HM Links & Clips (9/27/10) #117

10) Statewide Healthy Families Initiative Focuses on San Bernardino ...
This innovative approach for strengthening families offers a Parenting Education program, "1,2,3,4 Parents!" along with a Marriage Education program, ...



9) Fighting For Your Marriage | Pdf Search Engine Free Ebooks
How to Use the Money HabitudesTM Cards in Marriage Education ... To learn more specifics about the content of the S/LT, you should read either Fighting for ...



8) Loveland Relationship: 9 Ways to Reinforce the Enrichment of Your ...
By Alfred and Lucinda Loveland
The Lovelands have been involved in marriage education since 2005. They currently facilitate and mentor couples with a research-based curriculum, Mastering the Mysteries of Love, to many couples.



7) and



6) Cohabitation before marriage risky
Arizona Republic
For the more than 60 percent of Americans who live together before their first marriage (some experts say it's closer to 85 percent), it seems like a ...



5) Healthy Families, Healthy Children Wine & Cheese Fundraiser ...
Nationally recognized Healthy Marriage Project is announcing the changing of its name to Relationship Skills Center at their Healthy Families, ...



4) Making marriage work for the modern day Marine
Marriage in the military has a combination of stressors unique to service members ... and supporting your Marine is vital to maintaining a healthy marriage. ...




3) Projects to Develop Programs to Strengthen Marriages Final Evaluation Report.
Published:  2007
Sponsoring Organization: Children's Bureau
View Printable Version: Download
This final report discusses the activities and outcomes of a 3-year federally funded project designed to strengthen marriages of adoptive couples. The Project to Develop Programs to Strengthen Marriages provided the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) with an opportunity to strengthen post-adoption services and supports and incorporate a strong marriage education component.


And Evaluation of Marriage Education Servant Leadership Development ...
"Evaluation of Marriage Education Servant Leadership Development (MESLD) Healthy Marriage Program" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the 34th Annual ...




2) Lasting marriages combine commitment, passion: Researchers
Montreal Gazette
Putting the 'hopeless' in hopeless romantics, a new study of more than 1400 spouses concludes that one of the flimsiest foundations for a marriage is, ...


And Two-thirds of Americans believe in soul mates: study

Chicago Sun-Times - ‎Sep 22, 2010‎

Do you believe in soul mates? You might believe that this concept has a role only in cheesy rom-coms, but it turns out that Edward and Bella aren't the only ...



1) The National Campaign and The Dibble Institute are pleased to announce the launch of My Paper Boyfriend.  The game focuses on relationships and is designed for teen girls.  After customizing the ideal boyfriend the user will encounter challenging scenarios, and their selections will determine how healthy the relationship is.  Tell the teens in your life to test their relationship smarts by playing My Paper Boyfriend.*

Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


From: Family Bridges [] on behalf of Family Bridges []
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 10:36 AM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]News from Family Bridges

In This Issue Upcoming Facilitator Trainings New Board Members More Than a Statistic A Family Celebration Three is a Crowd
Family & Marriage Conference
February 5, 2011

 Join us for our 4th annual Family & Marriage conference. Our guest speaker is Dr. Nancy Alvarez, host of the Univision talk Show "Quien Tiene La Razon?"

Click here for more information.
pic perfect
Share your picture perfect moments with us and tell us what makes your family, marriage or relationship perfect to you. 

 Click here to share your picture.

Upcoming Facilitator Trainings


For detailed information on our upcoming facilitator trainings or if you have any questions, please call us at 877-412-7434. We look forward to seeing you.




Corporate Curriculum Training


Date: April 4-5, 2011

Time: 9am - 4pm

Cost: $400/person 

Click here for more information or call us at 877-412-7434.


Join Our Mailing List

September/October 2010
Dear Friend,

We're heading into our fifth year of serving our community and are excited at the new opportunities and developments occurring within our organization. We continue to hear amazing stories from our past and current program participants, and have included them in our latest documentary, which you can view by clicking below.   

Welcome to Our New Board Members  

Family Bridges is honored to welcome the following community and business leaders to our board of directors:

Noel Castellanos is the Chief Executive Officer of Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) which equips emerging church leaders in the philosophy of community development.

Ruth Donahue is a Benefit Consultant at The Segal Company. an independent benefits, compensation and human resources consulting firm.

Judge Michele Lowrance is a domestic-relations judge in the Circuit Court of Cook County and has been presiding since 1995. She is also the author of the book "Divorce Kharma".

Rick Rivero
is President of Connections Marketing, an advertising agency and web development firm in Illinois.

Welcome to Family Bridges!
More Than a Statistic

Each year, almost one third of all public high school students  fail to graduate from public high school with their class. A study by Civic Enterprises notes several reasons for why students do not complete high school, however, one reason accounted for one third of them dropping out - the weight of real world events.

26% said they became a parent

Many teenage girls who became pregnant were unable to juggle the responsibilities of motherhood and school, so they dropped out.

22% said they had to care for a family member

Others had personal circumstances in the home that impaired their ability to focus on school, such as needing to take care for siblings or take care of other tasks because parents were working or otherwise unavailable.

According to the study, these teens were doing well in school and believed they would have graduated had they stayed in school.

What are we doing to ensure that our teens don't become another statistic?


This report brings to light that school systems are not the only factor in why teens are dropping out of high school, but that family and relationship dynamics play a role as well. It's evident that teaching healthy relationship skills is increasingly important if we're to combat the growing epidemic of high school droupouts.


To-date, Family Bridges has served over 5,000 teens by providing them with skill sets in communication, conflict resolution, understanding risk and safety in relationships, identifying self-destructive behavior, career exploration, expenditure decision making, money management and choice evaluation. And it's working. Here's just one example...

