Chick-fil-A's Leadercast 2012 | FTF eNews March Vol.1

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Date: Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 1:07 PM
Subject: Chick-fil-A's Leadercast 2012 | FTF eNews March Vol.1

First Things First eNews
  March 2012    Volume 1  

FTF Classes

Preparing for Marriage*

A class for
engaged couples


March 21 & 28  


5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

First Things First


 620 Lindsay Street
Suite 100
Chattanooga, TN 37403


Click here to register

Dinner or Lunch provided by First Things First


Visit for additional classes 



Boot Camp 

for New Dads  

A class for about  

to be dads.  


March 24


9:00 a.m. to Noon

Parkridge East Hospital
941 Spring Creek Road
East Ridge, TN 37412   





(Family University)  


* Funding for this project was provided by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Grant: 90FM004801. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families   

Save The Dates!
Kicks off in April 2012

May 2012

June 12
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Chick-fil-A's Leadercast 2012
Strengthen Your Leadership Skills at Leadercast 2012
This year's Leadercast will be broadcast live from Atlanta on Friday, May 4, 2012, and will be simulcast to our local audience at the Brainerd Crossroads. Hear insights from world-renowned leaders at the top of their fields, such as Soledad O'Brien, Marcus Buckingham, Patrick Lencioni, Tim Tebow, Urban Meyer, Andy Stanley and many others.  This is a rare opportunity for the Chattanooga area, and seating is very limited. Register now to reserve your spot. Group discounts are available.

For details, call FTF at 267-5383 or visit

First Things First on WTCI

Check out the new season of "First Things First with Julie Baumgardner" on your public television station, WTCI. Each week, Julie will talk with guests on a variety of topics like mother-daughter relationships, involved dads, teaching kids about money and much more.  The goal of the show is to meet you where you are and provide expert advice for the modern family. Check out "First Things First" on Saturdays at 6:30 a.m., Sundays at 9:30 a.m. and Fridays at 9:30 p.m.


Tune in Saturdays at 6:30 a.m. for the following shows: 


March 10- Involved Dads

March 17- Career Development and Relationship Skills

March 24- Gang Activity


The Art of Marriage
Highly-Acclaimed Series Offered at Area Churches
The Art of Marriage series is being offered at Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church and Brainerd Presbyterian Church. This series is designed to give couples helpful information to energize your marriage relationship from a faith-based perspective.  The course offers something for everyone at every stage of your marriage.  Admission is free and registration is not required.

Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church
February 29 -March 28 (Wednesdays)
Location: 612 James Boulevard
Signal Mountain, Tennessee 37377
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Childcare Provided

Brainerd Presbyterian Church
March 7 - April 11 (Wednesdays)
Location: 1624 Jenkins Road
Chattanooga, TN 37421
Time: 6:15 pm - 7:30 pm
Childcare Provided- Advance notice encouraged
Please call 423.899.2424
If you would like to have The Art of Marriage offered at your place of worship, please contact George Clark at 423.267.5383 or


620 Lindsay Street
Suite 100

Chattanooga, TN 37403

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First Things First |
620 Lindsay Street | Suite 100 | Chattanooga | TN | 37403

Romance at the MIM
















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Date: Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 6:00 PM
Subject: Romance at the MIM

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Prioritize, LLC

Small Things Often...

March 2012  

Ignite Passion
and Intimacy  
The Connection Cube® dice cards for couples were thoughtfully designed to give partners ideas to create any number of opportunities for closeness. These flirty and sensually provoking cards prompt you to explore intimacy on a whole new level. For couples who just want to spice things up, partners who are shy about being sexually vocal, or even if your love life has lost its luster, these cards facilitate intimacy and provoke passionate creativity between one another. A must-have for every active couple!

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Hello contacts and friends, 

Thank you all for reading my last newsletter! I was thrilled to have so many responses and ideas for Valentine's Day! Keep up those healthy, creative ideas to make Valentine's Day, every day! 

- Val McKinley



Romancing Arizona at the MIM


On Valentine's Day, my husband surprised me by taking me to the Musical Instrument Museum (MIM). Romancing Arizona was the theme of the evening and it was a treat from start to finish. Towards the end of the evening, as we sat and enjoyed watching couples dancing to the wonderful band that was playing, a thought crossed my mind that I knew I'd want to include in this newsletter: I was struck by all of the sizes and shapes of love! The dance floor was a study in happiness and affection.


