Subject: NEW Tools and Events from National Marriage Week USA! (Feb. 7-14)
National Marriage Week USA
Let's Strengthen Marriage
February 7-14
NEW TOOL KIT to strengthen marriage in your community
DATE NIGHT CHALLENGE 2-hour webcast for National Marriage Week USA
MARRIAGE INTENSIVE to revitalize your own marriage, or help others
You can strengthen marriages in your community, reduce divorce and cohabitation, and serve the needs of children, by joining with others to participate in National Marriage Week USA -- February 7 to 14th -- the week leading up to Valentine's Day.
Our Goals:
1) mobilize thousands of marriage classes, home groups and events across the nation, posted all on one national calendar; and
2) promote the benefits of marriage through the media and public policy makers in your community.
Simple Steps 1, 2, 3
1. Use our NEW, free TOOL KIT to spread the positive message about the benefits of marriage! Tool Kit includes Suggested Curricula, Webinars, Logos, Sample Press Releases, Mayor/Governor Proclamation, Newspaper Ads, Research, PSAs, downloadable Brochures, Marriage Tips, and more. (
2. Plan to HOST a marriage class, home group, Sunday school class. Use any trusted marriage curricula, DVD, or workbook of your choosing – the National Marriage Week USA website lists many trusted existing options. (
3. Please POST your event for free to help us build a growing National Calendar! This will help us get national media coverage about where folks can go to help their struggling marriages. (
Please JOIN THE TEAM -- Post Your Event, no matter how small or large, so we can help publicize your efforts, or register just to stay informed, at
DATE NIGHT CHALLENGE EVENT is NEW this year -- a 2-hour webcast with Dr. Greg Smalley and Comedian Jeff Allen called "Date Night Challenge." More than 275 church and small groups have signed up already for this fun event. Sign up today! (
MARRIAGE INTENSIVES ( to revitalize your own marriage or for those in crisis. Family Dynamics Institute provides classes and workshops developed by therapists, marriage counselors, and ministers representing different denominations. Since 1994, more than 65,000 couples have experienced a class, training, or workshop, which are educational, motivational, and interactive. Family Dynamics also can help you build a Comprehensive Marriage Ministry at your local church. New Beginnings is the Family Dynamics intensive workshop for couples in crisis. Click here to learn more about Family Dynamics. Click our National Calendar and plug in your state to find one of the hundreds of Family Dynamics classes near you!
National Marriage Week USA is part of International Marriage Week, with 16 major countries around the world now mobilizing leaders and events to strengthen marriage in their countries.
Please LIKE National Marriage Week USA on Facebook!
Let's Work Together...Let's Strengthen Marriage!
Sheila Weber
Executive Director, National Marriage Week USA (Feb. 7 to 14)
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National Marriage Week USA | 1603 Belvue Drive | Forest Hill | MD | 21050 |