of the cerebral cortex.   As our participants come to understand themselves they will have greater compassion for themselves and others.  They will be less reactive and more thoughtful and capable of planning. In a meta-analysis of 54 trauma studies, they found specific interventions which matched the symptoms persons who had experienced trauma we shown to be effective.  These interventions included emotion regulation strategies, narration of trauma memory, cognitive restructuring, anxiety and stress management, and interpersonal skills. Meditation and mindfulness interventions were frequently identified as an effective approach for emotional, attentional, and behavioral (e.g., aggression) disturbances. These methods increase cognitive functioning and reduce reactivity and anxiety.


Another focal point of Responsible Fatherhood and Marriage/Relationship grants was improving employment. By attending to the problems stemming from Adverse Childhood Experiences can improve employability.  People who experienced multiple traumas may experience high anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder or disassociate.  All of these behaviors are problematic in obtaining and sustaining employment. People with large number of Adverse Childhood Experiences have difficulty with time management, emotional control, organization and planning.  They lack confidence in their abilities. When anxiety levels are high, learning, being interviewed for a job and attending school becomes exceptionally difficult.  Adding a trauma focused component to Responsible Fatherhood, Healthy Marriage/Relationship activities would assisting in the formation of the basic abilities that people need to go to school, learn new job and retain their employment paving their way to improved employment possibilities.


Therefore we propose that:

  • We address the toxic stress levels in our participants in the Fatherhood, Marriage/Relationship grants.
  • We develop a panel comprised of experts in the marriage/relationship and fatherhood grantee programs, toxic stress and trauma, and couples and family systems theory to create a list of possible additions and interventions to current curricula.
  • Require all staff to have a minimal level of training in trauma informed care.
  • Allow people to repeat a class who are having problem with relapse.
  • Play care workers receive training in trauma informed care and given training in specific methods to deal with children with intense emotions.
  • Require programs to be at least 20 hours long and have no more than 30 people in a class with a ratio of 1 staff to 12 participant ratio to insure the depth of the work.

By Carolyn Rich Curtis, Ph.D.,


Fwd: [New Post] The 5 Empathy Fails in Marriage (And How to Avoid Them)

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From: UnTangled <drkellyflanagan@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 6:03 AM
Subject: [New Post] The 5 Empathy Fails in Marriage (And How to Avoid Them)
To: Bill <billcoffin68@gmail.com>

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The 5 Empathy Fails in Marriage (And How to Avoid Them)

By Dr. Kelly Flanagan on Apr 01, 2015 03:00 am

Empathy is the foundation of any authentic connection. It’s the bedrock of togetherness, the fuel of compassion, and the mortar of grace. We must hone our ability to feel it and to give it. But empathy can be elusive, for at least five reasons…


Photo Credit: erix! via Compfight cc

Dusk is closing in when I arrive home from work and walk in the back door.

Some nights, all is well when I get home—my wife is happy and the kids are smiling. But some nights, my wife is tired and worn thin after a long day at work and the onslaught of demands for food and attention. Some nights, my oldest son is anxious and fretting about homework and standardized testing. Some nights, my younger son is distraught about the inevitable injustices of a middle child. Some nights, my daughter will settle for nothing less than a Daddy mirror—a father who will show his interest by reflecting all her energy and joy.

Some nights, everyone wants a little empathy and, some nights, I don’t want to give it.

Some nights, I get home, and I want someone to notice how tired I am, to soothe my anxiety, to correct the injustices done to me, and to mirror me. I could embrace my fatigue, fear, anger, and neediness as common emotional ground and I could reach out and connect in the midst of that shared experience.  But, some nights, I don’t.

Because even for psychologists, empathizing with the people we love is hard to do. And it’s particularly hard to empathize with the person we’ve promised to love for better or worse, for at least five reasons:

  1. I don’t want to go first. In any relationship, both members need empathy. But at any given moment, empathy is unidirectional—it can only flow in one direction at a time. Which means someone has to go first. Someone has to be willing to meet the needs of the other, before their own needs are met.
  2. I don’t agree with you. Empathy requires us to place ourselves in another person’s shoes, to allow our hearts to beat to the rhythm of theirs. We often fundamentally disagree with their perspective, and so we are tempted to debate them intellectually, rather than join them emotionally.
  3. What if I get it wrong? When we try to place ourselves squarely inside of someone else’s emotional landscape, it can be a little scary. It’s unfamiliar territory. They are inviting us in, but what if we get it all wrong? Empathy can be terrifying if we have any perfectionism within us.
  4. I don’t want to feel that. On the other hand, you might know exactly what your partner is feeling. It may bring up thoughts and feelings in you that you would prefer to avoid. If we don’t want to feel our own sadness, we won’t want to feel sadness on behalf of the person we love.
  5. It’s not my job to fix you. We confuse empathy with “fixing.” We think we have to do something to take the emotion away, and we don’t want to be put on that hot-seat. Or some of us will have the opposite reaction: I’m going to fix you. But this undermines our ability to provide empathy, as well. Because empathy is not fixing. Empathy is joining.

If we want to give empathy in our relationships, we will have to sacrifice some values we hold dear:

We will have to be willing to lose, because it will feel like losing. Our partner’s needs are being met before our own, and our ego doesn’t like that. Yet, when our egos lose, our hearts win.

We will have to put aside all of our intellectual debates. Empathy is not a matter of deciding who is right and wrong. It is simply a matter of finding an emotional common ground.

We have to be willing to get it wrong, because we will get it wrong. Empathy is messy. There are no three-easy-steps to accurately understanding the person we love. We have to be okay when our partner tells us we’re not getting it. And then we have to try again.

We need to embrace our discomfort, because empathy will take us into some uncomfortable place within ourselves. If we are unwilling to go there, we may need to stop talking to our spouse and start talking to a therapist of our own.

And we have to quit trying to fix things. There will be a time for that later. For now, empathy is about connecting within an experience, not making the experience go away.

I wish I could tell you I always find my way to empathy with my family, but I can’t. Some nights I do and some nights I don’t. And you won’t always find your way to empathy, either. But that’s okay. That’s not the point. The point is that we begin to try.

Because empathy isn’t just for therapists, it’s for all of us.

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*This post is adapted from an archived post.


Audio: Audio will be unavailable in March, while I’m finishing a book proposal.

Next Post: Home is Where the Grace Is

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Disclaimer: My writings represent a combination of my own personal opinions and my professional experiences, but they do not reflect professional advice. Interaction with me via the blog does not constitute a professional therapeutic relationship. For professional and customized advice, you should seek the services of a counselor who can dedicate the hours necessary to become more intimately familiar with your specific situation. I do not assume liability for any portion or content of material on the blog and accept no liability for damage or injury resulting from your decision to interact with the website.

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Fwd: Are You The Chief Listening Officer Of Your Company?

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From: Ken Gosnell <ken.gosnell@c12group.com>
Date: Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 10:52 AM
Subject: Are You The Chief Listening Officer Of Your Company?
To: billcoffin68@gmail.com

Are You The Chief Listening Officer Of Your Company?

Ken Gosnell here. After two decades in business I am confident to make the following statement.  To build a great company for a greater purpose, the company must be led by great leaders who are great listeners.  Here is a key question for you to consider today: Am I the Chief Listening Officer of my company?  

This month at our C12 Roundtables I will be leading a discussion of CEO's on how to enhance and improve our listening skills in every area of our life.  Here is a truth that you know.  Our performance and potential as leaders can be severely hampered by our limited listening skills.  

I am putting on the finishing touches in preparation of our first roundtable next week but I would like you help.  I will be sending a "CEO listening survey" out tomorrow and I would love to get your feedback on how and who you should be listening to in your organization.  

