And Marriage is never ‘obsolete’ November 25, 2010, by jwooten (AJC) A story based on a Pew Research Center survey asks the question: Is marriage becoming obsolete? Only 52 percent of adults 18 and over are married, an all-time low. In the survey, 39 percent find the institution “obsolete,” compared to 28 percent in 1978. We might as well ask if honesty or personal responsibility is obsolete. Middle-class self-indulgence in lifestyle choices creates missing-parent voids in the lives of their children and tragedy when mimicked by the poor and uneducated. Marriage is never “obsolete” for children.
And Wedding Bells for America: Marriage Not Obsolete | Ethika Politika By Margaret Datiles Studies like the CDC's consistently establish that, although a person is free to have sex and bear children out of wedlock, marriage is crucial to children's well-being and is the bedrock of a healthy family life. ...
AndFirst in Print: Who needs marriage? Coldwater Daily Reporter Since 1970, 43 million people have experienced their parent's divorce. “The Buster Generation, children of Baby Boomers, have lived the horrors of divorce...
AndSkepticism About Marriage Bodes Ill for Future Richmond Times Dispatch Just how healthy are these evolving attitudes toward marriage -- for families in general and children specifically? Despite the claims of TV shows, ...
8) NMSU: FamilyWellnessProgram Some of the topics discussed including dealing with in-laws, communication, effective parenting and building strong families able to deal with life ...
And Texas Coalition For Healthy Families Texas healthyfamilies ... Our Purpose. TCHF is a member supported organization founded by Marriage and Relationship Education leaders who are passionate about providing Texasfamilies ...
And I Am ME: Patricia Merrill, Tucson, Arizona The Fatherhood Channel I was familiar with the PAIRS curriculum and when we had the opportunity to include it in our Healthy Marriage grant, we quickly did. ...
AndDriving down the divorce rate, one couple at a time Victorville Daily Press HESPERIA • With a goal of driving down the divorce rate countywide, the Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino is hosting nonreligious relationship workshops ...
7) Disease Prevention Could Save U.S. Billions of Dollars Annually(And so could divorce prevention –BC) BusinessWeek "Our estimate that $24.7 billion in excess medical spending would be avoided annually if primary prevention were able to achieve a 5 percent reduction in ...
AndDivorce -- When Parenting Dies Huffington Post (blog) Frequently during the process of divorce long hidden brutal character traits are revealed. Suppressed resentments, hurts, and fears are evidenced. ...
And “I Remember Nothing” (from NYT Book Review)
…In “The D Word,” Ephron tells us she can’t think of anything good about divorce from the children’s perspective. “You can’t kid yourself about that,” she argues, “although many people do. They say things like, It’s better for the children not to grow up with their parents in an unhappy marriage. But unless the parents are beating each other up, or abusing the children, kids are better off if their parents are together. Children are much too young to shuttle between houses. They’re too young to handle the idea that the two people they love most in the world don’t love each other any more, if they ever did.” …
And Intimate 1 - Marriage Education Intimate 1. ABOUT THE COURSE Intimate I is a smaller group course, where in addition to the topics covered in the Becoming One course, each couple works ...
And Involved dads give kids a much better shot at success Indianapolis Star Darren King, getting his GED certificate, graduated this month from the fatherhood development class offered by the Fathers and Families Center. ...
And Up Center encourages responsible fathers Suffolk News-Herald The Up Center is offering three 13-week “Responsible Fatherhood” courses for custodial and non-custodial fathers, ages 16-30, in Western Tidewater. ...
And Quality time York News-Times As part of Head Start's Fatherhood Initiative, the Tailgate with Dad event was a time for students to bring in their dads or any important male figure in ...
And The Top 10 Marriage Blog Finalists of 2010 By Stu Gray The 44 Marriage Blog Finalists – voted by the Readers of Vote for your favorite to make the Top 10 Marriage Blog List!
Bill Coffin
Special Assistant for Marriage Education
…We, Government Leaders, invite colleagues and citizens from every political party to engage in renewed
From: Stronger Families [] Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 11:27 AM To: Coffin, Bill (ACF) Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]Turn the Tide - Giving Thanks, Honoring Those Who Serve
What people are saying about our Oxygen Facilitator Training:
"There is an overwhelming need for marriage building in our society. This equips us with an ability to effectively encourage people to always have hope that their marriage can survive and be great." Rosie Kronstad "The program is clear and well presented." Mike Moodi
"I have personally attended and/or facilitated many marriage retreats/conferences. Oxygen takes many of the best aspects of a lot of the programs out there and combines them into one seminar."
I invite you to imagine with me for a moment...After 12 long months of deployment, you finally get to come home. Pure excitement sets in as you think of wrapping your arms around your spouse and kissing your babies cheeks. You can hardly wait to walk in the door and be celebrated. Yet, after the hugs and kisses, you realize that things have changed. Your family has been living day-to-day without you for 12 months. Your spouse is used to living without you and has connected with your kids in ways you haven't...shared special memories while you were thousands of miles away. After facing stress and trauma from war, you now feel lost in your own home. You don't know how to put the pieces back together and your family is struggling. Your marriage--distant.
This is a story that is about to repeat itself over and over again. After nine years in Afghanistan, and seven years in Iraq, there is a surge of new, young veterans and active-duty soldiers coming home. These men and women are returning home after multiple deployments in often unstable and violent environments. Many come back to the U.S. with physical injuries or post-traumatic stress, only to find a depressed economy where jobs are scarce. However, the most tragic part is that more often than not - they return home to a hurting family.
Reaching out to Low Income Families by Krista Fogelson
Ask most engaged couples if they think marriage will be hard...will it take work? They'll likely answer yes, of course. Then they'll look into each other's eyes and share how "he'll make it easy," or "with her it will never be as difficult as they say." After the honeymoon wears off, most couples realize that a successful marriage takes work, time and access to sound advice, as well as a strong support system. For many, this support is easy to come by and counseling is readily available. However, what happens to lower income families who don't have access to support, or where affordable counseling isn't an option? Many couples are doing their best just to make ends meet, much less find time for each other. Can their marriages survive?
Keep reading to learn how, at the invitation of the YMCA, we're using the message and tools in our Oxygen for Your Relationships Program to provide low-income couples with education they need to create better communication in their marriage and create a support system to keep their family strong.
Geoffrey Castle Celtic Christmas CelebrationDon't miss the 4th Annual Celtic Christmas Celebration!
