Five Minutes for Marriage: November 2011

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From: Tom Dressel <>
Date: 2011/11/1
Subject: Five Minutes for Marriage: November 2011
To: Tom Dressel <>



As God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  

Colossians 3:13 (NIV)  

Are you whistling past the graveyard of failed marriages? What’s the number of divorces and family break ups you would find acceptable for your congregation? How many divorces and separations occurred in your congregation last year? Ask your staff if there were any others that you weren’t aware of. What’s your plan to reduce the demolition of families in your charge? Take a moment to reminisce about those children of divorced parents and their mental anguish and often physical impairments. Every Marriage Matters can help, call Tom Dressel at  (503)  655-1489. 


·         A Weekend to Remember is one of the very best and most cost-effective ways you have to meet the provision of our Clackamas County Marriage Policy. The Policy states: “We will work to provide marriage enrichment opportunities, such as classes, small groups, and/or retreats, to build and strengthen marriages.” You, as pastor, are offered free registration, call 800-FL-TODAY. Would you like to cut your couples’ registration costs in half? Establish a group at “Rates & Offers” under

Some nearby events: Nov 11-13 at Semiahmoo Resort (Bellingham)

Nov 18-20 at Red Lion on the River (Jantzen Beach),

Nov 18-20 at Coeur d’Alene Resort

Nov 18-20 at Semiahmoo Resort (Bellingham)

Mar 9-11 at Sunriver Resort

Mar 23-25 at Valley River Inn (Eugene)

Apr 13-15 at Hyatt Regency (Bellevue)

·        Start your planning for National Marriage Week USA, February 7-14. Check out (this website features the 2007 ABC World News video segment, A Key to Success in Marriage. Every Marriage Matters’ work in Clackamas County is the subject). It's time to start planning a class, home group, or major event for National Marriage Week USA – 2012. Join with others across the nation to create a ground swell of activity to strengthen marriages. We'll help get the word out about your event! (The attached memo gives details.) Marriage strengthening resources for clergy, including sermons, and articles to assist pastors in preaching and teaching at Every Marriage Matters can also help, call Tom Dressel at (503) 655-1489.

·       Pastor and Administrative Assistant Breakfast Mark your calendar for Jan 12. We’ll discuss fun ideas to promote healthy marriage during Marriage Week, at Miramont Pointe, Clackamas.


·      Institute for American Values’ Center for Public Conversation events are videotaped and are available for viewing at: Recent events include: “Why Marriage Matters: An Argument for the Goods of Marriage” and “Is Marriage for White People? How the Decline of African American Marriage Affects Everyone”.


·         CBS Discusses the Declining Divorce Rate, includes a couple whose husband lost his job.


·         We all need challenges! On Sep 15 I had the opportunity to challenge key Christian leaders in the Portland-Vancouver area to raise 1,000 Marriage Mentors in the next two years. The response was overwhelmingly positive. Now comes before us the task of recruiting and training the 1,000 mentors. Continued on the attached article, We All Need Challenges.


        Cohabitation and Divorce – There Is a Correlation More than 60 percent of marriages to­day are preceded by some form of cohabitation. And 75 percent of current cohabiters enter these relationships with some plans toward marriage. (Baptist Press,

        Living Together Before Marriage Letters to Dr Willard Harley with his answers (Marriage Builders,

       Marriage: A New Conservative Issue “[The home] is the foundation of our country.  We need to have a policy that supports families, that encourages marriage… that has fathers take responsibility for their children.” (Mike McManus,

       Myths About Living Together The majority of young adults do believe that living together helps people make decisions about marriage as well as provides a way for couples to work through issues before making a lifelong commitment. In fact, over half of younger people believe that living together prior to marriage will lower their odds of marital problems and divorce. (Boundless webzine, Source:

        Why Cohabitation is Worse Than Divorce for Kids A new report says cohabitation has replaced divorce as the biggest source of instability for American families. (A Washington Post conversation with Brad Wilcox, Director of the National Marriage Project,

        Why Wait for Sex? What's so special about it? In a sex-saturated culture, waiting till marriage seems outdated and prudish. (Focus on the Family, a series of 11 linked articles,