But for today, I wanted to leave you with a little inspiration.  Watch the short video by Jeffrey Immelt (CLO - Chief Listening Officer of GE). The video highlights the importance of listening as a leader.  Catch his last statement where he states, "In all of my years of leadership, I have not met a single leader of a great organization who was not a good listener."  Wow.  That should motivate us to be a better listener today.


Jeff Immelt on listening
Jeff Immelt on listening

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Fwd: Weekly Update of UK Marriage News - No 15.12

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From: "Dave and Liz Percival" <dave@2-in-2-1.co.uk>
Date: Mar 30, 2015 10:28 AM
Subject: Weekly Update of UK Marriage News - No 15.12
To: "info@2-in-2-1.co.uk" <info@2-in-2-1.co.uk>

Welcome to this week’s UK Marriage News


First of all a big thank you to all those who got in touch last week when we announced that we couldn’t bring you the news for IT reasons. I’m pleased to say that those problems are all now resolved, and this week’s news has all the best bits in from the last two weeks.



·         New relationship support offered to expectant parents

·         Why some couples remain ‘committed unmarrieds’

·         In our darkest hours


Government and Political

·         New relationship support offered to expectant parents

Couples expecting a baby are to be given professional coaching on how becoming parents may change their relationship, as a part of a new support pilot. Midwives and health visitors will be given training from charity OnePlusOne on how to include relationship education into their existing antenatal and postnatal care programmes in eight areas of the country.


As part of the new perinatal project, health workers will prepare people for the impact that having a baby will have on their relationship, offer advice on dealing with conflict and tell couples about further specialist support services in their area. The perinatal pilots are part of an £8 million cash injection for the new financial year, benefiting a total of eight separate relationship support projects around the country.


DWP Minister Steve Webb said: “Becoming a parent is unquestionably one of the most rewarding things anyone can do, but it also exposes parents to a unique set of pressures which, unless properly managed, can test the strongest of relationships. By providing this support at an early stage of parenthood, people will understand how and why their relationship has changed, giving them a far better chance of resolving their differences.”


OnePlusOne director Penny Mansfield CBE said: “OnePlusOne has demonstrated the value of training health practitioners to support couple relationships, utilising their expertise and valuable time with new parents during the often challenging period after having a baby through extensive research over the past 20 years. “In this pilot we are delighted to be working together with our partners – IHV, NSPCC, and NCT – to make the most of the opportunities available during antenatal and postnatal contact. With the right knowledge and skills these key frontline practitioners can prepare mothers and fathers for the changes that parenthood brings, offer practical help in managing changes to their relationship and signpost to help at an early stage if that’s what’s needed.”


The new perinatal pilot is being delivered by relationship support charity OnePlusOne and is one of the measures that have come out of the cross government Family Stability Review. This revealed that becoming a parent is one of the most high risk periods for causing stress between couples, which can lead to separation. Research shows that by providing support in both the lead up to the birth of a child and in the weeks that follow, relationships stand a better chance of surviving.


The projects will be held in:

Croydon Health Services NHS Trust

Derby Hospitals NHS Trust

Suffolk County Council and Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust

Leicestershire Partnership Trust

Nottingham City Care

South Tyneside Foundation Trust

St Helens and Knowsley NHS Trust

Sunderland Royal Hospital


·         Link between relationships and health is ignored in the NHS

A new Relate campaign calls for relationships to be put at the heart of the NHS to improve health and wellbeing and reduce pressure on the public purse:

·         Only half (51%) of people with a life-limiting health problem or who are disabled and have received professional support say it has taken relationships into account effectively

·         A huge majority (91%) say they are not aware that relationship support is available for people with health problems or those who are disabled

·         Around 1 in 4 say their life-limiting health problem or disability has impacted negatively on relationships with partners, friends, family or colleagues

·         People with a life-limiting health problem or who are disabled are more likely to report a 'bad' relationship with partners

·         Relate launches 'The Best Medicine' campaign, calling on central and local government to put relationships at the heart of the NHS


The link between relationships and health is too often ignored in the NHS, finds a new report released today by leading relationships charity, Relate and think tank, New Philanthropy Capital (NPC).  The report calls for couple, family and social relationships to be put at the heart of the NHS. Ultimately, claims the report, this will improve health and wellbeing for the 15 million people in the UK* living with long term physical or mental health conditions and reduce pressure on the public purse.


The charity has also released results from two YouGov polls today. Despite clear evidence that good quality relationships can prevent, delay or minimise the effects of health conditions, only half (51%) of those with a life-limiting health problem or who are disabled and have received professional support said it has taken their relationships into account effectively.  A further 21% said they feel the support they received hasn't considered their relationships at all.


The results also illustrated how the effects of living with health conditions are impacting the nation's relationships.  Around 1 in 4 people with a life-limiting health problem or who are disabled said their condition has impacted negatively on relationships they have or have had with partners (24%), friends (25%), family (23%) or colleagues (33%).** In the second survey, the same group was found to be more likely to report a 'bad' relationship with their partners (5%) than other respondents (2%), and more likely to report having no close friends (13% compared to 7%).


Relate is today launching 'The Best Medicine', a new campaign which calls for a more 'relational' health system. The charity is recommending:

·         A Government inquiry into how the true value of relationships can be recognised in the NHS.

·         The Health Secretary to become the Health and Wellbeing Secretary, with relationships and quality of life for carers and people with health and care needs explicitly in his team's remit. 

·         Clinical commissioning groups and local authorities to undertake a 'family test' when considering new local policies.


The campaign is being supported by a host of charities including Mind, The Stroke Association, Alzheimer's Society, Prostate Cancer UK, Breast Cancer Care, the National AIDS Trust, Body and Soul, Headway, The James Whale Trust for Kidney Cancer, The Mental Health Foundation and The British Lung Foundation.


The Best Medicine will raise awareness of the critical link between relationships and the nation's health and wellbeing.  For example, 55% of people who have been in a relationship said that it has helped them to better manage their health condition or disability.  Yet when we need our relationships most, it's clear that the effects of having a physical or mental health condition can pile on the pressure. Excellent relationship support is out there to help, but too few people get access to it and a staggering 91% of those polled weren't aware of it.


Ruth Sutherland, Chief Executive of Relate, believes the status quo must change. She said: "Relationships are good for our health, and health can impact on our relationships, but this clear link isn't reflected in NHS policy. In a time of huge pressure on public spending, and when health conditions are the main cause of increased demand on the NHS, it makes no sense to leave relationships out of the picture. We need to find new ways to prevent and manage long term conditions. Today's report shows that relationships could hold some of the answers. That's why Relate is calling on national and local government to put relationships at the heart of the NHS.  I'm asking everyone to sign our petition today to help make excellent relationship support more accessible at the point of diagnosis and beyond. We've got the opportunity to improve millions of lives here, as well as our society as a whole."


Dan Corry, Chief Executive at NPC said: "I think we all suspect that few things are more important to good health than having good friends and good relationships. But we have not always been clear how strong that link is. Now this report brings together the sound, reliable research into just how important relationships are to the health of the nation. Policy makers and charities need to read it and respond."