This concert features electric six string violinist Geoffrey Castle. Geoffrey will amaze you with his spirited stage presence and dynamic musicianship. With several critically acclaimed releases of his own, Castle has managed to share stages with an illustrious group of musicians world-wide. You won't want to miss it.You'll not only be investing in your family, but you'll also be participating in the work of strengthening marriages and families all across our community. A portion of the proceeds will directly benefit the work of Stronger Families.
Be sure to come early for a featured art exhibit. Stronger Families will have an exhibit there as well and we welcome you to stop by and visit us.
A Benefit for Stronger Families
DATE: Friday, Dec. 3rd or Saturday, Dec. 4
TIME: Doors Open Friday, 7:30pm and Saturday, 8:00pm
Stronger Families | PO Box 40584 | Bellevue | WA | 98015
From: Institute for American Values [] Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 4:23 PM To: Coffin, Bill (ACF) Subject: Institute in the Public Square
If you're having trouble viewing this email, you may see it online.
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Jody Wood, 11/23/10.
The New Stigma--Children of Divorce Are No Longer Stigmatized, Until They Start Dating
By Elizabeth Marquardt, The Huffington Post, November 16, 2010
"[A]s the stigma about children of divorce began to weaken, new realities appeared. Social science evidence now demonstrates that, compared to those who grow up with married parents, children of divorce are at greater risk for a host of social problems. Divorce also appears to be transmitted inter-generationally. Studies now show that when they grow up the children of divorce are themselves at significantly greater risk of divorce compared to those who grew up with married parents."
"[L]ess-educated women are punting marriage because they have no reason to get married--and they have no reason to get married because they lack the adequate time and resources to enjoy the hedonic marriage. In the hedonic model, the only people who get married are the people who can afford to consume lavishly. Marriage is imagined as another luxury that only the wealthiest can enjoy. Marriage is of little use to the less educated."
Why Your "Good Enough" Marriage is Good for Your Kids
By Elizabeth Marquardt, The Huffington Post, November 12, 2010
"The children of divorce tell us that they began to feel like a different person in each parent's world. Even in a so-called 'good' divorce with minimal conflict, the children more often felt lost and alone."
Caregiving Burden Increases Exponentially For Adult Kids of Divorce
By Ruth Papazian, Heart Insight, November 2010
"'There is a myth of the "good divorce," that after a few years of chaos, everyone bounces back,' says [Elizabeth] Marquardt [vice president for Family Studies at the Institute]. But her research suggests that the ramifications of divorce on children reverberate well into adulthood. For instance, if you didn't think your parents were there for you while they were going through their divorce, it's hard to swallow when your parents expect care when they are old or infirm."
And Get Living Alerts Huffington Post A Google search for "Marriage is obsolete" renders over one million hits, thanks to a new study out from the Pew Research Center and Time which found that 4 ... See all stories on this topic »
8) What is Intentional Marriage? « By Michael Hanley My emphasis here is on rituals, but a lot else goes into being intentional about marriage: attending marriage education experiences, building a community of support for one's marriage, setting boundaries with children. ...
7) Divorced From Reality The traditional marriage lobby doesn't make the right arguments.
AndIna Garten's Google Recipes Missing Ingredient « Fatherhood... By Fatherhood Channel Fatherhood Channel — Marriage, Parenting and Family Relationships · Home · Ina Garten's Google Recipes Missing Ingredient. November 23, 2010. Ina Garten Google Recipes. Missing ingredient in Ina Garten's Thanksgiving recipes ...
And A Beginner's Guide to Twitter for Dads | Tips on Using Twitter for ... By PJ Mullen And while it can be a great place to share content you've created, you don't need a blog to make good use of it. All it really takes is an interest in finding other like-minded dads to talk about anything from fatherhood to sports to ...
6) The Reality of Teen Pregnancy: $156 Million Price Tag (in SC)
5) To help you create a family health history, go to, for "My Family Health Portrait," a tool on the Surgeon General's family health history website. You can then share the document with your family and with your doctor.
4) Mixing marriage and the Marine Corps DVIDS The Marine Corps and marriage are life-changing commitments, but they can coexist, and at Cherry Point the Marine Corps provides several resources to help ...
3) Patience: Key to a Lasting Marriage « For Your Marriage By sgarcia In addition to being patient with each other, couples need to be patient with the marriage itself. Healthy marriages grow and change. Social scientists point out that a couple can go through seven or more stages of marriage throughout a ...
I wrote these words in my thanksgiving message this year: "Live your life so that people will say,"Thank God he lived!" not, "Thank God he's gone!" It is wonderful when we can be the reason other people thank God. We can thank Him for making us a blessing. I know an 87 year old man who cares for his 65 year old wife who has Parkinson's. Fifty times a day she calls out to him, and fifty times he answers without complaint. Thank God for his life, and thank God he is my father-in-law.
From: Stronger Families [] Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 11:27 AM To: Coffin, Bill (ACF) Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]Turn the Tide - Giving Thanks, Honoring Those Who Serve
What people are saying about our Oxygen Facilitator Training:
"There is an overwhelming need for marriage building in our society. This equips us with an ability to effectively encourage people to always have hope that their marriage can survive and be great." Rosie Kronstad "The program is clear and well presented." Mike Moodi
"I have personally attended and/or facilitated many marriage retreats/conferences. Oxygen takes many of the best aspects of a lot of the programs out there and combines them into one seminar."
9) 25-year study reveals secrets to a healthy, happy marriage (KNXV-TV) ... third or fourth year, and then between years 25 and 35 many couples run into trouble. So maintaining a healthy, happy marriage is a never-ending project.
8) Smart Marriages®: The Facebook Wave /Powerful Self Webinar ... By Diane Very nice to have two Marriage Educators so far out on the cutting-edge and providing solutions – while they're educating about Facebook, they are also able to provide information about the whole Marriage Education field and the radical ...
7) Raising the Bar for Single Parents Huffington Post (blog) An additional component of this campaign is called Changing Fatherhood. It's focused on redefining the role of fathers and placing families at the forefront ...
And A troubling marriage trend Deseret News A compilation of studies by found that a child in a home without a father is five times more likely to live in poverty than one with both ...
And New Sherwood Films "Courageous" completes editing WALB-TV The message in "Courageous" is about the importance of Christian fatherhood, told through the story of four law enforcement officers in Albany. ...
