Friday morning cheer Fellow OMI RAG partners and friends!

Made my day!



From: Mary Myrick []
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 1:31 PM
To: Ron Haskins; Kathy Edin; Howard Markman (; Scott Stanley; Paul Amato; Pamela Jordan, PhD, RN; Galena K. Rhoades; Sarah Halpern-Meekin; Ron Cox; Robin Dion; Norval D. Glenn; Coffin, Bill (ACF); Theodora Ooms; Barbara Goldman; Ginger Knox
Cc: Hendrick, Howard; Alan Hawkins; Andrew Daire; Steven M. Harris Ph. D. (
Subject: Friday morning cheer Fellow OMI RAG partners and friends!


Hey all,

I’m just back from a wedding downstairs in FE… and thought I would tell you about a special moment (accompanied by pictures).


First a little background….as most of you are aware, we decided awhile back to hold weddings for our couples downstairs on Friday mornings, as many of them were getting married at the courthouse, and or, they were overwhelmed at the cost of getting a nice place to have a wedding.  For us, it’s a time of celebration to reenergize our team that deals with the hard realities of many of our families lives all week, our way of collectively helping couples to make a public declaration of their commitment to one another, and a way for us to help some of our couples achieve their dreams to be married with dignity.  Of course couples can invite family and friends if they chose and it’s always nice to see that some of them have this kind of support.


So today.  The couple actually knew each other from high school.  He was crazy about her but she had other interests.  She has gone on to have other children before they got together but their FE child is a first for him.  They are very committed to each other and are working through all kinds of issues with the support of their FSC… I had a chance to talk to the FSC actually and she was so very proud of all they have accomplished and how they work together as a team to face more than most of us could imagine. They still have challenges to address, which we are helping them with, so today was not a day where we forgot that is still true, but it was a celebration of their commitment to address challenges together…to have a shared view of their future and their children’s future.


This couple, unlike most, had a lot of family here.  What a fun thing to see their children, and cousins all lined up down the table eating wedding cake.  (see attached photo). One of their children, the next to the youngest, was so darling I couldn’t stop talking pics of her (sharing one with you/see attached).   I know there is no way to share with you  all the specialness of these moments that we bump into every day, but I want to keep trying.


So here’s my moment for today.  I was sitting talking with the children at the table while they were eating cake…and I said, who knows the bride. A couple of them said at the same time, “she’s my mom”.  Really, I said, that’s great.  And one of them said, “yeah, my mom and dad love each other so they are getting married.”  Okay now envision about four other heads bobbling up and down in agreement. Wow.   It was a little thing that is such a big thing. What  a very different childhood memory this day was and what a big difference it just may make in their futures. Somehow I’m certain it wouldn’t have been quite the same at the courthouse, or if it had never happened at all.  Today was another family forming experience done well.


Anyway, special day.  We saw a mom and dad get married because they love each other, but equally important, we saw it matter to their children.


Have a great weekend.












Mary Myrick, President

Public Strategies

301 NW 63rd, Suite 600

Oklahoma City, OK  73116

Phone: 405-418-3837

Fax: 405-848-2078



Public Strategies is a culturally and professionally diverse team

committed to helping organizations and individuals reach their

 full potential while maximizing their impact on the public good.


HM Links & Clips (10/22/10) #130


10) No Wedding, No Womb...No Future? - BCNN1
Recognizing that more than speeches are necessary for increasing awareness around single parenthood, Obama recently created the White House Fatherhood and ...





9) 'Culture of Poverty,' once an academic slur, makes comeback
Honolulu Star-Advertiser
President Barack Obama, who was abandoned by his father, has repeatedly talked about “responsible fatherhood.” Conservatives also deserve credit, ...


And The "culture of poverty" myth returns

Salon - Alyssa Battistoni - ‎1 hour ago‎

The New York Times caused a stir earlier this week with its assertion that the "culture of poverty" theory of urban decline is back in ...


And 'Culture of poverty' begins at home

The Collegian - Anna Jacobsen - ‎7 hours ago‎

Learning about issues that affect our society is one of the most important aspects of the ...


And A Culture of Poverty

And Reconsidering the 'Culture of Poverty'




8) In a continued effort to show leadership in the call of President Obama's June address to raise the issue of Responsible Fathers and Mentoring; Fathers Incorporated has proclaimed 2011: THE YEAR OF RESPONSIBLE MEN. It is our goal to inspire the nation to engage in a year-long engagement, celebration and encouragement of responsible men. We are clear about two things. 1) Fatherlessness is one of the more devastating social ills of low income, underserved and disadvantage communities; and 2) because of it, these communities lack the presence of responsible mentors to fill the gap left by father absenteeism. As a result, children are left unprotected and vulnerable; single mothers are left with the added burden of raising children alone.




And Conference set for Friday and Saturday, Oct. 22 & 23, to focus on keeping ...
WHAS (subscription)
by Christine Wright (WHAS11) The Two-not-One Fatherhood Conference is set for Friday, Oct. 22 at Hotel Louisville and it's all about keeping families ...


And Ruckus - National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse
Call 877-4DAD411 or visit Disclaimer: brought to you by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the Ad Council. ...






7) to Print -
Family Strengthening Approaches for the Prevention of Youth Problem Behaviors.” American Psychologist 58(6/7):457–65. Kumpfer, Karol L., Rose Alvarado, ...


