A dance for daddies and their little girls Philadelphia Daily News As head of Daddy University, Austin trains at fatherhood workshops, speaks about parenting at schools, businesses and conferences, and runs a free Father's Club from 6:30 to 8:30 pm every Tuesday at the West Philadelphia YMCA, Chestnut Street near 51st ... See all stories on this topic » |
From: Council for Relationships <tip@councilforrelationships.org>
Date: Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 1:49 AM
Subject: This Week's Relationship Tip
To: billcoffin68@gmail.com
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From: Better Marriages (ACME) <huntpriscilla53@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 12:01 PM
Subject: Valentine's Day - Are You Ready?
To: billcoffin68@gmail.com

The Systemic Relationship Between Relationship and Marriage ... The Systemic Relationship Between Relationship and Marriage Education and Depression ... and Marriage Education Network (NERMEN) has identified self- ... www.alabamamarriage.org/documents/research/.../5.pdf |
From: Joanne Bauer joanneb@dioceseoffresno.org>
Date: Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 7:02 PM
Subject: family life -diocesan-recognized organizations
To: Bill Coffin billcoffin68@gmail.com>
You may be interested in looking at the website of St. Anthony Retreat Center: http://stanthonyretreatcenter.homestead.com/2009retreats.html
Blessings and much gratitude,
Sr. Joanne
Sr. Joanne Bauer, CSC
Family Life Coordinator
Office of Ministries
1550 N. Fresno St.
Fresno, CA 93703
From: National Marriage Week USA <sheila@nationalmarriageweekusa.org>
Date: Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 2:36 PM
Subject: Look what's happening with National Marriage Week USA (This is the week!)
To: billcoffin68@gmail.com

Good News!
National Marriage Week USA is raising the tide to floats all boats--including yours!
Take a look at what is happening for National Marriage Week USA (This is the week!)
Like us on Facebook, and help build social media by forwarding the items down below!
U.S. Congressmen made floor statements from the U.S. House of Representatives on behalf of National Marriage Week USA (Feb. 7-14) .
An Inaugural Reception at the U.S. Capital. Check out the photo gallery.
Governors' Proclamations in 2012
Oklahoma lawmakers declare Marriage Week
Help increase Social Media for marriage at Sheila Weber's FOX NEWS commentary, which was number 4 and 5 on Google news this week! Click comment and share at "A New Path to Upward Mobility--Get Married and Stay Married"
A great overview story in The Washington Times. Feb. 5, 2012: "The third annual National Marriage Week USA begins Tuesday amid a tumultuous state of the union..."
In The Atlantic: "The Death (and Life) of Marriage in America"
"National Marriage Week USA kicks off today, and for many people, a national booster movement for marriage could not come any sooner..."
KLOVE Radio News Story
The Christian Post: "What Can Christians Do to Strengthen their Marriage?" Feb. 8, 2012
The Christian Post: "162 Reasons to Marry," Feb. 10, 2012
Examiner: "It's National Marriage Week this week: What have you done about it?"
USCCB--An initiative of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
The Date Night Challenge is now in 850 churches! Created in partnership with National Marriage Week USA, and it's still growing! Get info about this 2-hour webcast with Dr. Greg Smalley and comedian Jeff Allan at www.focusonthefamily.com/datenight
CAMPUS OUTREACH: Five ads for a College POSTER Campaign were created and used during National Marriage Week USA, at 19 universities (including 5 Ivy League). At least 5000 posters placed.
View them and use them at http://loveandfidelity.org/default.aspx?ID=9
Campus events listing during National Marriage Week USA through our partnership with the Love and Fidelity Network
Our NATIONAL CALENDAR is burgeoning and growing! Thank you for posting your events and being a part of a national movement of marriage education to sweep the country!
Post your event or Locate an event near you.
Below is only a small sampling of friends who got media using National Marriage Week USA!
TV News Coverage in Boston:
A story about National Marriage Week USA working at the local level. Generate your own story--create celebrations in towns all across America! A local group creates and publicizes a National Marriage Week USA Celebration!
Your TANGO experts say "I Do" to National Marriage Week!