5) Turkey & Marriage « NWA Healthy Marriages Blog By NWA Healthy Marriages Being that we celebrate marriage here at NWA Healthy Marriages, our distinct flavor will be on you and your spouse. Take some time to be thankful and appreciate your spouse. Let them know how thankful you are! ...
3) The following is a non-fiction essay written by Emily Garlington, the daughter of U.S. Navy Cmdr. Andrew Garlington. She describes her experience as a little girl while her father was deployed. President Obama declared November Military Family Month, a month-long celebration of military families and a commemoration of their extraordinary service and sacrifice.
From: Ozarks Marriage Matters [] on behalf of Ozarks Marriage Matters [] Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 5:32 AM To: Coffin, Bill (ACF) Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]OMM News & Notes - November 23, 2010
In This Issue:
What is Marriage for Anyway?
Getaway Together Marriage Retreat - January 14-15, 2011
Straight Talk from Real Dads
Ask Your Relationship Questions
OMM News & Notes: Promoting Healthy Relationships
November 23, 2010
What is Marriage for Anyway?
by Dr. Jennifer Baker
If you were watching the NBC Evening News last Thursday night, you may recall that the lead story dealt with the results of a recent Pew Research Center study on, "The Decline of Marriage and Rise of New Families." Much can be said about the report developed from this study, but the big take-away-at least from the media's perspective-appears to be that a significant number of people now believe the institution of marriage is obsolete. Of course, just because some people believe this, doesn't mean marriage is irrelevant. What it does suggest is that young adults today wonder about the value of marriage to their couple relationship. Is it really meaningful? Does it matter? -->
Check out our new Ask A Question web page where you can send Dr. Baker a question that she just might answer the next time she's on the air with Andy Taylor - Tuesday, December 21. -->
And don't forget to visit our podcast archive, where you can listen to earlier appearances.
Subscribe to News & Notes No need to forward, just click on the link to subscribe to the weekly e-newsletter.
Forest Institute | Operation Us | Forest Institute | 2885 W. Battlefield Rd. | Springfield | MO | 65807
From: Sheila Weber [] on behalf of Sheila Weber [] Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 7:26 PM To: Coffin, Bill (ACF) Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]National Marriage Week USA Responds To TIME Magazine cover
Press Release from National Marriage Week USA
November 22, 2010 Immediate Release National Marriage Week USA: Let's Strengthen Marriage Contact: Sheila Weber at 646.322.6853
"Who Needs Marriage?" National Marriage Week USA Responds To TIME Magazine cover
NEW YORK, N.Y. The cover story of TIME Magazine this week (Nov. 29), "Who Needs Marriage? A Changing Institution," accurately describes the collapse of marriage in America. It concludes that despite the failure of Prince William's parents' marriage, not all the traditions and values of marriage are obsolete, as indicated by public excitement for his own forthcoming union. Yet, TIME Magazine did not cover the repercussions and crises which emanate from the increasing collapse of marriage among the general public, or what can be done to strengthen marriage in America, claims Let's Strengthen Marriage Campaign and National Marriage Week USA officials. (
First, the American people need to understand the depth of the crisis. "If we allow marriage to collapse the way it has in many parts of Europe, we will lose our free enterprise economy because the state will end up having to pick up the cost of broken families that are not taking care of their own, particularly in old age," said Chuck Stetson, private equity businessman and CEO of the Let's Strengthen Marriage Campaign. The loss of marriage leads to a diminished reproduction rate, furthering the economic crisis in times to come," explained Stetson. In Italy, for example, where the reproduction rate is 1.3, this means that in the next generation there will be one-half the number of Italians, yet two times the number of people currently over 65 because of the bulge of the Baby Boomers and people living longer.
"Who is going to pay the government debt? Healthcare costs? And pensions?" asks Stetson. "What monies will be left over for consumers to spend even on essentials? If you are a furniture manufacturer, who is going to buy your furniture? What is going to happen to your stock price? The stock analysts are going to figure that one out reasonably soon. This is a crisis that affects everyone. We believe that once the American people understand the issue, they will take action."
Secondly, the American people need to know that there are all sorts of groups around the country and houses of worship which offer pre-marriage and marriage enrichment courses, and they are already beginning to address this issue and put it on the national agenda. For example, the second annual National Marriage Week USA February 7th to 14th, the week leading up to Valentine's Day will focus on how we can do better. "People can locate marriage classes and resources all around the country at, and during that week we will invite people to tell us what they like about their marriage and share their views," said its New York City-based executive director Sheila Weber.
More information at National Marriage Week USA is part of Marriage Week International ( ) where many countries in Europe and Oceania celebrate Marriage Week and efforts to strengthen marriage and family.
Welcome to our New 2011 Board Chair: Dan Sessions Vice Chair: Chris Snow
Treasurer: Barry Blevins Secretary: Cathy Byars
Karen Nelson Kelli Reed Nicole Williams Joe Remillard Salli Guerrardo
Vickie Burns
John Thomas
John Jauregui
Welcome New Volunteers!
Stephanie Kilpatrick
Daniel Watts
Both are helping us with data for our classes. Thank you Stephanie and Dan!
We Need More Volunteer Teachers
Do you know someone that would enjoy teaching teens about Healthy Relationships? We are working on adding new high schools second semester and need more passionate people that will share their talents. We will train. Please contact us if you might be interested
Dear Bill,
This month, I tried to find articles to help with the stresses that the holidays can bring. I would love to hear from you if there is an article that really strikes you.
We also want to Congratulate our Daters. We caught 3 this month Dating Ron & Edith Chance .their Spouses. Michael & Karen Smith Michael & Karen Smith at the Depot
Enjoy the reading and join us!! Mark & Donna Hardin
Set Priorities This Holiday Season
North Carolina's Cooperative Extension
The autumn and winter holiday season has a huge buildup that puts demands on our time, our family relationships and our pocketbook. During this time, we eat different foods, our home decor changes and our schedules are disrupted. It is no wonder that many of us feel stressed. By adopting just a few time management and priority setting techniques, you can simplify your holidays. Click to read more!