And LiveClicks™ Full-Day Webinars | Introduction to The 7 Habits of ...
The 7 Habits of Successful Families workshop series is an engaging, family- strengthening program based on Stephen R. Covey's No. 1 bestsellers The 7 Habits ...


And UCS teacher pens first book
Shelby Township Source Newspapers
Utica Community Schools teacher Darrin Millar recently released the book "Daddy Can You," a tale of fatherhood dedicated to his daughters, Emily, ...




6) State's lower teen-pregnancy rate doesn't tell whole story
Seattle Times
Washington state's teen birthrate overall is lower than the national average, according to a new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ...
See all stories on this topic »




5) The first cohort of Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program grantees were awarded on September 28, 2010.




4) Love means having to say you're sorry
Jerusalem Post
Marital therapists report that authentic apology is a very important feature of a healthy marriage. Psychologists have reported that there are differences ...



3) Golden Rule key to healthy marriage
At every wedding, I wonder how the happy couple could ever end up divorced. The pastor speaks so eloquently about love and commitment.





The deadline for proposals has been extended to Friday, November 19, 2010





Why you should have sex at least once a week – The Chart - Blogs



Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see



From: National Fatherhood Leaders Group []
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 3:09 AM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: OCSE Fatherhood Webinar October 25, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Dear Colleague,

I am pleased to inform you that the registration deadline for the Monday, October 25, 2010 webinar, sponsored by the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement, has been extended.  This means that you can still register and participate in the webinar entitled Addressing the Child Access Needs of Unweb Fathers: Options for Child Support, Courts, and Responsible Fatherhood Organizations.

Please use the link below. When you click on that link to register, kindly disregard the Thursday, October 21, 2010 deadline for receiving an email containing phone and web access information.

When your registration is submitted, you will receive an email with phone and web access information.  If problems occur, kindly contact me at


Robert D. Johnson

National Mobilization Officer


Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement's Webinar on:

"Addressing the Child Access Needs of Unwed Fathers:

Options for Child Support, Courts, and Responsible Fatherhood Organizations"

Date:    Monday, October 25, 2010

Time:  2:00pm – 3:30pm Eastern Time

To register, click on the link  

Compared to a decade ago, the landscape of families and children in America has changed significantly.  The nation's out-of-wedlock birth rate is at an all time high with nearly 41% or 1.7 million children born to unmarried parents in 2008.  The percentage is even higher among various racial groups including, but not limited to, African-Americans (72%), American Indians or Alaska Natives (66%); and Hispanics (53%).


Addressing the child access needs of unwed fathers is an important but often overlooked factor that impacts child support, child well-being and the parent-child relationship, over time.  For the majority of unwed fathers who acknowledge paternity at birth, most assume, incorrectly, they have full legal parenting rights to their children.  In most states, an unwed father must file a petition in the court to request and establish a parenting time order in order to ensure access to his children.  This, in itself, can be a deterrent to establishing a father's relationship with his children; research has revealed that unwed fathers who have parenting time plans are more likely to pay child support and remain involved in the lives of their children. 


So what are the options?  Child support agencies often are unable to do anything.  Courts often only deal with unwed fathers who have not paid their child support.  And responsible fatherhood organizations want to help but don't quite know how to intersect with the court system and/or are unfamiliar with the process for helping unwed fathers obtain a parenting time order.


We are honored to have representatives from child support, courts, and responsible fatherhood organizations who are going to tell you why helping unwed fathers with child access issues should and can be done!


Moderator                      Debra Pontisso, Program Specialist, Federal OCSE


CHILD SUPPORT                   Anita Stuckey, Shared Parenting Program Coordinator

 Child Support Enforcement

Texas Office of the Attorney General


COURTS                                 Norris Stevenson, Deputy Administrator

Illinois Child Support Enforcement

State Access and Visitation Coordinator


Sheila Murphy-Russell, Director

The Parents and Kids in Partnership Program

18th Judicial Court – DuPage County

HM Links & Clips (10/21/10) #129

10) Ten Ways to Have a Really Great Marriage







9) Sociologists bring themselves to notice the obvious
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (blog)
... in statements and reports to the nation that examine child and social well-being related to marriage, fatherhood, motherhood, and civil society. ...





8) The Beneficial Effects of Marriage - Laura's Strengthening ...
By Laura M. Brotherson
Marriage research is, of course, social science research, and even with the best methodological studies, (Glenn, 2001, pp. 44-45) research is clearly limited: obviously, no one is randomly assigning couples to marry and there are ...


And PREP Workshop Leaders
... state of Oklahoma and has paid close attention to the geographic distribution of
these leaders so that all citizens have access to marriage education workshops ...




First Divorces in the U.S., 2008




Rate of First Marriage in the U.S., 2008





7) 7 Things Your Marriage Needs That Money Can’t Buy


And The long, hard slog to value fatherhood
While motherhood might be the world's toughest job, fatherhood isn't far behind. Like all tough jobs, the end result is well worth it. ...




And Loving support is what matters to those fighting cancer


And Helping men with the trauma of miscarriage.