·         MPs Call for Parenting Support to Increase Social Mobility

Following a cross-party Parliamentary Inquiry into the key issue of parenting and social mobility, focusing on the potential for enhancing parenting support, the All Party Parliamentary Group on Parents, Families and Social Mobility has published its report. Key points include:

·         Parenting is a key factor in determining a child’s life chances, with successful parenting support programmes able to contribute strongly to improving social mobility

·         Parenting support is fragmented across the UK with little leadership from national government

·         The female dominance of the early years workforce has led to engagement with families being designed and implemented that best suit the environmental preferences, language and personal circumstances of women, often causing men to be alienated

·         There can be stigma attached to parenting classes, but this can be overcome with the promotion of parenting advice becoming the norm

·         Parenting support is all too often focused on parental behaviours and techniques rather than the quality of the parents’ relationship and the impact this has on a child’s life chances


In response to these findings, the Inquiry is now calling on government to:

·         Develop and implement a national parenting support campaign, based on locally designed trials, and based on national – local partnerships and for roll out as funding allows

·         Create a Minister for Families, to work across government departments on policy areas that impact on families

·         Strengthen the ‘Family Test’ to promote strong family relationships and support parenting skills


·         Parliamentary group outlines reform agenda for children's centres

MPs and peers are calling on the next government to implement a five-point improvement plan to boost the support children’s centres can offer families reports CYPNow. The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Sure Start Children’s Centres’ pre-election report says reform is needed as centres continue to face increased demand from families and pressure on their resources. It calls for improvements in information sharing to address the challenge centres face accessing data from across health and social care.


A reluctance among councils to give centres local birth data is a particular concern. The group points to latest data from The Children’s Society that shows half of councils are not sharing live birth data with centres. According to the society, just 15 per cent of councils currently register births at children’s centres.


Centres should also be at “the heart of local service provision”, says the group, which wants to see centres used more as children and family hubs offering support to families of teenagers as well as toddlers and babies, and as recommended by 4Children.


The next government should also launch a national birth registration pilot at centres. If successful, the APPG wants to see this rolled out nationwide. Its report says: “Delivering birth registration services more widely across the network would play an important role in enabling children’s centres to extend their reach and help more families.”


The way centres are assessed also needs to be overhauled, with integrated inspections by both Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission to take into account the breadth of health, family support and education services at centres. Ofsted confirmed last month it is in talks with the Department for Education about revamping the way centres are inspected. It also calls on the next government to make centres more “appealing places for practitioners to build careers”. The APPG wants to see clearer career paths and qualifications for centre workers.


APPG chair Lyn Brown MP said: “Children’s centres are vital to supporting and transforming the life chances of children and families across the country. We are calling on the next government to help centres fulfil their huge potential. “This report is a Sure Start blueprint for the next government, ready and waiting to be implemented. “I am thrilled that we have all-party agreement on the way forward. From sharing live birth data to expanding children’s centres into holistic family hubs, the next government can look at this plan to help make a real difference for families, through a network of centres already at their disposal.”


Helen Berresford, director of public affairs at the charity 4Children, which provides the secretariat for the APPG, said: “This report gives the next government good food for thought on what the future of Sure Start children’s centres could look like. “Any new government should see Sure Start for what it is – one of the best ways we can support children and families, rooted in the heart of their communities.”

Last month, the Labour Party unveiled plans to boost children’s centres’ role in childcare provision. It wants to see 50,000 new childcare places at centres, citing latest estimates from 4Children that more than 1,000 centres have space for more childcare.


·         General Election 2015: Lib Dems pledge global same-sex marriage rights

British embassies around the world would be given the power to perform same-sex marriages – even if one partner was not a British citizen, under proposals to be included in the Liberal Democrat manifesto says the Independent.


In an attempt to appeal to LGBT voters who have deserted the party since it joined the Coalition, the Liberal Democrats will attempt to put gay equality at the heart of their election campaign. This will include a policy pledge that, under a Government including the Lib Dems, the Foreign Office would be told to use its diplomatic network to push for decriminalisation of homosexuality in countries where it is illegal.


This would prove controversial, particularly in countries like Uganda, where British pronouncements on gay rights have already been condemned as imperialist. Critics will claim that it could have a detrimental effect on other aspects of UK foreign policy. Offering same-sex marriage and civil partnership ceremonies to British citizens abroad would provide parties protection under UK civil law – rights which would not be recognised in host countries where same-sex unions are not permitted.


In an article for Independent Voices, the party’s Foreign Affairs Spokesman, Tim Farron, and Home Office Minister, Lynne Featherstone, said it was important that LGBT rights were not just “on paper”.

“LGBT rights are human rights: we do something about it,” they wrote. “This commitment is the culmination of the work that so many in our party have already been part of in Government.  In the months and years ahead, we must continue to use our influence to end the persecution and extend the freedom of LGBT citizens, both here and abroad.”


The Lib Dems admitted that the policy of using the Foreign Office could have undesirable consequences, but said that could be offset by supporting LGBT-rights movements around the world. “We will use our aid and diplomatic networks to work with and link up local campaigners and global voices... engaging with the private sector and the World Bank to make the case for LGBT equality as a force for economic as well as social good.”


Previous attempts by the Government to link gay rights with diplomacy – and British foreign aid – have led to accusations of interference. In 2011, David Cameron said that those countries receiving British aid should respect gay rights. His remarks – not aimed at any particular country – led the Ugandan Government to accuse Mr Cameron of showing an “ex-colonial mentality”. “Uganda is, if you remember, a sovereign state and we are tired of being given these lectures by people,” said a spokesman.


Research and Public Opinion

·         Why some couples remain ‘committed unmarrieds’

It’s the opposite of ‘conscious uncoupling’. Welcome to the world of ‘committed unmarrieds': couples who are committed to one another, but not to the institution of marriage says Maybeido. While many people cohabit to ‘try before they buy’, there’s a subset of people who actively resist marriage in the first place. And a study in an upcoming edition of the Journal of Family Issues on committed heterosexual couples who have no intention of marrying attempts to answer why people are actively saying ‘I don’t’.


The study, which included interviews with 45 couples ranging in age from 23 to 70 who had been together for more than a year, found many rejected marriage on political grounds. Their objections ranged from the origins of marriage as a form of property exchange to the notion of a wife being a domestic slave.


This traditional notion of marriage, for one woman, reflected her recent experience rather than a relic from some dim distant past. In her previous marriage she was expected to play the role of a 1950s housewife and, as such, she wasn’t prepared to risk repeating that in her new relationship. “It sort of seemed like, when I got married, I suddenly became a possession with my ex and… I should have been like his mother, working full-time, plus coming home and taking care of the house and everything else, while he got to come home and sit and watch TV and other fun things like that,” she told the researchers.


Unpicking the rituals of engagements and weddings is enough to give any woman the wrong kind of heart palpations. The symbolism of a father walking his daughter down the aisle and then handing her over to another man is quite outrageous. Yes, yes, I can hear people saying that the cultural meaning of the bridal walk has changed. But, when you pare it back to basics, it’s still one man giving a woman to another man.


When Prince William asked Kate Middleton’s father for permission to marry her people thought it was sweet. Not only do these antiquated rituals go unquestioned, we still think it’s romantic to treat grown women like children- or property. If we cling to traditional gender power imbalances in the pre-marriage stage, you can’t blame women for fearing it will rear its ugly head after the ring is on the finger.


Full disclosure, I am happily married and I was pleasantly surprised by the additional sense of security and companionship that came with our public declaration of commitment. But you don’t have to look very hard to see examples of how marriage, if left unexamined, can be a slippery slope of female disempowerment. For example, a male acquaintance recently told my husband- without any apparent irony- that he should buy me a Thermomix because it would mean I’d get his dinner cooked on time.


Other participants in the study likened the decision not to wed to an act of ‘civil disobedience’- a stance against the fact marriage is, in most parts of the world, a heterosexual club. “I wouldn’t sit at a segregated lunch counter. I’m not gonna get married if it’s not legal for everybody”, one respondent said.


For other couples, their politics of marriage was less about the plans of state and more to do with the seating plan. One couple told the researchers their resistance came down to logistics- keeping warring relatives apart- and the fact his mother “refused to attend a nonreligious ceremony”.


For others, modern weddings have become a gauche commercial spectacular that they can do without. And given the average spent on an Australian wedding in 2011 was $36,200 (the average in the United States in 2013 was $29,858), you can’t blame them.


