HM Links & Clips (12/16/10) #153

10) Why the Marriage Gap is Bad for America
Leah Ward Sears,, 12/16/10



9) The Financial Impact of Divorce on College Students
New York Times (blog)
By JENNIFER SARANOW SCHULTZ According to a study published in the December Journal of Family Issues, the financial burden of college falls more heavily on ...


And  Divorce-When Parenting Dies, Part II
Huffington Post (blog)
Several of the responses to my blog, Divorce - When Parenting Dies, have damned the family courts, shrinks, shysters, and yes even the idea of divorce. ...


And Divorce: 10 Things Your Mother Never Told You
Huffington Post (blog)
For anyone who hasn't been divorced, trust me - divorce is never what you imagine it to be. Here are a few insights that may hopefully save you a trip to ...




8) Merry Christmas Indeed! Anonymous Donor Gives $20000.00 to Fatherhood ...
PR Newswire (press release)
15, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- An anonymous donor has gifted $20000.00 to the Fatherhood Educational Institute (FEI) to fund key fatherhood initiatives including ...




7) Married Undergrads Seek Balance
Harvard Crimson
“I can go to Harvard and get as many prefixes as I want,” McGinnis says, “but the most important title I'd have in my life is fatherhood. ...




6) Fox 13 Good Morning Memphis "Books from Birth" 12/14/2010



Fox 13 Good Morning Memphis "Fatherhood" 11/13/10 | The Urban ...
By Stephanie Cook
Scientific studies have found that high-quality, active fatherhood is good for young children. It can lead to improved child mental health, better coping skills and even higher academic achievement. Learn more about The Fatherhood ...



5) Relationships Rejuvenated With Marriage Enrichment Workshop ...
“In our marriage, too, we have to fill up with some of these good and healthy tools and resources, and ways that can make our marriage stronger.” ...


And The Forgotten Injury After TBI: The Injury to the Marriage ...
By Timothy Smith
Whatever your situation is know that you can have a positive and healthy relationship by understanding the challenges that the brain injury of your spouse will present to the marriage. Lastly, if the problems seem more difficult than ...



4) (A healthy marriage is the best protective factor of all—BC)




And ParentFurther

ParentFurther is here to help you raise caring, healthy, responsible, successful kids. Our easy-to-use, comprehensive resource seeks to build a unique community that provides access to support and practical, everyday steps to help you with a wide range of parenting issues. Behind our advice and approach are research-based information and tools that have been put to the test in the real world. The cornerstone of our approach is Search Institutes Developmental Assets: 40 common sense, positive qualities and experiences that help influence the choices kids make.





11 Rules on Marriage You Won’t Learn in School -




2) Traditional Families in Trouble, Index Shows
Christian Post
The "Index of Belonging and Rejection" also reports that African-American and Native American teens are more likely than teens of other races and ...




1) The Top 10 Marriage Blogs of 2010
By Stu Gray
Caring For Marriage – Online Courses and Marriage Education. 4. Love Actually – Creative ideas for Romance On a Budget.




Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see



From: USCCB []
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 9:30 AM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]Marriage Monthly: Five Tips to Fight Less, Patience, Choosing Adoption

For Your Marriage
marriage monthly

Home   Dating & Engaged    Parenting & Family    For Every Marriage    About Catholic Marriages

Featured Article: Five Tips to Fight Less and Love More During the Holidays
Holiday couple
The holiday season is back. With family gatherings, high expectations and the pressure to make everyone happy, December can be the most stressful month of the year.  Laurie Puhn, author of "Fight Less, Love More," offers 5 Tips to keep peace in your family

Virtue of the Month:  Patience
"God give me patience - right now!" Sound familiar? When long-married couples are asked the recipe for marital success, many identify patience as a key ingredient. Like a marriage, patience is the work of a lifetime. Learn how to cultivate it.


Monthly Book Review:"Adoption: Choosing It, Living It, Loving It"
Author Ray Guarandi is a clinical psychologist and father of ten adopted children. He offers "straight answers to heartfelt questions," including concerns about when to adopt, resistance by family members, special needs, open adoption and involvement by birth relatives.


Marriage in the News:  Illinois Church Leaders Criticize Recent Legislation


The issue of same-sex unions continues to make headlines. The Illinois House and Senate have passed a bill to legalize civil unions, which the Governor is expected to sign.  Read why the Illinois Catholic Conference has criticized the legislation.


Marriage Tip of the Month
December 11
"Marriage is one long conversation, checkered with disputes" (Robert Louis Stevenson). How long has your longest argument lasted? An hour? A day? A week? What brought you out of it? Learn from it so the next one can be shorter.
Happily Even After
JoshJosh and Stacey reflect on the ups and downs of married life with children.

their blog

FYM Find Help
View TV Spots

HM Links & Clips (12/15/10) #152


Index of Belonging and Rejection Release and News Conference - Dec. 15, 10Most American teenagers' parents have rejected each other, through divorce, separation, or choosing not to marry, and rates of parental ....



9) (and as you view the video see attached slides that Brad sent me --BC)


And see for more articles on this report


And Divorce - The State of Our Unions
The State of Our Unions monitors the current health of marriage and family life in America. Produced annually, it is a joint publication of the National ...




