HM Links & Clips (11/17/10) #142 (part 3)

From: USCCB []
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 2:30 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]Marriage Monthly: Balancing Work and Family, Humility, The Lost Art of Listening

For Your Marriage
marriage monthly

Home   Dating & Engaged    Parenting & Family    For Every Marriage    About Catholic Marriages

Featured Article: Balancing Family and Work
work life balance
It's a common dilemma: Trying to be a good husband/father or wife/mother, while meeting the demands of an outside job. During uncertain economic times, couples may be even more tempted to sacrifice family life for work. Learn some tips for striking a balance.

Virtue of the Month:  Humility
humilityThe billionaire J. Paul Getty had it all, except a successful marriage. His five marriages are an object lesson for our age, which celebrates celebrity, wealth, power--and the pride that comes with it. Read how humility is the foundation for a long-lasting marriage.


Monthly Book Review:"The Lost Art of Listening"
This book is for anyone who wants to improve the dynamics of a relationship. Author Michael Nichols explains the effects of listening, the consequences of not listening, and why people don't listen. He offers specific techniques to overcome personal needs and understand another point of view.


Marriage in the News:  Marriage: Institution or Union of Soulmates?

What model of marriage offers the best prospect for success? A new report finds value in a traditional, or institutional, model with its supporting social networks. But couples also need the expressive dimension of married life-the soulmate model.


Marriage Tip of the Month
November 15
Christian marriage is a covenant, not a contract. Contracts are 50/50 agreements in which rights are spelled out. Contracts can be broken if either party fails to fulfill their part. A covenant, however, is a sacred promise where each party gives 100%. Do you?
Happily Even After
Happily Even After AuthorsJosh and Stacey reflect on the ups and downs of married life with children.
their blog

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HM Links & Clips (11/17/10) #142 (part 2)

From: Carolyn Rich Curtis, Ph.D. [] on behalf of Carolyn Rich Curtis, Ph.D. []
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 7:38 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]Miracles Do Happen


Miracles happened in our Flourishing Families class this week. Three of the nine couples that we had in attendance indicated that they were involved in gangs.  Another one had stepped away from the gang life within the last year.  During class, one brave guy asked the question, "How am I supposed to turn my back on the people who have been like a family to me?"  Suddenly, everyone in class was paying attention and was involved in the conversation.  By the end of class, everyone realized that they wanted a better life for their child.

A few days later, one of the male participants called one of our class hosts.  During the conversation he revealed that he had not smoked any marijuana, worn red or hung out with any of his gang-affiliated friends since he attended our class.

Once again, we continue to work with the people who need us the most.

Missed the Fundraiser, but want to learn about us?

Join us for our Open House!

Date: Nov. 18th Time: 12 - 1pm.

Bring your lunch and we will provide great cookies and drinks. It will be fun, informative and inspiring as we share stories about the impact of our programs on the families we serve.  Registration is limited to ten people.

Register now by clicking here

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Healthy Marriage Project | 9719 Lincoln Village Dr. Ste. 205 | Sacramento | CA | 95827

From: First Things First []
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 1:07 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]Happy Thanksgiving! | FTF eNews

First Things First eNewsNovember 2010    Volume 2

FTF Classes
* Funding for this project was provided by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Grant: 90FE0031. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.
Save The Dates!
January 2011


February 18 & 19 2011


February 7-14 2011
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Happy Thanksgiving National Family Week is November 21-27 
The holiday season is upon us, and now is the perfect time to come together as a family and have some fun.  Here are a few suggestions on creative ways to make the season bright . . .

Click here for suggestions
Families on the Run 2010
Lace Up for
Families on the Run

There's still time to register for the 6th annual Families on the Run on Saturday, December 4 along the Chattanooga Riverfront. Runners and families from all across the region will gather at the Hunter Museum of American Art to compete in the 5K, 10K or non-competitive Kiddie K Fun Jog. Families on the Run will also host a Holiday Party filled with fun activities for the entire family at the downtown SportsBarn, complete with a hot breakfast and holiday festivities. And yes, the Chick-fil-A Santa Cow is coming to town!

To find out more, visit or call 423-267-5383
Sex, Lies & Relationship Drama

Coming Soon!
A new class for Single Adults
Learn the truth about relationships at our newest seminar, Sex, Lies and Relationship Drama. This class for single adults offers skills on how to better communicate, manage conflict and make healthy relationship choices. 

For more information or to register, visit
Raising Truly Great Kids with Dr. Tim Kimmel
It's Never Too Early to Start . . . and It's Never Too Late!
Every parent wants to raise great kids, but sometimes your best efforts leave you wishing for a survival guide. Are you willing to invest one day in order to empower your child . . . forever?

Join FTF as we present "Raising Truly Great Kids" with parenting expert Dr. Tim Kimmel on on February 18-19 at the Baylor School Chapel. This fun, fast-paced seminar will give you the skills you need to successfully lead your kids through the journey of life.

Click here to learn more or to register

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Suite 100

Chattanooga, TN 37403

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HM Links & Clips (11/17/10) #142

10) The Best Sex of Your Life
Family Research Council
by Peter Sprigg Opponents of abstinence-until-marriage education argue, among other things, that it is “unrealistic.” As evidence, they point to survey data ...




9) and





8) Save the Date!
Partnering with Employment Programs to Help Healthy Marriage ... This webinar explores how Healthy Marriage programs are coordinating ...


And Background & Objectives (Still relevant—BC) The researchers analyzed marriage and divorce data compiled ... these years - not just a survey sample ... Research Themes that Influence Marriage Education: 2008 3 1 US Census Bureau (2008)

And and



7) Mark Goulston, M.D.: Divorce Therapy -- In the Best Interest of ...
By Mark Goulston, MD
Most teenagers, when asked if they had the choice between their parents being nicer to them or more loving towards each other, will pick the latter.







6) (Who knew?—BC) and CCF Reports here

And The Social Security Administration on Monday launched a redesigned homepage that aims to help visitors find the information and services they need faster.



Directories of HHS Accounts










5) November Updates from NCCP include

In Support of Parenting Upon the birth of a child, many parents are struck with the reality that parenting doesn’t come with an instruction manual. We found that what passes for “parenting education” varies wildly across the country, from Alabama to Wyoming. We examined efforts in four states that are trying to get a handle on what is actually entailed in such education, who their “educators” are, and what supports children and families in their states need.Read Improving Supports for Parents of Young Children: State-level Initiatives.