Other couples just couldn’t see the point of marriage, considering it meaningless, and didn’t think it would add anything to their relationship. My friend Carolyn, for example, never got around to marrying her long-term partner and now that they have two school-aged children they see no reason to have a wedding. “If we got married after all these years everyone would suspect that one of us has had an affair,” Carolyn says. “Something really terrible would have to have happened to justify asking all our friends to arrange all that babysitting.”


Just over 10 per cent of Australians are living in de facto relationships. And the research suggests de facto couples are six times more likely to split up than married couples.


But an increased likelihood of staying together is not necessarily a glowing endorsement for the institution of marriage- particularly if it can transform modern women into 1950s housewives with Thermomixes.


·         Are humans hardwired to break-up and move on?

A Saint Louis University research review article suggests people are hardwired to fall out of love and move onto new romantic relationships reports Science Daily. "Our review of the literature suggests we have a mechanism in our brains designed by natural selection to pull us through a very tumultuous time in our lives," said Brian Boutwell, Ph.D., associate professor of criminology and criminal justice and associate professor of epidemiology at Saint Louis University. "It suggests people will recover; the pain will go away with time. There will be a light at the end of the tunnel."


Boutwell and his colleagues examined the process of falling out of love and breaking up, which they call primary mate ejection, and moving on to develop a new romantic relationship, which they call secondary mate ejection.


Drawing largely upon the field of evolutionary psychology, they say men and women might break up for different reasons. For instance, a man is more likely to end a relationship because a woman has had a sexual relationship with another man. For evolutionary reasons, men should be wired to try and avoid raising children that aren't genetically their own, the authors say. "Men are particularly sensitive to sexual infidelity between their partner and someone else," Boutwell said. "That's not to say women don't get jealous, they certainly do, but it's especially acute for men regarding sexual infidelity."


On the other hand, a woman may be more likely to break up if her partner has been emotionally unfaithful partly because of evolutionary reasons. Over the deep time of evolution, natural selection has designed mate ejection in females to avoid the loss of resources, such as help in raising a child and physical protection, that their mates provide.


Sometimes both men and women end a relationship for the same reason. "For instance, neither gender tends to tolerate or value cruelty on the part of their partner," Boutwell said.


In addition, some people might be more likely than others to fall out of love or have problems moving. The ability to break up and find someone new to love lies along a continuum, influenced by environmental and genetic factors.


Brain imaging studies of men and women who claimed to be deeply in love also provided important clues about dealing with breakups. Functional MRIs showed an increase in neuronal activity in the parts of the brain -- the pleasure areas -- that also become active with cocaine use.


"Helen Fisher's work has revealed that this circuitry in the brain, which is deeply associated with addictive behaviours, also is implicated in the feelings associated with romantic attraction and may help explain the attachment that often follows the initial feelings of physical infatuation with a potential mate. Think of it as that initial feeling of falling in love, when you want to constantly be around the other person, almost in an addictive way," Boutwell said.


Falling out of love, Boutwell contends, might be compared to asking a cocaine addict to break his or her habit. "To sever that bond and move on is a huge ask of a person," he said. "Ultimately, trying to move on from a former mate may be similar in some ways to an attempt at breaking a drug habit."


Building off the drug addiction analogy, Boutwell examined studies about the brains of former cocaine addicts to try to predict how the brains of those who are breaking a relationship habit might look. Images of the brains of those no longer using cocaine showed a larger volume of grey matter in various brain regions, which were markedly different from images of brains of active cocaine users. "We might argue that different regions of the brain act in a way that once that addiction has been severed, then help to facilitate a person moving on and finding a new partner," Boutwell extrapolated. "A person might initially pursue their old mate -- in an attempt to win back their affection. However, if pursuit is indeed fruitless, then the brains of individuals may act to correct certain emotions and behaviours, paving the way for people to become attracted to new mates and form new relationships."


Conducting functional MRI studies that examine the brains of men and women who have rebounded from a relationship and fallen in love again would provide additional evidence to lend credibility to or dismiss the addiction hypothesis, he added.


In an additional attempt to understand what is going on inside the brain when a relationship ends, Boutwell examined research regarding the impact of a group of antidepressant medications called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) on romantic love. The use of SSRIs can potentially lower levels of dopamine, norepinephrine and testosterone, which might stifle romantic feelings and sexual interest.


"This is not to say that people should cease using their anti-depressants without consulting their doctors. That could be potentially tragic and a very bad decision," Boutwell said. "Rather, like any medication, it is important to fully understand the side effects. In this case, those side effects might impinge on the intimate feelings of one partner towards another."


Boutwell urged more research into lost love to better understand the difficulties that can creep into a romantic relationship. "If we better understand mate ejection, it may offer direct and actionable insight into ways in which couples can save a relationship that might otherwise come to stultifying and abrupt halt," he said.


·         Immediate Effect of Couple Relationship Education on Low-Satisfaction Couples: A Randomized Clinical Trial Plus an Uncontrolled Trial Replication

Couple relationship education (RE) usually is conceived of as relationship enhancement for currently satisfied couples, with a goal of helping couples sustain satisfaction says an article from Science Direct. However, RE also might be useful as a brief, accessible intervention for couples with low satisfaction. Two studies were conducted that tested whether couples with low relationship satisfaction show meaningful gains after RE. Study 1 was a three-condition randomized controlled trial in which 182 couples were randomly assigned to RELATE with Couple CARE (RCC), a flexible delivery education program for couples, or one of two control conditions. Couples with initially low satisfaction receiving RCC showed a moderate increase in relationship satisfaction (d = 0.50) relative to the control. In contrast, couples initially high in satisfaction showed little change and there was no difference between RCC and the control conditions. Study 2 was an uncontrolled trial of the Couple Coping Enhancement Training (CCET) administered to 119 couples. Couples receiving CCET that had initially low satisfaction showed a moderate increase in satisfaction (g = .44), whereas initially highly satisfied couples showed no change. Brief relationship education can assist somewhat distressed couples to enhance satisfaction, and has potential as a cost-effective way of enhancing the reach of couple interventions.


·         Intimacy and Emotion Work in Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Relationships

Knowledge about how gender shapes intimacy is dominated by a heteronormative focus on relationships involving a man and a woman says an article in Journal of Marriage and Family. In this study, the authors shifted the focus to consider gendered meanings and experiences of intimacy in same-sex and different-sex relationships. They merged the gender-as-relational perspective—that gender is co-constructed and enacted within relationships—with theoretical perspectives on emotion work and intimacy to frame an analysis of in-depth interviews with 15 lesbian, 15 gay, and 20 heterosexual couples. They found that emotion work directed toward minimizing and maintaining boundaries between partners is key to understanding intimacy in long-term relationships. Moreover, these dynamics, including the type and division of emotion work, vary for men and women depending on whether they are in a same-sex or different-sex relationship. These findings push thinking about diversity in long-term relationships beyond a focus on gender difference and toward gendered relational contexts.

·         Millions rely on grandmother

More than two million working parents would have to consider giving up their jobs completely if they were not able to rely on their own parents to help with childcare, new research suggests says the Telegraph. Almost one in five parents said they would give up work if they could not turn to the older generation for support, polling by the charity Grandparents Plus found. Meanwhile another one in six would have to cut back their hours if they could not turn to their parents for support, it showed.


The new analysis underlines the scale of Britain’s dependence on grandparents as nursery and child-minder fees rise sharply coupled with a return to the workplace by stay-at-home mothers. It follows research estimating that grandparents save families in the UK £11 billion each year in childcare costs by stepping in to help out on the domestic front.


Last week one travel firm offering breaks in hotels and resorts which ban children reported a spike in bookings from pensioners for the period immediately after the school summer holidays. Warner Leisure Hotels said grandparents increasingly appear to be booking last-minute breaks to recover from the stress of childcare over the summer holidays.