After attending a Family Bridges workshop for teen moms, one of the participants shared her story with us. About a year before attending the workshop, she had learned that she was pregnant and, like most teens, was terrified to tell her parents because she was afraid of what their reaction would be. She kept it from them for as long as she could, but the time came where she could no longer keep it a secret. She sat them down and told them she was indeed pregnant and her worst fears came true - her father kicked her out of the house. For months she had been staying with friends until she attended the Love U2 workshop. There she learned how to better communicate and picked up applicable tips on how to resolve conflicts. She decided to put them to practice and see for herself how effective they were. After months of not speaking to her parents, she went home to talk to them. Using the skills she learned at the workshop, she was able to speak to her father and shortly thereafter, they reconciled. She was able to move back home with her parents and with their support go back to high school and graduate.

One Family Bridges workshop can be the difference between a teen achieving a dream and living in the shadow of one.

Click here to read more about the cost of high school dropouts and teen pregnancy and what can be done to avoid it.

HM Links & Clips (9/21/10) #116


Welfare Reform: A New Conversation on Women and Poverty

Full Committee Hearing




 Children of Immigrants Drive the Increase in America's Youth Population, but Almost Half Live in Low-Income Families (Press Release)

The Urban Institute

Availability: HTML --->


Updated with 2007 and 2008 American Community Survey data, the Children of Immigrants Data Tool can generate customized graphs and charts for every state and the District of Columbia. Statistics on 26 indicators include citizenship and the immigrant status (foreign vs. native-born) of children and their parents; children's race, ethnicity, and school enrollment; parents’ education and English proficiency; and family composition, income, work effort, homeownership, and food stamp receipt.

Posted to Web: September 16, 2010



9) Marriage makes a comeback
Marriage makes a comeback. Marriage rates are on the rise, and divorce rate on the slide. However, a marriage is still quite a challenge so you'll need all the help and advice you can get. Our 99 essential tips at ...




8) Fort Polk chaplain leads LNG marriage retreat
Leesville Daily Leader
It's worth it to work on your marriage and let them have something good," said Lt. Col. Dixey R. Behnken, Fort Polk, chaplain and keynote speaker at a ...






And  New York State Fathers Encouraged To Participate In "Dads Take ...
Dads and father figures are urged to accompany their children to school on Tuesday, September 21, as part of national healthy families and responsible fatherhood initiatives.




6) (9/23)




5) Adorable, Short Video for St. Louis Healthy Families | Slay and ...
By akordus
Video debuting at the Champions of Strong Marriage & Community event on September 16, 2010. Watch to see the importance of healthy relationships and the work St. Louis Healthy Families does to promote this in the community.




4) NWA Healthy Marriages | Greatest Hits for the Heart with Gary Smalley
Event Registration · Event Calendar · NWA Marriage Adventures. NWA Healthy Marriages. Events. Gary Smalley's Greatest Hits for the Heart ...








2) Reversing the Ripple Effect

A Relationship Skills Education Program for Fathers, Couples and Families; Philadelphia , PA
Click for details and Register today!




1) Help Children Born into Poverty (Commentary)

Caroline Ratcliffe, Signe-Mary McKernan

Availability: HTML --->


In this commentary for Spotlight on Poverty, the authors address the issue that poverty often starts at birth, leading to unstable housing, schooling, and nutrition. As young adults, these children are more likely to drop out of school, have a child as a teen, and be underemployed. Taking action before the consequences of poverty accumulate is imperative. Health reform provides an opportunity for hospitals to connect poor families to insurance when a child is born. The United States can invest in poor children through social services as we invest in higher-income children through tax subsidies for homeownership and college.

Posted to Web: September 16, 2010


And The Corner
National Review Online
There are two steps that the United States can take to help low-income couples build healthy marriages, and by so doing, break the cycle of poverty. ...




Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


From: Family Minute []
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 7:03 AM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]Getting Your Spouse to Talk

To view this email as a web page, go here.


September 21, 2010
Today's Family Minute

Listen To Today's Broadcast

How do you get your spouse to really talk? 

I know couples who have been married for decades and they have a hard time talking about anything intimate.  Maybe it's fear of getting close, a lack of trust, or maybe they've just slowly grown apart.  Sound familiar?  What do you do?  Be careful not to say things like, "You never talk to me."  Instead, do something positive to get your spouse talking again.  Pull out their high school yearbook, your wedding album, or family videos and look at them together.  Ask easy questions like "What was your favorite memory?" or "What did you like most about that?"  Start talking. To learn more about fostering good communication with your spouse, go to my blog.

Remember, your family first,
Mark Merrill

Comment on today's Family Minute.

Young couple turned away from each other


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Getting Your
Spouse to Talk

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From: St. Louis Healthy Families [] on behalf of St. Louis Healthy Families []
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 4:12 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL] Give yourself the best wedding present by attending our Marriage Prep Workshop!

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Marriage Prep Workshop
Where:St. Louis University
DeBourg Hall, Room 157
221 North Grand Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63103

Driving Directions

Saturday October 16, 2010 from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM CDT
Add to my calendar


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HM Links & Clips (9/20/10) #115


10) ManringEN: Marriage Matters. It's Important!
By Edward Manring
A meta-analysis of over 100 studies on the impact of marriage education found clear evidence that marriage education programs work--"to reduce strife, improve communication, increase parenting skills, increase stability, ...





9) When The Troops Come Home and


And Salem YMCA Supports Military Families as part of $31 Million ...
Armed Services YMCA and Department of Defense partnership gives military families access to youth development, family strengthening, and health and ...





8) Study breaks down divorce rates by occupation
Washington Post
By Ellen McCarthy If you marry the charming dancer who asks for your hand, are you more likely to wind up in divorce court than if you'd picked the sensible ...


And Stepfamilies on rise but relationships difficult / New partners face ...
The Daily Yomiuri
With divorce and remarriage not as uncommon as they once were in Japan, stepfamilies--families in which one or both parents already have children from a ...