Children, Divorce and the Holidays How to Make the Best of a Stressful Time(provided by Holly Abery-Wetstone & Donna F. Ferber, M.A., C.A.C.)w to Make the Best of a Stressful Time The holiday season conjures up many images for all of us. The most universal of these images is one that includes happy excited children. However, for children from divorced or separated families, the holidays can be a nightmare. What other children may experience as a joyful time filled with excitement and good feelings, children whose parents are divorced or separated see quite differently. Often the holiday time marks a period of turmoil and chaos, as the estranged parents are forced to negotiate additional child centered issues. Depending on the degree of hostility between the parents, children of divorce approach the holidays with feelings ranging from mild ambivalence to absolute dread. This article will explore what children of divorce experience at holiday time with a focus on holiday visitation, parents' legal rights and ways that parents can help ease the pain and reduce conflict so the holidays can be enjoyed by all. Check out the steps to have a much better holiday during this season....
The New Stigma--Children of Divorce Are No Longer Stigmatized, Until They Start Dating Elizabeth Marquardt November 16, 2010 Huffington Post A young man says, "When I go out with a woman I can always tell on the first date if she's from a divorced family. The women from divorced families are us, eager to please. They're exhausting."
A young woman says, "My parents have been married thirty-five years and I want a long marriage like they've had. I love my boyfriend, but he's from a divorced family and, I don't know, it just seems like he had to be a lot more independent growing up t than I ever was. Frankly, it worries me."
A woman writing to an advice columnist complains, "I am wary of dating guys whose parents are divorced... I think people whose parents are divorced may have a different sense of marriage - i.e., that it doesn't have to be for a lifetime..."You gotta read the rest of this!
Join us as we promote the beliefs, benefits and behaviors of healthy relationships.
Your columnist, Sarah Foster, recommends that couples live together before getting married. This is foolish advice that can be quickly disproven. She provides no evidence of her assertions not a single study which proves her claim.
According to Census 7.5 million couples are already taking Ms Fosters advice. But only 1.4 million will marry. That means 6 million couples will break up, while a few will continue living together and not break up or marry. However, thats an 80% failure rate before there is a wedding! The cohabiting experience is so searing that tens of millions have failed to marry. The number of never-married Americans tripled from 21 million in 1970 to 63 million in 2008. Result: the marriage rate has plunged 51% since 1970. In fact, just since 1990, the number of marriages has fallen from 2.44 million to 2.08 million, a 15% drop while population grew 25%.
Also, couples who cohabit who do marry are 61% more likely to divorce than couples who remain apart before the wedding, according to a study by Prof. Paul Amato and others at Penn State. Prince William and Kate Middleton may be successful in their marriage, We all hope so, but less than 10% of those who begin with cohabitation will be able to build a lasting marriage.
There is a better way to decide whether to marry someone. As a co-author of Living Together: Myths, Risks & Answers, I recommend these steps to cohabiting couples:
1.Move Apart. That step will increase your odds of making a wise decision about whether to marry, before you become too entangled. Separation will increase your objectivity.
2. Take a Premarital Inventory, a detailed questionnaire of 150+ items to assess objectively your strengths as a couple, and areas of conflict that need to be discussed. PREPARE/ENRICH is the best inventory.
3. Meet with an older couple trained to review the inventory. My wife and I have trained 4,000 couples to be Mentor Couples to administer an inventory, such as PREPARE/ENRICH. In our home church over the decade of the 1990s, we prepared 288 couples for marriage, an increasing percentage of whom were cohabiting. Of that number 58 couples decided NOT to marry, a big 20%. Such couples have avoided a bad marriage before it began. But of the 230 couples who did marry, we know of only 16 divorces, a failure rate of 7%. In other words, this strategy offers a 93% success rate over nearly two decades. To learn more, call me at 301 469-5870.
4. Create a Community Marriage Policy. I am President of Marriage Savers, an organization which has helped the clergy of 229 cities adopt a covenant called a Community Marriage Policy. Some Milwaukee churches have taken an interest, but have not organized a CMP. On average, the divorce rate of communities in which a CMP is signed, enjoy a 17.5% drop in the divorce rate for the whole city, according to an independent study of our work. Some cities like Austin, Kansas City, Modesto, CA, El Paso and Sale, OR cut their divorce rates by 50% to 70%! In addition, the cohabitation rate of CMP cities dropped by one-third compared to other cities. And their marriage rates are rising, such as a 16% increase in Evansville IN.
Michael J. McManus syndicated columnist "Ethics & Religion" President & Co-Chair Marriage Savers 9311 Harrington Dr. Potomac, MD 20854 301-469-5873
From: First Things First [] Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2010 6:00 PM To: Coffin, Bill (ACF) Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]A Father's Legacy | Dad to Dad November 2010
November 2010Issue No. 10Fathering Tip
Keeping Your Cool is Cool
In the book Scream-Free Parenting: Raising Your Kids by Keeping Your Cool, author Hal Runkle reminds us that we have a far greater responsibility TO our children than we have FOR our children. This is one of many other suggestions in his book that have helped my wife and me to overcome the aggravation associated with things like grades and bad behavior.
In a nutshell, the book is a manual on how to keep or regain your cool and parental authority by "screaming free". But this doesn't necessary mean you scream vocally. Parents have different ways of "screaming" or redirecting their frustrations. Some do scream physically while I myself "scream" by cleaning. How do you "scream"?
AndActually, the Poll Presents a Somewhat Optimistic View "If you look very deeply into that poll, it does not come to the conclusion that marriage is obsolete," remarked Focus on the Family's Gary Schneeberger to Stephanie Samuel at The Christian Post. Here are the poll's statistics, reinterpreted: "More than half of singles expressed a desire to be married. Over a third of all respondents, married and unmarried, felt it would be easier to have a fulfilling love life inside of marriage, compared to seven percent who felt it would easier to have fulfilling love life outside of marriage. Twenty-nine percent believed, over the five percent who opposed, that it is easier to find happiness within marriage. Moreover, over two-thirds of people believed that it was best for society to have children inside of marriage. Another sixty-nine percent felt it was bad for society for single women to become mothers."
AndWho Needs Marriage? Men, Apparently TIME There may be some truth to that, but once the marriage is underway, the shoe seems to migrate pretty quickly to the other foot. Buried in the statistics of ...
9)Question of the Day Washington Times Nearly half could not recommend even one healthy, exemplary marriage. Little wonder today's youth are trying to find an alternative to bad marriages, ...
And The Centrality of Marriage in a Cynical Age Huffington Post (blog) So forty percent of Americans in a Pew Research and Time magazine poll think that marriage is caput. And who can blame them? Marriage in our time is such a ...
8) I Am ME: Chuck and Ellen Purcell, Northern Virginia « Fatherhood ... By Fatherhood Channel Marriage Education is touching the lives of couples, families and children across the country. “I Am ME” profiles individuals and couples teaching relationship and marriage education classes in their local communities. ...
