Candidates for IFS Friday Five

1. How to Help Students Learn to Listen to Each Other’s Stories

Jessica Fagen

2. UNM professor creates educational tool for professionals, families going through contentious divorces

By Alexa Skonieski

3. Family and Contemporary Megatrends

 hosted by the State of Qatar and organized by the Doha International Family Institute, to be held from 29 to 31 October 2024”

4. What Parents Can Do Now

5. Want to Boost Birthrates? Build More Homes

6. California is tackling addictive social media feeds at the state level

7. Director of Communities of Practice (CoP)– NARME


The Institute for Family Studies is Seeking a New President

L Anderson, E Fernandez - The Routledge Handbook of Child and Family Social …, 2024
… The findings of this study are particularly relevant to child protection practice,
policy, and education. The finding that caseworker approaches to fathers are
influential in encouraging fathers' involvement, such as being respectful, flexible …

9. We Have Spent Time, Money, and Effort Making Self-Help Digital Mental Health Interventions: Is Anyone Going to Come to the Party?

10.  Do you still find me physically attractive? Partners’ daily perceptions of attractiveness during the transition to parenthood

Rachel S. Blickman, Marci E. J. Gleason, and Lisa A. Neff  

11.  Childlessness in Korea: Role of education, marriage postponement, and marital childlessness

Misun Lee, Kryštof Zeman  

12. 1 in 4 young Americans claim they’re too poor to have children, but many put off kids for other reasons

13. Kiss, Miss, or Hiss- The Best, Worst or Weirdest Marriage Advice Unveiled: The Finalists!

 Melissa Grant