Marriage Works celebrates National Marriage Week USA
Build your own National Marriage Week USA campaign!
Grab our BANNER AD here and post it on your site. Or our LOGO!
Help spread the word! Let's Strengthen Marriage!
Sheila Weber
Executive Director, National Marriage Week USA
From: Sheila Weber <sheila@nationalmarriageweekusa.org>
Date: Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 9:23 AM
Subject: Nicholas Kristoff in today's NYT about marriage
To: Cpstetson <cpstetson@aol.com>, Jeff Kemp <jeff.kemp@strongerfamilies.org>, Bill Coffin <billcoffin68@gmail.com>
Nicholas Kristoff in today’s New York Times, entitled “The White Underclass.” Aside from highlighting other social issues, Kristoff writes about marriage:
Persistent poverty is America’s great moral challenge, but it’s far more than that.
As a practical matter, we can’t solve educational problems, health care costs, government spending or economic competitiveness so long as a chunk of our population is locked in an underclass. Historically, “underclass” has often been considered to be a euphemism for race, but increasingly it includes elements of the white working class as well……
…..Then there’s the eclipse of traditional family patterns. Among white American women with only a high school education, 44 percent of births are out of wedlock, up from 6 percent in 1970, according to Murray.
Liberals sometimes feel that it is narrow-minded to favor traditional marriage. Over time, my reporting on poverty has led me to disagree: Solid marriages have a huge beneficial impact on the lives of the poor (more so than in the lives of the middle class, who have more cushion when things go wrong).
One study of low-income delinquent young men in Boston found that one of the factors that had the greatest impact in turning them away from crime was marrying women they cared about. As Steven Pinker notes in his recent book, “The Better Angels of Our Nature”: “The idea that young men are civilized by women and marriage may seem as corny as Kansas in August, but it has become a commonplace of modern criminology….”
….. The pathologies are achingly real. But the solution isn’t finger-wagging, or averting our eyes — but opportunity.
Calling for a national movement of marriage education,
Yours for marriage,
Sheila Weber
Executive Director, National Marriage Week USA
From: newsletter@nire.org [mailto:newsletter@nire.org]
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2012 9:03 PM
To: billandpatcoffin@verizon.net
Subject: Upcoming Mastering the Mysteries of Love Workshops for Couples
Please come, or pass this along to others!
Also, please send this out to any list serves you may be on.
Mastering the Mysteries of Love
Weekend Workshops for Couples
The National Institute of Relationship Enhancement® is offering the Mastering the Mysteries of Love version of the Relationship Enhancement® Program for couples in addition to the classic version of the RE Program.
Upcoming dates:
- February 18-19, 2012 - Mastering the Mysteries of Love with Carrie Hansen, LCSW-C
- March 17-18, 2012 - Mastering the Mysteries of Love with Joan Liversidge, LCMFT
- April 21-22, 2012 - Mastering the Mysteries of Love with Carrie Hansen, LCSW-C
- June 2-3, 2012 - Mastering the Mysteries of Love with Joan Liversidge, LCSW-C
Cost is $450 per couple.
Further information can be found at www.nire.org.
Research: The RE Program and Mastering the Mysteries of Love is backed by 35 years of empirical research validating its effectiveness. In addition, an award-winning meta-analytic study involving thousands of couples and over a dozen approaches, demonstrated that RE clients showed far more powerful improvement effects than clients in any of the other interventions for couples or families with which it was compared.
Description: Couples spend two days learning 10 practical skills that deepen connection and empower them to resolve current and future problems on their own.
The skills you and your partner learn will help you:
- establish a constructive, cooperative atmosphere for resolving difficult relationship issues
- foster increased openness and trust
- reduce defensiveness, anger and withdrawal
- express your deepest feelings, concerns and desires openly, honestly and safely
- nurture deepened caring and compassion
- increase love and affection
- create solutions to conflicts at their deepest levels
- successfully implement agreed-to solutions and behavioral changes
The weekend program usually numbers between 4-10 couples in order to maintain a more intimate atmosphere. It also features significant time for private couples' exercises and dialogues, which part of the time are facilitated by trained coaches.