Alpha, Beta, Soulmate?: Irrelevant | Psychology Today


And Marriage Proposal At Halftime
Nation of Blue
It's often difficult to find that special someone who truly understands your passion for the CATS. If you find someone who understands or shares your ...





6)  6 Biggest Shockers About Being Married
Couples reveal what they wish they'd been warned about before saying 'I Do.'


And Wedding plans distract from preparing for marriage
Cherry Hill Courier Post
"We won't have any conflicts," couples tell him. Jasko tries to set them straight. "A marriage without conflict is not a healthy one," he said.






5) Family breakdown
Times of Malta
Some years ago, the state of Texas, for example, allocated $15 million over two years for marriage education and other programmes. ...






4) 'Great Dates' series
Casper Journal
23, sponsored by the Wyoming Healthy Marriage Initiative. The nine weekly classes begin with marriage education, after which couples are encouraged to put ...


And On Love: 'Everything he does makes me feel special'  (the quote said often when engaged but not so much when married?—BC)







And Will your community make this list?—BC

100 Best Communities for Young People




2) At the Intersection of Marriage and Inequality: College-educated ...
School-Based Marriage Education: An Evaluation of Florida's High School Relationship Education Requirement · Mate Selection in Nontraditional Romantic ...


And handout320staton Health
References for Marriage Education and Health Care Reform: What's the Connection? Smart Marriages 2009, Orlando America
s Families & Living


And more handouts here





1) Is this info universal?—BC 50 Things You Need to Know About Marital Relationships and



Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


From: First Things First []
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 6:00 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]Breaking Up is Hard to Do | Dad to Dad September 2010

 September 2010
Issue No. 8
Fathering Tip

Potty Training:
Mind Over Bladder

Recognized as an expert in his field of neurosurgical medicine,
Dr. Blaise Baxter recently gave me a memorable and explainable tip on potty training that I will give back to you in layman's terms.  As we discussed the trial and error of potty training, Dr. Baxter explained that kids don't wet their beds or themselves out of spite, anger, or disrespect.  It turns out potty training is less about bladder control and more about mind control.

Click here to read more . . .

Poll Question

Tell Us What
You Think
What fathering related classes would you like to see us offer?

Tell us what you think about Dad to Dad!

Email your comments and suggestions to Todd Agne at

Forward this email
Breaking Up is Hard to Do
by Todd Agne
Fathering Coordinator
When it comes to break-ups, a scared girl is no match for an angry boy.

I was informed months ago by a group of ladies (and reminded recently) that breaking up with a boy is one of the scarcest things a girl will ever do.  I was also told by these women who were recalling a decade-old memory that they wished their fathers had been closer either emotionally or physically when this moment occurred.

For those of you with boys who are tempted to stop reading, remember, it's your boys who are going to scare those girls so listen up.

Domestic violence is not just domestic.  Every year we hear stories of teen and young adult dating violence and even murder that takes place when a dating relationship goes bad.

For more, click here

The Locker Room is a place where Dads can come for practical advice and fatherly support. Dad to Dad, Grandfather to Grandkids or father to child.

This month in the Locker Room:

Family, friends, acquaintances, and people I barely know--

On Thursday, September 30th, CHRIS GARDNER will be speaking at an event at the Chattanooga Convention Center. Gardner's real-life story was portrayed in the film "The Pursuit of Happyness" starring Will Smith. This is a rare opportunity to hear him speak so if you'd like to attend, please send your name and email address to  We have a limited number of free tickets, so you can request up to 4 tickets per person. We will hand tickets out on a first come first serve basis.

More than 20 years ago, Gardner was a homeless father raising his son, on occasion, in a San Francisco transit station restroom. Today, he is a successful broker and his inspiring rags-to-riches story is proof that dreams do come true.  His extraordinary story illustrates the nurturing and sustaining power of positive role models. Gardner proudly acknowledges those who guided him-a mother who kept him grounded, uncles who served in the military, and Reverend Cecil Williams, who assisted he and his son at the Glide Soup Kitchen in San Francisco so many years ago. Gardner's belief in himself and his dreams, along with his refusal to give in to self-doubt, inspires audiences and confirms that life is full of possibility if you put your heart into it.


Have an idea for the Locker Room?
Send it to

Boot Camp For New Dads

A class for about to be dads. This is for men only! No women over two feet tall allowed. We will discuss the challenges new fathers face like uncontrollable crying (from baby and mom), in-laws and living on little or no sleep.

HM Links & Clips (9/17/10) #114

10) Marriage: America's Greatest Weapon Against Child Poverty | The ...
Provide marriage education programs in high schools with a high proportion ... Make voluntary marriage education widely available to interested couples in ...


And Collapse of Marriage Spurs Explosion in Poverty
Heritage also released a new paper by Rector on the topic along with “Marriage and Poverty in the US,” an online slide show in which he charts how marriage ...
See all stories on this topic »






9) Community Partnerships: Improving the Response to Child Maltreatment

This manual offers guidance on how diverse community agencies, organizations, and individuals can work together to form a web of support for families and create safe, healthy environments where children can thrive.  The manual describes the benefits of community partnerships, outlines the steps for establishing and sustaining partnerships, and demonstrates how to measure results. In the appendices are valuable resources such as checklists, sample forms, and success stories.

The entire User Manual Series is available at





Senate Defeats Effort to Eliminate Prevention and Public Health Investment Fund


Senate affirms value of investing in evidence-based programs to help people live healthier lives

Read More »





6)  Fragile Families
Volume 20 Number 2 Fall 2010

Read the full Journal

5) Executive Summary (67.8 kb)

4) Policy Brief (262.6 kb)

3) Article Summaries ,e.g., Marriage and Fatherhood Programs
Phillip A. Cowan, Carolyn Pape Cowan and Virginia Knox
View Article Summary


2) Anyone else ever argue about how to load the dishwasher? --BC

Shortcuts: For the Dishwasher’s Sake, Go Easy on the Detergent





Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.