8) and





7) N.J. is home to three of 19 counties nationally with poverty rate below 5 percent, survey reveals




6) December 13*
"Family Structure and Children's Health in the United States: Findings from the National Health Interview Survey, 2001-2007" (RELEASED) [PDF - 2.4 MB]
(Vital and Health Statistics Series Report)
DATA SOURCE: National Health Interview Survey



5) Why Are So Many Baby Boomers Divorced?
CBS News
By Richard Schlesinger As part of "Senior Moment," Richard Schlesinger reports on the image of marriage among baby bombers, the generation that makes up the ...



4) Delaying Marriage and Child Rearing Leads to More Stressful Lives, Study Finds -







2) Website Review: The Power of Two Marriage Program |

With all of the online marriage resources there are in the market, it’s been hard to filter through the advertisements and bad advice from non-professionals and find a one-stop-shop resource that answers tough marriage questions and offers practical, life changing advice. Until now.


1) Married Couple Serves and Deploys together to Afghanistan
... but two married Mississippi Army National Guard soldiers have found a way to keep their marriage healthy throughout their deployment. ...


Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


"The principal objective of American government at every level should be to see that children are born into intact families and that they remain so." Daniel Patrick Moynihan




For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see

Comments (0) - HM Links & Clips (12/3/10) #149 - Coffin Corner
Marriage education courses are different that traditional therapy. ... They attended a marriage education course but the communication skills they learned ...


From: First Things First []
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 2:39 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]Happy Holidays from First Things First! | FTF eNews
First Things First eNews
December 2010    Volume 2

FTF Classes
Preparing for Marriage*
Maximize Your Marriage*
Blended Family Bliss*
Great Balancing Act*
Jazz Up Your Marriage*
Passionately Married*
Secrets of Lasting Love*
Sex, Lies
& Relationship Drama*

Boot Camp
FAM U (Family University)

* Funding for this project was provided by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Grant: 90FE0031. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.
Save The Dates!

February 2011


February 7-14, 2011


March 2011

September 2011

Season's Greetings from First Things First

l to r (top row) Andrea Perry Lyons, Todd Agne, Eddie Grant, Alishea Hixson
(bottom row) Karen Godwin, Julie Baumgardner, Denise Whitby
(not pictured) Deborah Gunn

Flower Fest
Get ready for Flower Fest 2011!
Valentine's Day will be here before you know it, so why not honor your spouse, that special friend, co-worker, neighbor or teacher in your life with a beautiful arrangement of tulips for $15. And back by popular demand, we'll also offer specialty baskets! Companies are encouraged to participate in this unique fundraiser which not only benefits their employees, but helps to strengthen families in our community as well. It's never too early to start!  

Join the team now by calling First Things First at 423-267-5383 or visit

"Raising Truly Great Kids"
Parenting in the twenty-first century is not without its share of challenges.
That's why FTF is proud to presents an exciting seminar called "Raising Truly Great Kids" with parenting expert Dr. Tim Kimmel on February 18 & 19 at the Baylor School Chapel. This event is designed to meet the needs of today's parent, and help them to understand their roles more clearly.  If you are a parent who wants to learn skills that will enable your child to thrive in today's world, then this seminar is for you. Join us at Friday, February 18 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and Saturday, February 19 from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  The cost for the seminar is $39.00 per person which includes your workbook.

For more information or to register, visit

620 Lindsay Street
Suite 100

Chattanooga, TN 37403

HM Links & Clips (12/14/10) #151(part 2)

From: Ozarks Marriage Matters [] on behalf of Ozarks Marriage Matters []
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 5:33 AM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]OMM News & Notes - December 14, 2010

Ozarks Marriage Matters

In This Issue:

  • What Kind of Gift Will You Give?
  • Getaway Together Marriage Retreat - January 14-15, 2011
  • One Hour Host Training for Individuals or Couples January 5, 2011   
  • Ask Your Relationship Questions
OMM News & Notes: Promoting Healthy Relationships December 14, 2010
What Kind of Gift Will You Give?
by Dr. Jennifer Baker  
Couple_Holding_Gold_GiftLast week when I said that 23% of children living in single-parent families were below the poverty line as compared to only 6% of children in married-couple families, I was wrong. Actually, there are even a higher percentage of children in female-headed families below the poverty line-36%, as compared to the 6% in married couple families. Unfortunately, this kind of occurrence in a child's life, i.e., the non-marriage or divorce of his or her parents is a "gift" that just keeps on giving. It affects health, future wealth and one's education. For instance, let's take a six-year-old whose parents divorce today, and then jump ahead a decade or so to when he applies for college. What kind of challenges will be faced then? --> 
                                                    Click To Read The Rest
Get It Together Retreat - Januar 2011  
One Hour Host Training Scheduled January 5, 2011 
for Individuals or Couples
Call our office for information - (417) 823-3469.
Have Questions About Relationships?
KTTS LogoCheck out our new Ask A Question web page where you can send Dr. Baker a question that she just might answer the next time she's on the air with Andy Taylor - Tuesday, December 21. -->

And don't forget to visit our podcast archive, where you can listen to earlier appearances.