·        Don't Believe the Hype, College Educated Women Are Still Getting Married Every so often, the media dusts off and replays some version of the story that marriage is dead, a casualty of women’s empowerment and dramatic economic shifts. (,

·         Is Marriage Good for the Heart? Happily wedded people who undergo coronary bypass surgery are more than three times as likely to be alive 15 years later as their unmarried counterparts. (,

·        Minnesota Couples on the Brink Project The mission of this project is to develop, disseminate and evaluate best practices to help couples at high risk for divorce who are uncertain whether to divorce or to try to rebuild their marriage. (University of Minnesota,

·         One parent or five? Most couples who marry, even today, probably intend to have one or two children at least. Marriage and the baby carriage have always gone together. But this is not what is meant by the new catch-phrase “intentional parenthood”. (MercatorNet, The full report by the Institute for American Values’ Commission on Parenthood’s Future is available at

·        Some couples pull back from the edge of divorce A survey of 2,484 parents who filed for divorce in Minnesota offers new insight into how people decide whether to call it quits or try again. (USA Today,

·        Striving for Purity in a Hyper-Sexual Culture Young adults find it hard to adhere to biblical truths about intimacy. (ByFaith Online,

·         Marriage and Childbearing Impact Economy An international study, titled “The Sustainable Demographic Dividend,” shows why getting married, staying married and having kids helps society. (,; the full report source:

·         The Fine Line Between Marriage and Divorce Iris Krasnow found in the 200 interviews with wives who remain in long running marriages that the majority of them have the guts and determination to stick it out, no matter what. And laments about their marriages aren't because of anything serious. (Huffington Post,

·         The High Cost of Unintended Pregnancy The high incidence of unintended pregnancy imposes costs on American society that range from increased rates of crime and welfare participation to reduced levels of high-school completion and labor-force participation. We focus on one of the most policy-relevant aspects of this problem by estimating the amount spent by the government each year on medical care that is directly associated with unintended pregnancies. (The Brookings Institution ,

·         The Sustainable Demographic Dividend Elderly populations are surging even as productive working-age populations stagnate or shrink. Also at work is another demographic trend sweeping the world: the decline in the number and percentage of children raised in intact, married families. (The National Marriage Project,


·         Four Decisions Healthy Couples Make Every Friday is date day for my husband and me. It’s a decision we make in advance. (,

·         4 Communication Firecrackers and how to avoid them: Threats; Name Calling; Blame; and Exaggerations. (Kyria,

·         10 Things You Need to Say to Your Spouse Saying the right thing is mostly a matter of practice. It really doesn't help that you "didn't mean it." What does help is saying the right thing.  Positive communication is crucial to a marriage that works. (Family Minute with Mark Merrill,

·        Accommodating, Adapting and Other Forms of Denial A definition of codependency: When we see a weakness in another, such as someone’s anger, and ignore it, we thereby reinforce it. So, when you shirk away from addressing your wife or boss’s anger, you reinforce their problems. (,

·        Defending Your Marriage From External Stressors All of us experience attacks on our marriage. God, however, has made provisions for you to withstand these negative influences. Fortifying the walls of your marriage is not simple, as it also requires obedience to the Lord's call to rebuild. (This is the first of 8 linked articles (Focus on the Family,

·         Delaying divorce to save marriages Conventional wisdom holds that about half of U.S. marriages end in divorce — and that most Americans wish the divorce rate were lower. Still, many are skeptical about whether we can lower the divorce rate without trapping more people in bad marriages. (Washington Post,

·         Divorcing couples open to second chances "Marriage-friendly" therapist William Doherty of the University of Minnesota has published new survey results suggesting that a surprising number of divorcing couples are interested in reconciliation. (Minneapolis-St Paul Star Tribune,

·         Divorce has "immense" impact on small businesses Business owner Glenn Phillips estimates his divorce cost him more than $200,000 – about a quarter of his annual revenues at the time – in lost potential new business and add-on business to existing clients. (Reuters,

·          Does Absence Actually Make the Heart Grow Fonder? A new book suggests that getting away from each other for prolonged periods of time is good for the health of your marriage. (Slate,

