Candidates for IFS Friday Five

1. Why a "Living Room Family" Is What Many Modern Parents Are Striving For

By Taylor Andrews

2. To break cycles of trauma, we need family-friendly addiction treatment

Nisha Chandra

3. “Honey, I’m Home”: When a Romantic Partner Returns From Deployment

4.  For the Children: Attitudes Toward Marriage and Divorce in the United States

 Gayle Kaufman, Shuo Meng, Keya Zhou & D’Lane Compton

6. Briefing Document for Mini-Inquiry into Relationship and Sexuality Education Northern Ireland: Healthy Young Adult Relationships (HYAR) Education  

Lagdon, S., & Jordan , J.-A. (2024 

7.  Sexual satisfaction mediates daily associations between body satisfaction and relationship satisfaction in new parent couples
Erin T. Fitzpatrick a, Natalie O. Rosen b, James J. Kim c, Marta T. Kolbuszewska a, Gracielle C. Schwenck d, Samantha J. Dawson a

8. A dyadic multimethod study of “partner phubbing”, smartphone conflict, and relationship quality in opposite-sex couples from Belgium

9. How Parents Can Fight Back Against the Digital Deluge of Life

10. Tuesday, December 3, 2024 | 12:00 PM to 1:15 PM ET

What Are Family Men For? A Conversation with Samuel Wilkinson


Candidates for IFS Friday Five

1. Swedish Death Cleaning and Aging in Place

Cadence McManimon


How Parenting Got So Intense

Lenore Skenazy

2. Thinking about drinking: A guide for men.

Jett Stone

3. ACF Grant Opportunity Forecast

Family, Relationship, and Marriage Education Works - Adults (FRAMEWorks)

4. Four in Five Family Households With a Householder Ages 35-39 Included a Child Under 18 in 2024

Paul Hemez, Clayton Buck, and Lydia Anderson

5.  How Modern Approaches to Relationships Decrease the Likelihood of a Healthy Marriage 

Rachel Sheffield

6.  Relationship Instability and Depression among Women at Midlife: A Longitudinal Analysis

Cassandra Dorius,  Iowa State University, Quentin Riser,  University of Wisconsin-Madison, Crystal Hemesath   

7. Genetic variations as predictors of dispositional and dyadic empathy—a couple study

Maria Kaźmierczak, Magda Rybicka & Paweł Syty

8. Positive Steps for Preventing Divorce and Building a Lasting Love - Dr. Howard J. Markman

Together in Happiness

9. Saying ‘thank you’ really matters: Science shows it’s the secret weapon for family happiness

Research led by Allen Barton, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

10. Study tests novel approach to PTSD treatment that helps individuals and spouses

Scott Sheaffer

Candidates for IFS Friday Five

1. Seven Tips for Talking With Kids About Politics

By Sahar Habib Ghazi

2. Developing an early love of reading

Article by Jessica Henderson, Illustration by Jeffrey C. Chase

3.eCourses & Quick Lessons

4.  The Global Flourishing Study: Study Profile and Initial Results on Flourishing 

Tyler VanderWeele

5. 24 Ways to Make the Holidays Kid-Friendly

Karen Cicero

6. Tuesday, November 19, 2024 | 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM ET

Marriage and Work Penalties in Government Programs

With Kevin Corinth | Angela Rachidi | Matt Weidinger | Brad Wilcox

7. Written Comments in Response to House Committee on Ways and Means Hearing on Reforming Temporary Assistance for Needy Families



Webinar / Webcast

Healthy Relationships Training

8. ‘My marriage doesn’t come before my kids’: The viral post sparking a family-priority debate

By Stefania Sainato

9. Families consulted on best ways to be active with their children

Dr Kate Freire

10. Family Expectations

11. Parenting affects kids’ brains differently at different ages

12. Research Briefly: What in the world is anosognosia?

Dr. Xavier Amador


Candidates for IFS Friday Five

2. DIFI Executive Director to QNA: 30th Anniversary of International Year of Family Conference a Platform for Presenting New Visions