AndEarly Childhood DevelopmentInteragency Coordination and





4) Mom and Daughter, 11, Team Up to Strengthen Military Families ...
The Fatherhood Channel
Abigail, 11, and her mother, Mary, found the skills they learned in a PAIRS Essentials marriage education class helped them strengthen their relationship ...


AndWeb Event Enables Troops to Tell Their Stories to America: on this Friday









And Why-Marriage-Matters-summary.pdf (application/pdf Object) and



The Poor’s Good Marriages - First Things





2)(Never mind the dress, who’s helping them with their marriage prep?—BC)




What Is the Secret to a Good Marriage? | Real Simple





1) They're in it together  


And 2010 East Coast TANF Directors’ Conference, October 2010

The United States Congress is scheduled to reauthorize the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program by December 3, 2010.





Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see








From: Bottom Line Secrets []
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 2:11 AM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]Stop Fighting About Money

Don't Let Financial Fights Ruin Your Marriage

Olivia Mellan

Marital money tensions increase in tough financial times such as these. Even the closest couples don’t always see eye to eye on money matters. Couples argue over what to buy... how much to save... how aggressively to invest... and anything else involving dollars and cents.


Most married couples are not as far apart in their financial thinking as they imagine. The problem is that they tend to see only their money differences and ignore the similarities. Rather than judge our partners’ financial beliefs and habits against an objective standard, we tend to consider them in comparison with our own habits -- then cast our partner as our polar opposite. This can make minor differences in opinion seem like major schisms.


Example: A wife saves 35% of her salary, while her husband, who has a higher salary, saves "only" 20% of his. Though this husband is a responsible saver by any objective standard, the wife may feel that she is carrying an unfair share of the burden and that the husband is spending too freely.



The first step in overcoming financial friction in a marriage is identifying areas of conflict and the opposing financial roles that each partner is forced into. Here are six common battle lines. Do you see your relationship described here?


Spender vs. hoarder. One spouse considers the other an overspender... while the second sees the first as a hoarder or miser. This leaves neither one happy. The spender feels forced to defend or hide purchases... while the hoarder feels saddled with full responsibility for reaching the family’s savings goals. Even if both partners are responsible savers, the one who saves less may be treated as a reckless spender... and when both are spenders, the one who spends less might be cast as hoarder.


Money worrier vs. money avoider. The partner who worries more -- or more openly -- about money comes to believe that his partner doesn’t take financial matters seriously. The worrier typically is the partner who handles most of the bill-paying and budget-balancing chores. The other partner believes that the continual worrying about finances adds unnecessary tension to the relationship.


Planner vs. dreamer. One partner takes charge of the nitty-gritty details of the family’s finances... while the other acts as visionary, ignoring details and thinking big. These roles could be complementary, but more often they leave partners battling over financial priorities and processes.


Example: The planner tries to enforce a detailed budget, while the dreamer makes impulsive purchases that fit the image of how he wants life to be.


Money monk vs. money grower. One partner considers money dirty and corrupting, and doesn’t bother investing or seeking raises... while the other believes that earning and saving are worthwhile life goals. Even minor differences here can seem very significant because our basic outlook on money is so closely tied to our core beliefs.


Risk taker vs. risk avoider. One partner’s aggressive approach to investing or career planning creates discomfort for the other, who lives in fear that the family’s savings will be lost. When risk takers suffer financial setbacks -- as most have in the past year -- their risk-avoider partners typically blame them for those losses. Risk takers usually are men -- but not always.


Money merger vs. money separator. One partner believes that all of the couple’s savings and financial decisions should be bundled together... while the other tries to keep some of his money separate from the other partner’s. Money mergers often consider their partners’ desire for separation a sign of lack of commitment to the relationship. It typically is men who push to merge the family finances.


Example: A wife who does not work outside the home inherits money and wants to keep it separate from the family’s money. Her husband is insulted by this request because he has been sharing his income for years.



A four-step plan for avoiding financial fights with your partner...


1. Consider financial disagreements with your spouse as relationship inevitabilities, not examples of your partner’s flaws. We tend to dismiss or demean our partner’s financial opinions when they differ from our own. It is these contemptuous responses -- not the financial differences themselves -- that turn disagreements into brawls.


Better: Start with the assumption that your partner’s financial thinking is both reasonable and closer to your own than you realize. This keeps things friendly and prevents disagreements from escalating.


Examples: Your partner isn’t necessarily a spendthrift just because he doesn’t save as much as you... or a big risk taker simply because he takes more risks than you... or a money avoider simply because he doesn’t fret as openly about recent stock market losses as you do.


2. Create an atmosphere that encourages civil discussion of financial matters. Financial differences are more likely to escalate into fights when they’re allowed to fester without discussion. Unfortunately, couples often hesitate to raise financial topics that have led to fights in the past.


Better: Establish a framework for calmly discussing financial matters that promotes safety and trust. Set aside 20 minutes each week for a money conversation. During the session, one spouse shares one of his money concerns for two to three minutes, while the other listens and then repeats what was said. The first spouse then speaks again, and the process is repeated until the first spouse is done. After that, the spouses switch roles, and the second spouse goes through the process. It is important to be empathetic and avoid being judgmental or argumentative.


Example: Partner 1: "I’m worried that the stock market will continue to decline." Partner 2: "I hear that you are worried about further declines. It is perfectly reasonable to have those concerns considering everything that has happened recently."


The more you understand how your partner feels about finances, the more likely you are to sympathize with his feelings, even if you don’t agree.


3. Tell your partner what you admire about the way the partner handles money. This positive feedback helps balance the largely negative feedback that most married people normally send their partners about their financial decisions, often without realizing it.


Examples: A risk avoider might tell her risk-taking partner that she admires his ability to put up with declines in portfolio value without panic. A hoarder might tell a spender that he admires her generosity and ability to enjoy life.


4. Take one action per week that fits your partner’s financial makeup, not your own. When both partners do this, it can help them moderate their financial views and move toward a middle ground. Expect it to feel uncomfortable at first.


Example: A spender might cancel a purchase and put the money into an investment account instead. The hoarder partner might agree to a discretionary purchase without complaint.


Over time, if you follow the four steps above, you will lessen tension and conflict with your spouse over money.


Bottom Line/Personal interviewed Olivia Mellan, a psychotherapist based in Washington, DC, who specializes in couples’ financial issues. She is author or coauthor of five books, including Overcoming Overspending: A Winning Plan for Spenders and Their Partners (Money Harmony).