·          Pulling Out of a Relationship Spin You can be lazily moving along in your relationship and all of a sudden be hit by the loss of traction and the feeling that things (you) are spinning out of control. (,


·                     Putting the Honey Back in 'Honey, I'm Home' The real Witching Hour: That after-work period when we are tired, hungry, desperate to unwind yet still thinking about work. There is dinner to make, kids to feed and quite often a mate requiring attention. (Wall Street Journal,

·                     Why It’s Important for Your Husband to Dream A woman has the ability to snuff out dreams in the heart of her husband through her fear of what she believes is unsafe or too expensive. (,

UPDATED Link for TONIGHT's Webcast w/Tim Keller 7 p.m. EDT

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From: Lets Strengthen Marriage <>
Date: Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 10:05 AM
Subject: UPDATED Link for TONIGHT's Webcast w/Tim Keller 7 p.m. EDT

Dear Marriage Champion!

Thank you for your work to strengthen marriages and for registering for our November 1st webcast featuring Tim and Kathy Keller speaking about their new book, "The Meaning of Marriage."

You can purchase a copy of their book at Amazon. Use this link to do so.
The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God

Just prior to the Webcast, you can go the link below and look for the 'watch now' link. The viewing will not go live until just before the 7 p.m. US Eastern start time. You can join by following this special link to the Marriage Webinar site.

You can check the times in any time zone from this page:

We hope you will also join us for the brief 30-minute conference call with national leaders next Monday MORNING, November 7th, so that we can have folks coordinate to build a ground swell of marriage activities across the country, and bring marriage to the national agenda! Info and registration at

Best regards,
Sheila Weber
Executive Director of National Marriage Week USA and the Let's Strengthen Marriage Campaign

Forward email

Lets Strengthen Marriage | 1603 Belvue Drive | Forest Hill | MD | 21050

Event Reminder: Forum - Doing More with Less: Leveraging Community Capital

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From: Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy <>
Date: Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 4:13 PM
Subject: Event Reminder: Forum - Doing More with Less: Leveraging Community Capital

Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy

October 2011

Event Reminder

Doing More with Less:
Leveraging Community Capital

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
12:30 to 2:00 p.m. (EST)

The Urban Institute
2100 M St NW, 5th Floor
Katharine Graham Conference Facility
Washington, D.C. 20037

Panelists will discuss the Urban Institute's Community Platform and other on-the-ground approaches to strengthening the capacity of communities and nonprofit organizations to tackle challenges in education, public health, economic development, aging, and other issues.

  • Elizabeth T. Boris, director, Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy at The Urban Institute (moderator)
  • David G. Garvey, director, University of Connecticut Nonprofit Leadership Program at the Center for Continuing Studies at the University of Connecticut
  • Linetta J. Gilbert, co-leader, The Declaration Initiative (former senior program officer, Ford Foundation)
  • Sandi Scannelli, president and chief executive officer, Community Foundation for Brevard
  • Thomas H. Pollak, program director, National Center for Charitable Statistics, Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy at The Urban Institute

To attend this event in Washington, D.C., go to
(Registration required.)

To watch the live video webcast or a recording, go to
(No registration necessary.)

Lunch will be served at Noon. The discussion will begin promptly at 12:30 p.m.

NCCS Community Platform

The NCCS Community Platform combines data on nonprofit organizations from The Urban Institute's National Center for Charitable Statistics and the Metropolitan & Housing Policy Center with interactive online tools to provide communities with resources and knowledge for building civic capacity for problem solving. The Platform supports local collaboration and civic leadership across a wide range of issues from education, human service delivery, and public health to community development and the environment. We are working with local partners in nine states and communities. Platforms are customized for local partners and combines tools, mapping programs and community assets for analyzing finances, sharing knowledge, services, tracking program outcomes and other resources, and more.

New sites will be launched in D.C., Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Seattle, New Mexico, Louisiana and Massachusetts soon!

Download the NCCS Community Platform brochure.

# # #

Please forward this message to friends or colleagues who may find it of interest. For more about these items, please visit The Center's web site. Feel free to e-mail questions to Center staff members.

The Urban Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan policy research and educational organization that examines the social, economic, and governance challenges facing the nation. It provides information, analyses, and perspectives to public and private decision makers to help them address these problems and strives to deepen citizens' understanding of the issues and trade-offs that policymakers face.