3. Why gentle parenting is proving too rough for many parents

Lynda Lin Grigsby

4. Young Person Explains Why Young People Aren’t Getting Married

by Emily Washburn

5. Sociologist: Ending US poverty is doable but requires 'each of us' to 'become poverty abolitionists'

Kimberley Heatherington


A Call to Action! 2025-2035

7. The Sneaky Third Wheel

8. ‘Mom Is Texting': Teachers Say Parents Are a Daily Distraction During Class

By Arianna Prothero

9. How Does Your State Compare With National Marriage and Divorce Trends?

Clayton Buck, Paul Hemez, and Lydia Anderson

10. Call for Syllabi:  University and College Courses Focusing on Marital and Romantic Relationships

11. Five ways to create joyful daily routines for your family

Claire Sibonney
Special to The Globe and Mail

(In Clermont, FL watching World Series with brother Bob)

Candidates for IFS Friday Five

1. Trapped in an unhappy myth?

Harry Benson, research director of the Marriage Foundation

2. Speaking of Psychology: The ‘rush hour’ of life: Navigating your 30s and 40s, with Clare Mehta, PhD

3. (The UK) Government commits to taking forward the Conservatives’ family help model

4. Heterogeneity in happiness: A latent profile analysis of single emerging adults

Lisa C. Walsh,
Calen Horton,
Reed Kaufman,
Anthony Rodriguez,
Victor A. Kaufman

5. 2025 NARME Summit Call for Proposals

6.  Children, Household Specialization and Relationship Quality

* Belén Rodríguez Moro† , Olatz Román‡

7.  Happy couples “see” helpful partners: Relationship quality predicts biased perceptions of partner instrumentality to one's goals

 Emily R. O'Brien | Amanda L. Forest

8.  AN ANALYSIS OF Life to the Full 
the Relationship and Sex Education programme adopted by the Catholic Education Service
on behalf of the Catholic bishops of England and Wales

9. Study: Youth action research projects need thoughtful design, youths’ input

Sharita Forrest

10. ‘Can We Talk?’: conversations with Dr. Nura Mowzoon and Penn Badgley

 Hannah Woods

11. How parents interact with children could shape how they play with peers
  • Sydney Barrilleaux, UGA Today

12. Man’s Search for Marriage
By Darren Geist


Candidates for IFS Friday Five

1. Do Black Newborns Fare Better with Black Doctors? The Limits of Measuring Racial Concordance

George J. Borjas, Robert VerBruggen, The Manhattan Institute


No-Fault Divorce is Bad For Kids. Divorce Justice is the Answer.

3. Encouraging Kindness in Kids

4. Families and Politics Module

a Braver Angels course on how to talk to family members across the political divide

5. Four Lessons for Raising Resilient Children in the Digital Age

Seth Kaplan and Caroline Bryk

6. 5 Common Parenting Practices You Can Ditch

BJ Foster



ACF Releases Inaugural Data Strategy to Improve Services for Children and Families

Jeff Hild, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families

8. Gen Z believes adulthood begins at 27


Household mess strains relationships – can a professional de-clutterer help mine?

Anya Meyerowitz


9. Beyond The Porn Phenomenon


Porn and Marital Conflict: How Compulsive Use Erodes Intimacy

10. Parents must reclaim the central role if growing crisis among children is to end, suggests new book

Helen O’Callaghan

11. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Health Conditions and Risk Behaviors Among High School Students — Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2023

Elizabeth A. Swedo, MD1; Sanjana Pampati, PhD;

12.  A Safe Haven Through Attachment: A Dyadic Perspective on the Association Between Cumulative Childhood Trauma and Relationship Satisfaction

 Mathilde Baumann, Marie-Ève Daspe, Claude Bélanger, and Natacha Godbout

13. Partnership quality and maternal depressive symptoms in the transition to parenthood: a prospective cohort study

Cornelia E. Schwarze, Veronika Lerche, Stephanie Wallwiener & Sabina Pauen


Candidates for IFS Friday Five

1. Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Office of Family Violence Prevention and Services in ACF


Evidence-based Recommendations for Policy and Practice

Lauren Supplee

2. Raising Kids In America Shouldn’t Be This Hard

 Timothy P. Carney

3. Artificial intelligence in applied family research involving families with young children: A scoping review

Joyce Y. Lee, Eunhye Ahn, Amy Xu, Yuanyuan Yang, Yujeong Chang, Hunmin Cha, Tawfiq Ammari