HM Links & Clips (11/16/2010) #141(part 2)

From: Seth Eisenberg [] on behalf of Seth Eisenberg []
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2010 12:01 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]On Newstands Now: TIME Magazine Features PAIRS Innovation
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TIME Magazine Features
PAIRS Innovation: "Honey,
Can You Hear Me Now?"

The November 22, 2010 issue of TIME Magazine, hitting newsstands now, features PAIRS Innovation in the first look at how technology is helping couples strengthen marriages and families. The feature first appeared earlier this month on If you'd like to share your story about using PAIRS DTR to connect with loved ones near and far, a national news network wants to hear from you. Contact us for more information.
Honey, Can You Hear Me Now? page 99

Strategic Planning Leadership Reviews Progress on PAIRS 2006 Analysis, Charts Future

Strategic Planning 2010 Leadership GroupLeaders representing decades of experience in development and oversight of community, faith-based, and government programs supporting strong marriages and families came together in Weston, Florida this week to review PAIRS Foundation's progress implementing recommendations of the August 2006 Strategic Analysis and Business Plan by Development Resources, Inc., generously funded by Richard and Nancy Marriott.

In marathon discussions, the group reviewed the 2006 recommendations, significant progress achieved implementing key findings, and set organizational priorities for the period ahead.

Click here for key recommendations in the 2006 Strategic Analysis. Stay tuned to for more information on the leadership group's significant recommendations and course forward.

Watch Richard and Nancy Marriott talk about PAIRS.

PAIRS Online Bringing Relationship News, Tips and More to Over 10,000 Monthly and now bring news, tips and exercises to over 10,000 visitors each month. Subscribe to to help us reach and celebrate our 50,000 visitor since we began tracking earlier this year!

Check out our new weekly feature, "I Am ME," profiling marriage and relationship education leaders nationwide. Nominate an instructor who is making a difference in your community for an upcoming feature.

Read and share the Thanksgiving Family Survival Guide that is helping thousands around the world discover practical skills for joyous family celebrations.

Check Out the Thanksgiving Family Survival Guide.

The PAIRS Foundation, Inc.
1675 Market Street, Suite 207
Weston, Florida 33326

PAIRS Foundation | 1675 Market Street | Suite 207 | Weston | FL | 33326

From: Ozarks Marriage Matters [] on behalf of Ozarks Marriage Matters []
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 5:32 AM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]OMM News & Notes - November 16, 2010

In This Issue:

  • Relationship Education More Effective Than Therapy
  • Getaway Together Marriage Retreat - January 14-15, 2011
  • Straight Talk from Real Dads   
  • Ask Your Relationship Questions
OMM News & Notes: Promoting Healthy Relationships November 16, 2010

Relationship Education More Effective Than Therapy
by Dr. Jennifer Baker  
For some time I've thought that skills-based relationship education may be less costly and more effective than therapy for many couples. Even though I have been a therapist for nearly 20 years, I still recommend a relationship workshop to most of the people I see. This is why I was so excited to see the recent data from our Operation Us Project supporting my thoughts on these matters. 

                           Click To Read The Rest

This Week's Topic:  Happy Tears
  Have Questions About Relationships?
Check out our new Ask A Question web page where you can send Dr. Baker a question that she just might answer the next time she's on the air with Andy Taylor - Monday, November 22.

And don't forget to visit our podcast archive, where you can listen to earlier appearances.

  Subscribe to News & Notes
No need to forward, just click on the link to subscribe to the weekly e-newsletter.
Forest Institute | Operation Us | Forest Institute | 2885 W. Battlefield Rd. | Springfield | MO | 65807
From: Ron McLain [] on behalf of Ron McLain []
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 12:03 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]We need your input . . . please respond to this poll
Having trouble viewing this email? Click here

Healthy Marriage Coalition of Fresno/Madera County

Month Day, Year

HM Links & Clips (11/16/2010) #141


10) Marriage as a Public Health Issue (PDF - 511 KB)


AndYour input is needed to create a national strategy to improve the health of people in the United States. The National Prevention and Health Promotion Strategy will be strongest with creative thoughts from a range of stakeholders in a variety of sectors. Please visit and click on “Provide Your Input Now” to answer 3 questions to help create a national strategy.


AndMarriage and Health:  What's the Connection?





9) Texas Marriage Certificate 512-206-5594 Texas Health and Human Services Commission Office of Family Services Family and Community Services Healthy Marriage ...


And Relationship Skills Education and Child Support: Evidence from the Building Strong Families Program in Texas


And Idaho Divorce Mediation Training
Table 7:1 Healthy Marriage Grantees by Type of Activity Healthy Marriage Allowable .... Healthy Marriage Allowable Activity Areas Programs to Reduce the ...


And Twitter / Healthy Marriage : When life gives you a hund ...
When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.




8) (Wonder how many of these folks had good marriage prep?—BC) The Moment I Knew: Readers Share Their Divorce Stories
Huffington Post
Was there a moment you knew your marriage was over? The split-second you saw the writing on the wall--even if you didn't acknowledge as much until later? ...


And Nora Ephron on Divorce and Memory
The Takeaway
For nearly fifty years Nora Ephron has been writing about marriage, divorce, family, love and death — in essays and movies that have become popular for ...


And When Marriage Does Not Work
Huffington Post (blog)
To make any technique in a marriage functionally coherent, there must first exist the requisite love, desire, good character, and an old-fashioned sense of ...


And Support group eases transition for children of divorce
Danbury News Times
Divorce can rock the foundation of a child's world. It's the end of life as they know it. While both parents may remain physically present, the breaking ...


And Witness stand can be hard on kids
Centre Daily Times
Nothing in the divorce process is more profoundly upsetting than when a child is called to testify. Nothing. If common sense doesn't make that obvious, ...


And Don't Give Up on Marriage
Town Hall
Because, in a rare move for broken-family TV comedies it's not salacious or glorifying divorce in any way. On this show, everyone, through mistakes and ...




#7) Michael Vick and Donovan McNabb's Lasting Legacy « Fatherhood ...
By Seth Eisenberg
Check it out to learn how to give your children the chance to become superstars in their own lives. Seth Eisenberg is President of the nonprofit PAIRS Foundation, an industry leader in relationship and marriage education. ...