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From: Dave and Liz Percival []
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 10:29 AM
Subject: Weekly Update of UK Marriage News - No 10.47

Welcome to this week's UK Marriage News



·         Cameron pledges 'family-friendly' tax reforms for married couples

·         Relationship-Strengthening Class Improves Life for New Families

·         The state of our unions report


Government and Political

·         Cameron pledges 'family-friendly' tax reforms for married couples

David Cameron promised to offer tax breaks to both married couples and homosexuals in civil partnerships as he set out the coalition's plans to support relationships

reports the Telegraph and the Daily Mail. The Prime Minister said it was "wrong" that marriage was not recognised in the tax system in Britain. He pledged to introduce transferable tax allowances for couples who have formalised their relationships – even if the move provokes more opposition from Liberal Democrats.


He said: "My view remains that we should recognise and value the commitment that people make to one another. And by the way, that's whether it's between a man and a woman, a man and a man or a woman and another woman."


In his first major speech on families policy since taking power, Mr Cameron warned that broken homes were at the root of Britain's social ills. "The seeds of so many social problems – as well as success stories – are sown in the early years," he said. "When parents have bad relationships, their child is more likely to live in poverty, fail at school, end up in prison, be unemployed later in life. It would be wrong for public policy to ignore all this."


Mr Cameron said 46,000 of the most chaotic families cost the country an estimated £4 billion a year - almost £100,000 each – in benefits, social workers, police time and prison places.


He promised plans for a new system of flexible parental leave to help mothers and fathers share childcare during the first year of a baby's life. The tax system must also be more family-friendly, he said. "It's wrong that we're one of the few countries in the world that doesn't properly recognise marriage in the tax system – and I want to see that change," he said. "Of course, I know not everyone agrees with this proposal – and as part of the coalition agreement, we have agreed with the Liberal Democrats that they will abstain on any budget resolutions on transferable tax allowances for married couples."


Speaking to Relate, the relationships charity, in Leeds, Mr Cameron announced that he had appointed a new families "tsar" in a drive to help households in crisis escape unemployment and poverty. Emma Harrison, the entrepreneur and chairman of A4e (Action for Employment), will support hundreds of families in a pilot scheme to help them find work. The Government's new drive will ultimately help 120,000 families experiencing major problems. Mr Cameron said he wanted to try turn around every troubled family in the country by the end of this Parliament.


One aspect of the speech of interest to those reading this newsletter, but not covered in the press reads as follows:

"There's a lot of evidence to suggest that while people initially look to families and friends for help with any problems they face, when things get really tough they do want more expert advice. Indeed, two-thirds of people who have separated, one-half of those who plan to separate, and even one-in-five people in a stable relationship say they would like more direct help with relationship problems.


What's more, as you well know, when couples are helped through their problems, relationships can be revived and if not, breakdown managed in a way that ensures the best possible outcome for children. Put simply: relationship support is what some couples want and what, at times, can work.


Indeed, this morning, I met the campaign organisation Kids in the Middle, an extraordinary coalition of voluntary groups and agony aunts and uncles who help families with relationship troubles – and some of their success stories were inspirational. Now, government could ignore all this. Or it could see if there's anything we can do to help Kids in the Middle, Relate, the Tavistock Centre for Couple Relationships, One Plus One and all those other organisations that provide relationship support. That's what we're doing.


One big problem organisations like you face is a lack of resources. I can announce today we are going to put funding for relationship support on a stable footing. From now on, we will dedicate £7.5 million a year to supporting relationships and this will give you, and other organisations working hard to support families, the certainty you need to plan for the future. I can also announce that we will offer up space in government buildings after hours so you can cut your waiting lists and see more couples.


Another area where we can help is in fighting the stigma against seeking relationship advice. It's a tragedy that so many couples feel they can't seek help because of what others think. Government can take a lead here. We are reviewing sex education in schools, so young people learn about the importance of relationships early on. And we are working with business and the media to see what they can do – in the products they create and campaigns they run – to de-stigmatise relationship support."


Commenting on the speech Dr Katherine Rake, Chief Executive of the Family and Parenting Institute, said: "It is very encouraging to see the Prime Minister recognise that strong relationships between parents are important in all family types. This is an important acknowledgement of the need to focus on the whole family to improve children's lives, rather than taking an isolated child-focused approach.


"Mr Cameron's acknowledgement that spending cuts will present very significant challenges for UK couples was necessary. Money and time are such crucial factors in determining the success of relationships. Parents will now look to the government to deliver on its pledge to extend their rights to request flexible working. Commuting mothers and fathers will also hold Mr Cameron to account on his pledge to improve transport and get them home in time to read a bedtime story."


Dr Rake added: "Marriage is an enormously important institution. However, a tax break for married couples could cost up to half a billion pounds to the public purse and it is unclear that this would operate as an incentive for couples to either stay or get married."


·         Unmarried parents 'to blame for rise in broken homes'

Nearly half of children born today will be living in broken homes by the age of 16 as growing numbers of families split up, according to analysis of official figures reports the Telegraph and the Daily Mail. The sharp increase in unmarried couples having children was to blame for the rise in parental separation rates, a study from the Centre for Social Justice think-tank claimed.


