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Watch the Flashes of Color "sneak peek"

From: In Altum Productions [] On Behalf Of In Altum Productions
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 3:11 PM
Subject: Watch the Flashes of Color "sneak peek"


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Dear friends of In Altum Productions: 


We are excited to share news about the Flashes of Color: Disability in the Age of Perfection film project.  


Flashes of Color "sneak peek" and website:  Watch our 11-minute sneak peek to meet some of the characters and learn about some of the stories we plan to tell in more detail in the full film. 


Kick-off fundraiser :  We held a successful fundraiser on October 7th.  Photos of the event can be found on our website. We deeply appreciate all who helped and attended!


Radio show: On October 18th, Filmmakers Daniel and Jordan Allott discussed the Flashes of Color project on Catholic Matters with Irene Lagan on the Guadalupe Radio Network. Click here to listen.     


Janice Benton, National Director of the National Catholic Partnership on Disability (NCPD), hosted the fundraising event



Trish Stone talks about her experiences as a mother and sister of people with disabilities










In Altum Productions | 7621 Provincial Dr. | 201 | Washington | DC | 22102

A touching story about marriage

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From: Family Edge <>
Date: Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 10:01 AM
Subject: A touching story about marriage

Family Edge
bringing you news of family issues from around the world

    2011-11-23 19:40:30-05

  Click below to read the full text of the latest posting on FamilyEdge

  A touching story about marriage

2011-11-23 19:40:30-05

Here’s something to be thankful for on America’s Thanksgiving Day: an Iowa couple who shared 72 years of married life and died holding hands. Read more...


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Importance of Family Belonging - Ethics & Religion Col. #1,578

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From: Michael J. McManus <>
Date: Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 11:25 PM
Subject: Importance of Family Belonging - Ethics & Religion Col. #1,578
To: Coldwater Reporter <>, Daily Iberian <>, El Dorado <>, Julia Duin <>, Paul Akers <>, UK Press <>, Vacaville <>

Nov. 23, 2011

Column #1,578

Importance of Family Belonging

By Mike McManus


            America is considered a “Christian nation.”  Gallup Polls indicate that nearly two-thirds of Americans are members of a church, and 43% attended church in any week of 2010.  But to what degree are American Christians living their faith?


            Jesus is quoted in three Gospels on marriage: “What God has joined together, let man not separate.”  Yet just since 1970, 46 million American couples have divorced, shattering lives of their 44 million children.

            Census reports 41% of U.S. babies are born out of wedlock vs. only 2% in Japan.  Which nation is living Paul’s admonition to “Avoid fornication”(I Cor. 7:2)?


            What is the consequence?


            On international math comparisons American kids score 487 vs. 560-600 by Asian kids.  Why? TIME doesn’t say, but Asian families are largely intact while American families are mostly broken.


            Only 46% of American children who reach the age of 17 are living with both of their biological parents, according to a new study by the Family Research Council’s Marriage & Religion Research Institute (MARRI).


            MARRI’s “Index of Family Belonging” varies significantly by state.  In Minnesota and Utah 57% of teens are living with their married parents.  Compare that with only 34% of  Mississippi teens and a dismal 19% in Washington DC. 


            American Asian parents are most likely to grow up in intact homes – 66%, and 54% of those with white parents.  By contrast, only 41% of Hispanics and 17% of Black children are so fortunate. 


            Interestingly, however, the MARRI report says there is a “non-significance of race in determining states’ performance” in terms of reading scores, high school graduations, poverty or births to unmarried teenagers.


            “Marriage is so low among blacks, that statistically, when you control for marriage, the race issue disappears,” says Pat Fagan, director of MARRI, and primary author of the report.


            What matters is not race or poverty, but marriage.


            For example, only 6% of Minnesota births are to unmarried teens because it has the highest “Family Belonging” rate with the most married parents (57%) of any state. “As one journeys down the Mississippi River across four states that have fewer and fewer stable families, the proportion of births to unmarried teenagers more than doubles,” to 11% in Tennessee (where only 40% live in homes with married parents) and 14% of teen births in Mississippi, where only a third are from intact homes.


            Similarly, child poverty in Mississippi is double that of Minnesota – 31% vs.  14%.


            The same pattern can be seen in the West.  Utah’s high Family Belonging rate of 57% is almost double nearby New Mexico’s 37%, and Utah’s high school graduation rate is 74% vs. only 67% in New Mexico.


            What can be done to change these trends?


The Bush Administration hoped that by spending more to educate those with lower skills, in the “No Child Left Behind” initiative – children could catch up.  This report reveals how hopeless that strategy is. Utah spends only $4,000 per pupil to get three-fourths of its high school students to graduate vs. $12,000 in New York to get the same result or $9,000 per capita in Washington to achieve a 55% graduation rate.


What matters is not money but marriage.