AndDozens of Dads Attend Fatherhood Rally in Detroit
Dozens of dads meet with Detroit Mayor Dave Bing and business leaders for a Fatherhood Head Start Rally in Detroit




6) Marriage Tuesday « I was just thinking…
By Mike
2. busyness – i suppose this should go without saying, but most days i feel like the number one enemy of healthy marriages is out-of-control schedules. too busy… to tired…to pre-occupied…too many meetings…too scattered… too many plates ...







5) See Figures 1.4 and 1.5 among others inA Call for Change: The Social and Educational Factors Contributing to the Outcomes of Black Males in Urban Schools



AndBetter Marriages Fiesta, July 7-10, 2011 in Albuquerque, New Mexico

 Due to increased interest, the deadline for submitting proposals to present, exhibit and/or advertise at the Better Marriages Fiesta July 7-10, 2011 has been extended to November 19. You can submit proposals online at







 (And yes they know I’m retiring—BC)




Campaigning for healthy marriages | The Albany Journal
As I type this, polls are open across our country. People are voting here in of Epworth, as we host our neighborhood polling precinct for the first time.

AndGovernment in the bedroom?
... Mentoring Initiative and said he would ask Congress to move on his $500- million budget request for a Fatherhood, Marriage and Families Innovation Fund. ...





3) Emotional Intimacy - Emotionally Connected | Articles
By cdewesy
Gottman who has studied thousands of couples in his Seattle Marriage Lab, says that one of the greatest predictors of a healthy relationship is the way a couple fight. “The happiest couples are those who can argue and share their ...


AndSmart Marriages®: Partially Blended Families / Marriage Matters ...
By Diane
Here's one we should support – the exploration of an alternative to divorce for these most challenging of families – to live apart until the kids are grown or living arrangements can be better managed (while learning marriage education ...


AndSmart Marriages®: Free Prison Program Podcasts/ Huffington Divorce ...
By Diane
Doing Without/ You Saved Me · Invitation to be Part Marriage Education history ... FAQs / Twilight Toll on Marriage (really?) / Child... NPR Link / Innovations in divorce prevention / NYS... On NPR today / Fundraising and Partnerships ...


AndThe 180 - Talk About Marriage
A: 180 is a list of behaviours from Michelle Wiener Davis, the author of Divorce Busting, that will help your spouse to see you moving forward as a healthy person. I would highly suggest that any new BS begin these behaviours as soon as ...




2) 25 year Uof M study reveals secrets to a healthy, happy marriage





 pic to the left was taken 2184 weeks ago today...she's still hot! (me, not so much).



Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse. and Why Marriage Matters «



For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see



From: MarriageVine Ministries [] on behalf of MarriageVine Ministries []
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 11:59 AM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]Dealing With Past Failures
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You're receiving this email because of your relationship with MarriageVine Ministries.
You may unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our emails.

Dealing With Past Failures
by Dr. Gary Chapman 
If you described the quality of your marriage as one of the four seasons, which season would you choose? A Winter marriage is cold and harsh. A Spring marriage is exciting and tender. A Summer marriage is happy and content, A Fall marriage is characterized by uncertainty. Things are changing and we don't know if it's good or bad.
If you would like to spend more time in Spring and Summer I hope you will join me this week as I explain an important strategy to make that happen.
If you are in a Winter marriage then things have not gone well. You have a history of unresolved conflicts. Through the years you have grown further apart and likely have disa

HM Links & Clips (11/12/10) #140




10)  (Here’s the test on these 26 conclusions:  Which one is most important to you?)








8) 8 Secrets to Conflict Resolution and


AndBook Says To Put Marriage First, Then The Kids
The girls are happy and healthy. "I think the kids get left out if you put the marriage always the priority," Chris said. They don't apologize for their ...




7) HuffPost Divorce’s section, their featured article today is by Beverly Willett , who also believes that it’s the nature of love to bind itself.





6) Proficiency of Black Students Is Found to Be Far Lower Than ... (NYT) AndPRESS RELEASE: New Report on Black Male Achievement in America Reveals 'National Catastrophe'   5) Who will speak up for marriage in Region 5 at ? (See conclusions 14-19 from #10 above)




AndRandom smiling over CriBaby app
The Bookseller
Boys Don't Cry is about teenage fatherhood and the app challenges the user to look after a baby, including feeding and burping it, playing, ...

And UPDATED corner/Men_and_Commitment_Stanley_Update.pdf




3) Connect with VA!










2) NWA Healthy Marriages | Event Registration
We have attended an NWA Healthy Marriages event in the past, and we are bringing a paying couple with us to this event ...



Truth Be Told: How College Students Evaluate and Use Information in the Digital Age [Project Information Literacy]


And Unca Darrell: NOVEMBER 10 / Rector / Marriage is the greatest ...
Provide marriage education programs in high schools with a high proportion ... Make voluntary marriage education widely available to interested couples in ...







1) @oneonfire Tony DiLorenzo

Question of the Week: What one thing does your spouse do to make you laugh?


And…got time this weekend?  Go to and just read the posts from this week.  It’s a goldmine!



Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from

Why Marriage Matters: 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences
Our Popular Publication Summarized in Two Pages

Print and Share! (PDF, 2 pages)


For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see (Also just posted Part 2 of #139 here)



HM< Links & Clips (11/9/11) #139 (part 2)


And Strong Healthy Marriage: Learn from other Couples Dealing with the ...
Carol is the emotional glue for her marriage and her extended family. To their credit, they have developed these tendencies into complementary strengths, ...


And BGSU :: National Center for Family & Marriage Research :: Marriage
Building us up stronger: Unmarried parents' experiences in a relationship and marriage education program. Poster presented at the Administration for ...

And FRC's Marriage and Religion Research Institute, led by Dr. Pat Fagan, is a premier venue for the understanding the contemporary American family. As Dr. Fagan notes, "The Marriage and Religion Research Institute (MARRI) organizes data in a form accessible to the lay reader. As the Institute makes clear, the overwhelming majority of social science data supports the premise that the intact married family that worships weekly is the greatest generator of human and social goods and the core strength of the United States, and a norm to be considered again, first for those who worship God, but also for all men and women of good will." Three times annually, MARRI offers a report on its research concerning the American family, which you can access by clicking here.




1) At Dad Camp, guys 'man up' or get the boot
Globe and Mail
In the other: New York psychologist and family therapist Jeff Gardere (“Dr. Jeff”), whose job is to transform them into grown-ups ready to face fatherhood. ...