The report called for a major shift in policy to reassert the "vital" importance of marriage as a more stable form of commitment than cohabitation. The research suggested that the taxpayer spent billions of pounds on benefits for single parents as a result of the "utterly avoidable" breakdown in families every year. It followed concerns from Iain Duncan Smith, the work and pensions secretary, that society pays a "heavy price" for separation, in terms of the cost of crimes committed by children from broken homes, lost taxes and rising benefit bills.


Growing numbers of couples are choosing to start a family without getting married first. But the study cited figures showing that unmarried couples were more likely to separate. It warned that the number of children who will see their parents split up by the time they are 16 had risen from 40% in the mid-1980s to 48% today.


While married couples accounted for over half of all births, divorces represented just one fifth of all breakdowns in parental relationships, with the remaining 80 per cent of separations coming from unmarried families. Divorcing parents also accounted for just 14% of the total bill for state benefits incurred by broken families, the report said, compared with 25% for cohabiting parents who separate. The majority of the state benefits bill for relationship breakdown - 62% - was attributed to single mothers.


The study drew on figures from the Office for National Statistics and the Millennium Cohort Study and took account of differing levels of education and income. It was written by Harry Benson, founder of the Bristol Community Family Trust, a relationship education charity. Mr Benson said ministers should focus on improving the stability of unmarried couples through education and policies that promote marriage.


"In a nutshell, strengthening couples who are unmarried new parents means two things: reasserting the importance of marriage and commitment, and providing top quality, evidence-based relationship education programmes that can access significant numbers of unmarried parents," he said. "Reasserting marriage may be contentious but it is vital. Making relationship education available is far less contentious, but needs to build on existing programmes that have demonstrated success."


In 1980 there were one million single parents, but this has now doubled, he said. "Something has gone badly wrong in the intervening years and no government has got to grips with the problem."


The report estimated that the total cost of family breakdown was £20-£24 billion per year in tax credits, housing and other benefits payments. Mr Duncan Smith, who founded the Centre for Social Justice before becoming a Cabinet minister, has suggested that the true cost of family breakdown to the UK economy, including benefits, lost taxes and crime, was far higher - up to £100 billion a year.


Gavin Poole, the executive director of the CSJ, said the report was "alarming". "It is well known that children from broken homes do less well at school and are more likely to turn to drugs, alcohol and crime," he said. "Tax breaks for marriage and far better relationship education, should be taken by ministers and society at large to reverse these worrying social trends."


·         Sexualised products for children facing age curb plan

Retailers selling sexualised products aimed at children could face new restrictions under plans being considered by the government reports the BBC.  An inquiry to explore whether rules should prevent the marketing of items such as "Porn star" T-shirts or padded bras to children has been set up.  A code of conduct on "age appropriate" marketing and a new watchdog are among plans being considered by the review.


Children's Minister Sarah Teather said parents faced a tidal wave of pressure. She said: "Parents often find themselves under a tidal wave of pressure, buffeted by immense pester power from their children for the latest product, craze or trend. I want this review to look at how we can equip parents to deal with the changing nature of marketing, advertising and other pressures that are aimed at their children."


She has asked the chief executive of Christian charity the Mothers' Union, Reg Bailey, to conduct the review, which will also look at the commercialisation of children.


Ms Teather told the BBC it was the cumulative impact of things like magazine images and unsuitable products marketed at young people that worried most people. She said: "We have heard from parents about the impact of going into shops and seeing things that are unsuitable. "If you are a mum and dad, trying to take your children Christmas shopping - it's a pretty hellish experience at the best of times - but when you are seeing all these images all the time it increases the pressure on families." She added: "By reviewing commercialisation and sexualisation of childhood we want to better understand not only how we can help parents resist these things, but also how we encourage all businesses to take their responsibilities as seriously as the best ones already do." She said it was difficult for parents to protect children because of the influence of music videos, displays in High Street shops and features in teen magazines and on websites.


Inquiry chief Mr Bailey is calling on parents to send him examples of products of concern. He will also work with businesses, retailers and advertising firms to ensure that any recommendations he makes are plausible. He said: "It's about the tone and the style of the way things are marketed to children. When you are so bombarded by marketing and sexualised imagery, it almost becomes wallpaper."


In May, Prime Minister David Cameron vowed to take action to protect children from "excessive commercialisation and premature sexualisation". He said he was shocked to discover beds with a "Lolita" branding were being marketed towards six-year-olds. Lolita is a novel, later adapted into an Oscar-nominated movie, in which a middle-aged man becomes sexually obsessed with a precocious 12-year-old girl.


The Family and Parenting Institute welcomed the inquiry and said parents were concerned that young children were experiencing "too much too young". Chief executive Katherine Rake said: "Mothers and fathers regularly tell us that they don't want to see childhood disappearing.  "Confronting this issue is vital if we are to move closer to a family friendly society. We look forward to seeing progress made."


·         Cameron outlines plan to rescue troubled families

The government is to launch a pilot scheme designed to help transform the lives of the most troubled families in up to 10 local authority areas, the Prime Minister David Cameron has announced reports CYPNow. The trials will be led by new "family champion" Emma Harrison, who is the chairman of welfare to work provider, A4E. They will be modelled on the Labour administration's family intervention projects and will provide up to 500 families with one-to-one support from a single named professional. These professionals will be charged with helping families overcome everything from drug and alcohol addiction and long-term unemployment to problems with their children's behaviour.


