2012 NACFLM Conference Dallas!

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Date: Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 7:01 AM
Subject: 2012 NACFLM Conference Dallas!
To: billcoffin68@gmail.com

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You are invited to our 2012 Annual International Conference
Strengthening Marriages and Families in Today's Culture
Hyatt Regency Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport
July 27-28, 2012

Dear Mr. Bill Coffin,


Our 2012 Annual International Conference is a can't miss! Check out our fantastic trade schools, workshops, pre-conference seminars, the latest marriage and family life resources  and keynote speakers that are second-to-none.  We will also have After-Divorce and Hispanic/Latino tracts!

REGISTER NOW!NACFLM brochure image


Register ONLINE 





Download the Hispanic tract Brochure 



Become a NACFLM Member 



Join some of the most committed family life ministers and ministries there are and join our efforts to strengthen Catholic family life! 


United in the Holy Family,

Lorrie Gramer

NACFLM President

This email was sent to billcoffin68@gmail.com by nacflmlatino@gmail.com |  
Archdiocese of Miami Family Life Ministry | 9401 Biscayne Boulevard | Miami Shores | FL | 33138

NCFMR News and Notes

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From: National Center for Family & Marriage Research <ncfmr@bgsu.edu>
Date: Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 2:00 PM
Subject: News and Notes
To: billcoffin68@gmail.com

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News and Notes

May 2012 

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The National Center for Family & Marriage Research (NCFMR), established in 2007 at Bowling Green State University (BGSU), welcomes you to News and Notes, our monthly electronic newsletter. News and Notes aims to keep you informed about the activities of the NCFMR. We will also announce funding and research opportunities, provide registration details for conferences and workshops, and keep you updated on current research findings.



NCFMR 2012 Research Conference  

Convenes in Washington, DC
Fathers & Fathering in Contemporary Contexts

More than 120 esteemed scholars, researchers, data providers, and policy experts gathered for NCFMR's 2012 research conference. Bar Graph Expert panels addressed cutting-edge topics on fatherhood and fathering by sharing new theoretical, empirical, methodological, and measurement insights. The small format poster session, which created a single visual to prompt viewer discussion and interaction, showcased 23 research  posters. Additionally, the conference provided an opportunity to update participants on Nurturing Fatherhood: Improving Data and Research on Male Fertility, Family Formation, and Fatherhood, 1998 Report. A conference summary and full report will be available on our website later this year.Bar Graph


Thank you to our presenters, poster participants, organizing committee, and attendees for making this year's conference a huge success!


Link to Fathers & Fathering conference webpage to view presenter abstracts, presentations, posters, and much more!



Krista Payne's Research Finds Link Between First Time Fatherhood and Educational Attainment

Regardless of whether men first married in the 1990s or in the 2000s, the percentage who enter a first marriage with children declines with increased levels of educational attainment. Men with less than a high school education were the most likely to enter a first marriage with at least 1 child (41%) followed by men with a high school degree (34%) and men with some college (28%). Men with at least a Bachelor's degree were the least likely at only 6%. The greatest change occurred among men with at least some college--the percentage of fathers entering marriage with children doubled among those with some college (13% vs. 28%) and those with a Bachelor's degree (3% vs. 6%).

Becoming a Father before First Marriage:
Variation over Time by Educational Attainment

Bar Graph
   Source: National Survey of Family Growth, 2002 and 2006-2010

Fathers & Fathering in Contemporary Contexts 2012 Research Conference Posters


Family Profile



What's New at the NCFMR...

Family Profiles

Original reports summarizing and analyzing nationally representative data with the goal to provide the latest analysis of U.S. families.

The Data Source

Documents describing newly released data sets used by the family research community.

NCFMR in the News
For a full list of NCFMR in the News items and for media links to each item, visit the NCFMR in the News webpage. 

  • I-Fen Lin and Susan Brown Study Boomers Entering Golden Years
  • NCFMR Researchers Showcase Fathers and Fathering Studies
  • Wendy Manning and Co-Authors Find Cohabiting Not Linked to Divorce
  • Karen Benjamin Guzzo Finds Economy May Affect Fertility
  • Susan Brown Finds Out of Wedlock Births May Impact Children's Education, Social, Cognitive, and Behavioral Outcomes
  • NCFMR in the News


    Susan Brown & I-Fen Lin

    I-Fen Lin and Susan Brown 
    2012 PAA Poster Winners

    Congratulations to NCFMR/BGSU Research Affiliate I-Fen Lin and NCFMR Co-Director Susan Brown. The research team won an award for their study Unmarried Boomers Confront Old Age: A National Portrait at the Population Association of America (PAA) 2012 annual meeting.