Pages 288-295

Rinehart, Martha S.; Kiselica, Mark S.

o                                                        Abstract

o                                                        | Full Text PDF

o                                                        | Full Text HTML |

o                                                        Permissions




6) Listening Sessions Conducted by the Federal Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs
What is the single most important thing we can do to make a difference in the lives of youth? What are effective programs, strategies, and initiatives to improve youth outcomes? Are there program or policy gaps? What are the barriers to improving youth outcomes and how can these barriers be removed? Share your ideas on improving youth outcomes! Sessions are in the following cities: Denver, CO (October 19); Seattle, WA (October 19); New York, NY (October 26); Boston, MA (November 12); Orlando, FL (November 16); Houston, TX (November 18); Washington, DC (December 2). To register, click on the link below, or call 1-877-231-7843. If you can’t attend a listening session, you can share your ideas through the website, by visiting the link below and clicking on “Provide Your Input” in the box marked “Strategic Plan for Youth.” 


And one of the programs at our CFC kickoff this morning was








And The New Marriage Gap: Does Education Predict Conjugal Success?
Huffington Post (blog)
Perhaps most importantly, college graduates are more likely to be financially stable within those unions and less likely to divorce. ...


And Young Couples Know Each Other Best
The Fatherhood Channel
Fortunately, many relationship and marriage education classes that deliver evidence-based skills for improving communication, deepening empathy, ...




4) - Earmark Disclosure 71970, Healthy Marriage ...
US Congress: Earmark Disclosure 71970, Healthy Marriage Demonstration Project.


And Marriage Education's Roadmap for Relationships - Peter Casier ...
Marriage Education's Roadmap for Relationships - 2010101... 2 hours ago from Humanitarian News blogs - Comment - Like - Share ...




3) Stronger Families LIVE: Restored & Remarried

Don't forget to mark your calendar and join us for this LIVE event. Gil and Brenda Stuart, authors of the book Restored and Remarried,will be sharing about life as a blended family and their journey and answering your questions LIVE. You won't want to miss this.


Thurs., Oct 21st, 2010 from 7-8pm PST

 REGISTER NOW! The Live Broadcast is FREE (donations welcome).



And Asia PR Werkz to promote healthy marriages for NFC in Singapore ...
Asia PR Werkz to promote healthy marriages for NFC in Singapore. Cho Pei Lin, director, Asia PR Werkz. The local agency will develop a public relations ...




2) Power of Two So what are the areas you two have learned to "love your differences?"

And Thanksgiving Family Survival Guide, Part One    Thanksgiving Family Survival Guide, Part Two




1) There is still time to register for this year's third annual conference on Sexuality, Integrity, and the University, to be held at Princeton University on November 12-13, 2010. The conference will feature sessions on family as the foundation for society, the meaning and value of marriage, restoring dignity to femininity and masculinity in today's culture, and how to be advocates for marriage, family, and sexual integrity on your campus, with a joint keynote address on the role of friendship in the hookup culture and marriage formation. The deadline to register is November 1st so visit our website and sign up now!


And HM Links & Clips (10/18/10) #127 - Coffin Corner
Marriage Education is increasingly touching the lives of greater numbers of ... Marriage education is helping men learn to support their wives through ...


And How New England Are You? (Hi Josie and Marilyn and Mary Ann,  Which link and/or clip would you like to forward to others in Region 1? Some regions forward the entire email.)



GO SF Giants!


Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see


 From: The National Campaign []
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 2:59 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: Preliminary 2008 State-Specific Teen Birth Data Released




October 20, 2010

Donate Button


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) has released preliminary 2008 state data on teen births. In addition, NCHS has also released new analysis of state disparities in teen birth rates based on 2007 teen birth data. 

Some of the primary findings include:

  • State teen birth rates continue to vary widely according to the preliminary 2008 dataâ"€from 20 per 1,000 15-19 year-olds in New Hampshire to 66 per 1,000 in Mississippi.
  • As a general matter, teen birth rates in 2008 were lowest in the Northeast and upper Midwest and highest in Southern states.
  • It has been widely understood that some of this variation is attributable to state-level differences in the racial/ethnic makeup of the population.
  • However, NCHS analysis of 2007 birth data (the most recent data with state-level detail by race/ethnicity) shows that even within racial/ethnic subgroups, there are great differences across states.  For example, some states with lower overall rates of teen births rank among those states with the highest rates for some racial/ethnic groups.
  • As a general matter, birth rates for non-Hispanic white teens are highest in the Southeast, birth rates for non-Hispanic black teens are highest in the Southeast and upper Midwest, and birth rates for Hispanic teens are highest in the Southeast.

“The report is yet another reminder that the problem of teen pregnancy and childbearing in the United States remains deep, wide, and urgent,” said Sarah Brown, CEO of The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.  “The national declines in too-early pregnancy and parenthood have stalled and racial/ethnic differences in teen pregnancy and childbearing remain profound.  The Obama Administration’s investment in preventing teen pregnancy has been an important step forward.  We now call on other sectors to recognize the challenge at hand and do what they can to help young people avoid unplanned pregnancy.”

Visit for the full NCHS teen birth report.  Visit The National Campaign’s websiteâ€"TheNationalCampaign.orgâ€"for more information on teen and unplanned pregnancy.
Powered By Convio

©2010, The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy
1776 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20036
ph: (202) 478-8507. fax: (202) 478-8588. CFC #10496

Send this message to a friend

From: First Things First []
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 1:05 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]Are you a

HM Links & Clips (10/19/10) #128





8) GAO: Defense domestic violence tracking remains flawed
By Norah Swanson

Audit finds the Pentagon's system for collecting data on abuse in military families hinders department's ability to analyze trends.