The six to 10 local authority pilot areas, which are yet to be announced, will receive extra cash to conduct the trials through the new early intervention grant. Cameron claimed that Harrison understands how to help families improve their lives "step-by-step, month-by-month". "She refuses to believe some people are lost causes and has a proven track record of turning lives around," he said. "Her approach is the complete opposite of the impersonal, one-size-fits-all approach that has failed so many families – which is why I have asked her to come on board to help us."

HM Links & Clips (12/14/10) #151

10) Index of Belonging and Rejection Release and News Conference
December 15, 2010 Time: 10:00 am (ET) - 12:00 pm (ET) Click here to register for the release and news conference today

AndWETZSTEIN: 'Marshall Plan' for marriage gap
Washington Times
For at least a generation, marriage and family cohesion have been unraveling in America's low-income families. Now this rending of family ties is spreading ...
See all stories on this topic »





9) and (and see report in #151 (part 2)--BC)


And"Transition to Fatherhood: A Puerto Rican Perspective" by Suzanne ...
The purpose of this study was to explore the events that have promoted or hindered a first-time Puerto Rican father's transition to fatherhood.


And The Fatherhood Initiative: Initial Survey Measuring Program Outcomes
This questionnaire is intended to track the Fatherhood Initiative's progress in increasing .... This agency (CBO) where you are in the Fatherhood program ...




8) The Foundation Years: preventing poor children becoming poor adults
Source: Independent Review on Poverty and Life Chances (UK)


And see  UK Marriage News in #151 (part 2)




7) Silent Treatment Spells Danger for Your Marriage
It is abusive behavior which undermines trust in a marriage. If it is used regularly in a marriage, it will erode all intimacy and feelings of good will ...


And and





6) What faith do you need for marriage?
The Guardian
The news that Prince William and Kate Middleton are to be advised on their forthcoming marriage by the bishop of London has drawn a lot of sour comment. ...


And YouTube - What is a healthy marriage?
Relationship expert Dr. Sue Johnson addresses what constitutes a healthy marriage.



5)How is SAMHSA engaging with the public to shape their strategic initiatives?

This podcast introduces you to SAMHSA’s use of User Voice. Andrew Wilson of SAMHSA talks about the tool, the public response, and how SAMHSA is using that feedback to develop initiatives. Visit" rel="nofollow"> to listen to the podcast or" rel="nofollow">read the transcript.

And and




4) Links - Mississippi Healthy Marriage Initiative
This page contains a list of helpful links associated with the Mississippi Healthy Marriage Initiative


And Promote, Prepare, Preserve « Marriage Matters Jackson
By lseckler
Another seeming contradiction to working at a healthy marriage nonprofit is that I am the product of divorce. My parents separated when I was just a year and a half old, and my mom remarried when I was three. Thankfully, I was blessed ...




3) 2011 Northern Utah Marriage Celebration - Weber State University ...
The Weber County Healthy Marriage Coalition cordially invites you to bring your sweetheart and learn how to create a marriage filled with greater connection ...


And Marriage Education Classes for Military Couples
By Brian
Marriage education/enrichment classes are great alternatives for couples who do not need counseling but would like to still strengthen their relationship. Classes can be offered as weekend retreats, one day workshops, weekly classes, ...




2) County's rate of divorce rises
Manhattan Mercury
That drove the county's divorce rate up from 2.8 to 3.1 per 1000 population, according to the Annual Survey of Vital Statistics released by the Kansas ...


And The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) announced the release of the 2009 Annual Summary of Vital Statistics




1) For Richer or For Poorer: Divorce and the Recession (press release) - ‎Dec 12, 2010‎

The divorce rate has fallen to its lowest point since the early 1970s, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). ...


And College Tuition Costs: Divorced Parents Contribute Less
Children of divorce end up paying more of their own college costs than children who come from intact families. A new study from Rice University and the University of Wisconsin, published on December 8, 2010, found that divorced parents ...


Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education (1/02-12/10)


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see



From: Marriage Savers []
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 9:27 AM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]Marriage Savers Progress 2010, Prospects 2011


Mike & Harriet McManus

Read Endorsements


Read Endorsements



To:       Friends of Marriage Savers

Fm:      Mike & Harriet McManus
 Marriage Savers Report Card


 Progress: 2010


New Economical Way to Train Marriage Mentors

          Charitable organizations have weathered a rough year economically. As churches struggled to address decreased giving, Marriage Savers responded by accommodating their marriage ministry needs by being mindful of tightening budgets.


Out of this commitment to train clergy and mentor couples at a significantly reduced rate was born Marriage Savers Webinar Trainings. Via  new technology, GoToMeeting, Mike and Harriet train in the new customized PREPARE/ENRICH inventory from our offices to multiple church sites across the nation.  No travel costs! Just a computer, a screen and a phone!  Quality and convenience!  Attendees like it. "I want to jump on your list of cheerleaders for devising a way to certify PREPARE-ENRICH mentor couples with the Webinar technology," said one pastor.  "Clear presentation. Glad we did not have to travel," declared a mentor supervisor couple.