This meeting summary documents the key points that arose during the Roundtable discussion about ways in which marriage education, financial education, and asset-building programs ...
How to Use the Money Habitudes TM Cards in Marriage Education Programs Introduction The Money Habitudes TM (2003) cards can be used in a variety of marriage education programs to assist ...;
6) Marriage, Family and Young Adults marriage education programs. – easy and fun for volunteers and couples. ➢ Those hurt by marriage also need our care and support. ...
And Marriage Education - San Antonio Wedding Guide Learn effective and positive communication skills; Experience strategies to effectively resolve conflict; Understand the key elements of a healthy marriage...
And Workshops - Harris County Premarital Workshop Premarital and Marriage Education for Couples. Please note this is an ongoing workshop that meets every Monday evening from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. ...
5) Black marriage rate on the decline The federal government began the Healthy Marriage Initiative in 2002 to strengthen wedded unions and the decrease the likelihood of hardship experienced by ...
And Oakland leads self-help answer to blacks' crisis San Francisco Chronicle Engaged fatherhood should be promoted as a social value and supported with employment opportunity. While the poor education and poverty of black children ...
And 72% of black babies born to unwed moms | Celebrity Sentry By admin ... African American Marriages and Parenting. there is a Marry your Baby Daddy Day, founded by a black woman who was left at the altar, and a Black Marriage Day, which aims "to make healthy marriages the norm rather than the exception." ...
And The goal of the “Changing Fatherhood” website ( is to redefine the images and conversations around fathers and men of color. The website will serve as a tool to engage various aspects of fatherhood and manhood. Web components will address married, single, divorced, military, incarcerated (coming home), and long-distance dads, as well as the vital role of grandfathers.On Saturday, November 27th, 2010 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.,RHA will host the official website launch of “Changing Fatherhood” at Bus Boys & Poets located at 14th & V Streets NW, Washington, DC
And 5 Questions for Seal on 'Commitment' and Family - Fatherhood and marriage make you look at life in a different way. When you're married, you realize that every note you sing, there is another reason for singing it. You're doing it because you know you have a responsibility for your ...
3) Military Divorce Rate Leveling Off: Pentagon Report Huffington Post The military divorce rate increased from 2.6 percent in 2001 (the start of Operation Enduring Freedom) to 3.6 in 2009--a figure that has held steady ...
And Troop Divorce Rates Level in 2010 Newly released Pentagon statistics show that the overall military divorce rate leveled off in 2010 after a consistent increase over the previous five years. ...
And Military Divorce Rate Levels Off, But Not for Female Troops or ... By Jamie Reno According to the Pentagon report, despite the overall number leveling off, the divorce rate in subgroups like Marines, and Airmen, and female servicemembers, increased slightly, as in years past, while remaining constant for sailors and ...
2) What is the real divorce rate in the US? Huffington Post (blog) They are different ways of measuring the 2008 divorce rate in the US. Perhaps no single measure of family life is so often incorrectly reported and ...
And MU Extension: Celebrating the first holiday after divorce Blue Springs Examiner By Nina Chen Holidays after divorce can be difficult, stressful and challenging for parents and children to face. Holidays may bring some old memories that ...
One Plus One wins Gold Award at E-Learning Awards (another pearl via Weekly Update of UK Marriage News - No 10.44)
One Plus One is celebrating the success of its new e-learning programme Relationship Support: an early intervention after it scooped the Gold Award for ‘Excellence in the production of learning content – not for profit sector’ at last week’s prestigious E-Learning Awards.
 From: FAMLI [] Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2010 5:43 PM To: Coffin, Bill (ACF) Subject: Conference Call Series Launch
Dear ,
On behalf of Mike McManus, Nisa Muhammad, Hyepin Im, and Alicia LaHoz, I would like to announce the launching of the FAMLI capacity building conference call series:
Wed: December 1
Time: 1:00 PM EST
Register at: to receive call-in information
This series will include 12 calls over a 12 month period. The differenent components include:
How to create volunteer staff capacity through interns, Vista volunteers, and a large volunteer base
How to raise funds from state and local government and private funding.
How to expand your out-reach to government intstitution, minority communities, faith-based and community-based organizations
How to work with the media
Marriage celebration events
Working with opinion leaders and elected officials.
Please go to to get more information about the conference call series. Hit "Conference Calls" at the top of the website.
You may have as many members of your team as you want on the calls.
Also, you do not need to be on each call to participate in the series.
Please register immediately as registration is limited.
From: Dr. M.P. Wylie [] on behalf of Dr. M.P. Wylie [] Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 1:05 AM To: Coffin, Bill (ACF) Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]RRF: Friday Evening Happy Hour
RRF and Journey to Love
Meet-Up this Friday Night
Dear Bill,
Please join us this Friday night at Wildfish for Happy Hour. RRF is joining the Journey to Love Meet-Up Group. Singles, couples, whatever your relationship status you are encouraged to come to meet the great people working at RRF and have a fun time socializing.Join us in good conversation and the special discounted Happy Hour Menu.
Relationship Research Foundation, Inc. (RRF) | Dr. M.P. Wylie | Relationship Research Foundation, Inc. | 1400 Bristol Street North, Suite 100 | Newport Beach | CA | 92660
From: Oklahoma Marriage Initiative [] Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 12:54 PM To: Coffin, Bill (ACF) Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]OK Marriage Minute - November 2010
Follow Up Flag: Follow Up Flag Status: Red
31st Annual Conference of the Oklahoma Council on Family Relations is set for Spring, 2011
OCFR is accepting proposals for speakers and presenters; deadline Dec. 1
The 2011 conference will be held March 25, 2011, from 8 a.m. 3:30 p.m. on the OSU campus in Tulsa. They will be exploring the theme "The Modern Family: Risk and Resilience." Dr. Judy Berry, Professor of Psychology for the University of Tulsa, will be the keynote speaker and will focus her presentations on some of the stressful experiences families encounter. In addition, Paula Schlegel, an Instructor of Speech Communications at West Texas A&M University and a professional storyteller, will bring her use of humor to the lunch session and help us keep our lives in perspective. The Oklahoma Council on Family Relations is currently seeking qualified speakers to fill various breakout sessions. They offer space for poster presentations and speaking opportunities via paper presentations or skill-based, educational workshops/roundtables. If you would like the opportunity to tell others about information that you know, please consider applying to be a presenter. For those interested in applying to be a presenter, please consider the following guidelines:
Topic is justified and relevant to the conference theme.