Those couples in motion seemed to embody the qualities of what happy long-term couples do. In unions that thrive, couples are positive towards one another, are affectionate, and have sex.


Over the course of the month, I have been drawn to several articles depicting happy, well-known couples. The same trend I observed at the MIM was also reflected in famous couples as well! I'd like to share a few quick quotes that grabbed my attention.


(British prime minister) Margaret Thatcher: ("I was a better politician because of Denis.") "If you've got security and certainty behind you, if you come home to total loyalty and affection, then your basic worries in life are gone."


(Decathlete) Dan O'Brien: "...I'm a good husband, a good uncle. I once thought those were things that just happen. Now, I understand that you make them happen."


(Debilitated wrestling coach) Mike Powell: "You can be a macho man and love your wife. You can be a macho man and be sensitive." Mike tells wrestlers that he loves them and then, when they blush, he says there's no shame in expression. (Sports Illustrated, Feb. 13, 2012) "You don't have to say it back," he says. "Just know it's OK to say it."


(Astronaut) John Glenn and his wife Annie: Asked in a People February 20, 2012 article: What's the secret of staying together for so long?, they answered:

JG: "On April 6 it will be 69 years! We've never known a time when we didn't know each other. Our parents were good friends and visited back and forth. They used to kid us after we were married that they had us together in the playpen. And they did.

AG: "You know, growing up together as we did, all I can say is that we just enjoyed each other. And even now we like to be together. Every now and then we'll have an argument - everybody has arguments. But never in 69 years have we had a fight."


(Businessman and author) Harvey Mackay: "As I like to say, little things don't mean a lot - they mean everything."


So while our relationships may look different, whether you are an astronaut or a school teacher, loving healthy relationships have the same foundation of everyday love and affection. May those of us in committed, happy relationships pay attention to the shared wisdom noted above and continue to show our significant other our love as if every day was Valentine's Day!


Small Things Often

What You Do and Say Every Day Matters

Respect always; Repair Often


Remember to keep the happy in your ever-afters!

Prioritize, LLC | 7020 E. Friess Dr. | Scottsdale | AZ | 85254

Marriage 911 - Firsat Response - Ethics & Religion Col. 1,591

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From: Michael J. McManus <>

February 23, 2012

Column #1,591

Marriage 911 – First Response

By Mike McManus


            Is your marriage in crisis?  Has your spouse given up on you and said she is going to file for divorce, or perhaps has already done so? Do you feel as if you are in a car wreck, bleeding but too weak to get out?


            Good news: you aren’t alone.  Divorce is opposed by four out of five spouses.  No Fault Divorce laws have unwisely given just one spouse the power to end a marriage.


            A proven resource is available to help you save your marriage for only $28.


            Marriage 911 – First Response is a 12-weekwork course that prompts personal and spiritual growth to help you mature so much that you can attract your partner back.


But you also need other “tools:” the Bible and a Christian friend of the same gender, whom you ask to be your Support Partner, meeting an hour a week for three months.  Marriage 911 includes a Support Partner Handbook for your friend, to offer encouragement and accountability.   


You must also read a Chapter of Proverbs every day.  There are 31 chapters, so you will read through it three times during the course.  As you read it, journal about what God is teaching you.


Your Workbook will also ask you to make a “Self-Nurture List” of 10-20 activities you enjoy that “are not immoral, illegal or expensive.”  Like walking, biking, fishing, attending a movie or sports activity, or reading a novel.   When marriages go sour, people lose a sense of who they are as individuals. Nuture yourself.


When the person meets with his Support Partner, he will be asked, “What was one thing God showed you while reading Proverbs this week?


He might answer, “I read Proverbs 15:1: `A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.’  Perhaps that’s why she left me. She often said, `You treat me like dirt, but are so kind to neighbors.’  I was a fool.  I DID take her for granted, and was too harsh with her.”


His friend might respond, “I am glad you recognize that in yourself.  What will you do about it?”


“I’m going to write her a letter, and confess my sin.  After she gets the letter, I’ll call her up and ask her to go to dinner to discuss my resolution to be a more caring husband.”


I interviewed Michelle and Ali Quiles in Tampa whose marriage was saved by Marriage 911.  “Before we were constantly fighting and bickering about petty things, at each other’s throats,” said Ali. “We still do argue, but I now have a humility with my wife.  I appreciate her more.”