Mentor focused: Marriage Savers pioneered the marriage mentor approach and are expert in teaching this strategy of helping couples prepare for and maintain healthy marriages. PREPARE-ENRICH is also designed for couples at all stages of marriage from premarital to couples in crisis. We train in the new customized version of P-E. Tailored to each couple's unique relationship, P-E targets the exact relationship circumstances of each couple.  If the woman is pregnant, the couple will get different items on the inventory; if they are 55+, there will be items on retirement.  If one partner is Catholic, they will be asked about "natural family planning." 


Certification:  At the conclusion of training, Mentor Supervisors are certified as PREPARE-ENRICH trainers in their home congregations.  Included in the training are quality

P-E training DVDs with 12 teaching lessons and 12 couple exercises - a comprehensive package making future mentor trainings in a church easy and inexpensive.  One new feature unavailable in other inventories is "Relationship Dynamics," exploring Assertiveness, Self-Confidence, Avoidance and Partner Dominance.  Another is the "SCOPE Personality Profile," measuring how Social each person is, how open to Change, Organized, Pleasing and Emotionally Steady. There are Couple and Family Maps which measure Closeness and Flexibility.  Results: the taking of this inventory prompts 10% of couples to step away from marriage; with the input of trained mentors, 20% choose not to marry.  Studies show these are avoided divorces.


            Upcoming Webinar Trainings: January 15 and March 6.  Cost: Training fee: $195 per church for up to 4 couples + resources for as little as $35 for each Mentor Couple. (For more information, visit our website,


In The News

            The Janet Parshall Show interviewed Mike about cohabitation on Janet's new Moody Radio Show in June on hundreds of stations. Janet had read our book, Living Together: Myths, Risks & Answers. The half hour interview went so well, she interviewed him again two weeks later, and yet again in November when TIME ran a cover story, "Who Needs Marriage?" Mike's answer was "Everyone, especially children."  (He is a former TIME correspondent.)

HM Links & Clips (12/10/10) #150

10) The history and right now of African-American marriage

AndOn January 12, 2011, CLASP and the 2025 Campaign for Black Men and Boys will convene a meeting of national advocates and organizations to advance the vision and policy solutions presented in the We Dream A World report. Read the full report at

And and


9) and


And and




8)  Commentary: Millennials will prove marriage not obsolete
Oshkosh Northwestern
Many studies conclude that happiness and healthy aging result from warm connections to other people, as in a stable marriage. This is more important than ...


And How to survive your marriage: The big stuff
Here's some advice for men from the book "How to Survive Your Marriage" (Hundreds of Heads Books,, $13.95), straight from people ...




7) is also launching a newly redesigned Healthy People Web site that allows users to tailor information to their needs and explore evidence-based resources for implementation. The Web site is located at: For more information about myHealthyPeople, go to  

and/or directly to






AndStrong Bonds For Healthy Families | PDF Finder | PDF Search Engine
Helping Unwed Parents Build Strong and Healthy Marriages: A Conceptual Framework for ... Conceptual Framework: Strengthening Families








5) and to join NARME go to


AndFree Healthy Relationships Class for Couples
The Granato Group is excited to provide healthy marriage education for ... This program is a comprehensive, skills-based marriage education program to teach




4) Marriage Central launches second resource point in Woodlands
Channel News Asia
They can also make recommendations for marriage education programmes, and make referrals to marriage counsellors. NLB librarians will also be compiling a ...

And Does constructive conflict prevent divorce?
Huffington Post (blog)
John Gottman, in his book, What Predicts Divorce (1994) reported that when couples expressed contempt and criticism in the course of an argument they were ...


3) Minnesota Fatherhood & Family Services Summit | Minnesota ...
Jan 24-25, 2011Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Carolyn and Phil Cowan, Professors of Psychology Emeriti at the University of California, Berkeley.

AndOnline Course, Website Helps Parents and Children After Divorce Find Peace for ...
PR Web (press release)
Ongoing conflict between parents is the #1 cause of stress and maladjustment in children of divorce. During the holidays, the fighting can get worse. ...


2) Marriage's greatest trial
The (blog)
I smiled and just shook my head, “You haven't seen anything yet; you haven't experienced marriage's greatest trial. But you're about to. 'Tis the season. .

And Why married men tend to behave better  (Search “marriage study 2010” in Bing brings over 7 million hits—BC)

And "Marriage: Broken, In Need of Restoration," Mark Regnerus, Qideas


1) Obama and Democrats Support Relationship and Marriage Education ...

AndFrequent sex can save a failing marriage
by Krissy Storrar, Daily Mirror 10/12/2010 The report found couples have sex about four times a month in the first year of marriage – falling to three times ...
See all stories on this topic »





Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see


 From: Dr. M.P. Wylie [] on behalf of Dr. M.P. Wylie []
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 12:20 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]RRF: Make a Difference

Having trouble viewing this email? Click here

Dear Bill,

Make a difference in the lives of children and families with your year-end gift.

In the past four years, RRF has made great progress in supporting families.

4000  single-parents and couples were reached with educational materials and programs that build relationship skills.

12,000  children have a better opportunity of being brought up in healthier, happier and safer home environments.