The program is non-residential and meets on Saturday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and on Sunday from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Information on discounted hotel room rates for those visiting from out of town are available upon registration. Snacks and beverages are provided; participants have lunch on their own.
For further information, or to register, please call NIRE at 301-986-1479.
Fax: 301-680-3756
Email: niremd@nire.org
NIRE - Administrative Office
12500 Blake Road
Silver Spring, MD 20904-2056
If you register by fax or mail, please include your name, address, home and work phone numbers, and the dates for which you are registering.
Payment may be made either by check or credit card. Registrations by fax must be accompanied by a credit card number.
If payment is made with a credit card number, please write your name exactly as it appears on the card, the expiration date and your signature.
Please note: It is not safe to send credit card information via email.
powered by phplist v 2.10.12, © tincan ltd
From: National Marriage Week USA <sheila@nationalmarriageweekusa.org>
Date: Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 11:22 AM
Subject: Big News from National Marriage Week USA (this is the week)
To: billcoffin68@gmail.com

FOX NEWS commentary by National Marriage Week USA executive director Sheila Weber was number 5 on google news yesterday! "A New Path to Upward Mobility--Get Married and Stay Married." Full text below.
On February 7, 2012, U.S. Congressional Representatives spoke for 45 minutes on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives to commend Americans to celebrate National Marriage Week USA. Elected officials encouraged Americans to strengthen their own marriages, to promote the benefits of marriage for our nation, and to encourage caring citizens to reach out and help others. Photos from a U.S. Congressional Reception and the video of floor statements are on the home page of www.NationalMarriageWeekUSA.org.
A new path to upward mobility -- get married and stay married
By Sheila Weber
Published February 07, 2012
Marriage, we have just learned, is a major cause of the growing great divide among American upper and lower classes.
Last week, in advance of National Marriage Week USA (Feb. 7-14), I took note of fresh news about marriage that should make every American stand up in alert attention.
In mid-January, the Pew Research Center told us 72% of all adults ages 18 and older were married in 1960; but today just 51% are--a record low.
This means fewer folks are getting married, or staying married--not a great sign since research proves children (our future citizens) do best when raised with both parents. It's also not a great sign, since we need to replenish our younger population in order to maintain fiscal provision for the aging baby boom generation.
Then a new book, "Coming Apart," by Charles Murray, says that a retreat from marriage among the working class is a key factor in the growing economic divide in America.
Murray says that marriage is more or less holding its own among the upper middle and upper class, but falling off a cliff among the working class and lower class. Perhaps Occupy Wall Street should take notice.
"Coming Apart" cites statistics from a theoretical upper-middle class town, showing 99% of children lived with both biological parents in 1962 and 84% of children did so in 2004.
Admittedly that’s a drop, but nothing compared to the theoretical working class town where 96% of children lived with both parents in 1962 yet only 37% did so in 2004.
Research is overwhelming on the fact that this disadvantages children on an enormous scale--think increased teen pregnancies, increased prison populations, and children who grow up with no modeling for how to attain healthy marriage in the next generation.
So what can be done? New York Times columnist David Brooks, who cites "Coming Apart" as probably the most important book of the year, calls for a two-year mandatory national service program to teach responsible behaviors. (Murray cites a loss of the four core American values--marriage, honesty, industrious, and religion--as all contributing to the growing economic woes of the working class.)
Brad Wilcox, head of the National Marriage Project, calls for creators of film and television to promote the values by which the elite live, but because they are stuck in the grips of nonjudgmentalism, do not promote the values of marriage, hard work, obeying the law, and faith as the path to human flourishing.
In these economically challenging times, we must commit ourselves to lowering the high cost of retreat from marriage.
The Institute for American Values reports that 40 percent of all American babies are born outside of marriage today, and taxpayers spend at least $112 billion a year for divorce and unwed childbearing.
Charles Murray reports that less than 5% of white college-educated women have children outside of marriage, compared with approximately 40% of white women with just a high-school diploma.