Michelle added, “I learned I needed to seek a relationship with Christ first, which made everything else fall in place. I am a person who has struggled with anger my whole entire life.  I learned that anger is a secondary emotion.  From that point, I actually felt cured of my anger. The course helped me as a person.”


Changed people, change people!


Their leaders, Lee and Marie Perella, are a volunteer couple, who led a 13 week course at The Crossing Church, using not only the Workbooks, but a DVD series featuring its authors, Joe and Michelle Williams.   What’s unusual is that all of the men sit at one table led by Lee, and the women are together at another table, hosted by Marie. They view a short video, discuss it and then individuals meet with their Support Partner to discuss that week’s theme.


“It’s a triage center to help the wounded,” Lee told me.  “One partner may have already left, and there appears to be no hope of restoration.  We come alongside, give them comfort and support, and keep them focusing on God, rather than each other. In recent sessions, the guys noticed that one man did not show up for two weeks.  We took a picture of us staring at his empty chair, and sent it to him.”


Amanda Wood, a psychologist leading a group in California, told me, “In traditional marriage counseling, the couple comes and discusses whatever the fight was about that week. In Marriage 911 we have a gal whose husband didn’t attend. She said, “I will work on my part to find where I have been wrong and I will be the best wife to him, the hands and feet of Christ.”


Amanda added, “I love that focus.”


Michelle Williams says on one DVD: “Before you can truly reconcile with your mate, you must reconcile with God first.”


Copyright © 2012 Michael J. McManus, President, Marriage Savers, and a syndicated columnist





My new email address is

Michael J. McManus
syndicated columnist
"Ethics & Religion"
President & Co-Chair
Marriage Savers
9311 Harrington Dr.
Potomac, MD 20854



A Brand New Season | FTF eNews February Vol.2

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From: First Things First <>
Date: Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 1:30 PM
Subject: A Brand New Season | FTF eNews February Vol.2

First Things First eNews
  February 2012    Volume 2 

FTF Classes

Preparing for Marriage*

A class for
engaged couples


March 21 & 28  


5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

First Things First


 620 Lindsay Street
Suite 100
Chattanooga, TN 37403


Click here to register

Dinner or Lunch provided by First Things First


Visit for additional classes 



Boot Camp 

for New Dads  

A class for about  

to be dads.  


March 24


9:00 a.m. to Noon

Parkridge East Hospital
941 Spring Creek Road
East Ridge, TN 37412   





(Family University)  


* Funding for this project was provided by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Grant: 90FM004801. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families   

Save The Dates!
June 12


June 16
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First Things First with Julie Baumgardner
A Brand New Season
We're gearing up for a new season of "First Things First with Julie Baumgardner" on your public television station, WTCI, beginning March 3. Each week, Julie will talk with guests on a variety of topics like mother-daughter relationships, involved dads, teaching kids about money and much more.  The goal of the show is to meet you where you and provide expert advice for the modern family. 

Chick-fil-A's Leadercast 2012
Leadcast 2012 comes to Chattanooga!
This one-of-a-kind event sponsored by area Chick-fil-A operators will be broadcast live from Atlanta on Friday, May 4, 2012, and will be simulcast to our local audience at the Brainerd Crossroads. Hear insights from world-renown leaders at the top of their fields, such as Soledad O'Brien, Marcus Buckingham, Patrick Lencioni, Tim Tebow, Andy Stanley and many others. You'll learn how to improve your own leadership skills, and have the opportunity to network with other leaders in our community.  Seating is limited. 

Click Here to reserve your space now.


Love Language Challenge
Love:  Have it Your Way
How would you like to keep that "loving feeling" long after Valentine's Day is over? You can with the Love Language Challenge. Created by Dr. Gary Chapman (author of the 5 Love Languages), this five-week challenge is tailor-made to help you show your spouse love using his or her own Love Language.  After the final challenge, you'll be entered to win some amazing prizes. You can even download the free app to get started. 

Visit to learn more.


620 Lindsay Street
Suite 100

Chattanooga, TN 37403
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Request for Research Participants

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From: Matthew Branfield <>
Date: Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 9:09 PM
Subject: Request for Research Participants



We are conducting a study investigating how various personal factors influence important intimate relationships. What we hope to learn is how a person’s own perceptions of stress in their life influences the relationships formed with their partners.


This study has been approved by the Kent State University IRB (Protocol #11-400). The investigators are willing to provide any additional information participants’ may want. 


Please forward this email to any individuals that may be interested in this study.


The survey should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.