Almost half of over-55s in the UK provide some form of regular childcare support for their own children, even though many are themselves still working. Grandparents Plus is campaigning for rules allowing parents of young children to take up to four weeks a year of unpaid leave to be relaxed to allow them to pass on the entitlement to their own parents if they still work.


Although business leaders have voiced concern that any extension of flexible working would increase pressure on small firms, supporters of the change argue it could boost the economy by enabling more parents to continue working.


In the polling, by Survation, working parents were asked what they would do if their own parents were unable to help look after the children. Overall 21 per cent said they would have to find the money for extra paid childcare but almost as many, 19 per cent, said they would give up work themselves. That includes almost a quarter of working mothers and in seven fathers polled.


There are currently around 10.8 million working parents in the UK including four million families in which both parents are employed. One recent study last year showed that almost 200,000 former stay-at-home mothers had re-joined the workforce in just two years.


Sam Smethers, chief executive of Grandparents Plus said: “One in three working parents rely on grandparents for childcare but what are the political parties offering grandparents?


“It is often younger grandmothers in particular who provide the intensive childcare support and they are the ones at risk of dropping out of the labour market. But we are also seeing granddads doing more too. If we want grandparents to work longer and care more for children, we need to give them the flexibility to do it. Many parents don’t take all the unpaid leave they are entitled to. But if they could share it with a grandparent, that would help hard-pressed working grandparents to juggle work and care and our poll shows parents back our call. As an increasing number of grandparents stay in work in their mid-sixties and older we will see more working parents at risk of losing the childcare they rely so heavily on. This will see mothers dropping out of the labour market and our economy cannot afford that.”


Overseas News

·         Divorce Without Court: A Helpful Reform

State Rep. John Lesch and state Sen. Sandy Pappas recently introduced a "cooperative private divorce" bill that creates an administrative pathway to divorce that skips the court system reports Minneapolis Star-Tribune. If most divorces settle out of court and people just file paperwork for court approval, why is this such a significant reform?


Any time people are put in an adversarial position, anxiety and animosity are almost inevitable. A court proceeding is fundamentally a contest between adversaries - a win/lose battle that depends on convincing a powerful decision maker that the other person is wrong.


In our culture, the very idea of divorce has the court system in the background. People are assumed to be adversaries, and they respond with hostility in the very situation that calls for generosity of spirit. Everyone in the family law system knows the bitter court battles that result. Even more important, many of the divorce cases that settle out of court are begrudging compromises made by adversaries to avoid the risk of a judge deciding against them.


The hard work of many good people has humanized the divorce system, and Minnesota's is one of the best. But the essential nature of the adversary court system cannot be negated. It's like how we handle prostitution and drug use - diversion and treatment programs have modified the criminal system, but once an issue is assigned to the criminal system rather than the public health system, certain consequences inevitably follow. Once we decide that divorce requires a court order, we suffuse the process with conflict.


In a cooperative private divorce, people would submit a simple form online called "Intent to Divorce." After 90 days to make sure they have thought it through and have consulted with any advisers they wanted, they could submit another form called "Declaration of Divorce" that contained whatever agreements they chose to make about their children or their financial affairs. Then they would be issued a "Certificate of Divorce." That's it. Complete privacy. No judge's approval. The couple could modify their agreements or scrap the private system and go to court any time they wanted.


The most common criticism of this new system is paternalistic: Without oversight, people will screw it up. But most "mistakes" now come from lay people not always following the complex rules a judge might use to decide arguments about things like real estate. But is it really a mistake if people agree on what seems fair to them? And if they wanted to follow complex rules, they would be free to hire lawyers. People get married, raise children and write wills without court oversight. Why can't they decide how they divorce?


Once the court monopoly on divorce is ended, the private market will respond with supportive services that not only would reduce mistakes but may prevent some divorces, because the first stop for couples in trouble won't automatically be a lawyer to represent them against their spouse. We know lawyers who welcome this chance to do creative work in a non-adversarial setting.


Another objection is that some people will be pushed around without a judge to protect them. The bill contains careful warnings that the private system should be used only by people who can work together in good faith. And, as in all areas of the law, judges will retain authority to vacate private agreements obtained through misconduct.


Some experienced family lawyers contend that an administrative divorce system is unconstitutional. Legal scholars will weigh in, but it's interesting that those who say it's unconstitutional don't usually refer to a constitutional provision or a policy argument about why the Legislature lacks authority to dissolve the bond between people it created. Rather, they contend that some court might find the system unconstitutional. This is exactly what happens in the current divorce system - the discussion moves from what is the best course of action to a prediction about what a judge might do.


Everywhere you look, the tide of cultural evolution is toward empowerment and respect for individuals. It is time the divorce system got into the flow.


·         The online dating site sued for targeting married people

An online dating site that targets married people is being accused of breaking the law. A court in France must now decide whether the company is illegally encouraging spouses to cheat reports the BBC.


Is it permitted for a dating website to promote adultery, when fidelity in marriage is written into French civil law? That is the question underlying a law-suit targeting the French company Gleeden, which boasts that it is the world's leading "extra-conjugal site conceived for married women". Angered by Gleeden's provocative advertising on the public transport system, the Association of Catholic Families (ACF) has filed a civil case contesting the site's legality.


It might seem odd in this permissive age, but family lawyers agree that the ACF plea has a respectable chance of succeeding. This is because the notion of fidelity as constituting an integral part of marriage is specifically spelt out in the French civil code.


In France, all law is based on written codes (penal code, labour code, commercial code etc) which can be amended by parliament. Judges are free to interpret the codes, but their room for manoeuvre is much more limited than in a common law system like the UK's. And in Article 212 of the Civil Code, it states: "Married partners owe each other the duty of respect, fidelity, help and assistance."


"There are plenty of other websites out there which promote sexual contact between individuals, but what makes Gleeden different is that its very business model is based on marital infidelity," says Jean-Marie Andres, president of the Association of Catholic Families. "It states quite openly that its purpose is to offer married women opportunities to have sex outside the marriage. But here in France, people and parliament are all in agreement that marriage is a public commitment. It's in the law. What we are trying to do with our suit is show that the civil code - the law - has meaning."


Gleeden does not demur from the accusation that it is aimed at married women. Far from it. Married women are its unique selling point. The advertisements which caused such horror among conservatives and Catholics blatantly encourage wives to think that cheating is both permissible and fun. One poster displayed on buses and metros shows an attractive young woman in a bridal dress with her fingers crossed behind her back. The message is clear: vows are for suckers.


Founded in 2009, the website says it has 2.3 million members in Europe including one million in France. It has smaller operations in the US and other countries. Under the Gleeden model, women do not pay to be registered on the site. Men buy credit, opening up different levels of access to registered women. Though accurate information on this is impossible to obtain, Gleeden says 80% of the people who use it are indeed married.


Forthcoming conferences and events

·         Forthcoming conferences

Details of all forthcoming conferences can always be found under our listing at 2-in-2-1


Consultations and Campaigns

Below is our running list of current and recent consultations and campaigns. New items or those requiring action are highlighted. The Reference numbers are to the newsletter where we covered the subject.


Soap Box!!

·         In our darkest hours

The news this past week has been filled with the stories and horror of the Alp’s air crash – but there was one snippet that really caught my attention – it was a German man expressing sympathy for the parents of the co-pilot. He had realised that behind this tragic story, and all the media attention that it inevitably brings these days, lay the personal tragedy and trauma of a family caught up in a maelstrom of emotions and questions.


Actually that was the second example of such a situation I had come across in a week. The first involved a family whose son had just been sent to prison – a happy, normal, family suddenly rocked by the transgressions of one of their offspring. There is nothing to suggest that the parents had been poor at parenting or similar, this was a product of a very normal loving home – though I am sure that the parents will have run endlessly over what they might have done, or not done, differently over the years.