HM Links & Clips (9/16/10) #113

10) Uncover the state by state Impact of Marriage on the Probability of Child Poverty by clicking on a state for more in-depth analysis and charts.


 9) Census: 1 in 7 Americans live in poverty




7) marriage and premarital educators - Money Habitudes Asia ...
Marriage counselors and educators using the most well-known marriage education programs can improve their effectiveness by including a discussion of money


6) Intimacy: The Art of Relationships


5) Home - themarriagepartnership
Does Marriage Education work ? Early research from around the world has shown that programmes similar to this have had a marked increase in the success of


4) Native American resources: Sites for online research

Coll. res. libr. news September 2010 71:430-435

o               Full Text

o               Full Text (PDF)


3) The Community Alliance Summit brings together educational leaders, organizations, students, and citizens from various communities around the state of Alabama and the nation that are interested in growing and empowering a strong community towards authentic and ethical leadership for problem solving.  The Community Alliance Summit is constructed around three program tracks that are shown to be consistently relevant in society: education, health, and community building/ empowerment.


2) Protecting our fledgling families: A case for Relationship-Focused ...
Why marriage education can work and how government can be involved: Illustration from the ... An Asian perspective on relationship and marriage education.


1) NYT Article about Extended Transition to Adulthood Misses Critical Issues about Disadvantaged Young People




Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.

HM Links & Clips (9/15/10) #112

10) Donor Gives John Brown University $2 Million
Arkansas Business Online
"We are pleased to honor Dr. Oliver for his lifework of research, writing, teaching and speaking to encourage strong and healthy marriages, families and ...





8) How to Make Parenting with Your Ex Work
CBS News
According to research by PAIRS Foundation, a relationship skills training organization, children from "broken homes" are three times more likely to be ...


7) Childhood Poverty Persistence: Facts and Consequences, June 2010. From the Urban Institute, this report includes a longitudinal analysis of the U.S. child poverty rate using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Over the past 40 years, the child poverty rate has ranged between 15 and 23 percent; but 37 percent of children experience poverty at some point in their childhood. The data analysis reveals that 49 percent of children who are poor at birth spend at least half their childhood years in poverty. For more information, please see:


6) The Father Factor: Modern Media Men
By Vincent DiCaro
They care about fatherhood. They care about creating a new, better image of men that the mainstream media doesn't typically promote. People like and DadLabs were there representing this better way of looking at fathers ...
The Father Factor -



5) 5 tools to help women prepare for football season with their men (KNXV-TV)
Fierstein, who created his practice to support struggling men, thinks "It is possible to balance a good marriage and watch healthy amounts of football! ...








Do you undermine gifts of love? -



2) One of my favorite people celebrated her 25th wedding anniversary yesterday--BC



Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


From: on behalf of Patty Howell []
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 1:27 PM
To: California Healthy Marriages Coalition
Subject: [] Fwd: New Resources from the Dibble Institute

In this Issue: Healthy Relationship News - September 2010

Dear friends,

September – it’s a new year for schools and youth programs alike. We at The Dibble Institute have been getting ready for September with more relevant resources to help you teach young people healthy relationship skills. Check them out in our new catalog or access our new products online to see what we have developed and found!

We also have some new free resources! We developed a very engaging bingo game to teach why marriage matters. And, feel free to download the new movie guide to UP! with discussion questions related to relationships. Of course, feel free to use our free sample lessons to get a taste of the many Dibble materials.

Over the summer, we also wrote a quick start guide for the Relationality game. We love the game and find it imparts key concepts in a fun and engaging way but starting the game can be slow. Download the streamlined rules of the game here.

Late in May we announced that Char Kamper had completely revised her best-seller, Connections: Dating and Emotions. Its 15 engaging, ready-to-teach lessons (including posters and PowerPoints) show teens how relationships develop, effective ways to communicate, awareness of destructive patterns, managing feelings, and other essential skills. Using an overall wellness approach, the course emphasizes self-awareness, personal growth, self-regulation of emotions, and interpersonal success. Take a peek!

Stay tuned! In next few months we will introduce several new programs each with a unique approach to relationship education. We know you will like them!

With all warm wishes,

Kay Reed
Executive Director


Power of Education Campaign 2010

If you love our work, then tell the world! You have an exciting opportunity to help The Dibble Institute make even more of a difference. GreatNonprofits—a site like Amazon reviews or TripAdvisor—is conducting a campaign to identify the top-rated education nonprofits in the country.

Won't you help us participate in the campaign by posting a review of your experience with us? All reviews will be visible to potential donors and volunteers. It's easy and only takes 3 minutes! Go to:
Be sure to choose "Education" from the drop down menu of campaigns in the review template!
With your help, we can gain greater visibility and support for our work.

Grant Investments

We have received several calls in the last few weeks from teachers, abstinence, youth agencies, and marriage coalitions wanting to purchase teaching tools from their year-end funds.

What a great idea! You can stock up on resources to extend your program into the next fiscal year. Let us know how we can help!!

Successful Teacher Finds Funding Strategy

Thanks to Tricia Seibert from Troy Buchanan High School in Missouri for sharing her successful funding strategy. Instead of using her department’s budget for Dibble supplemental materials, she asked her principal to order them through the school’s textbook budget.

Everyone wins with this approach!

Tricia got the teaching tools she needed for her students and her school saved money because she was meeting the curricular framework without purchasing more expensive textbooks.

Thank you, Tricia!

Wanted: Researchers

Are you a graduate student in search of a meaningful thesis or dissertation? Or, faculty seeking to advance the field of family life education or positive youth development? We would like to talk with you about partnering on evaluations of our research based programs!

