Culture Watch: Breakthrough in Georgia Signals Good News for Civil Society

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From: "The Heritage Foundation" <>
Date: Oct 20, 2011 12:49 PM
Subject: Culture Watch: Breakthrough in Georgia Signals Good News for Civil Society
To: "Bill Coffin" <>

Culture Watch: Weekly Round-Up on Family, Religion and Civil Society

October 20, 2011

Breakthrough in Georgia Signals Good News for Civil Society

Yesterday, The Heritage Foundation and Georgia Family Council co-hosted an event in Atlanta, Georgia, illustrating the profoundly negative consequences of social breakdown in the state and offering some promising solutions to restore human flourishing. At the symposium Breakthrough Georgia: Fighting Poverty and Restoring Society, Heritage Senior Research Fellow Robert Rector presented Georgia-specific research on child poverty and the role marriage can play in reducing poverty rates.

Today, over 45 percent of births in Georgia are to unmarried mothers. The lack of social and financial stability that accompanies those single-parent households greatly increases their chances of experiencing poverty.

One in four single-parent households are poor in Georgia, while only 7 percent of married families experience poverty. A child living in a single-parent home is five times more likely to experience poverty than a child in a married-parent household; marriage can drop the probability of child poverty by 84 percent

Very little information is available to at-risk communities on the benefits of matrimony. Rector suggested that community leaders and policymakers correct this “information deficit” by promoting the social and economic benefits of marriage in schools, reducing marriage penalties in welfare programs, and promoting life-planning and healthy relationship programs to those in communities where healthy marriage has almost disappeared.

Effectively addressing decades of social breakdown can’t happen overnight—and it won’t happen without the important work of families, churches, and civic organizations. That’s why Georgia Family Council introduced a new initiative yesterday that will combine both effective public policy and community-based solutions to relieve suffering and promote human thriving.  “We want more Georgians doing well,” Randy Hicks, President of Georgia Family Council, explained, “and we believe there’s a way to get there.”

He outlined the multi-year Breakthrough Georgia initiative that will identify and develop specific policy proposals and grassroots solutions to overcoming the barriers to human flourishing in the state. Specifically, Breakthrough Georgia will produce policy and community recommendations that will “reflect the dignity and personal responsibility of the individual, promote family formation and self-sufficiency, and respect and protect the role of community and faith-based groups in meeting the needs of people.”

The challenges created by social breakdown and the collapse of marriage are great; but the promise of effective policies and community-based solutions to alleviate suffering, promote wellbeing, and foster self-sufficiency is even greater.

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Family Fact of the Week
More than Half of All Poor Households Are Single-Mother Families

One in three families led by unmarried women is poor, compared to one in 10 of all families. Only one in four children lives in single-mother families, but half of the children living in such families is poor. Find out how marriage and family structure can decrease poverty rates at our newly redesigned

Click here for the full chart
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Join Us for a Free Washington Policy Event featuring The Heritage Foundation and The Brookings Institution
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National Fatherhood Leadership Group and NARME hosting free webinars on sustainability!

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Date: Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 6:15 PM
Subject: National Fatherhood Leadership Group and NARME hosting free webinars on sustainability!

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The National Fatherhood Leadership Group (NFLG) and the National Association for Relationships & Marriage Education (NARME) are collaborating to strengthen the sustainability of family-strengthening organizations across America.  Register now to participate in one or more of the following FREE webinars designed to help keep your work alive and funded!
HELP!  We Didn’t Get Funded, NOW WHAT? Tuesday, October 25, 2:30-4:00pm ET
The end of government dollars doesn’t have to mean the end of your organization.  Learn from peers that have successfully raised millions of dollars how to prove investment worthy and secure funding despite these tough economic times.  In just 90 minutes, you’ll not only gain valuable tips and resources that you can put to use immediately, you’ll also receive the hope and encouragement you need to get busy working instead of worrying!  Please click below to register:  