News and Notes from National Center for Family & Marriage Research

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From: National Center for Family & Marriage Research <>
Date: Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 2:25 PM
Subject: News and Notes

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News and Notes

October 2011

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The National Center for Family & Marriage Research (NCFMR), established in 2007 at Bowling Green State University (BGSU), welcomes you to News and Notes, our monthly electronic newsletter. News and Notes aims to keep you informed about the activities of the NCFMR. We will also announce funding and research opportunities, provide registration details for conferences and workshops, and keep you updated on current research findings.

What's New at the NCFMR...


The following updates may be viewed on the NCFMR website.



Dr. Susan BrownCo-Director Susan Brown Discusses Intimate Relationships of Aging Baby Boomers 

Partnering in Later Life: New Frontiers in Family Research 


Susan Brown, NCFMR Co-Director, addressed recent trends and patterns in intimate relationships as part of BGSU's College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Faculty Lecture Series. She also addressed partnership dynamics and their consequences for individual well-being. NCFMR faculty, students, and BGSU/NCFMR research affiliates attended Brown's lecture on the BGSU campus in October. 


Dr. Brown's research on the aging Baby Boomer population has recently been featured in The Fiscal Times, AARP, and FoxBusiness.


Dividing Line 


Just Released Data Resources


Family Profiles

Original reports summarizing the latest statistics on U.S. families.


The Data Source

Documents describing newly released data sets used by the family research community.


Working Paper Series

A collection of working papers written by faculty affiliates, researchers, and advanced graduate students.  

  • Kei Nomaguchi and Melissa A. Milkie
  • Heather J. Bachman and Rebekah Levine Coley published in Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology (2011) 39:1149-1161 DOI 10.1007/s10802- 011-9535-1 

If you have written a paper addressing a family issue that aligns with our mission statement and would like for us to consider adding it to the NCFMR Working Paper Series, we welcome submissions for consideration and possible inclusion. You may electronically submit your working papers to


  Dividing Line


NCFMR in the News


NCFMR BGSU Research Affiliate Peggy Giordano Discusses Influence of Romantic Partner's Friends 



Susan Brown Comments on Factors Influencing Long-Term Marriages

Toledo Blade


NCFMR Finds Two-Fold Increase in Divorce Rate for Baby Boomers



Research Team of Larry Gibbs and Krista Payne Find Link Between Rate of First Divorce and Educational Attainment   


Larry Gibbs, graduate research assistant, and Krista Payne, social science data analyst, working on a collaborative research project, discovered a direct link between the rate of first divorce and a woman's educational attainment.  


Although the last four decades have seen an increase in the proportion of Americans who are currently divorced, the actual rate of divorce among currently married individuals has declined. Peaking in the late 1970s at about 23 divorces per 1,000 married (Stevenson & Wolfers, 2007), recent estimates by Gibbs and Payne indicate the first divorce rate was 17.5 per 1,000 women in first marriages ages 18 years and older in 2010.  


Additionally, there is substantial variation in the first divorce rates by educational attainment. More specifically, according to Payne, the association between educational attainment and divorce is curvilinear; those women on the two ends of the educational attainment spectrum have the lowest first divorce rates at 14.4 per 1,000 among those with less than a high school education and 14.2 per 1,000 among those with a college degree. The rate of first divorce is highest for those with only some college (23 per 1,000), adds Gibbs.


First Divorce Rates per 1,000 Women in First Marriages Aged 18 and Older by Educational Attainment, 2010


First Divorce Rate Graph  

Source: American Community Survey, 2010  

Susan Brown to Gather Scholars from NCFMR 2009 Marital and Family Instability Conference During National Council on Family Relations 73rd Annual Meeting  

Family Instability and Child Well-being


The session brings together participants from the NCFMR 2009 Family Instability conference at BGSU, eager to continue the dialogue in this NCFR symposium. Each paper presented by this team of scholars showcases different data to address how family instability is related to children's well-being in multiple contexts, including disadvantaged and international populations.


Presented by... 