Please email Executive Director, Kay Reed, to begin the conversation.

Teen Sex and School performance

A study was published last month with results from an evaluation that tracked students in healthier romantic relationships and those in hook-up relationships and compared their academic performance. You can read about it below.

Teen sex doesn't cause bad grades, but beware 'hook ups'
Serious relationships don't affect school performance, new study finds
By ALICIA CHANG - Associated Press, updated 8/15/2010

Editor’s note: The most important take away from this article for me, is that we can’t take for granted that young people know how to develop healthy relationships without being taught the skills. And, that instruction should include how to really get to know someone, how relationships grow and develop over time, and the emotional and social (and not just the biological) aspects of sex.

Youth Relationship Education News

Relationship coach helps couples thrive
Green Bay Press Gazette
"Relationship education, not just sex education, should be taught in schools," she said. "Relationship skills are needed for anyone that has human contact

Sexting; An Offense or Just Offensive?

Parents have heard a thousand times that sex is all over the media. And now it's online, too, as teens are sexting; sending nude or suggestive photos by cellphone -- which in some states is now a criminal offense. Is the sheer volume of sexual images in the media and elsewhere harming our children? Or is it something else?
(From Connect with Kids – September 3, 2010)

Save the dates –

September 18, 2010
Connections Introduction with Author Char Kamper
Sacramento Healthy Marriage Project
Times (pick one):  10:00 am - 12:00 pm
                             2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Click here for additional information and to reserve your place!

September 30, 2010
TeenNow California Conference
Sacramento, CA
Workshop: What's Healthy Relationships Got to Do With it?  A New Approach to Pregnancy Prevention
Presenter: Joyce Huff, Director of Outreach




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Dibble Institute | P. O. Box 7881 | Berkeley | CA | 94707-0881

Patty Howell, VP of Operations and Media Relations
California Healthy Marriages Coalition
Office:  760-436-3960    Fax:  760-436-3997

"Preliminary research shows that marriage education workshops can make a real difference in helping married couples stay together..."  Barack Obama, Audacity of Hope, p. 334.
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From: USCCB []
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 3:30 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]Marriage Monthly: Tune-up Your Marriage, Expensive Weddings, Getting Past The Affair

marriage monthly

Home   Dating & Engaged    Parenting & Family    For Every Marriage    About Catholic Marriages

Featured Article: Try a Five-Point Check-Up
For Your Marriage

Does your marriage need a bit of preventative maintenance? Even good marriages can benefit  from periodic check-ups. As summer turns to fall, try this five-point tune-up to keep your marriage running smoothly.


Virtue of the Month:  Forgiveness

All of us bring past hurts and painful memories to our marriage. Is your marriage a safe space where healing and forgiveness can take place?


Monthly Book Review: Getting Past the Affair: A Program to Help You Cope, Heal, and Move On-Together or Apart

Nearly 45% of men and 25% of women have been involved in a physical or emotional extramarital affair. This book is for them and their spouses. "Getting Past the Affair" deals with the immediate trauma of an affair, examines factors that made the relationship vulnerable to an affair and guides the partners in making decisions about the future.


Marriage in the News: Why Are Weddings So Expensive?

When a British priest heard that some couples put off marrying because of the high cost of weddings, he decided to offer an all-inclusive church wedding at no cost to the couple. Why is there so much social pressure to have a glitzy wedding?

Marriage Tip of the Month
September 13
Research indicates that happily married couples usually have a daily "catch up" time to talk. It needn't be long, but it should be regular. Carve out daily couple time-even if only five or ten minutes.
Happily Even After
Josh and Stacey reflect on the ups and downs of married life with children.

HM Links & Clips (9/14/10) #111


10) Fragile Families
marriage-education programs aimed at improving relationship skills and community - based programs aimed at raising nonresident fathers' earnings, ...



Frank D. Fincham and Steven R. H. Beach

Article first published online: 18 JUN 2010 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-3737.2010.00722.x

§                                     Abstract

§                                     Full Article (HTML)

§                                     PDF(554K)

§                                     References

The impact of the HMI on marital research was not limited to marriage education. Rather the impact of the welfare reform of 1996 has created demand for a scientific foundation for policy decisions and for interventions that address the needs of a diverse array of couples who may be more economically disadvantaged, more likely to be members of ethnic minorities, and who are less likely to be married or to be married soon than those typically studied by marital researchers (e.g., Ooms & Wilson, 2004). Focusing attention on the diversity of couple relationships may be the HMI's greatest impact, as this is a topic that has hitherto received remarkably little attention from marital researchers, despite long-standing recognition of its importance…



8) Dating aint what it used to be

Like a lot of people out there, much of my time spent talking with friends includes... more


And  The Magic age for getting married
Few were shocked when Heidi Montag filed for divorce from Spencer Pratt and no one was surprised when Avril Lavigne split from her husband of three years. ...










6) Calendar: Smart Steps - Sacramento -
Healthy Marriage Project proudly present our newest program specifically made for stepfamilies. SMART STEPS is a cost-effective 6-session research-based ...


And and ReMarriage Works What will you be doing to celebrate National Stepfamily Day on September 16? Will you talk about it with your stepfamily?

And Making stepfamilies work Parents of a “blended family” face plenty of challenges, but there are things you can do to make communication easier and help children adjust to their new reality.










4) and




3) Healthy Marriage
Marriage Matters Resources and discussions for Healthy Marriages. ... John Wooden was a champion for marriage. He took his marriage and love for his wife ...











Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


For previous editions of HM Links & Clips see

HM Links & Clips (8/30/10) #103 - Coffin Corner
That understanding highlights an important difference to marriage education built on a foundation of emotional literacy (the ability to understand, express, ...



