Abstinence Education Excluded from Marriage Education Grants The Obama Administration announced new grant for marriage education but lists abstinence education among its Unallowable Activities. blog.heritage.org/.../obama-administration-just-says-no-to-abst... |
Sacramento healthy marriage project Marriage education programs Sacramento healthy marriage project company profile in Sacramento, CA in United States. Sacramento healthy marriage project provides services related to ... www.masterseek.com/sacramento-healthy-marriage-project_co... |
From: Mary Ortwein <mary@skillswork.org>
Date: Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 9:35 AM
Dear Folks on Mary's Special Lists of MML, RE, and People,
Below is a newsletter that will likely go out today to a larger list. You may well get a second copy. I simply wanted to send it to you from my email lists, to make SURE you get it. We HOPE to send a similar piece of information about trainings, materials, etc on a regular basis to those who have been trained through I-Ky. If you do NOT want to receive such mailings, please send an email to admin@skillswork.org and Chriss will take you off our lists.
Mary Ortwein
Fatherhood and Marriage Grant Information
Fatherhood and Marriage Grant Information for using MML, Love’s Cradle, Ready for Love, the standard RE program, Magic of Play, or Parenting Skills in the recently released RFPs for Fatherhood and Marriage Grants has been posted at www.skillswork.org . This includes recent research that validates the effectiveness of Relationship Enhancement in MML form and information about various RE based programs that matches grant requirements. The ACF grants are due July 28!
Numerous people have contacted us about using RE based materials. We want to be as helpful as possible. If you have other questions about grant matters, contact either Mary Ortwein at mary@skillswork.org or Bill Coffin at bill68@gmail.com Mary is currently in California doing a training in RE therapy with 40 registrants, but she can also be reached at 859-806-4484. Calls will be returned as soon as possible. Sometimes emails can be returned sooner, because they can be more easily done during workshop breaks.
Recent Research on MML
California Healthy Marriages Coalition has conscientiously evaluated MML, the traditional RE program, and numerous other marriage education curricula used in CHMC's current marriage education grant.
In findings presented earlier this month at the NARME Conference in Dallas and in personal communications with IDEALS staff, we are happy to report that:
- Data from research conducted by the California Healthy Marriages Coalition show Relationship Enhancement and Mastering the Mysteries of Love to be two of the four most effective Marriage Education programs taught in California.
- There was significant improvement in marital quality and communication skills from pre to post test, at 30 days, and at 6 months.
- Amount of time spent practicing was significant for levels of improvement, with communication, problem solving, couple satisfaction all improving more with additional time spent in class or by phone practicing skills.
- This was especially noticeable for the approximately 1/3 couples who entered the marriage education classes "distressed" or "highly distressed."
- Generally, levels of improvement were equivalent to the levels of improvement shown in the Penn State research conducted by Dr. Bernard Guerney and his associates. This would indicate that the original research (see Research and Meta-Analytic study ) holds for MML.
- Other curricula which also showed substantial improvement in CHMC's research were also led by trained facilitators and included substantial practice time.
Training at IDEALS through the Fall
The following trainings will be held at IDEALS of Kentucky through this fall. To register, contact Chriss at 502-227-0055 or by email: admin@skillswork.org
Mastering the Mysteries of Sacramental Love at NACFLM (National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers) August 2-3. $60 person, $95 couple. For registration information, see www.nacflm.org
Child-Centered Play Therapy at IDEALS of Kentucky, 306 West Main St., Frankfort, Kentucky August 31-September 1. $95 per day with CE, $55 per day without CE, $15 for full time mental health students.
Strategies for Working with Parents, at IDEALS of Kentucky, 306 West Main St., Frankfort, Kentucky September 16. $95 with CE, $55 without CE, $15 for full time mental health students.
Strategies for Working with Step-families, at IDEALS of Kentucky, 306 West Main St., Frankfort, Kentucky September 30. $95 with CE, $55 without CE, $15 for full time mental health students.