4. 4 Tips to help parents navigate sibling rivalry

5. 5 tips for how to talk politics with friends and loved ones

6. The Couples' Daily Health in Survivorship Study

The Relationships & Health Lab at Purdue University

7. Sleeping With the "Enemy"? Maybe a Politically Mixed Marriage Is a Good Thing

By Courtney Kocak

8. For the Sake of the Kids: Strengthening Families in the Lone Star State

By Brad Wilcox | Andrew C. Brown | Nicholas Zill | Nicholas Armstrong | Noah Torres | Caroline Welton | Amylynn Smith


The Right Idea | Episode 61: Saving Civilization by Getting Married with Brad Wilcox

By Brad Wilcox | Brian Phillips | Derek Cohen

9. Facilitating friendships: Parents' role

10. UNL: Strengthening family support would boost Nebraska economy, review shows

University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Chuck Green

11. The role of family conflict and cohesion in adolescents’ social responsibility: Emotion regulation ability as a mediator

Wing Yee Cheng,Rebecca Y. M. Cheung ,Kevin Kien Hoa Chung

12. Study explores what families fight about: Communication, moods, and chores

Marianne Stein

13. Director of Communities of Practice (CoP)– NARME


Candidates for IFS Friday Five

1. How to Help Students Learn to Listen to Each Other’s Stories

Jessica Fagen

2. UNM professor creates educational tool for professionals, families going through contentious divorces

By Alexa Skonieski

3. Family and Contemporary Megatrends

 hosted by the State of Qatar and organized by the Doha International Family Institute, to be held from 29 to 31 October 2024”

4. What Parents Can Do Now

5. Want to Boost Birthrates? Build More Homes

6. California is tackling addictive social media feeds at the state level

7. Director of Communities of Practice (CoP)– NARME


The Institute for Family Studies is Seeking a New President

L Anderson, E Fernandez - The Routledge Handbook of Child and Family Social …, 2024
… The findings of this study are particularly relevant to child protection practice,
policy, and education. The finding that caseworker approaches to fathers are
influential in encouraging fathers' involvement, such as being respectful, flexible …

9. We Have Spent Time, Money, and Effort Making Self-Help Digital Mental Health Interventions: Is Anyone Going to Come to the Party?

10.  Do you still find me physically attractive? Partners’ daily perceptions of attractiveness during the transition to parenthood

Rachel S. Blickman, Marci E. J. Gleason, and Lisa A. Neff  

11.  Childlessness in Korea: Role of education, marriage postponement, and marital childlessness

Misun Lee, Kryštof Zeman  

12. 1 in 4 young Americans claim they’re too poor to have children, but many put off kids for other reasons

13. Kiss, Miss, or Hiss- The Best, Worst or Weirdest Marriage Advice Unveiled: The Finalists!

 Melissa Grant


Candidates for IFS Friday Five

1. 5 Peace-Making Tactics To Not Let Politics Ruin A Good Friendship Or Marriage

Scott M. Stanley, Galena K. Rhoades, Howard J. Markman, Janice R. Levine

2. Call for Syllabi:  University and College Courses

Focusing on Marital and Romantic Relationships

3. Why Boys Struggle in School and How to Help

Free Live Webinar, Tuesday, September 24 at 5:30 pm ET

4. If We Really Wanted Fewer School Shootings, We’d Work To End Divorce

 Beverly Willett

There is Much to Be Said About Silence When it Comes to How Partners Relate to Each Other

Netta Weinstein and C. Raymond Knee


Marriage Market Sorting in the U.S

Anton Cheremukhin, Paulina Restrepo-Echavarria and Antonella Tutino

7. Differences Between Poverty Measures May Reflect Differences in Housing Costs or Noncash Benefits Across States

Kalee Burns


Nearly 1 Million More Children Were in Poverty in 2023 Than 2022, Despite Economic Growth

By Christina M. Padilla and Dana Thomson

8. Family Scholars Explain the Current Marriage Paradox in America

Posted by Daily Citizen Staff

9. 45% of Young Adults in Australia Gamble Every Week

10. Marriage Monday highlights happy couples who are willing to share their love story!