With your generous support, we can continue to help single-parents, couples, and children have more loving relationships and homes.

$1  will help us get the word out to those looking for hope.

$10  will provide a couple with a skill-based Relationship Enhancement Booklet.

Make a difference in the life of a child! Donate today.

RRF is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization; donations are tax deductible.

Your generosity is deeply appreciated.


When Marriage Disappears: The Retreat from Marriage in Middle America

When Marriage Disappears: The Retreat from Marriage in Middle America

Monday, December, 13 11:00AM


And Class and the Culture War

New York Times (blog) - ‎Dec 7, 2010‎

My column yesterday plucked out one thread from the National Marriage Project's depressing new report, “The Retreat from Marriage in Middle America,” and ...


And for more articles see In the News at and See all stories on this topic »

When Marriage Disappears: The Retreat from Marriage in Middle America

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new The State of Our Unions report

Center for Marriage and Families

‘Unmarried With Kids: A Shift in the Working Class’

Elizabeth Marquardt 12.06.2010 9:46 AM

Listen to Brad Wilcox on NPR’s Morning Edition program, this morning, about our new The State of Our Unions report. A transcript is available at the same link.




Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see

HM Links & Clips (11/19/10) #144 - Coffin Corner
OMI provides marriage education to address reasons for divorce and ... For more information on the Twogether in Texas marriage education program, ...



HM Links & Clips (12/3/10) #149 (part 3)



From: Better Marriages (formerly Association for Couples in Marriage Enrichment) [] on behalf of Better Marriages (formerly Association for Couples in Marriage Enrichment) []
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 5:02 AM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]News from Better Marriages

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In This Issue Holiday Shopping is Here! Your Tax-Deductible Donation Better Marriages Fiesta
Quick Links

Join Our Mailing List
December, 2010
Logo as of March 8, 2010
Holiday Shopping is Here!

 Our current top pick:

 How to Use Conflict to Bring You Closer Cover Design


Practical insight and hands-on exercises in a workbook format to help you use conflict and anger creatively in a way that strengthens your relationship. Includes 11 lessons, each with a written exercise.

Available for immediate download as an eBook for $24.95
or order a hard copy for $29.95

Couple TalkingOur current #2 top pick: -->

Great ideas for pillow talk! Conversation starters are tools to strengthen your relationship. This collection includes conversation starters for 50 discussions on 1) Communication, 2) Feelings, 3) Anger and Conflict, 4) Relationship Assessment and 5) Affirmation. Learn to talk openly  and honestly about the important things in life and your relationship - build a better marriage in the process!

Available for immediate download as an eBook for $44.95
Can also be ordered in hard copy for $49.95

A great holiday gift idea:
The Wedding/Anniversary Package This package is a great holiday gift for your married or engaged children! This lovely gift includes one copy of Right Steps: Discovering a Better Marriage Workbook and a copy of  In-Laws/Out-Laws: Establishing Your Relationship as a Couple.  
Gift-wrapped (includes card) and sent by priority mail.

Available for $35. Include a one-year membership to Better Marriages for a total cost of $65.
Year-End Tax-Deductible Donations
We need your financial support! There's still time to receive a 2010 tax benefit by making a tax-deductible donation to Better Marriages.  Approximately 62% of Better Marriages income comes from personal donations from folks like you who believe in our mission of helping couples Build Better Marriages. Your tax-deductible donation can be made securely online or by calling 800-634-8325.

We're only half-way to our goal of $48,000. We need your financial support!
Better Marriages Fiesta
Better Marriages Fiesta  -->

Is it a conference? A celebration? A weekend getaway? A fiesta (party)? YES!

If you've never attended an international conference, you will not want to miss the Fiesta this summer! It promises to be a major, energetic, high-impact event that will transform your relationship.

New this year!
  • Choose from 50 workshops on topics ranging from developing a WOW sexual relationship to developing marriage cent$ and overcoming the number one cause of divorce. We're offering three tracks: 1) couples (for couples who want to grow closer and learn new relationship skills), 2) professionals (for Leader Couples and professional marriage educators, counselors and social workers who want to learn about new resources and gain CEUs), and 3) faith-based (for individuals and couples who want to be inspired or learn strategies for reaching couples through faith communities)
  • Tell your relationship story on video. We're helping launch the Conscious Relationship World Tour in partnership with Relationship Coaching Institute and giving you the opportunity to be interviewed for the Inspirational Relationships Video Project ( Reserve your interview time slot at the Fiesta!
  • Renew your marriage vows in a wedding-like setting. We're sponsoring a giveaway contest: Forever and Always: Marriage Vow Renewal. Couples in New Mexico who have been married at least five years will be invited to submit essays about why they should be selected to receive an all-expenses-paid Vow Renewal Ceremony. We'll hear many heart-felt stories of couples who are in the trenches, making their marriages work. One couple will be selected to renew their vows in the lovely courtyard at Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town on Saturday night of the Fiesta. YOU are invited to renew your vows as well and then join in a wedding-type reception and dance. Come dressed for the occasion - it will be a night to remember!
  • Meet new couples. We're partnering with local community-based couples agencies in Albuquerque in order to serve an additional 350+ local couples.
The list of nationally-known speakers and presenters is growing!