Susan Brown

Patricia Pendry

F.M. Henderson

J. Angles

E. Conlin

Heather Bachman

Rebekah Levine Coley

Jennifer Carrano

Paula Fomby

Shannon Cavanagh

Lauren Rinelli McClain


Session: #137

Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Time: 5:00 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.

Location: Salon 14

2010 Child Trends Report Finds One in Four U.S. Children Lived in Food-Insecure Household
Food insecurity reports and briefs available from four organizations

Upcoming Events



November 2011  

The Foundation for Child Development: Changing Faces of America's Children

Young Scholars Program (YSP) 

Date Due: November 2

Apply to YSP 


Call for Proposals -- The Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE) 

Welfare Research and Evaluation Conference

Date Due: November 7

Click to Submit an Individual Proposal 

Click to Submit a Full Conference Session 

Link to OPRE 


73rd NCFR Annual Conference

Families and the Shifting Economy

Date: November 16-19

Link to NCFR Website 



December 2011

Fellowships in Public Policy Available for 2012-2013 -- Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 

Date Due: December 15

Link to SRCD 


From Shoestring to Success: Growing Healthy Marriage Coalitions

From Shoestring to Success: Growing Healthy Marriage Coalitions
serendipitously connected with the Healthy Marriage Initiative. The outgrowth of ... umbrella organization the Indiana Community Healthy Marriage and Family ...


Join NARME at 
and see Links & Clips, updated daily, at
(send your input for Links and Clips to me at ) 

News from Coalition for Divorce Reform













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From: Coalition for Divorce Reform <>
Date: Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 12:45 PM
Subject: News from Coalition for Divorce Reform

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October 28, 2011

CDR Logo
40 Million Children Victims of Divorce


Dear Bill,

Does the decline in marriage mean that our society is in decline?  How can a person overcome infidelity?  When marriage problems become the new normal in your marriage, what can you do?

Find the answers and useful tips for your marriage or to help you help others in troubled marriages in these latest blogs at

Help the Coalition for Divorce Reform by:
  • Sharing one or more of these blogs with others on your facebook site.
  • Email one of these blogs to your email lists.
  • Like us on your Facebook site.
The Coalition for Divorce Reform is an entirely volunteer-based organization created to help reduce unnecessary divorce among married couples with children.  We can only grow through social networking of supporters of marriage like you.

Ten Truths About Infidelity


By: Michele Weiner-Davis


It's understandable that you may think you will leave if your spouse strays, but when confronted with the reality of divorce and dissolving your marriage; you begin to realize that stakes are very high.  It's not that overcoming the devastation of betrayal is easy, it isn't.  But it can be done.  In fact, believe it or not, most people decide to remain in their marriage after infidelity...Read more


Does Marriage Decline Mean Society's Demise?


By: Krsnanandini Devi Dasi & Tariq Saleem Ziyad

hen a marriage fails, particularly when children are involved, and wen marriage fails to take place (when people cohabit or participate in "hook-ups" that result in pregnancy), society pays and pays and pays -- through taxes to fund more social services, higher rates of juvenile delinquency, increased crime, etc., etc., 
So, can we save marriage? Yes we can.  First, let's review some sound evidence that we need to make the effort...
Read more


Troubled Couple
More From Coalition For Divorce Reform


What Can You Do with a Busted Marriage?


By: Abigail Hirsch, Ph.D


You just found another text message from him to another woman.  Or maybe she did it again, spent far too much on things that are definitely not in the budget.  Perhaps it simply feels like it's been forever since there's been any romance and "I love you" feels like a phrase from some foreign language... Read more   

A Look at Legislation and Policy to Strengthen Marriages and Prevent Unnecessary Divorces   

This past summer a team of research assistants here at Brigham Young University helped me collect information about government efforts to help couples form and sustain healthy marriages and relationships. We collected information on legislation and government-supported educational initiatives in all 50 states (and Washington D.C.), including funding and numbers of people participating in funded...Read more




Join Our Mailing List
Chris Gersten
Coalition for Divorce Reform
(720) 583-6677
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Coalition for Divorce Reform | Chris Gersten | Boulder | CO | 80301

Pastor Leo died in a car accident today in Uganda

I got this email this morning and late this afternoon I got a message about his death. I was with him last month at the IMEC in Phoenix. I'll miss him!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Leo & Molly Godzich <>
Date: Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 11:40 PM
Subject: Update: M3 Mission:Marriage Multiplication from IMC 16

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Hi, just a reminder that you're receiving this email because you have expressed an interest in National Association of Marriage Enhancement. Don't forget to add to your address book so we'll be sure to land in your inbox!
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NAME Thanks You For Your Support! Here's what's happening... 
M3 graphic
Click graphic above to see M3 video



We are

well on the way

to a



Thank You!