Full story:

And SAMHSA Seeking Stakeholder Feedback on Strategic Initiatives SAMHSA's recently-released plan Leading Change: A Plan for SAMHSA's Roles and Actions 2011 - 2014 builds on 8 strategic initiatives to focus the Agency's work. In conjunction with the Plan's release, SAMHSA is seeking comment on the initiatives in their ongoing efforts to increase public engagement, collaboration, and participation. The online forum is open for feedback and suggestions until October 22, 2010 at 5 p.m. EST. Access the online forum












Parents Say America Is in a 'Father Absence' Crisis                                                                                 (What a picture!—BC)----à
The Good Men Project
Are we in the midst of a fatherhood crisis? In a New York Times article about an ad campaign designed at getting Asian-American, American-Indian, ...


And Ads Urge Fathers to ‘Take Time’ to Be a Dad


And 2010-10-FF "Fathers' Involvement and Fathers' Well-being over Children's First Five Years" by Marcia Carlson & Kimberly Turner


The Good Men Project

 And HOW TO BE A DAD: Website launched for men to face first-time ...
HOW TO BE A DAD: Website launched for men to face first-time fatherhood...together. A unique new website and advice portal has been launched this week, with the specific aim of preparing, and supporting men through what will be the most ...





5) Blacks & Marriage! « WBAV – 101.9
By kla411
Is marriage dead? Are educated black women unrealistic? Is marriage a negotiation? Charlotte's Best Variety of Hits & Oldies.







4) 2010-09-FF "Family Structure Transitions and Changes in Maternal Resources and Well-Being" by Cynthia Osborne, Lawrence Berger and Katherine Magnuson


And Not our grantee but interesting none the less Marriage Retreat « ¿Qué Pasa @ ICC?
By Darcy
The teaching topics centered on the ingredients for a healthy marriage, with a special emphasis on sacrifice, communication and intimacy.

And American Heart Association revises CPR guidelines ...

The American Heart Association issued new guidelines Monday for CPR, making rapid chest compressions the mainstay. ...





3) Decoding Commitment: When Sally met Harry and





2) Love and the litmus test, Take 2: Have dating deal-breakers changed in 28 years? One...




Choices in Relationships: An ... - Google Books





1) Learn more about Ethnographic Video Online here.


And 'Culture of Poverty' Makes a Comeback
Decades after Daniel Patrick Moynihan, scholars are conceding culture and persistent poverty are enmeshed. (Over 370+ comments as of this morning--BC)

(A link to this article was provided in #10 yesterday)


And Reconsidering Culture and Poverty in the May 2010 issue of The ANNALS and The Moynihan Report Revisited (Jan 2009)-both available online now!



Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see



From: Ozarks Marriage Matters [] on behalf of Ozarks Marriage Matters []
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 5:32 AM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]OMM News & Notes - October 19, 2010

Ozarks Marriage Matters

In This Issue:

  • Don't Believe Everything You Hear about Marriage - Part 3
  • Straight Talk from Real Dads
  • Getaway Together Marriage Retreat - Novermber 12-13, 2010 
  • Hitched & Happy - 7 Different Locations in October  
  • Ask Your Relationship Questions
OMM News & Notes: Promoting Healthy Relationships October 19, 2010
Don't Believe Everything You Hear about Women and Marriage - Part 3 
by Dr. Jennifer Baker  
BrideGiven the recent release of census data indicating that the number of people between the ages of 25 -34 who were not married exceeded those who were married in 2009 for the first time since we've been keeping track of such things in the U.S., some have suggested that perhaps young women are less interested in marriage. I'm not at all certain that this reason is a key contributor to the decline in marriage, but what if it was? Do young women have a good reason to embrace romantic relationships, but avoid marriage? Is Sex and the City the new norm for young women? What benefits, if any, ensue for married women other than a husband, two kids, a minivan and soccer on the weekends? -->  
                           Click To Read The Rest
Straight Talk with Real Dads Banner  

This Week: Advice to Dads from 7th Graders

For More Information and to Register Click Here

Hitched & Happy Banner

October 2010: Hitched & Happy workshops are available in 7 different locations in Springfield, Aurora, Branson, Joplin and West Plains. Visit the Operation Us online calendar for more information.
Have Questions About Relationships?
KTTS LogoCheck out our new Ask A Question web page where you can send Dr. Baker a question that she just might answer the next time she's on the air with Andy Taylor. -->

And don't forget to visit our podcast archive,

HM Links & Clips (10/18/10) #127





9) Relationship Education
The goal was to seek the broadest possible dispersal of research and marriage education skills courses which could improve interpersonal relationship ...


And What does a healthy marriage consist of Yahoo Answers
Do people in a healthy marriage ever fight If so how much and to what ... Healthy couples fight and argue everyone does Itd be worse if one person just gave in ...




8) I Am ME Marilyn Stevens Central Illinois « Fatherhood Channel ...
Marriage Education is increasingly touching the lives of greater numbers of couples families and children across the country This week we begin our regular ...


And The View on Mammograms for Loving Husbands
The Fatherhood Channel
Marriage education is helping men learn to support their wives through difficult challenges, even when they can't fix it. by Seth Eisenberg Roughly 37 ...




7) How can boomers keep the spark alive?
Sacramento Bee
The author of "Five Simple Steps to Take Your Marriage from Good to Great" says one of her goals, in addition to making mature couples feel comfortable ...