And Fatherhood Involvement - Surgery :30 | Video Streaming
Children with involved, loving fathers are significantly more likely to do well in school, have heal.


And How To Get The Most From The NRFC Library | National Responsible ...
The NRFC Library supports the efforts of the Administration for Children and Families/Office of Family Assistance to promote responsible fatherhood as well ...


And Looking for Writers for Web & Print (Anywhere, USA) | webbyslist
By admin
Monthly article pitches, anywhere from 500 to 2000 words in length; Topics on male issues, ranging from basic fitness to fatherhood and everything in between; Pay starts at $50 per page for the first article, and progresses up to $150 ...


And Get Buck Naked With, Or For, Your Spouse!
By Stu Gray
In this latest E-book Buck Naked Marriage, Corey took the time to interview just over 1000 people about what the essentials are in a healthy relationship. The first part of the book covers the top 10 findings. ...


All the news that’s fit to link to and then some more…

Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see


HM Links & Clips (11/4/10) #138 - Coffin Corner
Marriage education curriculum sessions: 1. Effective communication. 2. ... Professor Markman and his team's researchbased marriage education program ...


HM Links & Clips (10/27/10) #133 - Coffin Corner
Most of the programs provide marriage education for low-income couples, but some conduct marriage education for high school students, others provide divorce ...


From: ACF OPRE News []
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 7:57 AM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: ACF OPRE News (November 8, 2010)

Recently Released Reports

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE) recently released a few reports.

Findings from the I am Moving, I am Learning Implementation Evaluation

OPRE recently released a final report entitled "Efforts to Meet Children's Physical Activity and Nutritional Needs: Findings from the I am Moving, I am Learning Implementation Evaluation." This report includes findings from the implementation evaluation of Head Start programs that participated in the I Am Moving, I Am Learning trainings in Region III in spring of 2006. The study was conducted under a contract to Mathematica Policy Research.  An interim report can be found at . The final report can be found at:

Supporting Quality in Home-Based Child Care

The Supporting Quality in Home-Based Child Care contract was funded in 2007, through a contract to Mathematica Policy Research, to (1) systematically gather information from the existing research and development initiatives, (2) synthesize the available evidence on home-based care, and (3) propose options for designing and evaluating quality initiatives. ACF/OPRE has posted the following study reports: a literature review, a compilation of brief descriptions of 96 home-based care quality initiatives, a compendium of 23 more detailed descriptions of quality initiatives, a report on design options for home-based child care and evaluations, and a brief on key project findings. The reports can be found at:

Benefit-Cost Findings for Three Programs in the Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) Project

OPRE released a new report: "Benefit-Cost Findings for Three Programs in the Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) Project." The project is being conducted by MDRC. The report presents an analysis of the financial benefits and costs of three diverse programs designed to increase employment stability and career advancement among current and former welfare recipients. The analysis focuses on three programs that operated in Corpus Christi and Fort Worth, Texas; Chicago, Illinois; and Riverside County, California. These programs were selected because they increased individuals' employment and earnings.  The report can be found at:

A Year in Head Start:  Children, Families and Programs

As part of the Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES), OPRE published a report on findings from the FACES 2006 Cohort.  The report presents findings on outcomes for 3- and 4-year-old children and their families who completed one year in the Head Start program (fall 2006-spring 2007) and on measures of classroom quality based on observations conducted in Head Start classrooms in spring 2007.  The study is being conducted by Mathematica Policy Research. The report can be found at:

Supporting Healthy Marriage - Early Lessons from the Implementation of a Relationship and Marriage Skills Program for Low-Income Married Couples

OPRE released a report from the Supporting Healthy Marriage (SHM) Demonstration Evaluation.  This project is being conducted by MDRC. This report presents lessons from the early operational experience of the eight demonstration programs across the country providing SHM services, which include healthy marriage and relationship education skills sessions and support services to over 6,000 low-income, married couples with children.   The report can be found at:

The Welfare Rules Databook: State Policies as of July 2009

OPRE released "The Welfare Rules Databook: State Policies as of July 2009."  This databook presents tables containing key TANF policies for each state as of July 2009, as well as longitudinal tables describing various state policies for select years between 1996 and 2009.  Because TANF is a block grant program, this state information is necessary to understand the diverse nature of the program in the different geographic areas.  Questions are included about initial eligibility, benefits, requirements, and ongoing eligibility. The State Welfare Rules Project is conducted by the Urban Institute. The report can found at:

New Grants and Contracts

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE) recently awarded the following grants and contracts.

Family Self-Sufficiency and Family Strengthening

Subsidized and Transitional Employment Demonstration and Evaluation Project (STEDEP)

OPRE awarded a seven-year contract to MDRC to examine strategies aimed at successfully transitioning individuals from short-term subsidized employment to unsubsidized employment in the regular labor market. These strategies will build upon approaches that have demonstrated empirical effectiveness in previous studies, test new and innovative interventions designed to demonstrate promising program components, and adapt to current policy environments at the federal, state, and local levels. The goal of this demonstration and evaluation is to increase knowledge about the efficacy of programs aimed at helping target populations secure and maintain unsubsidized employment.

Proven and Promising Responsible Fatherhood and Family Strengthening Initiatives - Evidence Review

OPRE awarded a contract to Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. for a one-year project to 1) identify, compile and catalog the evidence on proven as well as promising responsible fatherhood and family strengthening programs and strategies, 2) summarize and synthesize the information for the practice field and 3) document the quality of the evidence.  Products will be designed to be useful to the practice field as resources to aid in the development or refinement of comprehensive responsible fatherhood and family strengthening service models.

Health Profession Opportunity Grants (HPOG) Evaluation Design

OPRE awarded a contract to Abt Associates Inc. to design an implementation, systems and outcome evaluation of the Health Profession Opportunity Grants (HPOG) to serve TANF recipients and other low-income individuals.  This contract will also provide coordination among multiple evaluation activities addressing the HPOG program and provide support for demonstration program management and data collection activities.  The evaluation design activities will be completed in 18 months.  The coordination and support functions will continue through four years.  

Evaluation of Tribal Health Professions Opportunities Grants (ETHPOG)

OPRE awarded a contract to The National Opinion Research Center (NORC) for a four year project to provide a comprehensive process and output/outcome evaluation of the Health Profession Opportunity Grants for Tribes, Tribal organizations, or Tribal College or Universities. The project will evaluate how program implementation, including any adaptations specifically for Tribal populations.   