However, what does MARRI’s Second Annual Index of Family Belonging and Rejection suggest as a remedy?  Educate young people about the importance of marriage so that fewer have children “outside of marriage.” A good idea, if the kids will listen.


There are better answers.  A dozen states are considering a Parental Divorce Reduction Act that would make three changes in state law that could cut divorce rates in half.


First, if a parent wants a divorce, both Mom and Dad would have to take a course on the impact of divorce on children – before the divorce is even filed. Hopefully, that would persuade many to improve their marriage instead. Second, they’ have to wait a year before the divorce is granted, now required by only a few states whose divorce rates are much lower than 25 states with NO waiting period or only 20-60 days. A year allows time for reconciliation.  Finally, divorcing parents would have to take classes to improve their communication skills.


What if a new President encourages cohabiting parents to marry?  Most unwed births are to cohabiting parents.  Yet government gives the mother income subsidies, Medicaid, food stamps, housing subsidies, etc. – as if she were single.  If she marries, she loses benefits.


The President could say, “If you marry we will not cut benefits for two years.”


Many would marry, and their kids would have a better future.


People of faith ought to fight for such reforms. 

Copyright © Michael J. McManus (President of Marriage Savers and a syndicated columnist)



My new email address is

Michael J. McManus
syndicated columnist
"Ethics & Religion"
President & Co-Chair
Marriage Savers
9311 Harrington Dr.
Potomac, MD 20854



Marriage Monthly: How To Take Young Children To Mass, Gratitude, Remarriage in the Catholic Church

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From: USCCB <>
Date: Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 1:51 PM
Subject: Marriage Monthly: How To Take Young Children To Mass, Gratitude, Remarriage in the Catholic Church

For Your Marriage  
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Featured Article: How To Take Young Children To Mass  
                                      Noem family
There's no magic formula, but Josh and Stacey Noem offer some practical proven tips for making the Sunday Mass experience a positive one.

November Highlight: Gratitude: Foundational For Marriage

tune-up coupleThis week, as we think about the blessings in our lives, a good place to start is with our spouse. What unique qualities do we see in our spouse? How do we express gratitude to our spouse? 

Blog: Learning To Say "I Do" 

Sara & Justin
Sara and Justin are starting to establish their own holiday traditions. Read how they celebrated an "impromptu" Thanksgiving before the real one.




Monthly Book Review "Remarriage in the Catholic Church: A Couple's Guide"   

Remarriage in the Church
Remarriage following a death or divorce raises difficult issues, some of which are unique to second marriages. This small book covers everything from dealing with loss and guilt to creating a blended family.


Marriage Tip of the Month
November 9
Fighting Fair Tip: Hold hands. It may sound corny but try holding hands when discussing something sensitive. It physically reminds you that you may disagree about something, but you're still connected and committed to each other.


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Marriage (KS)

ln Kansas, Marriage Drops the Probability of Child Poverty by 8a Percent. PERCENTAGE OF FAMILIES V\/ITH CHILDREN THAT ARE POOR s0%. /1AO/. '- fv /o ...

Also see this from a few years ago


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Forum/Webcast on the New Poverty Measure 12/6

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From: Urban Institute <>
Date: Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 2:39 PM
Subject: Forum/Webcast on the New Poverty Measure

You are cordially invited to attend

Poverty by the Numbers:
What New Measures Say About
At-Risk Groups and the Social Safety Net

Tuesday, December 6, 2011 • Noon-1:30 p.m. ET

To attend in person in Washington, D.C., register at: (Registration is required.)

To watch the video webcast or a recording, go to (No registration is necessary.)



Enid Borden, president and CEO, Meals On Wheels Association of America

Constance Citro, director, Committee on National Statistics, The National Academies

Jason DeParle, correspondent, New York Times (moderator)

Linda Giannarelli, senior fellow, Income and Benefits Policy Center, Urban Institute

Kristin Moore, senior scholar, Child Trends

Does changing a word’s definition change reality? What might a new definition of poverty mean to Washington policymakers and to the nation’s neediest citizens?

The Census Bureau recently released poverty numbers for 2010 based on a new Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM). Unlike the official poverty measure devised in the 1960s, the SPM captures the effects of government benefits, such as food stamps, housing assistance, and tax credits. It also updates calculations of minimal need, reflects housing costs in each state, and deducts expenditures for critical goods, such as health care.

The new numbers, reflecting current policy and government spending, show some dramatic changes in U.S. poverty: the child poverty rate declines 19 percent, the elderly rate increases 35 percent, and nearly a third of families have incomes between 100 and 200 percent of poverty (compared to a fifth using the official definition).

This forum will discuss what the new poverty numbers mean for children and the elderly, whether poverty thresholds should vary across the country, and how a new definition of poverty might change federal and state safety net policies.

At the Urban Institute
2100 M Street N.W., 5th Floor, Washington, D.C.
Lunch will be provided at 11:30 a.m. The forum begins promptly at noon.


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