From: Ozarks Marriage Matters [] on behalf of Ozarks Marriage Matters []
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 5:33 AM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]OMM News & Notes - September 14, 2010

Ozarks Marriage Matters

In This Issue:

  • When Was the Last Time You Ate Dinner as a Family?
  • Fall Conference - Connect & Communicate - September 24, 2010
  • Comedy Event for Couples - Stand Up for Marriage 
  • Straight Talk from Real Dads 
  • Mystery Date Night - September 17, 2010
  • Hitched & Happy - 7 Different Locations Starting in September  
  • Ask Your Relationship Questions
OMM News & Notes: Promoting Healthy Relationships September 14, 2010
When Was the Last Time You Ate Dinner as a Family? 
by Dr. Jennifer Baker  
"How many nights a week does your family eat meals together?" 

The bewildered silence I get from families in response to this question surprised me at first, but the more often it occurs, the more I realize the disappearing family meal time is reality, not a myth. The thought that parents and children will gather around the dinner table in the evening and share a common meal is so unusual in many homes that it occurs only on special holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas.  
                           Click To Read The Rest


Stand Up 4 Marriage Banner
Straight Talk With Real Dads - with Derek Gwinn  

This Week: New Additions
Mystery Date Night Banner

Last Chance to Register for Friday, September 17, 2010 - Mystery Date Night!

Click here to review the clues, learn more and to register.

Hitched & Happy Banner

Coming September 2010: Hitched & Happy workshops will be available in 7 different locations in Springfield, Branson, Joplin and West Plains. Visit the Operation Us online calendar for more information.
Have Questions About Relationships?
KTTS LogoCheck out our new Ask A Question web page where you can send Dr. Baker a question that she just might answer the next time she's on the air with Andy Taylor and Sherry Farmer, Tuesday, September 21, 2010.

And don't forget to visit our podcast archive, where you can listen to earlier appearances.


HM Links & Clips (9/13/10) #110


10) The Ministry of Happy Marriages
In his 2006 book President Barack Obama said research "shows that marriage education workshops can make a real difference in helping married couples ...


9) Marriage Matters: Conference made a difference in families ...
The marriage education movement this week experienced what feels like the equivalent of a temporary power failure: Smart Marriages founder .






Cheri and Randy Blackwood are featured in the "Oklahoma's Most Inspiring Couples" 2010 calendar, sponsored by the Oklahoma Marriage Initiative. Couples featured in the calendar are being profiled in The Oklahoman's Life section each month. For more information about the Oklahoma Marriage Initiative's inspiring couples, go to



7) Reflecting on goals a key factor in marriage
Weekend Post
I am often asked about the reasons for divorce, and one of the most common questions is, “Why does marriage change people?” Marriage itself does not change ...



6) Increasing Public Awareness for Relationship Education ...
"The Healthy Marriage Initiative helps married couples gain greater access to marriage education services on a voluntary basis. ...



5) Many more grandparents raising kids
Chicago Sun-Times
... to illness or substance abuse, or dies. High rates of divorce and teen pregnancies fuel the phenomenon, as do long overseas military deployments. AP.
See all stories on this topic »



4) Remembering the Genius and Vision of Virginia Satir « Fatherhood ...
By Seth Eisenberg
Fatherhood Channel — Marriage, Parenting and Family Relationships · Home · Remembering the Genius and Vision of Virginia Satir. September 10, 2010.


And Father-son bond a key to young men's development
Sacramento Bee
Even in challenging times, these unshakable dads are forging family ties, modeling manhood and fatherhood, and delivering life's most important lessons. ...










2) A new study suggests that prayer can indeed guide people away from adulterous behavior reports the Economist.


And is the source for much of my UK news.






And Get tips on creating more kindness in your life

And Miss our recent webinar on building great relationships? Get healthy communication strategies and explore ways to keep you and your partner connected  here


And the National Campaign has an official airline! (see attachment)


Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


From: The National Campaign []
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 11:34 AM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: The Kids Are Alright (and Cranking Out PSAs)




September 10, 2010

Donate Button


Fog Zone

Fog Zone Data Now Available for Use

The National Campaign is pleased to announce that data from the National Survey of Reproductive and Contraceptive Knowledge - the basis of the Campaign publication The Fog Zone - are now publically available.  The survey, funded by The National Campaign and conducted by the Guttmacher Institute, was designed to explore understudied factors such as knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about contraception that influence the ability of young adults to use contraception effectively and thus prevent unplanned pregnancy. 

Investigators interested in using these data are encouraged to follow a few very brief steps for access to the complete data set. 

Get more information and learn how to access the data here


[object Object]

Now Available: the Campaign Update, Fall 2010

The Fall 2010 issue of the Campaign Update is now available for download. Some stories from this issue include:

  • Declines in the U.S. Teen Birth Rate;
  • The National Campaign's 4-Star Rating from Charity Navigator;
  • New Resources and Publications;
  • and more.

Download your copy today!



teen nick logo

New Stay Teen Ads Premiere on Teen Nick

The National Campaign would like to thank our friends and partners at TeenNick for their continued support of our Stay Teen campaign.  Our new series of Stay Teen PSAs aired more than 60 times on TeenNick during July and August.  These PSAs, shot by teens for teens, show teenagers doing what they love to do and encourage them to delay pregnancy and parenthood.

Special thanks also to the outstanding members of The National Campaign's Youth Leadership Team and DC Teen Advisory Group for shooting all of the great footage used in our new crop of Stay Teen PSAs.  To see all of the new Stay Teen PSAs, visit



[object Object]

How Do You Stay Joven?

More news on the PSA front:  The National Campaign's Stay Joven digital media project provides Latino youth an opportunity to share their views on teen pregnancy, to discuss their goals and dreams, and to offer their perspectives on it means to be a Latino teen.  A series of PSAs and a short film have recently been released as part of this project.