Successfully Launching Your GrantWednesday, October 26, 2:30-4:00 pm ET
As a 2012 Responsible Fatherhood and/or Healthy Marriage grantee, you want to excel at
meeting your funding objectives.  Learn from a panel of grant veterans the ins and outs of federal funding compliance, what to avoid, and what to watch out for, in this 90-minute discussion on their experiences as grantees.  If you’re not into re-inventing the wheel, you won’t want to miss this webinar. Please click below to register:  
Strengthening Marriages and Families

P.O. Box 14946 | Tallahassee, FL 32317 US

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Updated 13th Annual National Fatherhood & Families Conference Agenda At A Glance

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NARME 2012 Conference in Baltimore - Save the Date!

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Date: Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 4:45 PM
Subject: NARME 2012 Conference in Baltimore - Save the Date!

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WHO:   You! Marriage, Fatherhood, Relationship Educators, Therapists, Counselors, Pastors ,Clergy, and Lay Leaders!
WHAT:  NARME 2012 Conference
WHEN:  July 20-25th, 2012 (*)
WHERE: Baltimore Hilton - special rate $139/nt (1/2 price internet -guest rooms & 1/2 price self-parking)
WHY:    Network, learn, have fun!  You won’t want to miss this second year conference!
Preconference Training:
3-day begins on Friday, July 20th and ends Sunday, July 22nd - from 8:30 - 5pm daily
2-day begins on Saturday, July 21st and ends on Sunday, July 22nd - from 8:30 - 5pm daily
1-day begins runs Sunday, July 22nd from 8:30 - 5pm

Opening Night - Sunday, July 22nd, at 6:30pm
Day 1 - Monday, July 23rd, 8am to 5:30pm
Day 2 - Tuesday, July 24th, 8am to 5:30pm - (Orioles playing next door at Camden Yard!)
Day 3 - Wed, July 25th, 8am to 2:30pm
(*) OPTIONAL Day - is being considered for “Healthy Marriage & Responsible Fatherhood Public Awareness Day on Capitol Hill” on Thursday, July 19th or July 26th.  (The expenses for this day are not billable to your federal grant if you have one.)

** Call for presenters expected early-mid November.  Stay tuned to
Strengthening Marriages and Families

P.O. Box 14946 | Tallahassee, FL 32317 US

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Marriage Monthly: New For Your Marriage TV Spots!, Surviving the First Year of Parenthood, Marriage 911: How God Saved Our Marriage

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Date: Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 3:46 PM
Subject: Marriage Monthly: New For Your Marriage TV Spots!, Surviving the First Year of Parenthood, Marriage 911: How God Saved Our Marriage

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Sarah Daniel Charlie

Former For Your Marriage blogger Sarah reflects on taking care of her marriage while taking care of her 16-month-old, Charlie. Her down-to-earth advice may surprise you. 

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Sara and Justin are starting to house hunt, while Josh and Stacey deal with the mundane and major events of everyday lifeNoem family, from bedtimes to a possible career change.



Monthly Book Review    "Marriage 911: How God Saved Our Marriage (And Can Save Yours Too)"   

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Everyone likes a good story, especially one with a happy ending. Greg and Julie Alexander describe what happened when their "perfect" marriage hit rock bottom. 


Marriage Tip of the Month
October 18
What's your decision making style? Slow or fast? Do you weigh the pros and cons? Go with your gut feeling? Defer to the other? Now, how does your style mesh with your spouse's? Being similar can make life easier, but being different can cover all the bases.


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Marriage: A New Conservative Issue - Ethics & Religion Col. #1,572

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From: Michael J. McManus <>
Date: Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 3:01 AM
Subject: Marriage: A New Conservative Issue - Ethics & Religion Col. #1,572

October 13, 2011

Column #1,572

Marriage: A New Conservative Issue

By Mike McManus


                The most important statement made in the recent Presidential debate was by former Sen. Rick Santorum, who pointed to the economic importance of marriage – an issue mentioned by no one else.  It should become a fresh issue for conservatives.