    Other poster presenters include:
    • Larry Gibbs, Graduate Research Assistant
  • Bart Stykes, Graduate Research Assistant
  • Michael Yee Shui, Graduate Research Assistant

  • Summer Students Join the NCFMR

    The NCFMR offers research and training opportunities to a number of graduate and undergraduate students each academic semester. The student staff works closely with the NCFMR staff to develop and generate NCFMR data resources.

    This summer, we welcome:

    • Sarah Burgoyne
    • Julissa Cruz
    • Larry Gibbs
    • Bart Stykes
    • Seth Williams
    • Breana Wilson 

    Upcoming Events 



    June 2012


    The Center for Research on Families (CRF) -- UMass, Amherst 

    Summer 2012 Methodology Workshop Series 

    Dates: Varied Dates in June

    Link to CRF  


    Call for Papers -- Southern Demographic Association (SDA) 2012 Annual Meeting

    Date Due: June 1

    Link to SDA 

    Alliance for Children and Families Workshop

    Serving Those Who Serve: Providing Military Cultural Competent Services

    Dates: June 4-5

    Link to Alliance for Children and Families  


    Minnesota Gerontological Association (MGS) to Offer Caregiving Webinar
    How to Plan Caregiving When Family Conflict Gets in the Way?
    Date: June 6
    Minnesota Council on Family Relations (MCFR) Conference
    Serving Same-Sex Couples and Their Families
    Date: June 11
    Work and Family Researchers Network Conference (WFRN) 
    Dates: June 14-16

    CFLE Exam Offered Summer 2012
    Applications Due: June 18
    NCFR Report Seeks Family Studies Articles
    Open Mic
    Date Due: June 21

    July 2012


    International Association for Relationship Research Conference (IARR) 

    Dates: July 12-16

    Link to IARR 


    Children's Defense Fund National Conference

    Dates: July 22-25


    ICPSR Summer Courses on Data Science -- Michigan State University  

    Link to Michigan State University 

    • Dyadic Data Analysis Workshop
      Dates: July 23-27
    • Assessing and Mitigating Disclosure Risk: Essentials for Social Science
      Dates: July 30-August 3
    • Providing Social Science Data Services: Strategies for Design and Operation
      Dates: August 6-10 

    Add Health 2012 Users Conference

    Dates: July 26-27

    Link to CPC UNC Add Health  


    Data Training and Users Workshop for the Longitudinal Study of Generations

    Dates: July 26-27

    Link to ICPSR NACDA  



    August 2012


    American Sociological Association (ASA) 2012 Annual Meeting

    Emancipatory Projects, Institutional Designs, Possible Futures

    Dates: August 17-20

    Link to ASA 


    The 2nd Asian Association Population (APA) Conference

    Dates: August 26-29

    Link to APA 



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    NCFMR Web Links




    About Us 

    Grant Reviewers needed for Family Connection Grants: Child Welfare/TANF Collaboration in Kinship Navigation Programs

    From: OFA-TANF Distribution ofa-tanf@lyris.acf.hhs.gov>
    Date: Fri, May 11, 2012 at 3:50 PM
    Subject: Grant Reviewers needed for Family Connection Grants: Child Welfare/TANF Collaboration in Kinship Navigation Programs
    To: Bill Coffin billcoffin68@gmail.com>


    Inquiry about interest in servicing as grant reviewers for the Kinship Navigator grant. 


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    To unsubscribe, send a blank email to leave-9162882-2602694D@lyris.acf.hhs.gov

    The 10 Second Kiss

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Carolyn Rich Curtis <info@skills4us.org>
    Date: Tue, May 15, 2012 at 11:03 AM
    Subject: The 10 Second Kiss
    To: billcoffin68@gmail.com

    I hope you are enjoying the Live Simply Love blog.  Here is another in her A-Z series.




    I have lots to say about kissing, but I'm only going to focus on one aspect today: the 10-second kiss.