Click here to watch Stay Joven PSAs

(Interested in using the videos?  Want more information?  Please contact Carlos Pinto)



ND Contest

Time is Running Out: Stay Teen Pregnancy Prevention PSA Art Contest 

Tell the teens in your life about the Stay Teen PSA Art Contest!  Teens 13-19 are eligible to submit their artwork and ideas about teen pregnancy prevention. The National Campaign will be accepting entries by mail and online until September 30, 2010. Winning entries will be used by The National Campaign on postcards, posters, and other materials distributed nationwide. Winners will receive a $250 gift card to spend however they choose.

For more information and to read the official contest rules, visit



[object Object]

Special Thanks!

Special thanks to Southwest Airlines, the official airline of The National Campaign.




In Case You Missed It...

Powered By Convio

©2010, The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy
1776 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20036
ph: (202) 478-8507. fax: (202) 478-8588. CFC #10496

Send this message to a friend

HM Links & Clips (9/9/10) #109



10) Healthy Marriages, Responsible Fatherhood

A slide presentation with interesting facts about the importance of marriage and fatherhood. Use this presentation before or during your speaking ...

by CaMarriage


And Healthy Marriages, Healthy Children Video
Watch the Healthy Marriages, Healthy Children Video from CA Marriage on mefeedia .com.




9) Couples bond at largest 9th MSC Married Skills Workshop
"Maintaining a healthy marriage is important because the greatest asset the Army has is its people and if they aren't healthy in their relationship side of ...



8) National Head Start Association Seeks Success Stories to Influence Funding



7) and


All About Love : Ms Magazine Blog




6) SAMHSA Newsletter - Vol 18, Number 4 and and






5) YouTube What is the difference between marriage education and ...
Dr. Ed Gray discusses the difference between marriage education and marriage therapy in this brief video.


And YouTube What is the difference between marriage education and ...
Relationship expert Tim Gardner explains the difference between marriage education and marriage therapy.




4) For International Literacy Day 2010, Amber Gove and Peter Cvelich of RTI, with contributions from several leading education experts, have authored a report on early reading that demonstrates the urgency to support reading assessment and instruction. Early Reading: Igniting Education for All is the product of a community of practice working together to develop and refine assessment tools, pilot interventions, and share best practices for expanding successful models of reading assessments and strategies to improve education quality.


And speaking of ed and




3) Do Daughters Cause Divorce?
New York Times (blog)
By LISA BELKIN Parents of girls are 5 percent more likely to divorce than parents of boys. Economists first analyzed the data that way in 2003, ...




The highest rates of divorce in the world?




The Happiness Project: Five Mistakes I Make in My Marriage.






Compatibility Test For Dating Couples


Watch the story

Sep 8,2010 at 10:24 PM EST

Champagne and flowers, candlelit dinners, passion. But which couples should dash to the altar and which should simply take more time? TAKE THE COMPATIBILITY TEST

Compatibility Test For Married Couples


Watch the story

Sep 8,2010 at 10:25 PM EST

Do you ever wonder how some couples are considered a 'perfect match,' and others are not.








1) Free wireless Internet access has been added to the National Mall by the local government and its federal partners.

Officials said Wednesday that the latest expansion of Washington's free Internet initiative covers the mall from 3rd Street to 14th Street. The city has installed 220 free Wi-Fi hotspots that are accessible by any compatible computer or device. The network is called D.C. Wi-Fi.

And Visit’s 9/11 Commemorations and Information page for information about memorials, exhibits, and other 9/11-related resources.


And Marriage Week 2010
The week also serves to increase the awareness and value of pre-marriage and in- marriage education. It has been stated that the quality of our nation's ...


Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


From: NHMRC Webinar []
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 4:07 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]CORRECTION: September 29th Webinar: State Legislative Efforts to Combat Divorce
National Healthy Marriage Resource Center

Dear Bill:

Save the Date!

The National Healthy Marriage Resource Center (NHMRC) will host a webinar entitled, "State Legislative Efforts to Combat Divorce" on Wednesday, September 29, 2010, from 1:00 – 2:30pm (Eastern Daylight Time).

Minnesota is among the states leading the pack in efforts to discourage divorce. On May 21, 2010, Gov. Tim Pawlenty signed into law the "Couples on the Brink" project, which will offer a range of reconciliation services, at state expense, to couples considering, or who have already begun the process of filing for, divorce. After short-term counseling if a couple decides that they want to rebuild their marriage, the project will develop a reconciliation plan for them. Speakers at this webinar spearheaded this legislation and will discuss the portion of troubled couples in the state whom they believe could benefit from this initiative, the family court perspective on reconciliation services, services offered through this initiative as well as how it will be implemented.

  • Judge Bruce Peterson, Family Court Judge, Hennepin County, , will describe the impetus for the legislation, and his view, from the perspective of a family court judge, of its potential for success. Judge Peterson originally approached the University of Minnesota to see whether a divorce reconciliation program could be established.

  • William Doherty, Ph.D., Director, Marriage and Family Program, University of Minnesota, will describe the services available through the Couples on the Brink project, as well as the role that lawyers, clergy, and other parties will play in helping to implement it. The University of Minnesota will be administering the program.

  • Rich Batten, Program Manager, National Healthy Marriage Resource Center (NHMRC), will moderate this session.

Participating in the Webinar

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Upon receipt of this notice, you will need to click on this link to check your system to make sure your computer is compatible with Microsoft Office Live Meeting. Please take the time to complete this step even if you have joined our webinars in the past. Also note that this is only the browser check link and not the link to the actual event.

If you encounter problems during the browser check, please talk to your IT department.

To Join the Webinar:

Joining is a two step process. First, come back to this e-mail and log your computer onto the Live Meeting program.
1. Use this link: Click Here to Join Live Meeting
2. Once you have signed onto the computer, call the Toll-Free number 1 (888) 455-2265 and provide this passcode 6663934
Please Note: You will need to provide the passcode to access the call. This phone number changes each month and is active 10 minutes prior to the Webinar start time.