Love Makes You Increasingly Ignorant of Your Partner | Wired Science |




6) Case Study: Coalition Building
Marriage Education Service Hour. (MESH). CHMC uses the MESH funding model with larger- scale partners and for those with projects involving ...


And Seminar teaches Hmong leaders about healthy marriages ...
ROTHSCHILD -- About 200 people -- mostly Hmong clan leaders from across Wisconsin -- are attending a groundbreaking seminar about healthy marriage this ...





5) More couples are saying 'I do' to living together
Salt Lake Tribune
Demographers believe the increase is couples delaying marriage because of the cost, avoiding marriage altogether or moving in without a long-term plan ...








4) Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. President Barack Obama White House ...
President George Bush made provisions for150 million annual funding towards Healthy Marriage, Responsible Fatherhood programs. ...


And Minnesota Fatherhood Leadership Circles
In 2010, MFFN initiated the Fatherhood Leadership Circles with projects ... Fatherhood Leadership Circles will convene during four (4) day-long meetings per ...




3) How to Feel That Magic 'Click' Again
Remember the excitement when you two first hit it off?
3 Tips to Get That Spark Back


And Go Retro: 12 Tips for a Happy Marriage

Tried-and-true strategies you can borrow from your parents' marriage to enhance your own.





2) and





1) 'Vow' preps for Marriage Festival - Longview News-Journal: Local News
Vow is a marriage education program designed to provide young adult singles, and couples with information and resources to aid them in sustaining a marriage ...


And California Healthy Marriages Coalition | Facebook
Welcome to a Facebook Page about California Healthy Marriages Coalition. Join Facebook to start connecting with California Healthy Marriages Coalition.



Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see



From: First Things First []
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2010 6:10 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]"Bring Your Playbook and Let's Talk" | Dad to Dad September 2010

 October 2010
Issue No. 9
Fathering Tip
Happyness Is . . .

Chris Gardner, the inspiration behind the real life story of The Pursuit Of Happyness, was in town recently speaking on the issues of homelessness, fatherhood and success. His remarks to the group were truly inspiring. He encouraged men to be more involved as fathers and to help end the cycle of neglectful fathering. Some of what Gardner said can be seen on this video, and I would recommend visiting his site for more information. His life story is amazing and gives a new perspective on what it truly means to be a father.

Poll Question

Tell Us What
You Think
What fathering related classes would you like to see us offer?

Tell us what you think about Dad to Dad!

Email your comments and suggestions to Todd Agne at

Forward this email
"Bring Your Playbook and Let's Talk"
by Todd Agne
Fathering Coordinator

In the world of athletics, the phrase "Bring your playbook and let's talk" is code for "You've been cut". As a matter of fact, anytime you hear the phrase "Let's talk" (whether it's uttered by your boss, wife, or your kid's teacher), it usually foreshadows that something of significance is about to happen or needs to be discussed. So it's no wonder that Let's Talk Month in October is not always so inspiring or met with warm embraces.

With that said, let me stress how important it is and what it really means.

Ironically, Let's Talk Month is more about encouraging open dialogue with your kids over time versus a one-time lecture. It's about talking with your kids about sex and healthy relationships and listening to what they have to say about that topic and other things. They have ideas, concerns, and questions that if nurtured correctly, will eventually come out in conversation and hopefully lead to healthy decisions. 

If you're the father of a toddler, the best time to start talking is before they can. Dads can be great story tellers and if you're willing to invest 5-10 minutes a night on how you grew up, what you wish for them in the future, where you went on vacation and the things you did way back when, you'll have built a relationship that lends itself to honest communication when it's their time to talk. I often tell new parents that conversations about nothing at all will eventually lead to conversations about everything important.

Read more about how to start talking . . .

The Locker Room is a place where Dads can come for practical advice and fatherly support. Dad to Dad, Grandfather to Grandkids or father to child.

This month in the Locker Room:

 Fall is here and there are a couple of "climate change traditions" within driving distance from downtown Chattanooga.

These recommendations come from personal experience and have my family's stamp of approval.  The first is a visit to Guthrie Pumpkin Farm in nearby Riceville, Tennessee. They offer tractor rides into the fields, the picking of pumpkins and other family-friendly experiences such as animal petting and fall treats to sample. The second tradition is to take a trip to the Mayfield Dairy Farm in Athens. They offer tours of the farm and you and the kids can run through the Corn Maze. These are simple, fun ways to connect with your family during this colorful season and it won't break the bank either.

Guthrie Farm and Corn Maze

HM Links & Clips (10/15/10) #126


10) Helping Fragile Families
Brookings Institution
... new Fatherhood, Marriage, and Innovations Fund, by recommending that funds be set aside for establishing and evaluating marriage promotion programs. ...





9) (video from yesterday)


And“Sisters Are Doin' It for Themselves,” But Could Use Some Help
Center For American Progress
Others include: Do policies that promote responsible fatherhood fail to recognize that women also face significant financial hardships and structural ...




8) California's Democrats and Republicans Surprisingly Agree on Marriage Issues
Kansas City Star
/PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- While California liberals and conservatives have spent two years on opposing sides of the marriage definition issue, ...





7) What We Do - Ozarks Marriage Matters
OMM is able to provide these kits at no charge to couples in a 29 county area of Southwest Missouri thanks to Operation Us and the Healthy Marriage Healthy ...