Proposal is clearly written and logically organized.
Sessions that involve data collection and analysis describe the research methods used, and the analysis and conclusions of the study.
Presentations of papers that are based upon clinical or practical experience describe their practitioner information in light of existing practice, theory or empirical evidence.
Papers and posters, whether based on data collection and analysis, or on practitioner experience, including the scholarly basis of their work.
Papers that are reviews of literature, theory and conceptual pieces are welcome.
As much as possible, all papers should follow the format of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th Edition).
Proposal submission deadline is December 1, 2010.
For more information, contact: Ms. Kuma Turner (OCFR President), Dr. Brian Camp (Past President), or Dr. Nate Cottle (President Elect).
Visit for more information and to apply/register online.
Creating an Opportunity Society
Join us for the Practice and Policy Lecture Series featuring Ron Haskins, PhD, on Tuesday, December 7, from noon to 1 p.m. at the Oklahoma History Center. Sponsored by OKDHS Family Support Services Division and the Oklahoma Marriage Initiative, Dr. Haskins will discuss the indicators of poverty and policy recommendations founded on four values-based premises about the appropriate role of government.Ron Haskins, PhD, is a senior fellow in the Economic Studies Program and co-director of the Center on Children and Families at the Brookings Institution and senior consultant at the Annie E. Casey Foundation in Baltimore, MD. His public service includes serving as the Senior Advisor to the President for Welfare Policy at the White House, the Majority Staff Director for the Subcommittee on Human Resources, and the Committee on Ways and Means in the U.S. House of Representatives.The lecture series is free and open to the public. For more information visit or contact Lacey Schoonover at 405.521.3552.
Oklahoma History Center
Chesapeake Room
800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
FOREVER. FOR REAL. Saturday, February 5, 2011
Plan a date with your date on Feb 5th! Use this free event as a chance to reconnect with your partner, spend quality time together and get on the same page about problem solving life's ups and downs as a team! Mark your calendars, tell your friends, and join us for our biggest event of the year! Pick one of these five locations:
Oklahoma City Cox Convention Center 1 Myriad Gardens Midwest City Reed Center 5800 Will Rogers Road Moore Moore Norman Technology Center 13301 South Pennsylvania Stillwater The Atherton Hotel at OSU H103 Student Union Tulsa Tulsa Convention Center 100 Civic Center
Attendees will save $45 on their Oklahoma marriage license!
This message was sent from Oklahoma Marriage Initiative to It was sent from: Public Strategies Inc., 301 NW 63rd Street, Ste. 600, Oklahoma City , OK 73116. You can modify/update your subscription via the link below.
 From: Priscilla Hunt [] Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 12:05 PM To: Coffin, Bill (ACF) Subject: [Better Marriages] Survival Guide for Couples: Home for the Holidays
Hollywood understands human nature. Why else would there be so many movies that portray the holidays being "enjoyed" by so many dysfunctional families? Perhaps the greatest enjoyment is ours as we laugh at and cringe at other families' dealing with their "stuff". What makes these movies strike a chord with us is our personal experience with our own quirky families of origin and years of pleasantness and not-so-pleasantness around the proverbial family table. Let's just say, we've had our highs and lows! Challenges of Spending Holidays with Our Family of OriginIt's all too easy to slip into our well-established place in the family system, the place that's reserved for us year after year. It doesn't matter that in the real world we're a successful adult making a name for our self in our chosen field. That we're respected, admired and even sought-after. When we're home, we're the middle child, the one with a temper, the one that flunked out of school, the one that never could quite measure up.So, amazingly, we defy the laws of reason and slip right back into our childhood role in our family system, a role from which we've never been able to break free. And then, of course, come the denial and the conspiracy of silence about our deep, dark family secrets. After all, if anyone knew that Mom is a drunk, Dad tortures kittens or Uncle Jake fondles little girls, giant billboards would be displayed in the center of town for all to see and life, as we know it, would end.Challenges of Spending Holidays with Our In-LawsSuddenly our spouse becomes a child again, unable to stand up for his rights, unwilling to stand up to her older brothers or parents, incapable of fulfilling the role of king or queen of your heart. We, the most important person in our partner's life, suddenly become an outsider, fighting for a valued place in the extended family.His or her family collectively becomes the Devil personified. So, again, the laws of reason are defied, denial ensues, and the gravy turns to sludge in your belly.Not to mention that no one makes stuffing like your mother!Answers to the Dilemma/Coping StrategiesAs a couple facing family for the holidays, here are strategies that have worked for us through the years. The longer we're married, the better they work, the quicker we bring them into play, and the more completely our sanity is restored.On the drive or plane ride, begin the process of preparation â" begin talking about concerns, fears and desires. Look at patterns from the past and adopt a mantra of "no surprises". What has worked in the past? What hasn't? It helps to have realistic expectations!
Talk about specific behaviors you'll institute this year that will help you cope. Discuss how each of you can offer verbal and nonverbal support to each other.
Agree on signals you can give each other to mean 1) I've had enough, I've got to get out of here, 2) I need to know I'm more important to you than your parents, 3) family â" what're you gonna do?!
Clarify relational boundaries, those related to your couple relationship and those related to your extended family. Identify and claim what issues are yours, respect and relinquish what issues are your partner's and agree and commit to honor what issues are yours together.
During your visit, find ways to affirm each other for the competent, well-adjusted adult you've each become.
Remember that first and foremost you and your partner form a team. Affirm your solidarity. Your partner is not the enemy!
Set in your mind a clear, vivid picture of your current family and home-sweet-home.
Practice deep breathing and meditation that can levitate you from the dining table into the realm of sanity.
Plant positive messages in your brain such as 1) I am an adult; 2) I am not a victim; 3) I am thankful for my family, such as it is; 4) nobody's perfect; 5) I'll soon be home in my recliner watching the big game.