                He said “The biggest problem with poverty in America…is the breakdown of the American family.  Look at the poverty rate among families that have a husband and wife.  It’s five percent today.  A family that’s headed by one person? It’s 30 percent today.”


                “We need to do something.  “The word `home’ in Greek is the basis of the word `economy.’  It is the foundation of our country.  We need to have a policy that supports families, that encourages marriage… that has fathers take responsibility for their children. You can't have limited government--you can't have a wealthy society if the family breaks down, that basic unit of society.”


                Santorum is right.  According to Pat Fagan at the Family Research Council, only 45% of American teenagers are living with their married parents.  More than half of teens “live in families where their biological parents have rejected each other.”


                Census reports that in 2008, of 12.8 million teenagers aged 15-17, only 5.8 million lived with their married parents and 7 million were living with one birth parent only, though some may have stepparents, or with cohabiting parents, or with grandparents.


                Asian kids have the most cohesive homes, with 62% living with married parents.  But that is not high. 


Slightly more than half of white kids (54%) have married parents, but only 40% of Hispanics and a dismal 17% of African-American youth.


                David Usher, President of a new Center for Marriage Policy in St. Louis asserts, “Marriage absence is the primary driver of poverty, the shrinking middle class, growing tax burdens and fewer taxpayers, high incarceration rates, high taxes on business and subsequent exodus of jobs and factories to foreign soil, and many problems of children: poor school performance, involvement in gangs and the drug culture, teen pregnancy and incarceration.


                “Rebuilding heterosexual marriage as the social norm is the necessary structural foundation for successful American socioeconomic reconstruction.” (See


                Unemployment is often seen as the nation’s top economic problem.  However, when joblessness doubled in recent years from 5% to 10%, the poverty rate only rose 1%.


                As illegitimacy soared from 5% in 1960 to 41% in 2010, the percentage of households receiving government benefits soared along the same path. Census reported that the percentage of people living in households getting government benefits rose from 28% in 1983 to 48.5% in 2010.


                Nearly half of Americans are getting government subsidies!


                The lack of marriage is the primary reason.  For the first time, Census reports that only 48% of American adults are married – a drop of 30% in recent decades.


How can that trend be reversed, and marriage rates be increased?


                If I were a panelist with Republican candidates, here are three questions I’d ask, with the answers I would most like to hear:


1.      Should government stop subsidizing cohabitation, and subsidize marriage?


Answer: Yes.  If elected, I would tell cohabiting couples, many of whom are getting Medicaid, housing and day care subsidies, that if they marry, the benefits would continue for two years and then taper off.  Marriage rates would rise, and government costs would drop in time.

2.      Should cohabiting couples who have babies get welfare, Medicaid, etc.?


Answer: No.  More than half of unwed births are to women living with man, who benefit from his salary as if they were married.  Government has assumed that if a woman has an unwed birth that she will bring up the child alone.


3.      Should states require parents considering divorce to take a course on the impact of divorce on children before filing, and then be required to wait a year during which the couple takes classes to improve their conflict resolution skills?


                    Answer: Yes, I support the Parental Divorce Reduction Act that is being considered by a dozen states with those provisions which it calls a “One Year Reconciliation and Reflection Period.”


                  At present 25 “Hot Head States” have no waiting period, or only 20-60 days, which allows no time for reconciliation.  Maryland, Pennsylvania and Illinois require up to two years, if the divorce is contested. Their divorce rates are 34% lower than 10 Hot Head States such as Wyoming, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Alabama, Maine, Arizona, and Kansas.


                  It should not be even controversial for states like North and South Carolina  that already require a year to add the educational components.


                  Marriage is the answer.

Copyright © Mike McManus  (President of Marriage Savers and a syndicated columnist.)