And Agency aims to strengthen marriages | Garden City Telegram Online
Through Marriage for Keeps, they began to see what was missing in their ... them a night away from children that a healthy marriage needs every so often. ...


And Healthy Marriage Project | Cross Talk
By Brian Baker
During The Smart Marriages Conference is the leading professional conference for marriage education, I discovered that communities all over the United States were organizing and reducing their divorce rates by as much as 50%. ...


And Couples sought for "Newlywed Game"
WHIO Radio
The Marriage Resource Center of the Miami Valley is hosting the event as a fundraiser to support healthy marriage in Clark County. ...


And OPINION SHAPER: Couples need to cut divorce rate by investing in premarital ...
Organizations like the St. Louis Healthy Marriage Coalition offers such support through workshops on communication, money issues and raising children for ...





6) Keys to a healthy marriage
Ventura County Star
Unfortunately, the same can be said for many of us — that we went into marriage or partner relationships with the skills we had. ...


And Turbulence Ahead: Marriage and the Economy
By Gerard O'Neill
Though he's decidedly pessimistic about the United State's capacity to restore a healthy marriage culture. But it isn't just about economics. There's also the small matter of freedom. Allan Carlson gets to the heart of the matter: ...


And from UK Weekly Update …Westminster Council puts price on 'typical unruly family'

A "typical unruly family" costs taxpayers almost £275,000 a year, Westminster Council has said reports CYPNow. Costs included those incurred by police, the NHS and the council, as well as welfare benefits and the cost of associated problems like drug abuse and truancy. The annual figure of £273,781 includes a year's foster care at £900 per week, £24,000 to tackle the risk of a young prolific offender and £23,200 to deal with domestic violence in each nuisance family. There are also costs for eviction, temporary accommodation post-eviction and money to tackle substance misuse as well as issuing antisocial behaviour orders.







AndMarital Conflict – Five Tips For Dealing With Marital Conflict
It is about humility and promoting humility within the marriage and on a person level. Do You Have a Healthy Marriage? Do You Have a Healthy Marital ...





4) Meeting the Needs of Veterans & Military Families: A Summit for Health & Human Services Professionals
November 12, 2010
Columbia, MO
This Summit will be addressing two key components: Increasing awareness of behavioral health, health, and family support needs of veterans and military families; and Identifying service integration to improve the deployment cycle, transition, and reintegration of service members and their families. Click here for more information on participating in this event.




3) and




2) UT News » Conference to encourage father involvement in children's ...
By Samantha Pixler
He previously was featured in The Blade as a panelist for the Second Annual Lucas County Children Services Fatherhood Summit in downtown Toledo. “Sharing one's story helps someone else who went through the same thing as you find support ...







1) Marriage Spotlight: Hardwired to Connect - iContact Community
For more information on the Twogether in Texas marriage education program, visit and Hardwired to Connect Part ...


And Tell me what is the foundation for your healthy marriage
I will be writing a book soon and I would like the facts from men and women regarding what it takes to have a healthy, happy marriage that will last. ...


GO Giants!


Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see



From: Marriage Resource Center []
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 1:45 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]Money Habitudes for Couples

Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Red
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Money Habitudes for Couples
Target your habits and attitudes about money

Are you one of the many couples who argue about money?  If so, this workshop is for you! 


Money Habitudes is a fun, nonjudgmental way for couples to talk about money using a game-like tool.  Using the cards shows couples how their habits and attitudes -habitudes- related to money affect how, why and when they spend, save, give, invest and go into debt.  In addition, the cards help couples better achieve their goals and interact with others.


Have some fun while learning about your money habits & attitudes!


Date/time:  Tuesday, October 19 from 6:30-9pm

Location:  Marriage Resource Center

             23400 Michigan Avenue, Suite P18

             Dearborn, MI  48124

Cost:  $30/couple

Register by calling the MRC at 313-278-4400 by Friday, October 15 at 5pm.

HM Links & Clips (10/8/10) #125

10) 10 Ways to Make Your Marriage Divorceproof | Real Simple



9) No more 'marriage gap' for college-educated women
Washington Post
A new report shows that the marriage gap, though once large, turned around for white women starting with those born in the early 1970s. Now ages 35 to 39, ...









8) OC Marriage » Classes
Marriage Education Classes. Viewing all classes. The following is a list of all upcoming classes. You may perform an advance search or look for classes in a ...


And TMC Offers Twogether in Texas Marriage Courses in Maverick
The state's initiative, called “Twogether in Texas,” promotes free marriage education classes that provide eight hours of training on communication skills, ...




7) Single nation: What matters to Korean men
The Korea Herald
Marriage is one of the most important purposes in life and also a source of happiness. Finding a wife and settling down with her is very important to me. ...





















Do Kids Cause Divorce? - Philadelphia Magazine -








1) On the second Friday evening of Oct 1964 I asked Pat to dance at a mixer at Fairfield University.  One of the best decisions I ever made.


Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see

HM Links & Clips (10/7/10) #124

10) If you read only one thing this month let it be What Works in Marriage and Relationship Education? Research Report



9) National Guard and Reserve Families Paying High Price for Lasting ...
The Fatherhood Channel
Scott Stanley, Ph.D., a founder of the PREP marriage education program at the University of Denver that is almost exclusively provided in Strong Bonds ...



8) The loss of an individual to suicide impacts family, friends, co-workers, and the community. is a comprehensive resource - here you will find ready access to hotlines, treatments, professional resources, and forums and multiple media designed to link you to others. The site supports all Service Branches, the National Guard and the Reserves, and our veterans, families, and providers.