Conversation to Bring You Closer to Your Partner During the HolidaysBefore the hustle and bustle of the season, find a quiet place for the two of you, pour a cup of tea or glass of wine, make eye contact and hold hands. Using your best communication skills, both talking and listening, take turns sharing:1. List the things that would make this a positive holiday experience for you personally.2. List the things that would make it harder for you personally to enjoy the holidays.3. List the things you are personally willing to do to make this a positive holiday experience.4. Agree together on several things you each will do to make this a positive holiday experience.Happy Holidays! Keep reading. Keep learning. Keep growing. -- Posted By Priscilla Hunt to Better Marriages at 11/18/2010 10:29:00 AM
Attachments: ATT00001..txt - PEW REPORT - HOUSEWIVES OF GOD - "THE BEST SEX OF MY LIFE" AUTHOR MARRIES - POST YOUR NATIONAL MARRIAGE WEEK EVENTS ----------------------------------- - PEW REPORT I received MANY comments on the Pew Report coverage and I agree I should have sent the link to the actual report. Also, yes, I agree that even asking the question "Is Marriage Obsolete?" is damaging contributes to the downward spiral (and see Lamar Tyler's point below about their skew and the damage). The report makes even more clear our contention that the public is general clueless about the "state of our unions". It is clear that we have our work cut out for us and definitely need to work harder to get what we know out there about 1) THE BENEFITS OF MARRIAGE TO MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN, SOCIETY; 2) WHAT TO EXPECT IN MARRIAGE; and 3) HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES AT HAVING A SUCCESSFUL, SATISFYING MARRIAGE (that it does not have to be an insane game of chance with 50/50 odds). Surveys need to quit asking "Is Marriage Obsolete?" and start asking people if they know the benefits of marriage and if they understand HOW to make their marriages satisfying and successful. Ask them if they know what the research has found about what makes marriages succeed or fail. Those are the kinds of rhetorical questions we need to be asking young adults. Here's the full report with charts. is a clip from Lamar Tyler's commentary on some of the flaws in the Pew Report: The following passage comes from the actual Pew report:
In an effort to capture the experiences and attitudes of those living in both traditional and less traditional family arrangements, the survey included oversamples of three key groups: (1) adults who are divorced or separated and have at least one child younger than age 18; (2) adults who are living with a partner and have at least one child younger than age 18; (3) adults who have never been married and are not currently living with a partner and have at least one child younger than age 18.
Basically, what this tells us is that they oversampled using divorcees with kids, couples that cohabitate with kids and single parents. Could any these groups have an adverse view on marriage?What I found after taking a closer look at the numbers was that there were some good things about marriage in that report that didn't surface in any media reports. I personally believe that this reckless reporting is one of the primary reasons that young people in some of our communities have given up hope when it comes to marriage.Below are some key points that I pulled from that same Pew Research Center study along with headlines that I've created in case mainstream media feels like they'd like to revisit the topic to get the story straight: NEW HEADLINE: 6 Out of 10 Americans Say Marriage Is Not Becoming Obsolete WHAT THEY FORGOT TO TELL YOU: The flip side of the number that ran in all of the headlines. EXTRACT FROM PEW: Some people say that the present institution of marriage is becoming obsoletedo you agree or disagree?" some 39% of survey respondents say they agree, while 58% disagree and 4% say they don't know. NEW HEADLINE: 70% Optimistic About The Institution of Marriage and the Family WHAT THEY FORGOT TO TELL YOU: People were more optimistic about the future of marriage than they were about the country's educational system, economic system or eroding morals and ethics. EXTRACT FROM PEW: -In the midst of all this change, the public maintains a positive outlook about the future of the family. When asked if they feel generally optimistic or pessimistic about the institution of marriage and the family, 67% say they are optimistic, 27% are pessimistic and 6% are unsure. -Despite these growing uncertainties, Americans are more upbeat about the future of marriage and family (67% say they are optimistic) than about the future of the country's educational system (50% optimistic), its economic system (46% optimistic) or its morals and ethics (41% optimistic). NEW HEADLINE: More Couples Think Their Marriages Are Better Than Their Parents WHAT THEY FORGOT TO TELL YOU: Most married couples of today believe their marriages compare favorably with their parents. EXTRACT FROM PEW: Moreover, marriage may have been more prevalent a generation ago, but most married or cohabiting respondents today believe their own relationship compares favorably with their parents'. Some 51% say they have a closer relationship with their spouse or partner than their parents had with each other, while just 5% characterize their own relationship as less close. The remainder43%say there is no difference. NEW HEADLINE: Americans Think Married Couples Make More Money, Find Happiness Easier and Have Great Sex WHAT THEY FORGOT TO TELL YOU: Most of those surveyed whether single or married thought marriage made life easier in many instances. EXTRACT FROM PEW: For example, when it comes to being financially secure, 35% of respondents believe this is easier to do as a married person, while 11% say it is easier for a single person and half say it makes no difference. Similar patterns emerge for having a fulfilling sexual life, finding happiness and having social status. The two outliers from this pattern are raising a family (fully 77% say this is easier for a married person) and getting ahead in a career (just 14% say this is easier for a married person, compared with 24% who say it is easier for a single person).In the end just remember that the media is out to sell papers and not to save families.