We hope this M3 update finds you well.


Several of you have asked for a report about the offerings received during the 16th International Marriage Conference toward the M3: Mission Marriage Multiplication campaign. Presently, between gifts received and that which has been pledged to be received by December 1, NAME has received just over $200,000 towards the goal of $819,000 due in December. Praise the Lord!


We still have a long, miraculous way to go and we believe God is moving. Several churches are receiving offerings toward NAME, even without any one from NAME being in those services. This is a sovereign move of God, for God to put it on pastors' hearts that way. This prompted us to send out a package to other pastors where we've conducted marriage events to humbly ask them whether they would consider doing so as well. (Call us if you want our office to send a package to your pastor, too. 602-404-2600.) We are likewise encouraged by some of the other efforts we are making in approaching major donors and in a broad-based appeal to our entire list. Still, it will take a miracle but NAME has not only believed in miracles but depended on them.


We want to thank you for your part and your sacrifice for the cause of marriage during the International Marriage Conference. We are also encouraged by the grassroots movement that has sprung up through some of you; some folks went back from the conference and approached businessmen and others they know to give toward this marriage ministry strengthening campaign. You can help us see the miracle come to pass by helping us make this appeal go viral: the website now has an updated video with the appeal and the description of the campaign. Please forward this web address to everyone you know, post it on your Facebook pages for people to examine, send it via twitter, put it in an e-mail blast and do whatever else you can to help connect people with the vision of moving this ministry forward in this time of need. Who knows? You could be the one that would somehow connect someone who could do something great at this time, or you just might inform your friends and contacts who may be considering year-end charitable contributions, and God could use you that way.Gray

If we all do our best, God will do the rest.


Our time is VERY short, and as we are writing this to you we are launching out on an aggressive month of spreading the marriage message, and an intense travel schedule (over 30,000 miles and 23 speaking times in just over 3 weeks) that will limit our personal ability to fundraise. Someone suggested that we cancel our participation in the conferences in Canada, Uganda and Ecuador in the coming weeks but we feel God is more glorified if we keep our commitments and, after all, if we seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness then all these things shall be added. So please pray for effective ministry and pray likewise that this grassroots movement of meeting the need to somehow, some way rescue the NAME headquarters building would be so fruitful that everyone would know that God has indeed done a great work. Jesus said, "Let your light so shine before men that seeing your good works they may give glory to the Father in heaven."

Please prayerfully consider, as a couple, what God would have you to do in this regard; at the very least, somehow participate in making the M3 webpage go viral and asked God to show you who you might connect to this vision at this strategic time. In the letter we are sending out to our entire list, we said that we have learned that when we are down to nothing, God is up to something! Please be a part of what God is up to, it shall be a blessing to your marriage, to your generations, to other marriages and to the institution that God loves and calls his bride.

Once again, thank you so much and please e-mail with your prayer requests, updates and testimonies of what God is doing in your marriage and your efforts for marriages.


We love you, with our hands to the plough, not looking back,


Pastor Leo and Molly Godzich

National Association of Marriage Enhancement
20628 N Cave Creek Rd
Phoenix, Arizona 85024


Donate Now Button

National Association of Marriage Enhancement | 20628 N Cave Creek Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85024

Have you had "The Talk" with your kids? | FTF eNews October Vol.2

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From: "First Things First" <>
Date: Oct 27, 2011 1:07 PM
Subject: Have you had "The Talk" with your kids? | FTF eNews October Vol.2
To: <>

First Things First eNews
  October 2011    Volume 2          

FTF Classes

Passionately Married*

Bring "sexy" back
to your marriage


November 4 & 5  


6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 

New Covenant

 Fellowship Church

1326 N. Moore Road

Chattanooga, TN  37411


Click here to register

Dinner or Lunch provided by First Things First


Visit for additional classes 



Boot Camp
for New Dads



(Family University)  


* Funding for this project was provided by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Grant: 90FM004801. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families   

Save The Dates!
December 3, 2011



January 28, 2012

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Let's Talk Month

Have you had "The Talk" with your kids?            