You are eligible to participate in the study if you are over the age of 18 and are involved in an intimate relationship with another individual.


Please click on the link below if you are able to help me out:


If you have any questions, please contact Philip Gnilka at, or Matthew Branfield at; or by phone at 330-672-0693.




Matthew Branfield, M.S., PC

Doctoral Student

Counseling and & Human Development Services

Kent State University


Philip B. Gnilka, PhD

Assistant Professor

Counseling & Human Development Services

Kent State University




Matthew Branfield, PC
Counseling and Human Development Services
Doctoral Student
Teaching Fellow


Researching Recruitment Challenges in Low-Income Marriage ...

Researching Recruitment Challenges in Low-Income Marriage ...
Researching Recruitment Challenges in Low-Income Marriage Education Programs. Feb 14, 2012. This report summarizes four studies completed between the ...


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and see Links & Clips, updated daily, at
(send your input for Links and Clips to me at ) 

14th Annual International Fatherhood Conference

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From: The National Partnership for Community Leadership <>
Date: Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 4:07 PM
Subject: 14th Annual International Fatherhood Conference

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Greetings from 
The National Partnership for Community Leadership
14th Annual International Fatherhood Conference
Partnerships and Collaboration:
"Expanding Responsible Fatherhood and Healthy Family Program Connections"
June 12-15, 2012
Dear Prospective Conference Attendee:

Limited funding at the federal, state and local levels as well as reduced investments in the responsible fatherhood field by major foundations will necessitate creative partnership and collaboration among a variety of agencies/organizations serving fathers and families. The 14th Annual International Fatherhood Conference theme is: Partnership and Collaboration: "Expanding Responsible Fatherhood and Healthy Family Program Connections". This focus is seen as a necessary and important foundation in advancing our efforts on behalf of our customers; fathers and mothers, couples, youth and children. Expanding our connections will enable the responsible fatherhood field to achieve positive outcomes and maximize the use of available resources. We can no longer function as "islands" unto ourselves. Nor is there a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to meeting the diverse needs of our customers. To achieve the best results, partnership and collaboration is the key.


The conference will feature an opening session Policy Forum organized by the National Fatherhood Leaders Group (NFLG). Panel members will include national, state, and local policy makers and responsible fatherhood, healthy marriage, and healthy family program leaders. There will also be conference super sessions focused on father involvement in the early learning success of children; and, achieving funding success in responsible fatherhood, healthy marriage and family service programs. Conference workshops will focus on responsible fatherhood; healthy marriage/ relationship education; military families; early childhood education; domestic violence; child support; employment; faith-based programs; re-entry, prevention, and evaluation. There will also be a national training institute on working with fathers, and, special leadership workshops conducted by members of NFLG, the National Association of Marriage and Relationship Education (NARME) and partner organizations.


The Spirit of Fatherhood Hall of Fame Luncheon will be high spirited. Five responsible fatherhood leaders will be inducted into the Spirit of Fatherhood Hall of Fame. Also, the Committed Fathers Alliance will present its National Father of the Year at the Luncheon. Another conference highlight will be the Fatherhood Practitioners Networking Luncheon. As always the conference will offer a variety of networking opportunities among attendees and include some special activities that will highlight the best of Fort Lauderdale Florida.


In closing, you don't want to miss this important conference. We promise to over deliver and exceed your expectations. I look forward to greeting and meeting you all in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Jeffery M. Johnson, Ph.D., President


Register for the 14th  Annual International Fatherhood Conference by
February 29, 2012
and be our guest for a


 Jungle Queen


The World Famous Jungle Queen Riverboat will take us on a humerous and informative sightseeing cruise through historic downtown Fort Lauderdale and the great Yacht District on our way to their own Tropical Isle.  Jungle Queen's Tropical Isle is home to beautiful rare trees and foliage, exotic birds, large iguanas, alligators and monkeys. While there, you will enjoy an All YOU Wish to Eat Chicken, Bar-B-Que Ribs and Steamed Shrimp dinner with all the trimmings followed by a hilarious and entertaining Variety Show.


2012 Spirit of Fatherhood
Hall of Fame Inductees
14th Annual International Fatherhood Conference would like you to help us congratulate the 2012 Spirit of Fatherhood Hall of Fame Inductees.