And depression and anxiety screenings take a screening online today








6) A Lifetime to Love--Sharing Unconditional Love: #1 Predictor of ...
By Lyndsay Katauskas, MEd
What I've realized is that marriage education is not limited to already married couples. In fact--the communication skills, conflict resolution, anger management, parenting skills, emotional intelligence, understanding love languagues, ...






5) Better Marriages: The Wedding's Over: What Now?
By Priscilla Hunt
We also joined an ongoing small group of couples, all who were committed to developing a strong, healthy, satisfying marriage. As couples, we learned to trust each other and to share openly with each other about our struggles. ...




4) Fatherhood
Many have Fatherhood Initiatives that offer a network of agencies and ... Are there organizations that provide more specific information on Fatherhood? ...


And Helping Fathers Is a Women's Issue?
Center For American Progress
Initiated under the George W. Bush administration, the Responsible Fatherhood and Healthy Marriage programs received some criticism focused on their ...



3) Does marriage kill a relationship?
Sydney Morning Herald (blog)
Or is it just a cop-out for men who feel they don't need to be married anyway (with marriage no longer being a prerequisite for sex, kids and living ...


And Does 'Living in Sin' Still Lead to Divorce?
Moving in together before marriage used to be associated with a higher risk for divorce. But now, as more unmarried couples than ever before decide to live ...




2) To coincide with Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the Welfare Peer Technical Assistance Network will be sponsoring a webinar on the topic, entitled "Overcoming Domestic Violence as a Barrier to Employment through TANF Partnerships" on October 13th, 2010 at 3pm Eastern. Speakers for the event will include Mary Roberto, Colorado Works Section Manager and Ruth Glen, Director of the Colorado Department of Human Services' Domestic Violence Program; Marylouise Kelley, Director of the Family Violence Prevention & Services Program at the Family and Youth Services Bureau; and Anne Menard, Director of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence.


Click Here to Register for the Webinar.








Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see



From: First Things First []
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 1:09 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [SUSPECTED SPAM] 4 More Great Dates! | FTF eNews

Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Red

First Things First eNewsOctober 2010    Volume 1

FTF Classes
* Funding for this project was provided by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Grant: 90FE0031. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.
Save The Dates!

Saturday, December 4

January 2011


February 18 & 19 2011
Find us on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter

Chick-fil-A Date Nights

4 More Great Dates!!
Chick-fil-A and First Things First invite you and your sweetie to enjoy 4 more Great Dates on Mondays from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.  Couples can visit any of the participating Chick-fil-A stores for a little one on one time to relax and reconnect.  Each date night comes with a different menu of activities for you and your date to experience.  You'll also have a chance to take The Couple Check-Up to assess your relationship!
For more details, visit
Let's Talk Month

I'm Askable
October is Let's Talk Month, a national campaign that supports parents in their efforts to talk to their children openly and honestly about healthy relationships and sexuality. 

It's not always easy to talk about sensitive topics like sex and relationships, but it is always important to start talking.  Your family depends on you for information about your beliefs, values and expectations.  Also, research shows that young people who feel connected to their family and clearly understand their family's values concerning sexuality are more likely to avoid risky behavior.

What messages do you want to share with the children in your life?  Create an open environment to share your thoughts and listen to theirs.  Let them know that it's okay to ask you questions.  You can find the answers together.
For advice on how to talk to your kids

HM Links & Clips (10/6/10) #123

10) Changes in Marriage Rates - The Director's Blog
By seth@censusstaff
A friend of mine used to tell the joke about a man standing on the corner, clapping his hands continuously. A passer-by asked him why he was clapping his hands – “To keep the elephants away.” The passer-by said, “But there aren't any ...






9) Frequently Asked Questions
Currently, we receive limited funds from a Healthy Marriage Demonstration Grant awarded to Forest Institute and it's project partners. ...


And and




8) David Cameron to push tax breaks for marriage
By Eddie Barnes and David Maddox DAVID Cameron will today use his first address to a Conservative conference as Prime Minister to insist that marriage will ..



Government in the bedroom? - The Vancouver Sun

... that Canada needs a national institution to co-ordinate strategies ... grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, provides relationship skills and marriage education ...





7) What a Couple's Arguing 'Style' May Say About Their Marriage
Voice of America
In nine years of marriage, they have built not just a successful dental practice, but also a family. Rachel and Evan laugh about the last time they argued ...


And and





6) What keeps a 65-year marriage going?
Atlanta Journal Constitution
Marjorie Kone attributes the longevity of the marriage to two key features. “It's a combination of appreciation and communication,” she said. ...






5) Dads are the 'Supermen' students need
CNN International
By Roland C. Warren, Special to CNN Editor's note: Roland C. Warren is the president of the National Fatherhood Initiative, a nonprofit organization that ...


And Harbaugh to host Father & Kids Experience
Baltimore Sun (blog)
The All Pro Dad Father & Kids Experience is the football-themed event of All Pro Dad, the fatherhood program of Family First, a national non-profit ...


And Pursuit of 'deadbeats' is paying off
The Augusta Chronicle
Parents feeling bogged down by payments are often referred to community resources, such as the Georgia Fatherhood program, to help them get on track with ...