You will be greeted by an operator who will ask you a few questions. Once you provide the appropriate information you will be placed into the conference call portion of this session. We recommend that you sign on 5-10 minutes in advance of the Webinar. (Please note that grantees will be asked to provide their Grant Number.)


If you have problems entering the conference using the above link, please manually enter the URL, Meeting ID and Entry Code below into your browser window:

Meeting ID: w6663934
Entry Code: A666393

Once you have signed onto the computer, call the Toll-Free number 1 (888) 455-2265 and provide this passcode 6663934

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Please address any questions about logistics to Jill Scollan at or 866-916-4672.

From: First Things First []
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 1:05 PM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [SUSPECTED SPAM]Fall Banquet 2010 | FTF eNews

HM Links & Clips (9/7/10) #108

10) Marriage improves health indicators and decreases the risk of certain diseases, according to a report in the Harvard Men's Health Watch based on a survey of 127,545 American adults reports US Population Reference Bureau.



9) Divorce Rate Lowest In Decades
Babble (blog)
Divorce has been consistently trending downward since the “divorce revolution” in the 70s. Somehow I don't think it's just the economy that's pushing those ...







Rita Watson: The undivorced: 'My husband, my boarder'
Providence Journal
I talked with psychiatrist and marriage therapist Scott Haltzman, MD, who says: “At ... the quality of their marriage through marriage education or therapy. ...




8) Till Debt Do Us Part





7)  Playback Now has just posted keynote video clips from Smart Marriages–




6) Marriage and War in Today's Military | POV - Regarding War | PBS
You hit the nail on the head - the key to a healthy marriage (especially in the military!) is open communication. I wish they would have more classes on ...


And Chaplain Tries to Stem Rising Divorce Rate
War On Terror News
FORWARD OPERATING BASE SHANK, Afghanistan – In an attempt to quell the rising divorce rate affecting soldiers, the ministry team for Task Force Brawler, ...








4) Developing the Art of Becoming a Couple: A Grounded Theory Study of the Positive Influence of Married and Loving It! ® (pp. 1080-1101)
PDF Full Text

Barbara D. Petty

Abstract: Couples can improve their marriages by implementing relationship building skills they learn while participating in a marriage education program. This study addresses how marriages improved as a result of participating in the marriage education program, Married and Loving It!® and what specific components of the learning experience facilitated the change. Using grounded theory methodology, the data collected from 12 participants, six married couples through in depth semi-structured interviews, revealed how participating in Married and Loving It! ® can assist couples in improving their relationships by guiding them through a developmental process. It is through skill development and a greater understanding of themselves and their spouse; couples are able to make positive changes in their behaviors and attitudes which influence their marriages.






CPS and Operation Us presents leading-edge information and strategies to successfully connect with teens and twenty-somethings in your business, program or practice. 

More info...











Bill Coffin

Special Assistant for Marriage Education


370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW Washington, DC  20447


…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed

efforts to pursue laws and public policies that promote the well-being of marriages and families…(Excerpt from


A Guide to Low-Cost Curricula and Resources: Marriage and Relationship, Fatherhood and Parenting,
and Financial Education available at


Why Marriage Matters, 26 Conclusions from the Social Sciences

#1 Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

#26 A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk for child abuse.


From: Ozarks Marriage Matters [] on behalf of Ozarks Marriage Matters []
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 5:32 AM
To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]OMM News & Notes - September 7, 2010

Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Red

In This Issue:

Out with the Old; In with the New   
  • Mystery Date Night - September 17, 2010
  • Hitched & Happy - 7 Different Locations Starting in September
  • Relationship Smarts for Teens and Their Parents this Saturday
  • Fall Conference - Connect & Communicate - September 24, 2010    
  • Ask Your Relationship Questions  
    OMM News & Notes: Promoting Healthy Relationships September 7, 2010
    Out with the Old; In with the New                                        by Dr. Jennifer Baker
    Family_Playing_TwisterOld Rule: Good parents enroll their children in as many extracurricular activities as possible in order to maximize their growth and development.
  • New Rule: The best parents limit their children's extracurricular activities in order to spend more time with them at home.
  • Old Rule: Good parents sacrifice all their free time for the benefit of their children's schedules and activities.
                               Click To Read The Rest
    Mystery Date Night Banner

    Join us Friday, September 17, 2010 for Mystery Date Night. 
    Click here for clue #1 and to learn more.

    Hitched & Happy Banner

    Coming September 2010: Hitched & Happy workshops will be available in 7 different locations in Springfield, Branson, Joplin and West Plains. Visit the Operation Us online calendar for more information.


    Learn About Our Parent and Teen Workshop Starting in September



    For information and to register click here.

    Have Questions About Relationships?
    KTTS LogoCheck out our new Ask A Question web page where you can send Dr. Baker a question that she just might answer the next time she's on the air with Andy Taylor and Sherry Farmer.

    And don't forget to visit our podcast archive, where you can listen to earlier appearances.

    Subscribe to News & Notes
    No need to forward, just click on the link to subscribe to the weekly e-newsletter.
    Safe Unsubscribe
    Forest Institute | Operation Us | Forest Institute | 2885 W. Battlefield Rd. | Springfield | MO | 65807

     From: Welfare Research and Evaluation Conference []
    Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:41 AM
    To: Coffin, Bill (ACF)
    Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]Save the Date: 2011 Welfare Research and Evaluation Conference

    Follow Up Flag: Follow up
    Flag Status: Red

    Dear Colleagues,

    I am pleased to announce that the 14th Annual Welfare Research and Evaluation Conference will be held June 1-3, 2011 at the Capital Hilton in the heart of Washington, DC.  This conference is sponsored by the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE) in the Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.