Lamar Tyler is co-founder of <> . He's also the filmmaker behind You Saved Me <> and the upcoming film Men Ain't Boys which examines manhood in the African American community. -------------------------------------- - HOUSEWIVES OF GOD Priscilla Shirer believes a Christian woman should submit to the authority of her husband. But while she's teaching the gospel to other women, Mr Shirer doesn't mind doing the dishes. Molly Worthen New York Times Sunday Magazine Nov 14, 2010Priscilla Shirer's marriage appears to be just the sort of enlightened partnership that would make feminists cheer. On an average morning in their house in suburban Dallas, Shirer and her husband, Jerry, are up around 6:30, fixing breakfast for their three small boys. While Priscilla, 35, settles in to work at home and care for their 2-year-old, Jerry, 42, shuttles the older two children to school and heads to his office. He spends much of the day negotiating her speaking invitations and her book contracts. . . . . . . Conservative Bible teachers like Shirer have built a new paradigm for feminine preaching, an ingenious blend of traditional revivalism, modern therapeutic culture and the gabby intimacy of Oprah <> . This is the biblical-womanhood-industrial complex: a self-conscious alternative to secular feminism that preaches wifely submission while co-opting some feminist ideas to nurture women like Shirer to take the lead, within limits. This fusion of confinement and uplift may seem like an empowering veneer on the reality of oppression. Or else, if women like Priscilla really are on equal footing with their husbands, it may seem like hypocrisy. Both appraisals overlook the messy interaction between ancient Scripture and modern life. Christians, like believers of all stripes, interpret their holy book in order to make sense of their lived experience. "Biblical womanhood" is a tightrope walk between the fiats of old-time religion and the facts of modern culture, and evangelicals themselves do not know where it might lead. MINISTRY IS PRISCILLA SHIRER'S birthright. Her father, Tony Evans, founded a nondenominational church in their Dallas living room when she was a year old. The church grew into one of the largest African-American megachurches in the country, with a current membership of 8,500, an empire of related ministries and a syndicated radio show. By the time Shirer was a young adult, her father was speaking at rallies for Promise Keepers <> , the evangelical ministry that calls men to take charge of their families and fulfill the demands of "biblical manhood." After college, Shirer flirted with careers in television and Christian music, then earned a master's degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, an early epicenter of the fundamentalist movement. An internship at a Christian radio station led to a gig with the motivational speaker Zig Ziglar. She spent several years boosting morale in corporate audiences around the country, but she says she "longed for the opportunity to ask these people, 'Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior?' " She met Jerry when she addressed the corporate team of Hilton Hotels, where he was an executive. Jerry approached Priscilla's father for permission to date her, and about a year later, he asked him for the green light to propose. Evans made him put his request in writing. They married in 1999, and Jerry quit Hilton to work for his father-in-law's national ministry. After 10 years with Ziglar, Priscilla left to pursue women's ministry full time. "The messages that I wanted to deliver catered to the feminine heart," she said. "It was intriguing to me to sit in a room full of girls and be able to share with them from my feminine life about motherhood, or marriage, or before being married being single and what that looks like as a woman, how we fold that into the context of a life that is pleasing to the Lord." Jerry quit his job to run his wife's ministry. Priscilla calls her vocation Going Beyond Ministries: her goal is to help women go beyond the humdrum experience of "church as usual," and go beyond sectarian divides to focus on the Gospel. All calls go through Jerry. Priscilla now accepts about 20 out of some 300 speaking invitations each year, and she publishes a stream of Bible studies, workbooks and corresponding DVDs intended for women to read and watch with their girlfriends from church. Jerry does his share of housework and child care so that Priscilla can study and write. He travels with his wife everywhere. Whenever possible, they take their sons along on her speaking trips, but they often deposit the boys with Jerry's mother. . . . For the full article: ------------------------------------ - "THE BEST SEX OF MY LIFE" AUTHOR MARRIES 'He knew exactly how I felt on every level of dating' Ellen McCarthy Washington Post Nov 14, 2010 On the same day the above article appeared in the New York Times Sunday magazine, the lead wedding featured in Sunday's Washington Post "On Love" section was the marriage of Lindsay Marsh author of "The Best Sex of My Life: A Guide to Purity" and founder and director of the Worth the Wait Revolution which encourages others to reserve sex for marriage. She married Gareth Warren who says, like most, he was a player until he met Marsh. Introduced in church, their first date included her family. He'd earlier been given her book by a family friend so he knew what Marsh was about knew she hadn't kissed a man in 10 years. The two "restored virgins" dated for almost 2 years and attended a couples communication workshop at their church before getting married and sharing their first kiss AFTER being pronounced husband and wife. Here's the full article with photos:
------------------------------------- - POST YOUR NATIONAL MARRIAGE WEEK EVENTS National Marriage Week USA will run a full-page national newspaper ad the week prior to National Marriage Week, which will direct folks to look for a marriage class or conference in its state-by-state search mechanism. News Alert to all marriage groups: POST YOUR EVENT for National Marriage Week USA (February 7 to 14th) at this link, so that folks who see the national ad can find it. Use the red Post Events button at FOR INFORMATION about how to post to the Smart Marriages® newslist; subscribe or UNSUBSCRIBE, or an archive of all past posts:
From: Stronger Families [] Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 10:36 AM To: Coffin, Bill (ACF) Subject: [MARKETING EMAIL]Renown Violinist Geoffrey Castle - A Benefit Concert for Stronger Families
AndGraph for the Day for November 17, 2010 American Thinker (blog) (3) Promotion of responsible fatherhood and motherhood is integral to successful child rearing and the well-being of children. ...
7) The Father Factor: The Thankful Campaign: Thankful for the Hugs ... By Vincent DiCaro To join the campaign, visit or tweet with the hashtag #thanksdad. The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of National Fatherhood Initiative. ...
And Virginia Beach, Norfolk VA Jobs » Blog Archive » Fatherhood... Fatherhood Specialist (Chesapeake, VA). Helping fathers be the best dad's they can be. Share your skills and commitment to children with new dad's. * Part time , evenings or weekends (approximately 15 hours/month). ...
AndWho Inspires You? | The Red Dirt Chronicles By kendycox This entry was posted in Oklahoma culture, Relationships, Woman2Woman and tagged marriage education, Oklahoma, couples, couple relationships, relationships, family relationships, life. Bookmark the permalink. ← Real Men Are Fighters ...
And Arthritis pain 'lower in happily married' NHS Choices “A happy marriage helps ease the agony of arthritis,” according to the Daily Mail. The newspaper said that researchers have found that the emotional ...
And Marriage Stress Test – 20 Questions for Married Couples By Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen Every marriage has its challenges, but stress in your marriage may be affecting more than just your relationship. New studies have revealed that couples in stressful marriages are physically less healthy than couples in happy marriages. ...
4) Erin Barry, Tony Parker, Marriage and Betrayal The Fatherhood Channel More often, affairs, at the flirtation stage or beyond, are symptoms of deeper issues that many couples successfully work through in marriage education...
3) When my husband and I first got married, we went faithfully every Saturday morning to a coffee house and discussed the "state of our union." With the busyness of life, those meetings became less and less frequent. Our excuse was that we communicate fairly well, and if there's an issue we'll bring it up. But there's something to making that commitment to meet and talk every week about your relationship—it doesn't have to be heavy, long, ponderous discussions. But at least having a connection point makes a huge difference. This week's featured article, "Three Questions to Ask Your Spouse" is a good reminder of the importance of "checking in" regularly with your mate.
National Marriage Week USA is going to run a full-page national newspaper ad in 2011 the week prior to National Marriage Week USA, which will direct folks across the nation to look for a marriage class or conference in its state by state search mechanism. News Alert to all marriage groups: please POST YOUR EVENT for National Marriage Week USA (February 7 to 14th) at this link, so that folks who see the national ad can find out about your event. National Marriage Week USA wants to help friends in the marriage movement get the word out about their efforts that week! POST YOUR UPCOMING EVENTS or marriage course or conference for others to see. Use the red Post Events button at