From: First Things First <>
Date: Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 12:12 PM
Subject: Pajama Parties and Pigtails! | FTF eNews December Vol.1
Dear Colleague: Fathers & Families Coalition of America (FFCA) 13th Annual National Fatherhood & Families Conference - Restore the Legacy of Fathers, which is being held in Los Angeles, California February 21-24, 2012 conference updates Early Registration Conference Rate Extended Special Offer for Head Start and NASW Members Hotel Rooms at Discounted Rate Extended Child Welfare and Domestic Violence Experts to host a special track New Conference Feature and Benefit! Since 1999, Fathers & Families Coalition of America has collaborated with Head Start programs for the Annual National Fatherhood & Families Conference. The partnership allows all current National Association of Head Start members to register at the FFCA Member rate. In 2011, FFCA extends this special discount to all National Association of Social Worker members. Fathers & Families Coalition of America is pleased to announce the Fatherhood Practitioner and Healthy Relationship Educator Certificate (FPHREC) developed with researchers, national experts, faculty from numerous institutions of higher education and practitioners, will be certified by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). FFCA has developed the FPHREC program intended for paraprofessionals to advanced degreed participants with faculty from several major universities that will be launched at the 13th Annual National Fatherhood & Families Conference on Tuesday, February 21, 2012. Attendees will benefit from direct practice research and experiences from social work, criminal justice, marriage and family, child welfare, and other human service/family development faculty members. In addition to the Certification Program, the 13th Annual National Fatherhood & Families Conference is pleased to announce Continuing Education Units (CEUs) will be available with NASW. For additional questions regarding the Certificate Program or CEUs please email Dr. Nathan ONeal at or call us at 347-850-3237 or 303-369-2997. Record Low for Marriages Did you know? Barely half of all adults in the U.S.a record low are married, and the median age at first marriage has never been higher for brides (26.5 years) and grooms (28.7), reports a new PEW Research Center analysis of U.S. Census data. The number of new marriages in the U.S. declined by 5% between 2009 and 2010, a sharp one-year drop that may or may not be related to the economy. Join us at the first 2012 conference to develop best practices for community, faith-based, tribal and government programs with a focus on strengthening families at the 13th Annual National Fatherhood & Families Conference. Online Registration Open Now For the 13th Annual National Fatherhood & Families Conference Register Now! the Early Rate has been extended through January 10, 2012. For the full conference program click here. Updated Conference Features and Registration Information Conference Hotel Discounted Rooms Extended please take advantage of discounted early registration rates at the Westin LAX Hotel Click Here For A Room Reservation. We invite you to use our online conference registration feature to facilitate your participation. Go to our home page, scroll down the home page and click on Conference Program. Here, you can review and obtain pertinent information regarding the event, nominations, and directions. In order to facilitate your registration (purchased orders or credit card transactions) use our online registration by going here now by fax to 602-252-3598 and mailed registrations to FFCA at PO Box 8267 Phoenix, Arizona 85066 Fatherhood & Healthy Marriage/Relationship Practitioner Certificate provides valuable professional education on the latest models for program sustainability, capacity building, research and innovative responses to develop family strengthening programs and services as detailed on page six (6) of the Conference Program The Social Media Certificate detailed on page seven (7) of the CONFERENCE PROGRAM and will provide all levels of professionals and types of organization a model to develop sustainability through social media. This will include a course on QR Codes and how to utilize a 3D Platform see sample here. Limited Conference Hotel Discounted Rooms Extended: The Conference Host Hotel has reported that more than seventy percent of the conference room block is sold out! We encourage attendees to reserve your room today to save before rates increase. You can go online at to take advantage of discounted early registration rates and a discounted hotel rate at the Westin LAX Hotel Click Here For A Room. Event Venue: The Westin Los Angeles Airport 5400 W Century Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 Join Us In Los Angeles! Conference Registration Is Now Open!
Open to all attendees and community members The 9th Annual National Father & Leader Of The Year Award Honoring Mr. Cedric the Entertainer Kyles, Father Greg Boyle and Mr. Richard Claytor Thursday, February 23, 2012 from 6:00pm to 10:30pm. Open to all attendees and community members The 5th Annual Inter-Faith Breakfast Thursday, February 23, 2012 from 7:30am to 10:00am. This plenary session will feature six national leaders and keynote, Ms. Acacia Bamberg Salatti, Deputy Director, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Secretary Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships. Conference Hotel: Westin Lax Hotel Continuing Education Units (CEU): Fathers & Families Coalition of America is also seeking continuing education units for nurses, social workers, and psychologists. Visit to register and learn more here for the conference program James C. Rodriguez, MSW, Ph.D., Candidate
FFCA's Social & Blog CommunityNew 3D Platform FFCA Channel Click Here For The FFCA 3D Platform Conference Program FFCA SPONSOR OR ADVERTISEMENT OPPORTUNITY! BECOME A FATHERS & FAMILIES COALITION OF AMERICA AFFILIATE TODAY! Click Here For The FFCA Affiliate Directory New Domestic Violence Reportprovides insights for best practice considerations. Community & Faith Based Partnership To Address Fatherlessness Copyright © 2011 Fathers and Families Coalition of America, Inc. 39 East Jackson Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85044 Telephone: Los Angeles (424) 224-1DAD - New York (347) 850-DADS and Phoenix (602) 254-5081 | |||
National Marriage Week USA
Let's Strengthen Marriage
February 7-14
NEW Tool Kit and Date Night Challenge for National Marriage Week USA: February 7-14th !
You can strengthen marriages in your community, reduce divorce and cohabitation, and serve the needs of children, by joining with others to participate in National Marriage Week USA -- February 7 to 14th -- the week leading up to Valentine's Day.
Our Goals:
1) mobilize thousands of marriage classes, home groups and events across the nation, posted all on one national calendar; and
2) promote the benefits of marriage through the media and public policy makers in your community.
Simple Steps 1, 2, 3
1. Use our NEW, free TOOL KIT to spread the positive message about the benefits of marriage! Tool Kit includes Suggested Curricula, Webinars, Logos, Sample Press Releases, Mayor/Governor Proclamation, Newspaper Ads, Research, PSAs, downloadable Brochures, Marriage Tips, and more.
2. Plan to HOST a marriage class, home group, Sunday school class, or DATE NIGHT CHALLENGE EVENT during the week leading up to Valentine's Day. NEW this year -- a 2-hour webcast with Dr. Greg Smalley and Comedian Jeff Allen called “Date Night Challenge.” Or, of course, use any trusted marriage curricula, DVD, or workbook of your choosing -- our website lists many trusted existing options.
3. Please POST your event for free to help us build a growing National Calendar! This will help us get national media coverage about where folks can go to help their struggling marriages.
Please JOIN THE TEAM -- Post Your Event, no matter how small or large, so we can help publicize your efforts, or register just to stay informed, at
National Marriage Week USA is part of International Marriage Week, with 16 major countries around the world now mobilizing leaders and events to strengthen marriage in their countries:
Let's Work Together...Let's Strengthen Marriage!
Sheila Weber
Executive Director, National Marriage Week USA (Feb. 7 to 14)
The Heritage Foundation | 214 Massachusetts Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002 | 202.546.4400 | |
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