To me both these stories highlight both the responsibilities of being a parent, and the risks that having a child brings. As far as I know, in both cases, the parents had provided a loving, stable nurturing environment, had supported their offspring through the challenges of adolescence, and then seen them “launched” into adult life. And yet something still went tragically wrong…..


The risk is clear – our offspring become independent adults who may, for whatever reasons, transgress socially or legally acceptable boundaries, and in the process wreak huge collateral damage on those who have sought to nurture and protect them through life. The German pilot’s parents will forever be marked out as “that pilot’s parents” – never again will they be able to tell those stories of their offspring success that are the mainstay of so many social occasions. People will always be looking, wondering…. And so too for our friends for whom the events could have career threatening consequences….


Such pressures are huge on a couple, but perhaps just bearable – if they were placed on the shoulders of one parent alone they just might be too much. At least these couples, in the privacy of their own relationships, have someone intimately connected with every aspect of their offspring’s life to whom they can turn to help rationalise and empathise. Of course the trauma and grief they will each bear will stretch their own relationships to the limit – we each process these things in very different ways – doubtless there will be tears of anger as well as of grief, but through it all they will hopefully also realise that their spouse stands beside them, just as wounded and bloodied, but still standing and fighting beside them.


It is for times such as these, when our children inflict the deepest pain possible, that we need the unquestioning support of one who has made absolute vows of support and love – who has made the promises of marriage to walk beside us in our darkest hours.




Best wishes,

The 2-in-2-1 Team


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Fwd: 10 Actions That Children Learn From Their Parents' Marriage

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From: "MarriedPeople" <nsquires@rethinkgroup.org>
Date: Mar 20, 2015 10:00 AM
Subject: 10 Actions That Children Learn From Their Parents' Marriage
To: <billcoffin68@gmail.com>


March 20, 2015


10 Actions That Children Learn From Their Parents' Marriage


by Doug Fields – When I speak on marriage, I’m always asked if I intentionally taught my kids about marriage.

The answer is yes . . . and, no.

Yes, there are times when we’ve talked specifically about marriage (either ours or ones that our kids have observed). But, for the most part, Cathy and I have been wise enough to know that our kids are constantly watching and learning from us without us having to do a lot of talking. Our actions (both good and bad) are always teaching them about marriage.

I would be thrilled if my kids had a similar type of marriage that Cathy and I share . . . it’s definitely not perfect, but we’re both very proud of what we’ve developed over 27+ years.

Here are 10 actions that I know my kids have observed from us over the years: (Click here for the entire entry.)



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Fwd: CAREER PATHWAYS - Summary of Responses to a Request for Information

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From: Tran, Thomas (ACF) <thomas.tran@acf.hhs.gov>
Date: Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 3:21 PM
Subject: CAREER PATHWAYS - Summary of Responses to a Request for Information
To: OFA-TANF@list.nih.gov

The Departments of Education (ED), Health and Human Services (HHS), and Labor (DOL) continue our exciting work together around career pathways - both systems building and programs.  In April of 2014, we issued a joint Request for Information<https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2014/04/23/2014-09274/request-for-information-on-adoption-of-career-pathways-approaches-for-the-delivery-of-education> (RFI) to get information and recommendations about career pathways from stakeholders in the public and private sectors.

We are thrilled that a diverse group of 141 respondents from across the nation commented.  We got information about existing career pathways systems, roles and responsibilities of career pathways partners, connections to economic development strategies, how pathways systems are funded, how participant outcomes are measured, and how providers ensure that pathways stay current with labor market trends.

The interagency team has been reviewing and analyzing the responses and are happy to share this summary report with overarching themes from the RFI (insert hyperlink).  The report includes facilitators and barriers to career pathway(s) development and implementation.  It also includes promising practices and recommendations for what federal, state, tribal, and local agencies can do to support the successful development of career pathways systems.  The report concludes with an overview of key opportunities to advance some of the major recommendations in light of recent developments such as the passage of the Workforce Investment Opportunity Act.  Did you know that career pathways are referenced no fewer than 21 times in the new law?  That's an exciting opportunity for our work in this area!

Please know that the information you shared with us will be used to inform technical assistance efforts, funding opportunities, policy discussions, and other activities to support the development of career pathways systems.   So, stay tuned!


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Fwd: National Healthy Marriage Resource Center - March 2015

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From: National Healthy Marriage Resource Center <info@healthymarriageinfo.org>
Date: Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 10:55 AM
Subject: National Healthy Marriage Resource Center - March 2015
To: billcoffin68@gmail.com


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Follow the Health and Human Services Grant Forecast for the latest on forthcoming Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education Grants or follow our What’s New in the Field feed, Facebook or Twitter accounts. The current release date is April 2, 2015.


Marriage/Relationship Education (MRE) Program Development and Management ManualChapter 3 of this manual provides helpful tips on building a budget and funding your program. Topics include:


  • Assessing Program Needs in Order to Develop a Budget
  • Determining Start-Up and Operating Costs
  • Considering Factors Unique to a Marriage/Relationship Education Program
  • Funding Sources

You can download a free PDF of this resource or purchase a three-ring binder of the entire 179-page manual for only a small shipping and handling fee. Read more.

Family Strengthening Research: FY 2014 This report provides detailed summaries of major research investments by the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation’s (OPRE) Division of Family Strengthening (DFS) along with brief overviews of past projects. The featured projects cover topics that include strengthening relationships within families, supporting fatherhood, nurturing children through their families, reducing teen pregnancy, supporting youth in their transition to adulthood, and preventing family violence. The report also describes DFS’s investments in activities to disseminate rigorous research on family strengthening topics to a diverse range of stakeholders including federal and state policymakers, program administrators, researchers and intermediary organizations. This report covers OPRE-funded projects through Fiscal Year 2014. Read more.

Extension Resources to Support Relationship Education The National Extension Relationship and Marriage Education Network (NERMEN) has a new and updated website! At nermen.org you have access to NERMEN resources developed to support professionals in teaching relationship education, including the National Extension Relationship and Marriage Education Model (NERMEM) as well as ELEVATE, a new couples education curriculum. In addition, the website shares curricula, fact sheets and other resources developed by Extension designed to strengthen and enrich couple and marital relationships. Read more.


NO MORE Week: March 8-14 NO MORE is a movement to raise public awareness and engage bystanders around ending domestic violence and sexual assault. Launched in March 2013 by a coalition of leading advocacy and service organizations and major corporations, NO MORE is supported by hundreds of domestic violence and sexual assault organizations at the local, state and national levels. These organizations use NO MORE’s signature blue symbol to increase visibility and funding to address these critical issues.

NO MORE Week is a national effort to engage every individual, organization, or corporation to say NO MORE and to make domestic violence and sexual assault awareness and prevention a priority year-round. The NHMRC encourages you to utilize resources from the NO MORE campaign and our friends at the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence. Read more.

Program Listing Is your healthy marriage and relationship program listed on our websites? We have an ever-growing directory of healthy marriage and relationship education programs located across the country, with more than 80,000 combined monthly visits to our two websites. Search the program listings on Healthymarriageinfo.org and Twoofus.org to be certain your program is listed on these popular sites. Send program information and updates via email to info@healthymarriageinfo.org.

The National Healthy Marriage Resource Center (NHMRC) is a clearinghouse for high quality, balanced and timely information and resources on healthy marriage/relationships and managed by Public Strategies.