October is Let's Talk Month, a national initiative that supports parents in their efforts to talk openly and honestly with their children about healthy relationships.

Having "The Talk" may not always be easy, but not having it could be detrimental to your child's future.  It's important to keep the communication lines open and listen to what they have to say.   It may feel overwhelming at times, but remember that your children would rather hear correct information from someone they trust--like YOU! 

For tips and ideas on how to start the dialogue with your kids, click here.  

Families on the Run

You Better Watch Out!            

The 7th annual Families on the Run is coming to town!  This holiday family tradition returns to the Chattanooga Riverfront on Saturday, December 3. Runners and families from all across the region will gather to compete in the 5K, 10K or non-competitive Kiddie K Fun Jog. 

The course begins and ends at the Hunter Museum of American Art, and starts promptly at 7:45 a.m. After the run, participants and their families are invited to join us for a Holiday Party at the downtown SportsBarn.  Registration is now open for individuals, families and groups. This is the perfect event for large groups across the community.  

To learn more, visit for more information 


620 Lindsay Street
Suite 100

Chattanooga, TN 37403

This is the fine print text where you might tell your customers how the item will be shipped and, for example, if they are overseas that there will be additional shipping charges and must contact you.
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First Things First | 620 Lindsay Street | Suite 100 | Chattanooga | TN | 37403

Forum/Webcast: Nation's Priorities & Children

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From: Urban Institute <>
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 10:49 AM
Subject: Forum/Webcast: Nation's Priorities & Children

The Urban Institute Low Income Working Families
You are cordially invited to attend


Friday, October 28, 2011 • Noon-1:30 p.m. ET

To attend in person in Washington, D.C., register at: (Registration is required.)

To watch the video webcast or a recording, go to (No registration is necessary.)



  • Olivia Golden, Institute fellow, Urban Institute; former assistant secretary for children and families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • Charles Kolb, president, Committee for Economic Development; former deputy assistant to President George H. W. Bush for domestic policy
  • Jim Kolbe, senior transatlantic fellow, German Marshall Fund of the United States; former member, U.S. House of Representatives
  • Robert Reischauer, president, Urban Institute; former director, Congressional Budget Office
  • Raymond Scheppach, professor of practice, Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, University of Virginia; former executive director, National Governors Association
  • Margaret Simms, Institute fellow, Urban Institute; director, Low-Income Working Families project
  • Judy Woodruff, senior correspondent, PBS NewsHour (moderator)

Government's gears are being ground smooth by nonstop wrangling over broad and deep economic maladies, partisanship that grows as election 2012 nears, and fractured visions for America's future.

In a month, Congress's Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, known informally as the Super Committee, will issue its recommendation on how to deflate the deficit by at least $1.5 trillion over the next ten years. In a year, Americans will go to the polls to select many federal, state, and local leaders. And in between these events, state capitals will tangle anew over shrinking revenues, burgeoning constituent needs, and balanced-budget dictates.  

Where, in all of this, are America's 74 million children? What challenges and opportunities are posed by budget battles when we think about the dramatic changes in children's lives in recent decades -- almost 22 percent living in poverty, the trend toward "majority minority" among children, the regional shifts from northern states losing children to southern states gaining them? What will it take to come to national and state budget decisions that invest at the level needed for the youngest generation to succeed, especially in light of states' senior role in funding children's programs and services?  

The search for answers will begin with new commentaries by Urban Institute scholars from diverse disciplines. Each reflection is grounded in an understanding that over the last two decades economic and demographic trends have substantially changed -- or upended -- the lives of children. Join us for an adult conversation about America's children, budgets, and priorities.

At the Urban Institute
2100 M Street N.W., 5th Floor, Washington, D.C.
Lunch will be provided at 11:45 a.m. The forum begins promptly at noon.

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