My new email address is

Michael J. McManus
syndicated columnist
"Ethics & Religion"
President & Co-Chair
Marriage Savers
9311 Harrington Dr.
Potomac, MD 20854



Be Courageous, See Courageous

From: Provident Films []
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2011 6:28 AM
To: Bill Coffin
Subject: Be Courageous, See Courageous


October 7, 2011

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Be Courageous, See Courageous

Be Courageous, See Courageous

What an amazing week. Just last Friday, COURAGEOUS opened in more than 1,100 theaters across the country. By the end of the weekend, the film was the No. 1 new movie, had the No. 1 per-screen average, and was the No. 4 overall film in theaters—despite playing in fewer than half the number of theaters as other movies!

As the second weekend of COURAGEOUS in theaters begins, you have a great opportunity to reach out and touch the lives of friends and family with this movie. An invitation to a movie is a welcomed gift; an invitation to COURAGEOUS could change the path of their families.

As Luis posted on the Courageous Facebook page: "My name is Luis ... and with God's help I will rise to be the leader my family needs … and I promise to help more men to become men of God."

» Get Tickets Now at


John Piper's Take on Courageous

John Piper's Take on Courageous

Well-known and well-respected author and pastor John Piper says this about COURAGEOUS:

"I watched COURAGEOUS with my wife and was thoroughly engaged. I like action, and I like reflection, and I like affection—explosive moments, wrack-your-brain moments, and break-your-heart moments. Rarely do movies combine them all. For me this one captured me. Does the movie preach? Well, it sure has a point. But about the time you think you might get preached at, a bullet may cut through your car door. I would willingly take anyone to see this film, assuming they can handle suspense. And I think the conversations afterward would not be superficial."

» Watch (and Share) the Trailer


Sharing Courageous

Sharing Courageous

This weekend is a great time to see COURAGEOUS—for the first time or again with a friend, especially since the movie is not guaranteed to play at these same theaters beyond this coming Thursday. Thanks to all of you who have posted or tweeted encouraging words about the movie. We look forward to reading more this weekend!

"Great Movie! Even greater message!" Mike

"It is never too late to be Courageous!" Laura

"Fathers, prepare to be inspired!!" Dustin

"We live 100 miles from a theater but went just to see it—and wow was it worth it, such a blessing." Betty

"Most powerful movie of the year!" Pedro

"It will changes families' lives!" Brandi

"I saw the movie on opening night with my husband and two of our children. Awesome movie!!! Saw it again with my two youngest children. Even better the second time around!!!! It was the first time I have EVER watched a movie twice in a theater! It is THAT good!!" Suzanne

"I Will!" Robert

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Is Cohabitation Equivalent to Marriage?

















From: Institute for American Values []
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2011 1:06 PM
Subject: Is Cohabitation Equivalent to Marriage?


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Dear Bill,

The good news? Divorce is down -- in fact, it's practically at pre-divorce revolution levels. The bad news? Family instability for children in the U.S. as a whole continues to increase because more children are being born outside of marriage -- especially to cohabiting couples. But cohabitation is not the functional equivalent of marriage. And the risk to children is greater when one of the partners is not the biological parent of the children.

And yet there is no discussion among leading opinion makers and policy makers on the role cohabitation is playing in children's lives. Children today are more likely to be exposed to a cohabiting union than to a parental divorce.

At the Institute for American Values, however, we are having the discussion about the harmful effects of cohabitation and inserting it into the public domain. As a part of the release of the third edition of Why Marriage Matters, for example, our Center for Public Conversation hosted an important event, titled The Goods of Marriage, moderated by Jonathan Rauch and featured a panel of marriage scholars consisting of W. Bradford Wilcox, Elizabeth Marquardt, and Amy L. Wax.