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Special Workshops: 2015 Conference on RE and Filial Methods



From: newsletter@nire.org [mailto:newsletter@nire.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 5, 2015 10:02 PM
To: billandpatcoffin@verizon.net
Subject: Special Workshops: 2015 Conference on RE and Filial Methods


 Please forward this announcement to interested professionals


Special Workshops on

Relationship Enhancement® 

and Filial Methods


The 2015 Relationship Enhancement® 

and Filial Therapy Conference


April 10-11, 2015 in Bethesda, MD


Co-Sponsored by

National Institute of Relationship Enhancement® (NIRE) and Association for Filial and Relationship Enhancement® Methods (AFREM)

CE Workshops

For the 2015 Relationship Enhancement® and Filial Therapy Conference, NIRE and AFREM are co-sponsoring three workshops on Friday April 10 and two workshops on Saturday April 11.

Friday will include two 3-hour workshops: “Working with Grief in the Relationship Enhancement Model” and “The Correspondence between the Art of Poetry and the Art of Therapy.”

Saturday Morning will feature Louise Guerney leading a 3-hour workshop entitled "Working with Parents of Children in Play Therapy."

Saturday afternoon will feature a 2-hour panel discussion / workshop entitled “Recent Developments in the Use of the Relationship Enhancement Model in France and the United States.”

Each Friday workshop and the Saturday morning workshop qualifies for 3 CE credits. 

The Saturday afternoon workshop qualifies for 2 CE credits.

Organized Friday Night Dutch Treat Dinner

This year’s traditional “Dutch Treat” dinner will be held on Friday night April 10. This well attended event always proves to be a fun time to connect and relax with friends and colleagues around the dinner table. Please join us if you can! Details below. And please RSVP so we can properly plan with the restaurant.


Registration information may be found below.

AFREM Special Workshops Registration Form

Friday Workshops

Working with Grief in the Relationship Enhancement Model

Presenter: Mary Ortwein, M.S., LMFT

Friday, April 10, 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. 3 CE credits

What part does grief play in the issues which your clients bring to Relationship Enhancement therapy?  How can recent research and theory development in the grief field inform us as therapists to better meet the needs of our clients?  How can grief theory and research help us help clients to forgive and to develop capacity for empathy?  This workshop will provide you with information to answer these questions.

Recent research and development of models for grief work well with Relationship Enhancement. This workshop will begin with a review of relevant recent grief research and theory, including work on attachment and the experience of grief, tasks and mediators of the mourning process, and signs of complicated mourning. In the second segment of this workshop, participants will work together to practice specific RE strategies (such as Coaching Deeper Empathy, Troubleshooting, Becoming, and Laundering) to help couples and families work through grief issues. The third segment of the workshop will focus on using the Tasks of Grief as a model to help couples stuck in resentment move toward forgiveness.


Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this workshop participants will be able to:

  • Apply relevant recent grief research to situations encountered in Relationship Enhancement therapy

  • Apply Relationship Enhancement strategies to deepen empathy to grief issues

  • Combine Worden's Tasks of Grief with RE Forgiveness Skill to help couples stuck in resentment

Mary Ortwein, MS., LMFT is the founder of IDEALS for Families and Communities (IFC), a mental health non-profit in Frankfort, Kentucky, which specializes in providing quality mental health services for the working poor and for those in shelters. Co-author with Bernard Guerney, Jr. of the Mastering the Mysteries of Love series of Relationship Enhancement materials and author of the Filial parent workbook, Mastering the Magic of Play, Mary is an experienced Relationship Enhancement therapist, supervisor, and trainer. She will soon complete a Master's of Pastoral Theology at St. Meinrad Seminary.

The Correspondence between the Art of Poetry and the Art of Therapy

Maryhelen Snyder, Ph.D.

Friday, April 10, 2:00 - 5:15 p.m. 3 CE credits

This workshop explores certain distinctions in the field of psychotherapy between narrative and poetry as metaphors for the consciously authored life. It is suggested that such phenomena as “self,” “relationship,” “knowledge,” and “time” are experienced differently within the dominant therapeutic discourses and the discourses associated with poetry. Five aspects of “poetic” knowledge are explored: Form (or containment); aesthetic knowing; non-identity with self; nothingness (and not knowing); and radiance. Two examples from couple therapy will be given to illustrate these aspects and the interface between this way of knowing and the lived life. This workshop will include discussion and practice as well as the presentation.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the five characteristics that characterize “poetic” knowledge

  • Distinguish between narrative and poetic ways of approaching the process of therapy

  • Enrich the therapy process by introducing aspects of “poetic” knowledge into therapeutic practice

      Maryhelen Snyder, Ph.D. has been a mental health professional for 40 years, specializing much of that time in Relationship Enhancement therapy. She has authored many professional articles and book chapters and been an adjunct professor at the University of New Mexico Medical School. She is also a poet. Her recent book "Sun in an Empty Room" has a similar focus to her therapy work, which is wildly celebrative of human beings and human possibilities.

Dinner, Friday Night, April 10, 6:30 p.m. Dutch Treat.

Following the Friday afternoon workshop, those who are interested will go out together as a group for dinner for fun, relaxation and an opportunity to connect with friends and colleagues. If you are interested in joining the group for dinner: Please be certain to sign up on the Registration Form. Advance payment is not necessary, but we do need to be able to give an accurate count to the restaurant.

Saturday Workshops

Building an Alliance with Parents of Children in Play Therapy

Louise Guerney, Ph.D.

Saturday, April 11, 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. 3 CE Credits

Working with children means also working with parents. Whether you work with children individually in play therapy, with parents alone, or with the whole family, one of the most important tasks the clinician has is effectively developing a constructive working alliance with the parents. Unfortunately, parents often are in pain themselves when they bring their children in for treatment. This results in a wide variety of responses to the therapist, including hostility, skepticism, discouragement, or a disengaged response of "I'll drop them off and you fix them." Quickly establishing and maintaining your relationship with parents as a supportive, credible and collaborative professional is the surest way to ensure that clients stay in treatment and that you experience the satisfaction of being effective in your work. This workshop will emphasize role-play demonstration s and practice dealing with difficult parents.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Establish rapport with parents in the initial intake through the use of empathy

  • Explain the nature and rationale for play or filial therapy to parents

  • Make treatment recommendations that are accepted by parents

  • Motivate active involvement of parents throughout treatment

  • Handle parental discouragement, demands for a quick fix and premature termination issues

Louise Guerney, Ph.D., is co-creator with Bernard Guerney, Ph.D. of Filial Family Therapy. She also is author of Parenting: A Skills Training Manual, a nationally recognized and widely used parenting program and, together with Virginia Ryan, of Group Filial Therapy (Jessica Kingsley, 2013).

Recent Developments in the Use of the Relationship Enhancement® Model in France and the United States

Saturday, April 11, 1:45 – 4:00 p.m. 2 CE Credits.

Moderator: Robert Brown, Ph.D. Panel Members: France Sarradon, Nicole Sarradon, Mary Ortwein.

The Institut Francophone de Relationship Enhancement (IFRE) has been a leader in creating novel ways of introducing the Relationship Enhancement (RE) model in therapeutic, educational, business and organizational settings. Most recently, France Sarradon and Nicole Sarradon have been introducing the RE model to practitioners of sex therapy in France and Germany. They also have introduced innovations on how to introduce RE more effectively in the first session when working with businesses in order to bring people to a place where they are interested and willing to participate in learning and practicing the RE skills.

Ideals for Families and Communities (IFC) has been an innovator in bringing RE to underserved populations in special need of being nurtured through the values and skills contained in the RE model. Under the leadership of Founder Mary Ortwein, IFC has brought the RE skills into schools, shelters, jails and agencies through individual counseling, community classes and groups. The goal is to provide those being served with a renewed sense of hope and possibility that they can both overcome personal difficulties and experience satisfying and healthy relationships.