Understanding the Child-Only TANF Caseload

OPRE and ASPE awarded a grant to Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago for a one-year project to 1) document differences in state policies that affect child-only TANF cases, 2) describe characteristics and dynamics of such cases, and 3) address the programmatic and policy context in which these cases exist.  The project will provide a broad overview of policies, demographic trends, and program challenges, nationwide and in four focal jurisdictions – California, Florida, Illinois, and New York – that account for 40% of all child-only cases. 

Early Care and Education

National Survey of Early Care and Education (NSECE)

OPRE awarded a contract to the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago in partnership with other research organizations and institutions of higher education to implement the National Survey of Early Care and Education through September 29, 2014. NSECE will gather national data on utilization and availability of early care and education (including school-age care) and provide unique information to understand the extent to which families' needs and preferences coordinate well with providers' offerings and constraints. The experiences of low-income families are of special interest to the study as they are the focus of a significant component of Early Care and Education (ECE) and School Age care (SA) public policy. The NSECE includes three component surveys: a Formal Provider Survey to be conducted with directors of ECE/SA providers including center-based child care, Head Start, pre-K and regulated or registered family child care homes; a Household Survey to be conducted with a parent or guardian of a child or children under age 13; and, a Family, Friend, Neighbor and Nanny (FFNN) Survey to be conducted with individuals who care in a home-based setting for children under age 13 who are not their own. The study also includes a survey of the ECE/SA workforce to be implemented at the same time as the Formal and FFNN provider surveys. The contract includes an option for States to contribute to the study to augment samples in order to conduct state-level estimates.


Study of Early Childhood Care and Education Workforce

ACF OPRE has awarded a contract to the National Academy of Sciences to establish a panel of independent experts to develop a study of the nation's Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) workforce.  The primary objective is to provide an adequate description of the ECCE workforce outlining the parameters that define the population and the supports provided for early childhood teachers and caregivers. The task order will consist of the appointment of a planning committee, with reports to be made available to research, policy, and practice communities. The National Academy of Sciences will also convene a planning meeting that will organize and convene a 2-day workshop to examine key topics in the ECCE workforce.

Measurement Development: Quality of Family-Provider Relationships in Early Care and Education

In collaboration with the Office of Head Start, OPRE has awarded a contract to develop a measure that will assess the quality of family-provider relationships in early care and education.  The goal of the project is to develop a measure that will be applicable to the full range of early care and education settings and providers (i.e., center-based, home-based, family/friend/neighbor, etc.) and a diverse array of families with children aged birth to five, and that can be useful in program evaluation for both accountability and program improvement.  The contract was awarded to Westat, with Child Trends as the main subcontractor.  

Development of a Measure of the Quality of Caregiver-Child Interactions for Infants and Toddlers (Q-CCIIT)

In collaboration with the Office of Head Start, OPRE has awarded a new contract, Development of a Measure of the Quality of Caregiver-Child Interactions for Infants and Toddlers (Q-CCIIT) to Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.  The goal of this project is to develop a new measure that will assess the quality of child care settings, specifically the quality of caregiver-child interactions for infants and toddlers in non-parental care. 

Child Care Research Partnerships

The Child Care Research Partnership grants support research on child care policy issues conducted by state agencies, researchers and other organizations in partnership.  Partnerships must include the State agency that administers the Child Care and Development Fund, and at least one member must be a research group.  Two grants were awarded for 2010:

·         The University of Chicago:  Determinants of Subsidy Stability and Continuity of Child Care in Illinois and New York, Principal Investigator Julia Henly

·         Child Trends:  Early Care and Education Choices, Quality and Continuity, for Low-Income Families A Maryland-Minnesota Research Partnership, Principal Investigator Kathryn Tout

Design Options for Home Visiting Evaluation (DOHVE)

OPRE awarded a contract to MDRC for a five-year project to 1) develop study design, methodology, analysis plans, and resource estimates for the Congressionally mandated national evaluation of the new federal home maternal, infant and early childhood visiting program, 2) provide technical assistance to grantees on (a) research and evaluation related to the promising programs specified in the legislation and (b) benchmarks, data systems and continuous quality improvement, and 3) design and/or pilot test at least one measurement tool to capture relevant benchmark domains for which measurement may not yet be fully developed.  The project is being led by ACF in collaboration with HRSA.

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HM Links & Clips (11/9/11) #139

10) £100bn cost of broken homes: Tory minister declares children whose parents split are NINE times more likely to commit crime

Children from broken homes are nine times more likely to commit a crime than those brought up in stable families, a senior Cabinet minister has warned says the Daily Mail (and The Daily Express, the Telegraph). Iain Duncan Smith said the collapse of marriage had brought soaring crime rates, doubled the chances of living in poverty and cost the country an astonishing £100billion a year.


The Work and Pensions Secretary accused Labour of undermining marriage and family life and said the country had paid a ‘heavy price’ in deeper poverty, high crime and poor life chances for the children of families that failed to stay together. Mr Duncan Smith’s speech to representatives of Relate was the strongest defence of marriage made by a major government figure in years….


(that was from UK Marriage News)


U.S. figures are here


And The marriage platform,0,5838513.story



 9) Huffington Post Launches Divorce Section: What's Good, What's Bad, What's Puzzling
The Atlantic




And The Effects of Divorce on Children | Health New for USA
By Author
When going through a divorce, parents make a lot of mistakes that can cause long-term damage to their children. Mainly when people who have.


And Honey, I'm Home…
Herald Sun
Source: Sunday Magazine Bad news for lawyers: divorce rates in Australia are at a 20-year low. Just 47000 divorces were granted in 2008 – almost 10 per cent ...





9) Dating/engaged?  Pick one (or more) and and and and Marriage Preparation as Evangelism | Couple Checkup Blog
By Guest Blogger
Strike while the iron is hot” This idiom originated around the 13th century, and was used to describe the work of a blacksmith who would strike a piece.


And The Nassau Guardian
How should premarriage education programs work Premarriage education programs can be in two formats the group or personal format where the couple sees a ...





8) Children put at risk by failure to engage men in protection cases
Children & Young People Now
By Gabriella Jozwiak Social workers are endangering the lives of vulnerable children by failing to engage with men in child protection cases, the Fatherhood ...


And A Life Beyond Reason
Chronicle of Higher Education (subscription)
This essay is from Papa, PhD: Essays on Fatherhood by Men in the Academy, published this month by Rutgers University Press.