Our work changes minds. During The Goods of Marriage conversation, sociologist W. Bradford Wilcox, the lead author of Why Marriage Matters stated:

"The good news in this report [Why Marriage Matters] is that divorce has come down to almost pre-divorce revolution levels. . . . In part it's a consequence of the work that we've all been doing over the last thirty years in terms of trying to educate the public about the importance of two parents, the importance of marriage. That message has penetrated into the consciousness of some portion of the broader public. The challenge before us now is to educate the public about the ways in which cohabitation poses risks to kids."

Today, I am asking you to support the Institute for American Values at the $25, $50, $100 -- or any level. Your gift will help us continue to:

  • make public arguments about the most important issues confronting the family, marriage, and children;
  • help us improve the civility and seriousness of our national conversation; and
  • help us more broadly disseminate the Institute's flagship reports, studies, and ideas.


Many thanks for your support.

David Blankenhorn

David Blankenhorn

P.S. Center for Public Conversation events are videotaped and are available for viewing at:


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Final Reminder: Flashes of Color Documentary Fundraising Event this Friday!

From: Trish Stone []
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2011 10:10 AM
To: Mom and Dad; Diane Dyer
Subject: Fw: Final Reminder: Flashes of Color Documentary Fundraising Event this Friday!

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Sent: Monday, October 03, 2011 11:32 AM

Subject: Final Reminder: Flashes of Color Documentary Fundraising Event this Friday!

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Ruth Strand and Rick Johnson during shooting of the Flashes of Color trailer in Madison, Wisconsin



You are invited to the Flashes of Color documentary film fundraising event.


Attendees will view the Flashes of Color trailer with interviews and video footage from the film.

The evening will be hosted by Jan Benton, National Director of the National Catholic Partnership on Disability (NCPD). We will also have a talk by a special guest - Trish Stone, a mother and sister of people with disabilities - and a short presentation about the project and its goals.


Drinks and light appetizers will be served.  

Children welcome!


Flashes of Color, seeks to highlight the profound contributions of people with disabilities at a time when a "culture of perfection" is fueling a deep and deadly bias against them.   

St. mary's Lyceum

St. Mary's Catholic Church

Alexandria, VA

Please feel free to forward the Email to friends who may be interested in attending.


Where: The Lyceum at St. Mary Catholic Church

313 Duke St. Alexandria, VA, 22314.


The Lyceum is wheelchair-accessible.


Parking: Street parking available. Also three small church parking lots are available close to the Lyceum:  at the corner of Royal and Wolfe; the corner of Duke and 

Fairfax and on the 300 block of Pitt St. 


When: Friday October 7th, 2011, 6- 8 pm


Why: To raise funds for the Flashes of Color documentary film project, currently in production. The support of people who care about persons with disabilities, and who understand the "flashes of color" they bring to our lives, is essential to this project's success.


Please RSVP by replying to this email or by sending an email to


Find out more at:


Pay at door. Cash and checks preferred. Checks payable to: American Values.*


Individuals $40 - Couples $70 - Students $35

All donations are tax-deductible.


For those who cannot attend but would still like to contribute to this important project, a check can be made out to American Values and sent to: In Altum Productions 7621 Provincial Dr. Suite 201, McLean VA, 22102.



Shooting with the Stone family 

in Kensington, Maryland

Evening's Schedule


6:00: Doors open, cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. Meet the Flashes of Color team.


7:00: Introduction to the evening


7:10: Viewing of documentary "sneak peek"


7:20: Testimonial by Trish Stone


7:30: Short presentation by the filmmakers, 

Jordan and Daniel Allott/Q & A


7:45: Conclusion and socialize


Shooting with the Stone family

in Kensington, Maryland


*To make your tax-deductible gift, please make all checks payable to our partner organization, American Values, a tax-exempt, non-profit 501 (c)(3) public charity.  


We look forward to seeing you on October 7th!


For those who cannot attend, please LIKE us on Facebook and stayed tuned for future events and opportunities.   


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In Altum Productions | 7621 Provincial Dr. | 201 | Washington | DC | 22102