Fatherhood Initiatives Program Coodinator
Healthy Families/Thriving Communities Collaborative Council
Washington, DC




Executive Director
Fathers' Support Center
St. Louis, MO




Campaign Manager
Open Society Foundations
New York, NY




Staff Director 
U.S. House Majority
Washington, DC


Staff Director 
U.S. House Minority
Washington, DC




Father Project Manager
 Goodwill/Easter Seals
St. Paul, MI  
Tallahassee, FL 
The 2012 Spirit of Fatherhood Hall of Fame Inductees will receive their awards at the 2012 Spirit of Fatherhood Hall of Fame Award Luncheon on Wednesday June 13, 2012 at 12:30PM, in the Westin Fort Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.


2012 Spirit of Fatherhood Hall of Fame Award Luncheon tickets are available for advance purchase only. Tickets are $75.00 per person.  Full and shared tables are  available also. For more information please contact Michelle Paterson at (202) 234-6725 by email   
2012 Spirit of Fatherhood Hall of Fame Award Luncheon tickets are included with Master Training All Inclusive and 14th IFC All Inclusive Registration Packages.


Do you have an advertisement or business card you would like to place in the 14th Annual International Fatherood Conference Program? Does your business or organization offer training opportunities or have promotional information that they would like to share that relate to the responsible fatherhood and healthy marriage fields? Well consider advertising yourself or your business by placing an advertisement in the 14th Annual International Fatherood Program or purchasing an exhibition table at the conference. All it take is three easy steps and you're done!


2nd Annual Committed Father Alliance

Father of the Year

Committed Fathers Alliance


Do you know a Father who has stood out supporting his children? If so, honor him with a nomination for the 2012 Committed Fathers Alliance Father of the Year Award.


The 2012 Committed Fathers Alliance Father of the Year winner will receive the following:


Paid registration for the 2012 NPCL 14th Annual International Fatherhood conference in Fort  Lauderdale, Florida on June 12-15, 2012.


Airfare and Hotel expenses for two to the NPCL Fatherhood Conference (Shared room between winner and guest) 


$500 expense stipend







Featured Article
Port Everglades Inlet


eatured Article
Downtown Ft. Lauderdale


Featured Article
 Fort Lauderdale Harbor 



Featured Article
Fort Lauderale Marina 

Featured Article
Fort Lauderdale at night



red Article





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Featured Article

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Featured Article

Featured Article
Ariel View of Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale pictureFeatured Article

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Port Everglades InletFeatured Articl


For more information on the14th Annual International Fatherhood Conference 

 please visit our website: or contact Michelle Paterson, Assistant Conference Coordinator at (202) 234-6725 or email at


Thank you in advance for your continued support of The National Partnership for Community Leadership. 

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The National Partnership for Community | 2728 Sherman Ave NW | Washington DC | DC | 20001

Marriage Monthly: Lent Edition: Getting Ready for Lent, What Do Catholics Believe About Lent?

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From: USCCB <>
Date: Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 2:11 PM
Subject: Marriage Monthly: Lent Edition: Getting Ready for Lent, What Do Catholics Believe About Lent?

For Your Marriage  
marriage monthly
FEBRUARY 2012   
Lent 2012 Edition 

Home   Dating & Engaged    Parenting & Family    For Every Marriage    About Catholic Marriages

Featured Article: Getting Ready For Lent  
Lent starts on Ash Wednesday, February 22. Are you making Lenten resolutions? Most people find it easier to keep their resolutions when someone holds them accountable. Maybe that person is your spouse! This year, think about Lent as a team effort.   

Blogs: The Latest From Our Blogging Couples   

Sara & Justin
With a new home and a baby on the way, Sara and Justin have lots to share in their blog. Meanwhile, Stacey and Josh are counting the days until their big move from Portland, Oregon to Notre Dame.   Noem family



Monthly Book Review   "Your Time-Starved Marriage"   


Time-Starved Marriage cover"In these hectic, hurry-up, stressful times, every couple we know - including ourselves - is rushing around to get more done in less time, " say the authors. "Life in the fast lane inevitably means less time with the one you love." Read how couples can maximize their time together. 


Marriage Tip of the Month
February 8
Fighting Fair Tip: Keep it current. Once a couple has the rule of thumb that any issue older than the milk in the refrigerator is no longer game. Recurring arguments usually mean that there's something behind the presenting problem that irks the other.