    Last week my mother-in-law told me about a segment on The Today Show about kissing. You can watch the 4-minute video about the importance of kissing here. A big part of the segment is about the first kiss related to dating, but right about 3:00 minutes into the conversation they talk about the 10-second kiss {the article on the same page talks about it a bit more}.


    What they don't mention on the show is oxytocin, sometimes known as the "love hormone" {Google it, I swear this is true!} as the reason WHY kissing for longer than just a peck on the lips is important. When we cuddle, hug, kiss, and engage in other types of intimacy our bodies release this hormone that increases and reinforces attachment.


    We first learned about this shortly after we were married. A counselor we knew suggested that engaging in long drawn out hugs {10-20 seconds} at least once a day would strengthen our marriage over time. The reason-oxytocin! Our bodies are actually created to chemically respond to the love and nurturing of a committed relationship. And longer kisses do the same thing.


    Give the 10-second kiss a try tonight {10 seconds really is longer than you would guess}!

    This email was sent to billcoffin68@gmail.com by info@skills4us.org |  
    Relationship Skills Center | 9719 Lincoln Village Drive | Suite 503 | Sacramento | CA | 95827

    Relationship Skill Boosters, Mother's Day insight, ABCs of Parenting
















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    From: Smart Relationships <info@thinkmarriage.org>
    Date: Fri, May 11, 2012 at 1:12 PM
    Subject: Relationship Skill Boosters, Mother's Day insight, ABCs of Parenting
    To: *|FNAME|* <billcoffin68@gmail.com>

    A moving video celebrating all that Moms do...The ABC's of Parenting...and more!
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    “I like it when my mother smiles.
    And I especially like it when I make her smile.”
    - Adriana Trigiani

    Do you remember your first love?

    No, not your first romance. That first real relationship you had with another person

    For most of us, that person was our mother. While we may have vague recollections of the details, it was in those very early years that our mothers helped exemplify healthy relationships by making us feel safe, secure and comforted. Showing us a world beyond ourselves. Teaching us the difference between our wants and our needs. Illustrating the concept of consequences and realistic expectations. Accepting us while setting clear boundaries. 

    Mothers aren’t perfect.  Few of us had flawless parenting. (And few of us are flawless parents.) But Mother’s Day reminds us to take a broader look at what we received. Want to develop a closer, more satisfying relationship with your mother? Take the time to get to know her.  (No, not what do you think about her.  And not what you think you know.)

      Where to begin?

      1.)    Stop criticizing. Verbally and mentally. Get rid of your knee-jerk reactions to those silly things that irritate you.
    2.)    Look for positives. Remember them.
    3.)    Listen.  Nothing creates a closer and more authentic bond faster than truly listening.
    4.)    Spend some time together.  Real time. Open up. Share.
    5.)    Talk to her, about her. Ask her about her life, her opinions, her successes, her dreams, her humor, her knowledge, her memories, her worries and her joys.

      If you are fortunate enough to have your mother still, begin here, now. If not, start with your father, your spouse, partner, significant other, your child or a sibling. Just start.

    The Best Job in the World

    Looking for a little inspiration this Mother’s Day?
    We don’t normally direct attention to OPM (other people’s marketing). However, when Procter & Gamble used their worldwide partnership with the International Olympic Committee to pay tribute to mothers around the globe, we were impressed. 

    The largest campaign in P&G’s 174-year history launched simultaneously around the world with the digital release of "Best Job," a short film that celebrates the role moms play in raising Olympians and in raising great kids everywhere. Click here to watch

    The accompanying Facebook and Twitter pages are for sending a personal "Thank You" to the one who raised you:  https://www.facebook.com/thankyoumom/app_355982491091876


    Mother-isms – What Are Your Favorites?


    We all grew up listening to them.  Those universal words of wisdom usually in the form of a repeated one-liner that only a mother would use. 

    There are the classics, of course:
    • “Why? Because I said so, that’s why!”
    • “If everyone jumped off the bridge would you do it, too?”
    • “Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.”
    • “If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times.”
    • And of course, that great sex ed standby: "Why buy the cow, if you can get the milk for free."
    Share the favorite, funny, silly or touching "MOM-isms" that you remember (or those you catch yourself repeating now)  on our Facebook pagehttps://www.facebook.com/smartrel8nships

    What are you struggling with?