This panel discussion will introduce participants to these exciting developments in the world of RE while also providing an opportunity for participants to share their own innovations and creative endeavors in using and spreading the use of the RE model.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this workshop participants will be able to:

  • Describe how the RE model can be used as a framework within which to address relationship issues involving sexual intimacy

  • Describe how the RE model can be adapted to be more effective in the context of business and organizational settings

  • Describe how RE can be effectively implemented in community settings in order to better serve underserved populations

Robert Brown, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus of the Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland and a member of the Board of IDEALS, the larger organization supporting AFREM and NIRE.

France Sarradon, is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in New Mexico. France is Clinical Director of the Relationship Enhancement® Institute of New Mexico, co-founder (with Nicole) and Scientific Director of the “Institut Francophone de la Relationship Enhancement” (IFRE), and co-founder and Master Trainer of “Listen Up!” – an RE program developed for organizational settings. France has translated RE into French and introduced RE in France. She also is trained in a wide variety of therapeutic approaches (“… and just plain in love with what RE can do!”) 

Nicole Sarradon Girbal is a psychologist and human resources specialist. Nicole is co-founder (with France) and President of (IFRE). She uses RE in many settings, both in France (and Europe) and the USA. She has been trained in and uses a wide variety of therapy approaches, including systemic and emotional approaches. (And, according to her sister France, “she is fun!”).

Mary Ortwein, MS., LMFT is the founder of IDEALS for Families and Communities (IFC), a mental health non-profit in Frankfort, Kentucky, which specializes in providing quality mental health services for the working poor and for those in shelters. Co-author with Bernard Guerney, Jr. of the Mastering the Mysteries of Love series of Relationship Enhancement materials and author of the Filial parent workbook, Mastering the Magic of Play, Mary is an experienced Relationship Enhancement therapist, supervisor, and trainer. She will soon complete a Master's of Pastoral Theology at St. Meinrad Seminary.

Registration Information

Location: The AFREM annual meeting and workshops will be held at the National Institute of Relationship Enhancement® (NIRE) conference suite on the Roof level of the Topaz House at 4400 East-West Highway, Bethesda, MD. The Topaz House is located six miles from the White House and Georgetown. NIRE is less than three blocks from the Bethesda metro stop.

Parking: Parking on Friday may be available at the Topaz House’s underground garage on a first come first served basis. There is a public parking lot at East-West Highway and Waverly Street, a block and a half from the Topaz House. Be certain to bring plenty of quarters for the public parking lot. The cost is $.75 per hour in long term parking; plan on 9 hours, i.e., $6.75. [To be safe, bring a roll of quarters, as parking rates may have gone up.] Parking is free on Saturday. On Saturday parking should be easier at Topaz House, and is free at the public parking lot.

Schedule: Each morning workshop will be 3 hours long. There will be one 15 minute break during each morning workshop. Each afternoon workshop will be 2 hours long. There will be one 15 minute break between the two Friday afternoon workshops. There will be one 15 minute break during the Saturday afternoon workshop.

Refreshments: Starting at 8:40 a.m., and available all day, each day, there will be a sidebar with fruit, coffee and tea, soda, and snacks.

CE Credits: IDEALS/NIRE is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. IDEALS/NIRE maintains responsibility for each program and its content. IDEALS/NIRE also is approved by the National Board of Certified Counselors to provide continuing education for National Certified Counselors. NBCC Provided #5560. IDEALS/NIRE is approved by the Maryland State Board of Social Workers to offer Category 1 continuing education programs for social workers. NIRE also is approved by the Association for Play Therapy to offer continuing education specific to play therapy. APT Approved Provider 95-009. IDEALS/NIRE maintains responsibility for the program. 

Each morning workshop will earn attendees 3 CE credits. Each afternoon workshop will earn attendees 2 CE credits. 

A Certificate will be issued to you attesting to your completion of each workshop attended and documenting the CE credits you have earned.

Cost: The fee for each 3-hour workshop is $60. The fee for each 2-hour workshop is $40. The fee for currently enrolled, full-time graduate students is $10.00 for each workshop, or $30 for all five workshops.

Lunch: Lunch each day is the responsibility of each participant, though arrangements will be made to provide lunch on Saturday for those who wish. The cost will be $10.00 per person. Please see the registration form below for details.

Optional Friday Night Dinner (Dutch Treat): Many participants at past AFREM annual meeting workshops have enjoyed each other’s company over dinner at a restaurant in Bethesda. We will do the same this year, on Friday, April 10 at 6:30 p.m. While prepayment is not necessary, it is necessary for planning purposes to know who plans to attend, so please indicate on the registration form that you would like to attend the dinner so that we can make appropriate arrangements and reserve table space for our group. Some participants may also choose to go out to dinner on Saturday evening, but that will not be a formally organized event.

Travel: For those coming by air: NIRE is 15 miles from Washington National, 22 miles from Baltimore-Washington, and 18 miles from Dulles Airports. For those coming by car: NIRE is two miles south of the Connecticut Avenue exit or the Wisconsin Avenue exit of the Beltway (I-495).

Municipal parking is very close and is free on Saturday (at Waverly and East-West Highway). Be certain to bring plenty of quarters to feed the meter for parking on Friday. The cost is $.75 per hour in long term parking; plan on 9 hours, i.e., $6.75. (To be safe, bring a roll of quarters!) Parking is free on Saturday. All registrants will be sent a map detailing how to reach NIRE.

Accommodations: Discounted hotel rooms are available at the Bethesda Court Hotel. To secure the discounted rate, please call 1-800-874-0050 and ask for the “NIRE” rate, which for 2015 is $129 per night Thursday through Sunday, plus a $15.00 per night fee for parking. This discounted rate is available until the hotel reaches a certain point of capacity for the respective dates, so you are advised to make reservations as early as possible. Information about alternative accommodations can be provided when you register.

For Further Information about arrangements, call Chriss Stanton at 301-680-8977.

Registration: To register, please 

(1) call NIRE at 301-680-8977 

(2) send your Registration Form by fax to 1-502-226-7088

or (3) mail your Registration Form and check to: NIRE, 4400 East-West Highway #24, Bethesda, MD 20814-4501.

Caution: Do not send credit card information via email.

Registration Form

AFREM Special Workshops Registration Form

We look forward to seeing you there!

Rob Scuka, Ph.D.
Executive Director
National Institute of Relationship Enhancement® 


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FW: Daily Meditation: True Intimacy



From: Henri Nouwen Society [mailto:maureen@henrinouwen.ccsend.com] On Behalf Of Henri Nouwen Society
Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2015 5:08 AM
To: billandpatcoffin@verizon.net
Subject: Daily Meditation: True Intimacy


Henri Nouwen Society - Daily Meditation


True Intimacy

Human relationships easily become possessive. Our hearts so much desire to be loved that we are inclined to cling to the person who offers us love, affection, friendship, care, or support. Once we have seen or felt a hint of love, we want more of it. That explains why lovers so often bicker with each other. Lovers' quarrels are quarrels between people who want more of each other than they are able or willing to give.

It is very hard for love not to become possessive because our hearts look for perfect love and no human being is capable of that. Only God can offer perfect love. Therefore, the art of loving includes the art of giving one another space. When we invade one another's space and do not allow the other to be his or her own free person, we cause great suffering in our relationships. But when we give another space to move and share our gifts, true intimacy becomes possible.

- Henri J. M. Nouwen 

For further reflection ...

"And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, and that you may be able to discern what is best..." - Ephesians 1: 9, 10 (NIV)

Comment on this Daily Meditation.

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Text excerpts taken from Bread for the Journey, by Henri J.M. Nouwen, ©1997 HarperSanFrancisco. All Scripture from The Jerusalem Bible ©1966, 1967, and 1968 Darton, Longman & Todd and Doubleday & Co. Inc. Photo by V. Dobson. Scripture chosen by L. Yeskoo.


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