And from 1993 Finding time for fatherhood: The emotional ecology of adolescent ...
Descriptions of fatherhood from as recently as thirty-five years ago now strike ..... This means that fatherhood too is taking many diverse forms. In this ...">


And 12th Annual National Fathers and Families Conference: Celebrating Fatherhood, Celebrating Diversity

March 1-4, 2011

The Fathers & Families Coalition of America, Inc.




7) 7 Things I've Learned in 7 Years of Marriage (blog)
By John M Grohol PsyD A little while ago, my wife and I celebrated seven years of marriage. While ours is a good, healthy relationship, it's also had its ...


And 7 Ways to Build Your Marriage | Blogs |
Nothing builds a marriage like shared goals. Hopefully you and your spouse already ... goals are equally important parts of building a healthy marriage. ...




6) Author visits KMC to talk about languages of love
The chaplain also echoed Doctor Chapman's thoughts on the role a healthy marriage plays in a deployment. "Positive communication is absolutely key," ...






And iMOM iSpecialist - Dr. Walt Larimore , M.D.
The Death-Defying Power of Healthy Marriage. The companionship, love, and support provided by marriage are associated with lower mortality for almost every ...





5) 5 Steps to Answering the Question “Should We Get Married?”
By admin
Marriage gives you emotional and economic security. This is only true in a healthy marriage. The high rate of divorce in today's society shows that this is not true for all. Marriage benefits women more than men economically. ...


And SAMHSA's Dialogue Blog and and


And finance money values «
Lifeworks · Marriage Education Institute · Marriage Encounter Weekends · Prepare -Enrich Australia · Relate Well · Relationship – Counselling ...





4) The El Paso Healthy Marriage Project
The El Paso Healthy Marriage Project is funded by a five year U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families grant ...


And San Diego Fatherhood Examiner - Family |
Get the latest news and information on San Diego Fatherhood, including local information on Family.


And Marriage Matters making a difference with local couples
The Jackson Citizen Patriot -
In the past four years, Marriage Matters Jackson has worked to promote marriage, prepare couples for a healthy marriage and preserve already healthy ...


And Calendar - Yuba-Sutter Healthy Marriage Project
Yuba-Sutter Healthy Marriage Project. Building Healthy Marriages and Strong Families ... Enrich Your Marriage · Marriage Encounters ...



Children's Aid Society adds to services with help
Clearfield Progress
... the Healthy Marriage Program offered to couples to help them in their relationships, family and marriage, and Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts, ...

And Pregnancy Care Center to host client reunion tomorrow
The course, offered in collaboration with Operation US through the Healthy Marriage Initiative, gives new parents education and tools to build and maintain ...


And Utah Healthy Marriages Initiative – Salt Lake City – Wedding ...
Utah Healthy Marriages Initiative - Search for Utah Healthy Marriages Initiative and other wedding Officiants and Premarital Counseling on Salt Lake City.






3) Happy Couples: 3 Unique Ways to Boost Happiness in Your ...
It's no secret that open, healthy communication and time spent together are good ways to strengthen your relationship. Marriage and relationship experts ...


And  Rate of Black Unwed Mothers Soars to 72 Percent
She wants her babies born as healthy as possible, so Carroll spends time talking to the mothers about how they should care for themselves, what she expects them to do — and why they need to get married. Seventy-two percent of black ...


And 'No Wedding, No Womb'?
Chicago Sun-Times
There is a "Marry Your Baby Daddy Day," founded by a black woman who was left at the altar, and a Black Marriage Day," which aims "to make healthy marriages ...


And - Jay Black's blog
By Jay Black
"16 & Pregnant" tip: There's an inverse relationship between how meticulously he shaves numbers into his hair and his fitness for fatherhood.


And ProQuest Document View - African American marriage: Education ...
African American marriage: Education, equity, and marital satisfaction. by Williams, Maria Shantell, Ph.D., UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA AT MONROE, 2010, ...



2) How I stopped nagging my husband
'To have a healthy marriage you each have to appreciate the good things about each other and play to each other's strengths. We have family meetings where ...



And">Strong Healthy Marriage: Learn from other Couples Dealing with the ...
Carol is the emotional glue for her marriage and her extended family. To their credit, they have developed these tendencies into complementary strengths, ...


And BGSU :: National Center for Family & Marriage Research :: Marriage
Building us up stronger: Unmarried parents' experiences in a relationship and marriage education program. Poster presented at the Administration for ...

And FRC's Marriage and Religion Research Institute, led by Dr. Pat Fagan, is a premier venue for the understanding the contemporary American family. As Dr. Fagan notes, "The Marriage and Religion Research Institute (MARRI) organizes data in a form accessible to the lay reader. As the Institute makes clear, the overwhelming majority of social science data supports the premise that the intact married family that worships weekly is the greatest generator of human and social goods and the core strength of the United States, and a norm to be considered again, first for those who worship God, but also for all men and women of good will." Three times annually, MARRI offers a report on its research concerning the American family, which you can access by clicking here.




1) At Dad Camp, guys 'man up' or get the boot
Globe and Mail
In the other: New York psychologist and family therapist Jeff Gardere (“Dr. Jeff”), whose job is to transform them into grown-ups ready to face fatherhood. ...


And Fatherhood Involvement - Surgery :30 | Video Streaming
Children with involved, loving fathers are significantly more likely to do well in school, have heal.


And How To Get The Most From The NRFC Library | National Responsible ...
The NRFC Library supports the efforts of the Administration for Children and Families/Office of Family Assistance to promote responsible fatherhood as well ...


And Looking for Writers for Web & Print (Anywhere, USA) | webbyslist
By admin
Monthly article pitches, anywhere from 500 to 2000 words in length; Topics on male issues, ranging from basic fitness to fatherhood and everything in between; Pay starts at $50 per page for the first article, and progresses up to $150 ...


And Get Buck Naked With, Or For, Your Spouse!
By Stu Gray
In this latest E-book Buck Naked Marriage, Corey took the time to interview just over 1000 people about what the essentials are in a healthy relationship. The first part of the book covers the top 10 findings. ...

HM Links & Clips (11/4/10) #138

10) Strengthening Fragile Families
Fatherhood, Marriage, and Families Innovation Fund.” Rather than making grants to community-based organizations, the federal government would allocate ...


And Strengthening Fragile Families
Marriage education curriculum sessions: 1. Effective communication. 2. Showing affection ... New marriage-education initiative of $50 million ...