Filial Therapy, at IDEALS of Kentucky, 306 West Main St., Frankfort, Kentucky, October 28-29 $95 per day with CE, $55 per day without CE, $15 for full time mental health students.
Love’s Cradle Facilitator Training, at IDEALS of Kentucky, 306 West Main St., Frankfort, Kentucky November 9-11, $95 per day with CE, $55 per day without CE, $15 for full time mental health students.
Mastering the Mysteries of Love Facilitator Training, at IDEALS of Kentucky, 306 West Main St., Frankfort, Kentucky , November 10-12, $95 per day with CE, $55 per day without CE, $15 for full time mental health students.
From: newsletter@nire.org [mailto:newsletter@nire.org]
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 10:02 AM
To: billandpatcoffin@verizon.net
Subject: Upcoming Child-Centered Play Therapy Workshop - September 23-24, 2011
Please forward this announcement to any list serves you may be on.
Child-Centered Play Therapy Workshop
September 23-24, 2011
Workshop Leader: William Nordling, Ph.D., Member of NIRE's Training Faculty
Location: Bethesda, MD.
Workshop Description: The purpose of this two-day skills training workshop is to provide participants a comprehensive introduction to the Child-Centered Play Therapy Model and to teach participants the principles and techniques for conducting all aspects of Child-Centered Play Therapy with children, from intake through termination.
Intensive Supervised Skills Practice: The workshop emphasizes the building of participants' therapeutic skills through a process that combines lecture, demonstration and supervised practice via participant role-plays and mock play sessions. The number of participants is limited in order to ensure frequent individual supervision when participants practice aspects of the child-centered play therapy process.
Workshop Objectives: Participants will learn how to:
- Identify the parameters for the appropriate use of play therapy
- Quickly establish rapport and a strong therapeutic relationship with the child
- Create the recommended therapeutic atmosphere
- Facilitate the child's mastery of thoughts and feelings to help eliminate immature and symptomatic behaviors
- Set and enforce limits in an effective and therapeutic way
- Identify the major stages of play therapy and accompanying themes
- Communicate to parents about play therapy and their child's progress and help them and the child terminate therapy
Continuing Education: Upon completion, participants receive 13 CE credits for completing this workshop.
IDEALS/NIRE is approved by the Association for Play Therapy to offer continuing education programs specific to play therapy. APT Preferred Provider 95-009.
IDEALS/NIRE is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. IDEALS maintains responsibility for the program and its content.
DEALS/NIRE is approved by the National Board of Certified Counselors to offer continuing education for National Certified Counselors. NBCC provider #5560.
IDEALS/NIRE is approved by the Maryland State Board of Social Work Examiners to offer Category I continuing education programs for social workers.
IDEALS/NIRE maintains responsibility for the program and adhering to the appropriate guidelines required by the respective organizations.
Fee: $265 (includes packet of materials)
For further information, please visit our website at www.nire.org.
To register, please downlaod a registration form at www.nire.org or call NIRE at 301-986-1479.
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Low-Income Mothers in Relationship Education 1 Running head: LOW ... Larson (2004) describes marriage education as skills-based group programming to prevent and remedy marital distress. This includes education classes and ... www.twogetherintexas.com/.../Low-Income%20Mothers%20i... |
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Texas Healthy Marriage Initiative Texas Healthy Marriage Initiative. Contributors to this Brief: Steven M. Harris, Ph.D. University of Minnesota. Rob Porter, M.S.. Texas Tech University ... www.twogetherintexas.com/Pdf/Brief9.pdf |
http://trunk.ly/billcoffin/ |
2011 Marriage and Fatherhood Grants | IDEALS of Kentucky Various Mastering the Mysteries of Love Relationship Enhancement (MML) curricula fit well in the recently released RFP's for Marriage and Fatherhood. ... www.skillswork.org/.../2011-marriage-and-fatherhood-grants/ |
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