    When it comes to relationships, most of us have the best of intentions. We read and talk about the importance of relationships. We critique what is and isn't working. But when it comes to actually learning the specific skills – and putting then into action – we frequently fall short. Why?  We are usually too busy focusing on the other side.

    Relationship skills are the silver bullet, the magic wand that make your relationships work...in love and in life. And relationship skills are all learnable.  
    Smart Relationships interactive webinars are a quick and confidential way to identify patterns and habits that aren’t working and learn the proven skills to make a real change. 

    We hope that you will consider joining us for our upcoming 
    FREE Relationship Skills WEBINARS

    Keep an eye on our calendar ~ www.smartrelationships.org
    The Power of Listening
    Effective communication is the cornerstone of all healthy relationships and engaged listening is a cornerstone of communication. Active listening is essential for understanding, authenticity and intimacy in relationships.
    Six Parts of Intimacy
    There is more than one way to be intimate with your mate. Learn how to enhance commitment, social, emotional, communication, spirituality, and physical intimacy.
    Three ways to Avoid any Argument
    Avoid getting trapped into arguments. These three effective and useful skills that will help avoid arguments in the first place and/or solve them before they escalate. 
    Seven Smart Relationship Guidelines
    Seven relationship guidelines serve as a foundation for determining healthy, positive relationships. Whether you are a teen or a seasoned adult, these helpful tips apply.


    Local Divorce Support Group

    When:  Fridays from 12pm – 1pm
    Where:  Smart Relationships offices - Conference room. 1496 Bellevue Street, Green Bay, WI (map)
    Cost: FREE
    Description: This is an open group for those undergoing divorce or who have been divorced. It is a confidential peer support group, where we come to lend support and seek wisdom from each other.
    We also review current research and relationship tools so we can do better the next time. Drop-ins are welcome.

    ABCs of Positive Parenting

    Positive parenting examples offer powerful lessons for children of all ages.
    But even our best intentions can be weakened by marital disagreements, or when we allow criticism to slip into our conversations.  To strengthen your parenting relationship while enhancing your children's parent model, take time to do the following as often as possible:

    A. Think of the qualities that you admire in your partner as a parent.

    B.  Be quick to point out examples of these positive parenting qualities and compliment them—in front of the children.

    C.  Be open and generous with your appreciation.

    NOTE: If you and your spouse are divorced: Talk to your children freely about your ex-partner’s positive characteristics as a parent. If the child’s other parent is not part of their life: Pick a loving parent (or grandparent) known to you and your child, and talk about why you admire their parenting skills. Discuss why you hope your child will grow to be a similar kind of person.

    From Our Bookshelf:

    Unconditional Parenting: Moving from Rewards and Punishments to Love and Reason 
    Alfie Kohn
    Screamfree Parenting: The Revolutionary Approach to Raising Your Kids by Keeping Your Cool 
    Hal Edward Runkel
    Parent Talk: 50 Quick, Effective Solutions to the Most Common Parenting Challenges 
    Stanley Shapiro, Karen Skinulis, Richard Skinulis
    Copyright © 2012 SmartRelationships.org, All rights reserved.
    You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website SmartRelationships.org.
    Our mailing address is:
    1496 Bellevue St
    Suite 502
    Green Bay, WI 54311

    Add us to your address book

    Fighting For Families Marriage Retreat

    From: Keith Kilgore [mailto:keith@servingmarriages.ccsend.com] On Behalf Of Keith Kilgore
    Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 7:45 PM
    To: billandpatcoffin@verizon.net
    Subject: Fighting For Families Marriage Retreat

    FOTF HorizonalServing Marriages, Inc.

    Fighting For Famlies


    Greg and Erin Smalley


     Special Guest

    Michael O'Brien 

    at WinShape Retreat! 

    September 21-23, 2012

    Smalley Pic
       Greg and Erin Smalley 


    Michael O'Brien

      firemanDear Bill,

    Serving Marriages and Focus On The Family are excited about Fighting For Families, a dedicated retreat for military, law enforcement, fire, and EMS couples that will be held at WinShape Retreat September 21-23, 2012, for only $399 per couple and will be lead by Greg and Erin Smalley!  This is our opportunity to serve those that serve our country!!  

    For more information and to register, click here

    policeFor all you do to preserve our freedoms and protect our families, Serving Marriages and Focus On The Family want to give something back!