Catholic 101 
What do Catholics believe about Lent? Here's a quick introduction to this holy season.
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3211 Fourth Street, N.E., Washington, DC 20017-1194, (202) 541-3000 © USCCB.
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USCCB | 3211 Fourth Street NE | Washington | DC | 20017-1194

Consider 162 Reasons To Marry - Ethics & Religion Col. #1,590

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From: Michael J. McManus <>
Date: Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 2:12 AM
Subject: Consider 162 Reasons To Marry - Ethics & Religion Col. #1,590

Feb. 15, 2012

Column #1,590

Consider 162 Reasons to Marry!

By Mike McManus


            Those of us who believe in marriage are not doing a good job.  The marriage rate has plunged 54% since 1970.  If the same percentage of couples were getting married today as in 1970, we would have 3.3 million marriages this year, not 2.2 million.


            The cover story of the Washington Post Magazine on Sunday, “When You Never Find The One,” quoted people rationalizing about their singleness.  “This is who I am. I’m single. I love it,” says assistant professor Bella DePaulo.  


            “Settling just never seemed like the right move,” writes blogger Wendy Braitman.


            Has marriage become less attractive?  Obviously, it has for many people.  The percentage of married adults used to be 72% and is now only 51%.


            However, Pat Fagan, head of the MARRI Institute at the Family Research Council, has written a paper full of hope: “162 Reasons to Marry.” 


It is must reading for your single friends.


            “Marriage is the foundational relationship for all of society…Good marriages are the bedrock of strong societies, for they are the foundations of strong families,” he begins.


            “The future of the human race and all its component societies is embodied in each newborn. Whether that newborn grows to be a strong capable adult depends much on the marriage of his parents.  Whether he is physically strong; whether she is intelligent; whether he is hardworking or a dropout; whether she will be mentally healthy and happy; whether he will be more educated; whether she will marry in her own turn; whether he will be a taxpayer or a drain on the commons; whether she enjoys sexuality to the full; whether he worships and prays; whether she has children and how many; whether he finishes high school and goes to college or learns a trade; whether she is law-abiding; whether he grows old with a family surrounding him – all these most desirable outcomes…are strongly connected to the strength of that child’s parents.”


            If that sounds like it was written by a man with eight children, it was!


            However, only 46% of teenagers are living in an intact married family.  More than half are growing up in homes where the parents “rejected each other,” as Fagan wrote last year.


            That is what is ominous. 


Women raised in intact married homes have the lowest number of unwed births, are more likely to marry and less likely to divorce, says the report. They are “the least likely to have intercourse before age 18,” have fewer sexual partners and are least likely to cohabit.


But cohabitation has skyrocketed from 430,000 in 1960 to 7.5 million in 2010.  Unwed births have soared eight-fold from 5% to 41% of all births, and are mostly to cohabiting parents.


Children from intact married families are most likely to earn As in school and to have the “highest combined English and math grade point averages.”


However, on international math comparisons, Americans scored 487 while Japanese, Koreans and Chinese scored from 540 to 600. The unwed birth rate is 41% here, 2% in Japan.


“Children from intact families exceed their parents educational attainment (sons by 2 .8 years, daughters by 2.5 years)….Married men work more hours than cohabiting men” and their productivity increases by 27% as a result of marrying,” the report asserts.


Married families have larger incomes, larger net worth, and the largest net worth growth of between $3,000 and $17,000 in two years.  Conversely, if biological single parents of poor children marry, 70% of those kids would immediately move into the middle class. 


Marriage also reduces crime rates.  Adolescents from married homes are less likely to steal, to fight, be delinquent or run away from home.  Conversely, teenagers from divorced families are more verbally aggressive and violent toward their romantic partners.


“Marriage is especially beneficial for the health of the elderly.”  That’s an understatement.  A married woman will live four years longer – and a man, ten years longer than a single one.  “It seems that marriage, as a sort of social support, strengthens the immune system,” and married people smoke and drink less and maintain healthier weight.


Result: married people’s “responses to cancer treatment are better and comparable to people 10 years younger.”


However, what is to be done about plunging marriage rates? 


The report’s response is feeble: “Maybe we can hope that the children who experienced so much rejection between their parents will become the greatest generation of parents who belong to each other in lifelong marriage.”


I doubt it. 


One good answer, however, is give the report to unmarried friends. Download it free at, Go to the Marriage and Family section.

Copyright © 2012 Michael J. McManus, President of Marriage Savers & a syndicated columnist



My new email address is

Michael J. McManus
syndicated columnist
"Ethics & Religion"
President & Co-Chair
Marriage Savers
9311 Harrington Dr.
Potomac, MD 20854