Join the excitement. Registration will be available soon!

I'm thrilled to be on this relationship journey with Greg, building a better marriage day by day. We wish for you a lifetime of love, joy and growth!
Priscilla Hunt,
Executive Director

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Better Marriages | P.O. Box 21374 | Winston-Salem | NC | 27120

From: Ozarks Marriage Matters [] on behalf of Ozarks Marriage Matters []
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 5:32 AM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]OMM News & Notes - November 30, 2010

Follow Up Flag: Follow Up
Flag Status: Red
Ozarks Marriage Matters

In This Issue:

  • Bert and Millie, Jerry and Margo
  • Getaway Together Marriage Retreat - January 14-15, 2011   
  • Ask Your Relationship Questions
OMM News & Notes: Promoting Healthy Relationships November 30, 2010
Bert and Millie, Jerry and Margo
by Dr. Jennifer Baker  
Two_couples_eatingThe first 3 ½ years of our marriage we lived in a suburb of Detroit, Michigan. We were about an hour and a half from Paul's family and more than 12 hours from mine. The nature of Paul's job did not allow us to visit either one of our families very often and we felt a little homesick-me especially. We had been part of a good size group of like-minded friends in college, but now we were out on our own and feeling somewhat isolated. We were also very new at marriage. Fortunately, we were blessed to benefit from two older couples who took us under their wing, invited us into their homes, modeled a good marriage, and encouraged us in meaningful ways. --> 
                                                    Click To Read The Rest
Get It Together Retreat - Januar 2011  
Have Questions About Relationships?
KTTS LogoCheck out our new Ask A Question web page where you can send Dr. Baker a question that she just might answer the next time she's on the air with Andy Taylor - Tuesday, December 21. -->

And don't forget to visit our podcast archive, where you can listen to earlier appearances.


HM Links & Clips (12/3/10) #149 (part 2)

From: First Things First []
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 1:08 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]Time to Lace Up for Families on the Run! | FTF eNews

First Things First eNewsDecember 2010    Volume 1

FTF Classes
Preparing for Marriage*
Maximize Your Marriage*
Blended Family Bliss*
Great Balancing Act*
Jazz Up Your Marriage*
Passionately Married*
Secrets of Lasting Love*
Sex, Lies
& Relationship Drama*

Boot Camp
FAM U (Family University)

* Funding for this project was provided by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Grant: 90FE0031. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.
Save The Dates!
Sex, Lies &
Relationship Drama
December 2011


January 2011


February 18 & 19, 2011


February 7-14, 2011

April 2011
Find us on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter

Families on the Run 2010
Time to Lace Up for
Families on the Run!

The 6th annual Families on the Run happens this Saturday, December 4, but there is still time to register and join in the fun!!  Runners and families from all across the region will gather at the Hunter Museum of American Art to compete in the 5K, 10K or non-competitive Santa Stroll along the Chattanooga Riverfront. Families on the Run will also host a Holiday Party filled with fun activities for the families in attendance at the Downtown SportsBarn, complete with a hot breakfast and holiday festivities for kids from one to 92.  And yes, the Chick-fil-A Santa Cow is coming to town, so don't miss out!

Online registration will end on Friday, December 3 at 9:00 a.m.  You may still call our office to register at 423.267.5383. 

Avoid the rush of race day and pick up your race packet this Friday, December 3 at the Downtown SportsBarn between 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. 

For more information, visit or call 423-267-5383
Sex, Lies & Relationship Drama

Our New Class for Single Adults
With today's social networks, online dating and a pop culture that thrives on quick-fixes, the art of building solid relationships is getting lost in the shuffle. Learn the truth about relationships at our newest seminar, Sex, Lies and Relationship Drama. This class for single adults offers a closer look at today's dating scene and how to better communicate, manage conflict and make healthy relationship choices.

For more information or to register, visit
"First Things First" on WTCI We're gearing up for another season of "First Things First with Julie Baumgardner" on your public television station, WTCI.
The new season has more great interviews on marriage, parenting, family matters and fathering to help you navigate through the game of life. Tune in each week for "First Things First" on Fridays at 10:30 p.m., Saturdays at 6:30 a.m. and Sundays at 9:30 a.m.

Raising Truly Great Kids with Dr. Tim Kimmel
It's Never Too Early to Start . . . and It's Never Too Late!
Every parent wants to raise great kids, but sometimes your best efforts leave you wishing for a survival guide. Are you willing to invest one day in order to empower your child . . . forever?

Join FTF as we present "Raising Truly Great Kids" with parenting expert Dr. Tim Kimmel on February 18-19 at the Baylor School Chapel. This fun, fast-paced seminar will give you the skills you need to successfully lead your kids through the journey of life.

Click here to learn more or to register

620 Lindsay Street
Suite 100

Chattanooga, TN 37403

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First Things First | 620 Lindsay Street | Suite 100 | Chattanooga | TN | 37403

From: Better Marriages (formerly Association for Couples in Marriage Enrichment) [] on behalf of Better Marriages (formerly Association for Couples in Marriage Enrichment) []
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 5:02 AM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]News from Better Marriages

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In This Issue Holiday Shopping is Here! Your Tax-Deductible Donation Better Marriages Fiesta
Quick Links