And oneffectiveness-and-implementation



9) In economic downturn, an uptick in couples living together before marriage
Washington Post
The only thing missing, it seems, is the marriage. "We plan on getting married," Peltier said, "when money permits." It's a common story growing more common ...


And 6 Smart Ways to Stop Money Stress in Your Marriage
San Francisco Chronicle
No wonder Parade's 2008 survey on marriage found that money was the leading cause of marital fights. But with the economy plagued by a deepening recession, ...





8) Why Empathy Really Matters
Why it's important to not only show empathy for your children to see, but express it toward one another to help strengthen your marriage. ...


And - Technical Research Assistant/Analyst (0102-79)
... and analyzing data for a large-scale, multi-site, multi-year rigorous test of marriage education programs for low-income married couples. ...







7) New taskforce aims to get fathers more involved
The Fatherhood Task Force of South Florida began work just a few months ago. Chairwoman Holly Zwerling leads the task force. She is a longtime marriage and ...


And Press Releases - News Room - Johanns Applauds Grant Funding To ...
Johanns Applauds Grant Funding To Support Fatherhood Initiative In Nebraska. WASHINGTON. Sen. Mike Johanns (R-Neb.) today applauded grant funding that will ...





6) Visiting expert to reveal marriage pitfalls UQ News Online The ...
Professor Markman and his team's researchbased marriage education program PREPPrevention and Relationship Enhancement Program has been used and tested in a ...






5) Interactive Mapping from the USDA: Who Gets Food Stamps? » and





4) November is Military Family Month







3) and


And Children whose parents split are NINE times more likely to commit crime | Mail Online





2) Better Marriages Fiesta July 7-10, 2011 in Albuquerque, NM

 Proposals are now being accepted for presenting a workshop, offering training, exhibiting and/or advertising. Forms are available at . Simply click on Presenter and Exhibitor Forms to submit your proposal online before November 15.





1) Smart Marriages®: Hatching / Bill Coffin / Marriage Fiesta Nov 15 ...
By Diane
Bill Coffin, Special Assistant for Marriage Education at the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at Health and Human Services (HHS) since 2002, has announced that he will retire at the end of December, 2010. ...


And next year I’ll have more time for surfing and Interactive: Visualizing NFL Statistics »


And going back to school


And days like


And If I Only Had Time «



Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see



From: First Things First []
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 1:06 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]Avoid the Holiday Rush! | FTF eNews

<FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 24pt; COLOR: #ffffff; FONT-FAMILY: Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif" face="Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,san

HM Links & Clips (11/2/10) #137

10) The Supporting Healthy Marriage Evaluation Early Lessons from the ...  (Here’s the MDRC report I sent last week—BC)
Designing a Marriage Education Demonstration and Evaluation for Low Income Married Couples · Married and Poor Basic Characteristics of Economically...




9) Rehab Centers - What is the difference between marriage education ...
By Rehabilitator
Relationship expert Tim Gardner explains the difference between marriage education and marriage therapy. Video Rating: 0 / 5.






And Financial Arrangements and Relationship Quality in Low-Income Couples (pages 408–423)  


o                                    Fenaba R. Addo and Sharon Sassler

o                                    Abstract

o                                    Full Article (HTML)

o                                    PDF(524K)

o                                    References







And iPhone Makes Three: Marriage In The Digital Age : NPR








6) Event Calendar Policy | National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse
... Head Start Association; National Healthy Marriage Resource Center; African- American Healthy Marriage Initiative; Hispanic Healthy Marriage Initiative ...


And and and now comes in two editions. See also:
Family Strife Edition: Divorce, Custody and Child Support (which edition would you prefer?—BC)









Survey: 1980s generation has highest divorce rate
People's Daily Online
... characteristics of marriage for people born in the 1980s. The survey showed that five factors, including adequate income, healthy and lovely kids, ...






Dr. Terri Orbuch: 4 Relationship Myths That Almost Everyone Perpetuates


And Governors and States Redesign, Streamline Government

As the nation stands poised to elect one of the largest classes of new governors, the NGA Center has conducted an analysis, State Government Redesign Efforts 2009 and 2010, of state actions to streamline and downsize government to meet the new economic reality facing states.








3)  Focus on the Family Community: Finding Home: How to Fight Fair
Les is a clinical psychologist and Leslie is a marriage and family therapist. They believe that the key to a healthy marriage is good communication between spouses, and that includes dealing directly, openly and fairly with conflict. ...






2) Florida Presents “30 Days of Amazing Children: Explore Adoption!” Videos, photos of children dreaming of forever families featured on during National Adoption Month in November





1) Update---my daughter was in the top 2% of age group.


And no I don’t have any plans yet for 2011


And Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.


Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see



From: Ozarks Marriage Matters [] on behalf of Ozarks Marriage Matters []
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 5:32 AM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]OMM News & Notes - November 2, 2010

Ozarks Marriage Matters

In This Issue:

  • "My Marriage Isn't Perfect"
  • Getaway Together Marriage Retreat - November 12-13, 2010
  • Straight Talk from Real Dads 
  • Hitched & Happy - 7 Different Locations in October  
  • Ask Your Relationship Questions
OMM News & Notes: Promoting Healthy Relationships November 2, 2010
"My Marriage Isn't Perfect"
by Dr. Jennifer Baker  
Couple_Holding_HandsI can see it in some of their eyes when I look at the participants in our Hitched & Happy workshops. They're imagining that my husband and I "have it altogether," so much so that we even teach workshops. They're wondering if they can get to the place where they rarely, if ever, argue. They're looking for heaven at home. I can assure them that their relationship can improve a lot, but if they're looking for something approaching perfect, I can tell them that they'd be wrong. -->

                           Click To Read The Rest

To Hear Couples Talking about the Last Retreat and to Register Click Here
Straight Talk With Real Dads - with Minor Baker  

This Week: Bikes and Kids . . . Piece by Piece

Hitched & Happy Banner

November 2010: Hitched & Happy workshops are available in 7 different locations in Springfield, Aurora, Branson, Joplin and West Plains. Visit the Operation Us online calendar for more information.
Have Questions About Relationships?
KTTS LogoCheck out our new Ask A Question web page where you can send Dr. Baker a question that she just might answer the next time she's on the air with Andy Taylor Wednesday, November 3. -->

And don't forget to visit our podcast archive, where you can listen to earlier appearances.

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