    Greg and Erin skillfully create a dynamic experience for couples.  Whether your marriage is strong or struggling, novice or veteran, you'll relate to the Smalleys in a way that allows you to see marriage from both the husband's and wife's point of view.  Greg and Erin have the ability to apply insights to the everyday life of marriage that will empower you, their transparency about their own story will encourage you, and their uniqueness will engage you!

    This retreat provides an opportunity to transform your marriage by helping you and your spouse to fully engage your hearts.  For intimacy and deep connection to occur in a marriage, two hearts must be open to one another.  Learn why we are wisely encouraged to guard our hearts for it is the wellspring of life! The Smalleys use humor, proven principles, practical insights, and passion to help couples strengthen their marriages!

    SoldierDr. Greg Smalley serves as Executive Director of Marriage and Family Formation at Focus on the Family. In this role, he develops and oversees initiatives that prepare individuals for marriage, strengthen and nurture existing marriages and help couples in marital crises. He also serves as a media spokesperson on these matters. Prior to joining Focus, Dr. Smalley worked for the Center for Relationship Enrichment at John Brown University and as President of the National Institute of Marriage. He is the author of 11 books including The Wholehearted Marriage and The DNA of Relationships for Couples. Erin Smalley, RN, BSN, MS, is a nationally known speaker on marriage and family topics. She has been a regular guest on national radio programs and has co-authored two books with her husband.

    Also joining us as our Special Guest is singer and songwriter Michael O'Brien!  While an incredibly gifted musician, it is Michael's transparency and humility regarding his own marriage struggles that couples enjoy about him!  Michael's testimony and music pays tribute to what our retreat is all about...providing opportunity for you and your spouse to make your marriage better!


    If you are a military or first responder couple, we hope to see you at the retreat!  If you know a military or first responder couple, we trust you will forward this opportunity to them!  Don't delay - for two reasons - one, all of our previous retreats have sold out, and two, we anticipate many wanting to come hear the Smalleys so we expect this retreat to sell out quickly.  We hope you will not delay registering and please pass this opportunity on to those that protect you and your family!

    Serving Marriages and Families Together!
    The Serving Marriages and Focus On the Family Partnership  




    Contact Information

    Contact Keith at keith@servingmarriages.com or call him at 678.595.3212


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    MC Logo


    ServingMarriages | 3168 Bay View Drive | Lake Spivey | GA | 30236

    Would Your Marriage Survive an Affair? | FTF eNews May Vol. 1















    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: First Things First <ftf@firstthings.org>
    Date: Thu, May 10, 2012 at 1:05 PM
    Subject: Would Your Marriage Survive an Affair? | FTF eNews May Vol. 1
    To: billcoffin68@gmail.com

    First Things First eNews
      May 2012    Volume 1      

    FTF Classes


    Release your potential  

    at home and in  

    the workplace    


    May 21, 23 & 24   

    (Monday, Wednesday  

    & Thursday)

    10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

    New Covenant
    Fellowship Church
    1326 N. Moore Road
    Chattanooga, TN  37411

    Click here to register 


    Dinner or Lunch provided by First Things First


    Visit firstthings.org for additional classes



    Boot Camp 

    for New Dads 

    A class for about 

    to be dads


    May 26  


    9:00 a.m. to Noon

    Parkridge East Hospital
    941 Spring Creek Road
    East Ridge, TN 37412



    * Funding for this project was provided by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Grant: 90FM004801. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families   

    Save The Dates!
    Going on Now

    May 2012

    July 7 & July 14

    August 5


    September 25
    Find us on Facebook

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    Healthy Relationships
    Amanda Kraft Photography
    Would Your Marriage Survive an Affair?
    It is possible for couples to find their way back into love even after the devastation of an affair.  Here is one couple's journey on the road to healing and recovery:

    Click here to learn more

    Discover ways to heal your relationship with our
    Maximize Your Marriage class
    Click Here for a schedule of free classes.

    Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month
    Teen Pregnancy in U.S. Hits 40-year Low
    May 2012 marks the 11th annual observance of Teen Pregnancy Prevention month, and this year there is good news to share.  According to new research from the Guttmacher Institute, teen pregnancy in the United States has dropped 42 percent from its highest level in 1990.  There has also been a dramatic decrease in teen pregnancy among all racial and ethnic groups since 1990.  While this is a step in the right direction, the U.S. still has the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the western world (nearly 3 in 10 girls get pregnant by age 20).  It is up to parents and concerned adults to continue to reinforce the message to our teens that Sex Has Consequences
    Here are a few facts to share:
    • Eighty percent of teen moms end up on welfare for the rest of their lives.
    • Children of teen moms are more likely to become teen parents themselves.
    • Teens who complete high school, become employed fulltime and marry before having children are 76 percent more likely to avoid living in poverty. 
    The Great Kiwanis Duck Race

    Rubber Ducky, You're the One!
    For the second year, FTF is proud to join with the Kiwanis Club of Chattanooga to present the 2012 Great Kiwanis Duck Race.  You can "adopt" as many rubber ducks as you like for only $5.00 each.  Then on Saturday, June 16, 5,000 ducks will be launched into the Tennessee River from the Walnut Street Bridge and "race" to the new pier on the Northshore.  The top three ducks to "swim" across the finish line win cash prizes.

    Adopt your lucky ducks today at firstthings.org.


    620 Lindsay Street
    Suite 100

    Chattanooga, TN 37403

    This email was sent to billcoffin68@gmail.com by ftf@firstthings.org |  
    First Things First | 620 Lindsay Street | Suite 100 | Chattanooga | TN | 37403

    National Healthy Marriage Resource Center - May 2012 Newsletter

    From: National Healthy Marriage Resource Center [mailto:info@healthymarriageinfo.org]
    Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 9:04 AM
    To: billandpatcoffin@verizon.net
    Subject: National Healthy Marriage Resource Center - May 2012 Newsletter


    NHRMC logo 

    Featured this month at the NHMRC

    “Something Important is Going on Here!” Making Connections Between Marriage, Relationship Quality and Health. The health benefits of marriage have been much commented upon in recent years by scholars, public officials, health and human service practitioners, and the media. Married people, we are told, are healthier and live longer, but the significance and practical use of this finding is not clear. Should healthcare professionals and advocates pay attention to this fact? Why is it important to examine the connections between marriage, relationship quality, and health? What can the fields of marriage and relationship education and healthcare contribute to each other? This report summarizes some preliminary answers to these questions reached by healthcare and marriage an relationship experts, brought together for the first time at a conference sponsored by the National Healthy Marriage Resource Center (NHMRC).


    May 2012 HHMI Grantee Implementation Evaluation: Marketing, Recruitment and Retention Strategies - As part of the Hispanic Healthy Marriage Initiative (HHMI) Grantee Implementation Evaluation, OPRE published a project brief that describes how grantees craft recruitment messages and strategies and develop and disseminate marketing materials to encourage participation in family strengthening and relationship education services by a broad and diverse Hispanic clientele. HHMI is being conducted for ACF by the Lewin Group and its partners, the University of Houston’s Graduate School of Social Work and Washington University’s Center for Latino Family Research.

    March 2012 Supporting Healthy Marriage (SHM) Report - The study found that across the eight programs evaluated, the SHM program produced a consistent pattern of positive effects on multiple aspects of couples’ relationships, including higher levels of marital happiness; fewer negative behaviors and emotions in their interactions with each other; and less psychological and physical abuse from their spouses.

    First Marriages in the United States: Data From the 2006–2010 National Survey of Family Growth - This report shows trends and group differences in current marital status, with a focus on first marriages among women and men aged 15–44 years in the United States. Trends and group differences in the timing and duration of first marriages are also discussed. These data are based on the 2006–2010 National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG). National estimates of probabilities of first marriage by age and probabilities of separation and divorce for women and men’s first marriages are presented by a variety of demographic characteristics. Data are compared with similar measures for 1982, 1995, and 2002.

    Upcoming Conferences

    The National Association for Relationship and Marriage Education’s Annual Conference ~ Champions for Children

    Resources in Espanol

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    California Relationships Improved by Marriage Education


    Data released by Healthy Relationships California (HRC) from the largest study ever conducted on the impact of Marriage Education classes showed that these programs help couples significantly improve their communication and levels of relationship satisfaction. Surveying 17,245 Californians who took one of several programs available for couples, HRC found a statewide average increase of more than 13% in relationship satisfaction immediately after taking a Marriage Education course, and that this improvement increased to 16% after [...] Read more »