10) Changes in Marriage Rates - The Director's Blog
By seth@censusstaff
A friend of mine used to tell the joke about a man standing on the corner, clapping his hands continuously. A passer-by asked him why he was clapping his hands – “To keep the elephants away.” The passer-by said, “But there aren't any ...
And http://www.danpink.com/archives/2010/10/when-i-do-becomes-i-dont
9) Frequently Asked Questions
Currently, we receive limited funds from a Healthy Marriage Demonstration Grant awarded to Forest Institute and it's project partners. ...
And http://www.childwelfare.gov/adoption/nam/supportingfamilies.cfm and http://familyscholars.org/2010/10/04/things-adopted-kids-wish-their-adoptive-parents-knew/
8) David Cameron to push tax breaks for marriage
By Eddie Barnes and David Maddox DAVID Cameron will today use his first address to a Conservative conference as Prime Minister to insist that marriage will ..
Government in the bedroom? - The Vancouver Sun |
... that Canada needs a national institution to co-ordinate strategies ... grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, provides relationship skills and marriage education ... |
7) What a Couple's Arguing 'Style' May Say About Their Marriage
Voice of America
In nine years of marriage, they have built not just a successful dental practice, but also a family. Rachel and Evan laugh about the last time they argued ...
And http://poweroftwomarriage.com/ and http://foryourmarriage.org/
6) What keeps a 65-year marriage going?
Atlanta Journal Constitution
Marjorie Kone attributes the longevity of the marriage to two key features. “It's a combination of appreciation and communication,” she said. ...
And http://www.deccanherald.com/content/100026/couples-share-sixth-sense.html
5) Dads are the 'Supermen' students need
CNN International
By Roland C. Warren, Special to CNN Editor's note: Roland C. Warren is the president of the National Fatherhood Initiative, a nonprofit organization that ...
And Harbaugh to host Father & Kids Experience
Baltimore Sun (blog)
The All Pro Dad Father & Kids Experience is the football-themed event of All Pro Dad, the fatherhood program of Family First, a national non-profit ...
And Pursuit of 'deadbeats' is paying off
The Augusta Chronicle
Parents feeling bogged down by payments are often referred to community resources, such as the Georgia Fatherhood program, to help them get on track with ...
4) Spanish Outreach CoordinatorMarriage Educator
Identify and train Marriage Education Personnel * Administer subcontractor agreements * Coordinate and oversee subcontractor performance ...
3) http://www.ruthinstitute.org/reellovechallenge/pages/guidelines.html
And http://www.idealist.org/if/i/en/h/blog/-planning-a-wedding--ten-tips-for-a-socially-conscious-celebration
2) Julie Munz Baumgardner Fantastic Great Date Night last night in Chattanooga with more than 2300 in attendance!
1) http://www.espnmediazone3.com/ and http://www.bintentional.com/2010/09/what-men-need-women-to-know-during-football-season/
and http://whathappenedinmybirthyear.com/ and http://www.openculture.com/smartyoutube
Bill Coffin
Special Assistant for Marriage Education
370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC 20447
…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed
efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from http://www.hamptonu.edu/ncaamp/proclamation/)
A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at http://www.acf.hhs.gov/healthymarriage/pdf/curricula_resources_guide_121509.pdf
Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences
#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.
#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.
For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see http://billcoffin.org
From: PAIRS Foundation [info@pairs.ccsend.com] on behalf of PAIRS Foundation [info@pairs.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 6:51 AM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [SUSPECTED SPAM] Ten Skills to Bolster Relationships
What Recent Graduates are Saying About PAIRS ...
"The knowledge and skills I learned in PAIRS will have an enormous impact on my life."
"PAIRS tools allow me to teach my veterans how to effectively communicate with their spouses and help teach spouses how to really listen and work together to solve problems."
"I love people and building relationships. PAIRS is a tool that I plan on implementing in every aspect of my life."
"PAIRS training really made me look at myself and how I have been dealing with conflicts or issues in my own personal relationships. I love to learn new and better ways to do things, especially when what I have been doing isn't working very well. I can easily practice these tools with everyone I have a relationship with especially my husband. I look forward to helping our veterans and marriage ministry."
"Wonderful, practical tools everyone can relate to ... express feelings, feel you've been heard and then use tools to resolve conflict or issues in their relationship. Thank you for this memorable life-changing experience!"
"PAIRS will be one of the most amazing and life changing experiences ever."
Dear Bill,
It's not by accident that more than 99 percent of thousands of graduates recommend PAIRS Essentials. From coast to coast, couples and singles from diverse backgrounds and in all stages of relationship have discovered practical, usable skills to enhance love, pleasure, happiness and fulfillment with the people that matter most in our lives.
Last week, I had the privilege of training dozens of Veterans Administration and active duty military Chaplains and other behavioral health specialists in Augusta, Georgia who are helping expand the impact of PAIRS Essentials nationwide. In 2009, our collaboration with the VA won recognition as a national "Best Practice" for helping couples impacted by combat deployment.
Beyond powerful, usable skills for enhancing communication and deepening empathy, PAIRS Essentials has proven effective relieving symptoms and feelings of stress that can develop from each of our unique life experiences.
No matter where you are in your life and relationships, PAIRS Essentials offers a road map for lasting love and intimacy built on powerful communication skills, understanding emotions in ourselves and others, and dealing with interpersonal conflict and differences in ways that promote greater closeness, compassion, health, and healing.
While PAIRS delivers a road map and tools, it's up to each participant to bring good will towards others and a genuine openness to learning, growing and discovering what's possible in the relationships we cherish.
I invite you to join me next week to participate in an online adaptation of PAIRS Essentials that you can enjoy from the privacy of your home or office. The class will be taught over four three-hour webinars beginning Monday, October 11, 6 - 9pm EDT, continuing on Thursday, October 14, Monday, October 18, and completing on Thursday, October 21. For professionals who want to participate in order to be licensed and certified to teach PAIRS Essentials, training will continue through the following two weeks. Tuition for the four webinars is $195, including electronic materials, per connection. Couples, families and friends are invited to participate together. Professionals attending for certification should e-mail info@pairs.com for further information. Continuing Education credits may be available for counselors, social workers and other health care professionals. See information below for a special offer for National Guard, Reserve, Military and Veteran families that have been impacted by a spouse or significant other's deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan.
If you've never participated in PAIRS, this is a unique opportunity to learn essential skills that will meaningfully contribute to your life. If you've previously participated, you're invited to join us to refresh and reinforce your experience. For counselors, clergy and other professionals who work with couples and singles, PAIRS tools will quickly become one of your most valuable resources.
For more information, visit www.pairs.com, e-mail info@pairs.com, or call (954) 703-4533, ext. 80.
I hope you'll join us.
Yours truly,
Seth Eisenberg
PAIRS Foundation
P.S. If you know a National Guard, Reserve, Military or Veteran family that includes a spouse or significant other who has been deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, please forward this invitation along and let them know that in appreciation for their service and in honor of our sacred trust to their family, they are invited to participate in this valuable program as our guest. Space is limited.
The PAIRS Foundation, Inc.
1675 Market Street, Suite 207
Weston, Florida 33326
(877) PAIRS-4U
Forward email
NOTE OUR NEW ADDRESS | PAIRS Foundation | 1675 Market Street | Suite 207 | Weston | FL | 33326