The National Center on African American Marriages and Parenting reports that 72 percent of all African-American babies are born outside of marriage. The vast majority of men in prison are from fatherless homes. We can’t build prisons fast enough--prison population has jumped from 300,000 to 2.3 million in 3.5 decades.
Single motherhood most often impoverishes women and children.
Marriage builds the economic stability of children, supports the raising of a healthy next generation, and is a cornerstone for the economic health of our nation.
So here’s an equally compelling solution. Let’s call for a marriage education movement to sweep across the nation. Leading family therapists estimate that only 3 percent of couples ever seek therapy and usually only when there is a crisis, which can sometimes be too late.
This is why caring leaders are creating a new national observance designed to strengthen and support marriages, called National Marriage Week USA to be observed from February 7 to 14 each year.
If you are fortunate enough to be in a marriage, I encourage you to take care of it.
Whether you are married or not, Americans should be supportive of promoting marriage prior to childbearing and the strengthening of marriage at all socio-economic levels.
Nothing short of the future of our country, and our way of life, depends on it.
Sheila Weber is Executive Director, National Marriage Week USA (Feb. 7-14) and the Let’s Strengthen Marriage Campaign.
Read more and share at: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/02/07/new-path-to-upward-mobilityget-marr...
Let’s strengthen marriage!
Sheila Weber
Executive Director, National Marriage Week USA
From: LeFlore, Larry [mailto:LLeFlore@mail.twu.edu]
Subject: A Research Study Using PsychData
You are one of a very few individuals to receive this email and I am hoping you are willing to help me in my research efforts to better understand the nature of men’s communication in their relationships with their wives and or significant other female friends. I am certain that over the years you have heard statements such as “men don’t communicate;” they don’t share their feelings; or they don’t listen.” It is these types of statements that are the reasons for my research. In addition, my experiences as a family educator and licensed marriage and family therapist cause me to believe this type research will add tremendously to the body of knowledge for those studying relationships and working with men in relationship therapy. Specifically, the findings from this study will assist in developing curricula designed to train men and their wives and/or significant other female friends to improve their communication. Thus, the ultimate goal of the study, through curricula, is to provide theoretical and empirical based instructional materials that will enhance relationships and marriages.
I am Larry LeFlore, Professor and Chair of the Department of Family Sciences at Texas Woman’s University. I ask for your participation in this very important study. Please see the Recruitment Flyer for an electronic survey that I am using to recruit participants. The survey uses PsychData for its platform; it is confidential; no names or addresses are required. You will note that participants may be men and women (wives and significant others). I appreciate your participation in this research study. Please read the following and simply click on the website link below. The survey will open up for you. Thank you!!!!
Larry LeFlore, Ph.D.
Real Men Communicate
We need your help in a research study designed to better understand men’s communication in relationships with their wives and significant other female friends.
If you are 18 years of age or older, I invite you to participate in an online research study designed to better understand men’s communication as it relates to relationships with their wives and/or significant other female friend. We hear all the time statements like “men don’t communicate.” Now is a time for you to tell what you know about men’s communication. There will not be any personal information asked that will identify. Your answers will be protected with the greatest of security that is allowed by law. There is a potential risk of loss of confidentiality in all email, downloading, and internet transactions.
Please go to website https://www.psychdata.com/s.asp?SID=145085
to log in and complete the study questionnaire. There will be instructions and a consent statement, and confidentiality statement prior to the questionnaire. The Questionnaire will have 6 questions that will ask for information about yourself, such as race education, gender, etc. and 6 items that will ask you to discuss men’s communication. You will be asked to discuss each item as much as you can. The entire questionnaire will take 20 – 30 minutes.
Participation in the study is voluntary.
Should you decide to participate, the benefits you will receive are as follows:
· A summary of the results of the study will be mailed to you upon request. Just email me your contact information in a separate email at the address at the bottom of this flyer.
· You will have an opportunity to contribute to the knowledge about men’s communication with their wives and significant other female friends.
If you have any questions about this research study or other research ideas related to men’s relationships with wives/significant other female friends, you may call me at l 940-898-2691 or email me at lleflore@twu.edu Thank you. Larry LeFlore, Ph.D. , Chair/Professor, Texas Woman’s University