4) Spanish Outreach CoordinatorMarriage Educator
Identify and train Marriage Education Personnel * Administer subcontractor agreements * Coordinate and oversee subcontractor performance ...










2) Julie Munz Baumgardner Fantastic Great Date Night last night in Chattanooga with more than 2300 in attendance!




1) and


and and



Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see



From: PAIRS Foundation [] on behalf of PAIRS Foundation []
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 6:51 AM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [SUSPECTED SPAM] Ten Skills to Bolster Relationships

Having trouble viewing this email? Click here
PAIRS Essentials Webinar for Couples, Singles and Professionals - Begins Monday, October 11th

What Recent Graduates are Saying About PAIRS ...

"The knowledge and skills I learned in PAIRS will have an enormous impact on my life." 

"PAIRS tools allow me to teach my veterans how to effectively communicate with their spouses and help teach spouses how to really listen and work together to solve problems." 

"I love people and building relationships. PAIRS is a tool that I plan on implementing in every aspect of my life."

"PAIRS training really made me look at myself and how I have been dealing with conflicts or issues in my own personal relationships. I love to learn new and better ways to do things, especially when what I have been doing isn't working very well. I can easily practice these tools with everyone I have a relationship with especially my husband. I look forward to helping our veterans and marriage ministry."

"Wonderful, practical tools everyone can relate to ... express feelings, feel you've been heard and then use tools to resolve conflict or issues in their relationship. Thank you for this memorable life-changing experience!"

"PAIRS will be one of the most amazing and life changing experiences ever."

Dear Bill, 

It's not by accident that more than 99 percent of thousands of graduates recommend PAIRS Essentials. From coast to coast, couples and singles from diverse backgrounds and in all stages of relationship have discovered practical, usable skills to enhance love, pleasure, happiness and fulfillment with the people that matter most in our lives.

Last week, I had the privilege of training dozens of Veterans Administration and active duty military Chaplains and other behavioral health specialists in Augusta, Georgia who are helping expand the impact of PAIRS Essentials nationwide. In 2009, our collaboration with the VA won recognition as a national "Best Practice" for helping couples impacted by combat deployment.

Beyond powerful, usable skills for enhancing communication and deepening empathy, PAIRS Essentials has proven effective relieving symptoms and feelings of stress that can develop from each of our unique life experiences.

No matter where you are in your life and relationships, PAIRS Essentials offers a road map for lasting love and intimacy built on powerful communication skills, understanding emotions in ourselves and others, and dealing with interpersonal conflict and differences in ways that promote greater closeness, compassion, health, and healing.

While PAIRS delivers a road map and tools, it's up to each participant to bring good will towards others and a genuine openness to learning, growing and discovering what's possible in the relationships we cherish.

I invite you to join me next week to participate in an online adaptation of PAIRS Essentials that you can enjoy from the privacy of your home or office. The class will be taught over four three-hour webinars beginning Monday, October 11, 6 - 9pm EDT, continuing on Thursday, October 14, Monday, October 18, and completing on Thursday, October 21. For professionals who want to participate in order to be licensed and certified to teach PAIRS Essentials, training will continue through the following two weeks. Tuition for the four webinars is $195, including electronic materials, per connection. Couples, families and friends are invited to participate together. Professionals attending for certification should e-mail for further information. Continuing Education credits may be available for counselors, social workers and other health care professionals. See information below for a special offer for National Guard, Reserve, Military and Veteran families that have been impacted by a spouse or significant other's deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan.

If you've never participated in PAIRS, this is a unique opportunity to learn essential skills that will meaningfully contribute to your life. If you've previously participated, you're invited to join us to refresh and reinforce your experience. For counselors, clergy and other professionals who work with couples and singles, PAIRS tools will quickly become one of your most valuable resources.

For more information, visit, e-mail, or call (954) 703-4533, ext. 80.

I hope you'll join us.

Yours truly,

Seth Eisenberg
PAIRS Foundation

P.S. If you know a National Guard, Reserve, Military or Veteran family that includes a spouse or significant other who has been deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, please forward this invitation along and let them know that in appreciation for their service and in honor of our sacred trust to their family, they are invited to participate in this valuable program as our guest. Space is limited.

The PAIRS Foundation, Inc.
1675 Market Street, Suite 207
Weston, Florida 33326
(877) PAIRS-4U

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NOTE OUR NEW ADDRESS | PAIRS Foundation | 1675 Market Street | Suite 207 | Weston | FL | 33326

HM Links & Clips (10/5/10) #122



And Marriage is antidote to poverty BizTimes
Consider marriage's economic power Marriage drops the poverty rate in America by about 80 percent among families with the same education level In Wisconsin ...


And Marriage shows the way out of poverty
Sacramento Bee
But does she know that having a baby outside marriage will put her and her child at serious risk of living in poverty? Last year, poverty in America grew ...



9) Marriages in Cecil could benefit from federal grant
Cecil Whig
CECIL WHIG PHOTO BY ADELMA GREGORY-BUNNELL One of several billboards designed by county students to promote the Cecil County Healthy Marriage Initiative is ...



8) Leading Change: A Plan for SAMHSA's Roles and Actions 2011 – 2014


and and




7) Relationship Help: Why Patience is a Marital Virtue ...
By Richard
Patience is essential to a healthy marriage/relationship. This article gives you specific skills to help make patience a regular part of your relationship.



6) Have you seen the marriagetweets daily? changes daily



5) Marriage and Domestic Violence





